Button action is not calling

I am new to JSF.
Here is my problem.
I have a select one menu and command button on a page
When ever the page loads for the first time the select one menu is loaded with the data and the button should be disabled.
When an item is selected from the menu the button should be enabled.
Upto this part I finished.
Now the problem is with button.When I click the button the corresponding action method is not calling.
If the button is enabled during page load then the action method is calling when ever I click the button.
But I need to make the button disabled until I select an item from the
select one menu.In this case the action method is not calling when I click the button.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance

Thanks for fast response.
Here is my jsp code:
     function enableLoad(){
     document.getElementById("form1:loadTable").value = 'true';
     document.getElementById("form1:loadTable").value = 'false';
          <h:form styleClass="form" id="form1">
          <TABLE class="tableBorder" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="10">
          <TD width="230" align="right">
          <SPAN class="outputtext">Select The Table To Manage:</SPAN>
          <h:selectOneMenu styleClass="selectOneMenu" id="menu1" value="#{manageReferenceTablesMB.tableValue}"
                              <f:selectItems value="#{manageReferenceTablesMB.tableNames}" />
          <h:inputHidden id="loadTable" value="#{manageReferenceTablesMB.loadTable}"/>
          <TD colspan="2" align="right">
          <hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Load Table"
                              styleClass="commandExButton" id="button1" disabled="#{manageReferenceTablesMB.loadTable}"
This is the backing bean code:
public class ManageReferenceTablesMB extends BaseMB{
     public SelectItem[] tableNames;
     public String tableValue = "-1";
public boolean loadTable ;
     public ManageReferenceTablesMB(){
          if (this.getFromPageDataBuffer(SessionConstants.MANAGE_REFERENCE_TABLES) == null){
          System.out.println("in constructor");
          Hashtable results = new Hashtable();
          SwqmisFrontController controller = this.getFrontController();
          results = controller.getRefTableNames();
          tableNames = buildMenu((Vector) results.get("REF_TABLE_NAMES"));
          System.out.println("added data");
               this.tableNames = ((ManageReferenceTablesMB)this.getFromPageDataBuffer(SessionConstants.MANAGE_REFERENCE_TABLES)).tableNames;
               this.tableValue = ((ManageReferenceTablesMB)this.getFromPageDataBuffer(SessionConstants.MANAGE_REFERENCE_TABLES)).tableValue;
               this.loadTable = ((ManageReferenceTablesMB)this.getFromPageDataBuffer(SessionConstants.MANAGE_REFERENCE_TABLES)).loadTable;
     public String refTable(){
          System.out.println("IN REF TABLE");
          Hashtable results = new Hashtable();
          SwqmisFrontController controller = this.getFrontController();
          results = controller.getRefTable(getDisplayText(tableNames,tableValue));
          if(results!=null && results.size()>1)
          return "success";
     * @return Returns the tableNames.
     public SelectItem[] getTableNames() {
          return tableNames;
     * @param tableNames The tableNames to set.
     public void setTableNames(SelectItem[] tableNames) {
          this.tableNames = tableNames;
     * @return Returns the tableValue.
     public String getTableValue() {
          return tableValue;
     * @param tableValue The tableValue to set.
     public void setTableValue(String tableValue) {
          this.tableValue = tableValue;
     * @return Returns the loadTable.
     public boolean isLoadTable() {
          return loadTable;
     * @param loadTable The loadTable to set.
     public void setLoadTable(boolean loadTable) {
          this.loadTable = loadTable;
In the above backing bean code the loadTable value is false.
So under this condition the action method is calling.B'cause the button is in enable state even there is no section in the menu.
If I make loadTable=true then the action button is in disabled state until the menu item is selected. But the action method is not executing in this case.

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  • Button action event not call in dataprovider

