Burning with Artist names

Hi ... When I use Itunes to burn songs onto a disk I see they are listed as track , How can I have this to show the Artist name instead of track ? Thanks

Hi Terry,
edit>preferences>advanced>burning>check "include CD text">ok
After you have set your preferences, when you burn a CD BEFORE ejecting it. Click on it to select it, then in the iTunes main window go to
Advanced>Submit CD track names>fill any required info>submit
This sends the CD info to the GraceNote data base that iTunes uses so the next time you insert this disk GraceNote recognises it.

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    Also, can i burn to a DVD-RW with these settings
    NB: the CD will be imported into an iTunes Libary, and not really played in a CD player.

    You want to burn your disc as a Data disc. This will maintain all the ID3 tag information you have entered.
    1. Create a Playlist with the content you want to burn to disc.
    2. Open iTunes Prefs > Advanced >Burning (Prefs > Burning in pre-iTunes 5).
    3. Select the Data CD or DVD option and click OK.
    4. Highlight the Playlist and click the Burn button in the upper right corner of the window.

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    this will answer your question:

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    I trashed the file you recommended.
    I tried running the script, but it doesn't seem to work with songs I have written myself. My songs and the CD itself come up with names on them I don't recognize (maybe my daughters do - they may correspond to songs my girls own, I don't know).
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    G5 Dual 2   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    My article on Grouping tracks into albums should touch on the all of the issues somewhere.
    The iOS firmware uses Album Artist as an extra field to glue tracks together and makes no use of the Compilations flag. For compilation albums (different artists) set the Album Artist as Various Artists, or something like OST Cast, as well as setting Part of compilation to Yes. For albums by a single Album Artist make use sure to fill in the Album Artist field, particularly if the Artist field on some tracks lists guest artists, and then set Part of compilation to No. On the device make sure that Settings > Music > Group By Album Artist is On.
    I've no experience with in-car hook-up systems but the above should get your iPod touch organized sensibly.
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    Gothboy wrote:
    Anyone familiar with how CD audio file text works after burning a disc in itunes?  My mastering engineer gave me master disks to send for duplication but the files are labelled "Track 1-12". Is there a way to do this so the song names are displayed on any computer pre-Gracenote tracking?  We tried it again and he used "appy CD text" before the burn but when I put it into my Mac I get the same "Track 1" etc.
    CD-TEXT is read by the audio CD application, not the file system on the computer (Mac Finder or Windows Explorer).
    iTunes does not read CD-TEXT.

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    Sorry, risto. I should have been more precise. Though I did goof by including Windows in my note above. In plain ol' DOS, that list of characters is true, along with a couple I missed. But the Windows Joliet file system allows more of the old characters. Here's a now complete and proper list.
    These are all characters reserved by the system in DOS.
    ? [ ] / \ = + : ; " , * |
    In the Windows Joliet file system, these characters are not allowed.
    ? / \ : " * |
    So the disk that dropped the commas must have been burned by straight DOS rules. Whereas the disk burned from Linux used Joliet rules.

  • Help with a simple applescript for combining Artist text with Track name

    Hi all,
    I'd like to put together a simple script that takes the artist names from a list of tracks in iTunes and copies the text to the start of the Title name, followed by " - ".
    This is because, e.g. on a classical album, I want the artist names to all be "Classic Collection Gold" but I'd like to keep the artist name contained with the track name. This means when I browse by artist I don't get millions of artists...
    I found this script, which does something kinda similar, but I'm new to script writing so not sure how to do it?
    So I'd like to change:
    Planets: Mars
    Gustav Holst
    Simply Classical Gold (Disc 2)
    To be:
    Gustav Holst - Planets: Mars
    Gustav Holst - Planets: Mars OR BETTER Simply Classical Gold (Disc 2)
    Simply Classical Gold (Disc 2)
    This script has some ideas in, but I'm not sure how to tweak it....
    "Artist - Name Corrector" for iTunes
    written by Doug Adams
    [email protected]
    v1.6 May 17, 2004
    -- removed ref to selection
    v1.5 April 11 2004
    checks if separator string is in name
    v1.0 April 2 2004
    Get more free AppleScripts and info on writing your own
    at Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes
    property separator : " - "
    tell application "iTunes"
    if selection is not {} then
    set sel to selection
    repeat with aTrack in sel
    tell aTrack
    if (get name) contains separator then
    set {artist, name} to my texttolist(get name, separator)
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat
    end if
    end tell
    -- == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
    on texttolist(txt, delim)
    set saveD to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {delim}
    set theList to every text item of txt
    on error errStr number errNum
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD
    error errStr number errNum
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to saveD
    return (theList)
    end texttolist
    Message was edited by: Chipstix

