Burning CDs/missing filenames

HI eveybody,
I downloaded oracle 10G for solaris on a windows machine and burn it on a CD,when insert the CD in Solaris 10 x86,it seems that the file names on the CDs it automount automatically are changed (you can only read the first 8 charaters of the filename)while if you put the cd back in windows it read the complete filename ??
is there a specific way to burn the cds for SOLARIS?or its just normal?

Well, you probably burned the CD with 8+3 length
filenames (meaning their names are 8 before and 3
after the dot), the reason to why you see the full
names in Windows is simply that the CD includes a
translation-table that maps the 8+3 names to the
original names.
Solaris doesn't use the translation table, so it
displays the files real name.
If you want to see the full names under Solaris, you
probably need to alter the way you burn your CD.
Does this make sense? If not i hope that someone who
is a bit more pedagogical can explain this.
.7/M.I have a CD made on a windows system which my Solaris 10 (11/06) Blade1000 does not display the long names, when it displays properly by default on my OS4 Amiga and OSX iBook. Example: Solaris (closew~1.too), Amiga (closewo.tool), iBook (closewo.tool)
If those operating systems can see the proper names by default, why cannot Solaris see them under ANY circumstances?

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