    i have JSF table and it's bound to Mysql database table. when i bound the table and run it's working properly but it's button action event is not call action. when i use static jsf table then it's table action event work properly.
    my jsp code is
    <ui:table binding="#{search.search_table}" id="search_table" lite="true" selectMultipleButton="true" sortPanelToggleButton="true"
                                style="height: 70px; left: 240px; top: 240px; position: absolute; width: 600px" title="Search Text :" visible="true" width="600">
                                <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{search.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="5" sourceData="#{search.srch_tablevalDataProvider1}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                    <!--    <ui:tableColumn headerText="Script" id="tableColumn2" width="700">
                                        <ui:staticText id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['search_script']}"/>
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{search.tableColumn13}" headerText="Search Word" id="tableColumn13" style="#{search.columnStyle}">
                                        <ui:staticText binding="#{search.search_word1}" id="search_word1" text="#{search.search_word1}"/>
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{search.tableColumn4}" headerText="#{search_lang['search.contentName']}" height="39" id="tableColumn4"
                                        style="#{search.columnStyle}" width="100">
                                        <ui:staticText id="staticText1" onMouseOver="play_video(this);" text="#{currentRow.value['name']}"/>
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{search.tableColumn6}" headerText="#{search_lang['search.srchTag']}" id="tableColumn6"
                                        sort="search_tags" style="#{search.columnStyle}">
                                        <ui:staticText id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['search_tags']}"/>
                                    <ui:tableColumn binding="#{search.tableColumn5}" headerText="#{search_lang['search.tpDetail']}" id="tableColumn5" style="#{search.columnStyle}">
                                        <ui:imageHyperlink action="#{search.action}" id="imageHyperlink1" text="#{currentRow.value['details']}"/>
                                        <ui:button action="#{search.button2_action}" id="button2" text="Button"/>
                             </ui:table>and back bean code is
    public String button2_action() {
            // TODO: Process the button click action. Return value is a navigation
            // case name where null will return to the same page.
            return null;
        }i don't know what is problem there if found any solution, help me.

    You need to make sure that the getter of the datatable value returns exactly the same list in the apply request values phase of the form submit as it did during the render response phase of the initial display. Only this way JSF can find out which action which row was been invoked. Alternatively you can also place the data bean in session scope (which may have more impact), or use for example Tomahawk's t:dataTable with preserveDataModel attribute set to "true".

  • Action method not called in Backing Bean

    I am using <x:inputFileUpload> tag inside my jsp page. I am trying to call action method when clicking button, but action method not called.
    My jsp page:
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions" prefix="x"%>
              <title>File upload Test</title>
                   <h:form id="form1" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <h:messages id="asdghsda"/>          
                        <h:outputText value="This is file upload page functionlaity POC" />                                   
                        <h:inputText value="#{fileUploadBean.textField}" />
                        <x:inputFileUpload id="myFileId" value="#{fileUploadBean.myFile}" storage="file" required="true"/>                    
                        <h:commandButton action="#{fileUploadBean.storeFile}" value="Enter here" />                    
                        <h:commandLink value="Clicl Here!!" action="#{fileUploadBean.storeFile}"></h:commandLink>
    My backing bean:
    package com.beans;
    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload.UploadedFile;
    public class FileUploadBean {     
         private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileUploadBean.class.getName());
         private String textField;
         private UploadedFile myFile;
         public UploadedFile getMyFile() {
              logger.info("inside get method");
         return myFile;
         public void setMyFile(UploadedFile myFile) {
              logger.info("inside set method");
              this.myFile = myFile;
         public void storeFile(){          
              logger.info("Inside the storeFile method");
              logger.info("The text field value: " + getTextField());
              try {
                   InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(myFile.getInputStream());
                   logger.info("The string is: " + in.read());
                   File f = new File("D:\\share\\sample.txt");               
                   OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
              logger.info("Exit from the storeFile method");
         public String getTextField() {
              return textField;
         public void setTextField(String textField) {
              this.textField = textField;
    My web.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    Can someone help me on this? I need urgently.

    One straight and simple answer which i can give you method associated to action attributes always returns a java.lang.String Object.
    REF :
    If specified as a string: Directly specifies an outcome used by the navigation handler to determine the JSF page to load next as a result of activating the button or link If specified as a method binding: The method has this signature: String methodName(); the string represents the outcome
    source : http://horstmann.com/corejsf/jsf-tags.html#Table4_15
    public void storeFile(){
    logger.info("Inside the storeFile method");
    logger.info("The text field value: " + getTextField());
    try {
    InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(myFile.getInputStream());
    logger.info("The string is: " + in.read());
    File f = new File("D:\\share\\sample.txt");
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    logger.info("Exit from the storeFile method");
    public String storeFile(){
    logger.info("Inside the storeFile method");
    logger.info("The text field value: " + getTextField());
    try {
    InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(myFile.getInputStream());
    logger.info("The string is: " + in.read());
    File f = new File("D:\\share\\sample.txt");
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    logger.info("Exit from the storeFile method");
    return "success";
    }else where you can make use of actionlistener property in the following senario.
    but the method signature has to be void storeFile(ActionEvent ae)
    and could be use like
    <h:commandButton actionlistener="#{fileUploadBean.storeFile}" action="success" value="SUBMIT" /> Hope that might help :)

  • Command link / button action is not taking place if i use it in iterator.