    I'm not sure what that script thinks it's doing, but it's essentially doing nothing, so scrub that and start afresh.
    The first thing you need is a way to identify the tracks to change - you don't want to do all tracks in the library (they might have already been munged). A good option is to work on the selected tracks:
    tell application "iTunes"
    if selection is not {} then
    set sel to selection
    You then need to iterate through those items, changing them one-by-one:
    repeat with aTrack in sel
    Now comes the easy part - build a list of the elements you want (in this case you want the name, artist, and album of each track:
    set trackName to name of aTrack
    set trackArtist to artist of aTrack
    set trackAlbum to album of aTrack
    Now you have the information you need, so reset the fields as appropriate:
    set name of aTrack to trackArtist & " - " & trackName
    set artist of aTrack to trackAlbum -- or to trackArtist & " - " & trackName, depending on your choice
    Now clean up by closing off the repeat and tell blocks:
    end repeat
    end tell
    Putting it all together you get:
    tell application "iTunes"
      if selection is not {} then
      set sel to selection
      repeat with aTrack in sel
        set trackName to name of aTrack
        set trackArtist to artist of aTrack
        set trackAlbum to album of aTrack
        set name of aTrack to trackArtist & " - " & trackName
        set artist of aTrack to trackAlbum -- or to trackArtist & " - " & trackName, depending on your choice
      end repeat
    end tell

  • My iTunes Library is arranged with Artist as "Last Name, First Name"

    So John Mayer songs have the artist field as "Mayer, John" (without quotes). I have a large physical CD collection arranged this way and it is the way I think. I have 10K+ songs tagged this way (although it doesn't impact a band name like The Beatles.)
    Can I use iTunes Match successfully with the artist tags "backwards"? Will using the Match change the meta-data, if I download and replace? Most of my library is at 128K or 196K and I would like to upgrade matched songs to 256K.
    I have searched this topic and found general assurances that meta-data does not change, but is that still true for a tag as basic as Artist Name?

    Just as an aside, do you have your artists tagged like that for sorting purposes?
    If so then it may be worth having a look at the "sort artist" field (under the sorting tag of get info.
    In this way, you can have it displaying as John Mayer but sorting as Mayer John. As someone who had previously tried all sorts of sorting methods, this was just about the best discovery that I made about iTunes.
    Apologies if you already knew this, or have some other reason for tagging that way, but I've been surprised by the number of people who aren't aware of this.

  • Music albums no longer have the artist name associated with it

    I updated to IOS 5 and In transferrig all my music to the ipad1, some of the albums no longer have the artist name associated with it..So when I search by artist name, it only shows they have one album when it should be two..
    Also switching between songs, artist, album is very very painfully slow..seems like the music app hangs sometimes.
    Tried many times resyncing and deleting but didn't work..Anybody experiencing these problems??

    I have the same problem, and after hours of trying to figure out the problem i finally did!! Its going to be a pain in the BUTT, but its the only way. :/
    1. Look for the song file.
    2. Right click and choose prefences
    3. Go to details and edit the information
    -  "Title" aka songs name
    -  "Album artist"
    - "Album"
    -The rest of the stuff can be filled in if you want
    4. Click OK
    5. Drag it into itunes
    Hope this help. ;D

  • Sorting artist names different with English and German iTunes

    I just got a iPod and theres only one thing that bothers me. I used to use OS X with English language and then artists are sortet after the name, ignoring the "the" in many names ("the Beatles" sorted under "B"). I recently switched the laguage to German and then all the artist with "the" in the name (like "the Beatles" ) are sorted under "T" in iTunes and on my iPod. Is is possible to change this? I want to use german language on my Mac, but I still want the artists names sorted like they used to be.
    I´m using iTunes 7.0.2 and OS X 1.4.3.

    You will want to refer to this article in the Apple Knowledge Base which explains the new sorting rules that have been introduced in recent versions of iTunes.
    To workaround it, you will have to make use of the also recently introduced Sorting tab that is described at the bottom of the above-referenced article.
    You can get "The Who" sorted as "Who" by entering Who in the Artist Sort field.
    Information you enter in the Sort fields will not change what is displayed for those items, only how it is sorted.

  • Can't edit artist names with ''the''

    Hey. Some artists wrongly named on my walkman. Such as ''the misfits" or "the pixies". They should be Misfits and Pixies. So, when i try to edit artist name from "the Pixies" to "Pixies", it keeps being "the Pixies". Yeah i am sure i am tapping the save button. And i tried with any other artists and i couldn't delete ''the" from artist name.. Having a same issue even after hard reset.

    The info you are trying to edit is hard coded or embeded so you need to use a new app called EEmp3 found here
    For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.   Richard P. Feynman

  • The DVD I burned doesn't include artist names

    To burn my music collection onto a DVD I used Select All in the edit menu and dragged everything from the Music Folder into the Burn Folder. When I burned the songs onto a DVD the songs were all there but the artist names were missing. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

    Where are they missing?
    What are you using to look for artist names?
    What kind of files? AAC, WAV, MP3?

  • I just started up with my IPod, I download music to my library and I accidently changed the artists name in an entire category.  I can't figure out how to undo it. I read the edit help stuff but I can't select the item I need to edit

    I just started using my IPod and I downloaded my library.  I accidently changed the artist names for an entire genre category and I can't undo it.  I read all the edit help stuff and I either can't select items to edit or I'm an idiot and I can't figure it out.  I keep trying and I get a pop up that asks me if I want to change multiple items.

    Did you ever resolve the iCloud problem.I am in the same position and its driving me mad!!! If you have a link to an solution I would appreciate it.

Maybe you are looking for