    I am new to ADF, i am facing 1 issue while implementing ADF mobile browser application.
    Issue: command link / button action is not taking place if i use it in iterator. its just refreshing the page it self and displaying as no records.
    Scenario is i am populating the search results in results page from search page using iterator, i want to get the complete details in different page (results page -> details page) .
    I have tried in different ways.like
    <tr:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2" layout="vertical" styleClass="af_m_panelBase">
    <tr:panelHeader text="#{classviewBundle.SEARCH_RESULTS}" id="ph1"/>
    <tr:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.SubjectVO1.collectionModel}" var="subject"
    varStatus="subIndx" rows="100">
    <tr:panelBox text="#{subject.Subject} #{subject.CatalogNbr} - #{subject.CourseTitleLong}"
    styleClass="af_m_listingPrimaryDetails" id="pb1">
    <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
    <tr:table var="ssrClass" rowBandingInterval="1" id="t1" value="#{subject.children}"
    varStatus="clsIndx" rowSelection="none"
    binding="#{SessionBean.subjectTable}" verticalGridVisible="true"
    emptyText="No Records" width="100%">
    <tr:column id="c9" sortable="false" styleClass="width:100%">
    <*tr:commandLink text="Section: #{ssrClass.ClassSection}-#{ssrClass.SsrComponentLovDescr} (#{ssrClass.ClassNbr})"*
    id="commandLink2" styleClass="af_m_listingLink"
    //remaining code
    in this case commandlink action is not able to invoke serachaction() method
    case 2:
    <tr:commandLink text="Section: #{ssrClass.ClassSection}-#{ssrClass.SsrComponentLovDescr} (#{ssrClass.ClassNbr})"
    id="commandLink2" styleClass="af_m_listingLink"
    in this case its not able to navigate to classdetails page.
    I gave correct navigation cases and rules in taskflow,but its working fine when the command link is out of iterator only.
    i tried with actionlistener too.. but no use.. please help me out of this problem .
    *Update to issue:*
    The actual issue is when i use command link/button in an table/iterator whose parent tag is another iterator then the action is not taking place.
    the structer of my code is
    < iterator1>
    #command link action1
    < iterator2>
    #command link action2
    </ iterator2>
    < /iterator1>
    #command link action1 is working but "#command link action2" is not...
    Edited by: shyam on Dec 26, 2011 5:40 PM

    To solve my problem I used a af:foreach instead.
    <af:forEach items="#{viewScope.DataBySubjectServiceBean.toArray}" var="text">
    <af:commandLink text="#{text.IndTextEn}" action="indicator-selected" id="cl1">
    <af:setActionListener from="#{text.IndCode}" to="#{pageFlowScope.IndicatorCodeParam}" />
    By the way you need to convert the iterator to an Array using a ManagedBean.
    public Object[] toArray() {
    CollectionModel cm = (CollectionModel) getEL("#{bindings.TView1.collectionModel}");
    indicators = new Object[cm.getRowCount()];
    for(int i=0;i<cm.getRowCount();i++){
    indicators[i] = cm.getRowData(i);
    return indicators;
    public static Object getEL(String expr) {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    return fc.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(fc,expr,Object.class);
    Hope that helps-
    Edited by: JuJuZ on Jan 3, 2012 12:23 AM
    Add getEL Method

  • Strange behavior: action method not called when button submitted

    My JSF app is diplaying a strange behavior: when the submit button is pressed the action method of my managed bean is not called.
    Here is my managed bean:
    package arcoiris;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
    public class SearchManagedBean {
        //Collected from search form
        private String keyword;
        private String country;
        private int[] postcode;
        private boolean commentExists;
        private int rating;
        private boolean websiteExists;
        //Used to populate form
        private List<SelectItem> availableCountries;
        private List<SelectItem> availablePostcodes;
        private List<SelectItem> availableRatings;
        //Retrieved from ejb tier
        private List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments;
        //Service locator
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
        public SearchManagedBean() {
            System.out.println("within constructor SearchManagedBean");
            System.out.println("rating "+this.rating);
        //Getters and setters
        public String getKeyword() {
            return keyword;
        public void setKeyword(String keyword) {
            this.keyword = keyword;
        public String getCountry() {
            return country;
        public void setCountry(String country) {
            this.country = country;
        public boolean isCommentExists() {
            return commentExists;
        public void setCommentExists(boolean commentExists) {
            this.commentExists = commentExists;
        public int getRating() {
            return rating;
        public void setRating(int rating) {
            this.rating = rating;
        public boolean isWebsiteExists() {
            return websiteExists;
        public void setWebsiteExists(boolean websiteExists) {
            this.websiteExists = websiteExists;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailableCountries() {
            List<SelectItem> countries = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            return countries;
        public void setAvailableCountries(List<SelectItem> countries) {
            this.availableCountries = availableCountries;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailablePostcodes() {
            List<SelectItem> postcodes = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            return postcodes;
        public void setAvailablePostcodes(List<SelectItem> availablePostcodes) {
            this.availablePostcodes = availablePostcodes;
        public List<SelectItem> getAvailableRatings() {
            List<SelectItem> ratings = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
            SelectItem si_1 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_2 = new SelectItem();
            SelectItem si_3 = new SelectItem();
            return ratings;
        public void setAvailableRatings(List<SelectItem> availableRatings) {
            this.availableRatings = availableRatings;
        public int[] getPostcode() {
            return postcode;
        public void setPostcode(int[] postcode) {
            this.postcode = postcode;
        public List<EstablishmentLocal> getRetrievedEstablishments() {
            return retrievedEstablishments;
        public void setRetrievedEstablishments(List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments) {
            this.retrievedEstablishments = retrievedEstablishments;
        //Business methods
        public String performSearch(){
            System.out.println("performSearchManagedBean begin");
            SearchRequestDTO searchRequestDto = new SearchRequestDTO(this.keyword,this.country,this.postcode,this.commentExists,this.rating, this.websiteExists);
            SearchSessionLocal searchSession = lookupSearchSessionBean();
            List<EstablishmentLocal> retrievedEstablishments = searchSession.performSearch(searchRequestDto);
            System.out.println("performSearchManagedBean end");
            return "success";
        private arcoiris.ServiceLocator getServiceLocator() {
            if (serviceLocator == null) {
                serviceLocator = new arcoiris.ServiceLocator();
            return serviceLocator;
        private arcoiris.SearchSessionLocal lookupSearchSessionBean() {
            try {
                return ((arcoiris.SearchSessionLocalHome) getServiceLocator().getLocalHome("java:comp/env/ejb/SearchSessionBean")).create();
            } catch(javax.naming.NamingException ne) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE,"exception caught" ,ne);
                throw new RuntimeException(ne);
            } catch(javax.ejb.CreateException ce) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE,"exception caught" ,ce);
                throw new RuntimeException(ce);
    }Here is my jsp page:
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@taglib prefix="f" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"%>
    <%@taglib prefix="h" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
                     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
                     <META HTTP-EQUIV="pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
                     <title>JSP Page</title>
                         <h:panelGroup id="body">
                             <h:form id="searchForm">
                                 <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                                     <h:outputText id="keywordLabel" value="enter keyword"/>   
                                     <h:inputText id="keywordField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.keyword}"/>
                                     <h:outputText id="countryLabel" value="choose country"/>   
                                     <h:selectOneListbox id="countryField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.country}">
                                         <f:selectItems id="availableCountries" value="#{SearchManagedBean.availableCountries}"/>
                                     <h:outputText id="postcodeLabel" value="choose postcode(s)"/>   
                                     <h:selectManyListbox id="postcodeField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.postcode}">
                                         <f:selectItems id="availablePostcodes" value="#{SearchManagedBean.availablePostcodes}"/>
                                     <h:outputText id="commentExistsLabel" value="with comment"/>
                                     <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="commentExistsField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.commentExists}" />
                                     <h:outputText id="ratingLabel" value="rating"/>
                                     <h:selectOneListbox id="ratingField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.rating}">
                                         <f:selectItems id="availableRatings" value="#{SearchManagedBean.availableRatings}"/>
                                     <h:outputText id="websiteExistsLabel" value="with website"/>
                                     <h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="websiteExistsField" value="#{SearchManagedBean.websiteExists}" />
                                     <h:commandButton value="search" action="#{SearchManagedBean.performSearch}"/>
         here is my faces config file:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
      "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
    </faces-config>The problem occurs when the field ratingField is left blank (which amounts to it being set at 0 since it is an int).
    Can anyone help please?
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I added the tag and it now says:
    I got that from the log:
    2006-08-17 15:29:16,859 DEBUG [com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl] setValue Evaluation threw exception:
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor118.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at com.sun.faces.el.PropertyResolverImpl.setValue(PropertyResolverImpl.java:178)
         at com.sun.faces.el.impl.ArraySuffix.setValue(ArraySuffix.java:192)
         at com.sun.faces.el.impl.ComplexValue.setValue(ComplexValue.java:171)
         at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.setValue(ValueBindingImpl.java:234)
         at javax.faces.component.UIInput.updateModel(UIInput.java:544)
         at javax.faces.component.UIInput.processUpdates(UIInput.java:442)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processUpdates(UIComponentBase.java:935)
         at javax.faces.component.UIForm.processUpdates(UIForm.java:196)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processUpdates(UIComponentBase.java:935)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processUpdates(UIComponentBase.java:935)
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processUpdates(UIViewRoot.java:363)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase.execute(UpdateModelValuesPhase.java:81)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.phase(LifecycleImpl.java:200)
         at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:90)
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:197)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:252)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
         at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(ReplyHeaderFilter.java:81)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:202)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:173)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:213)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:178)
         at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.CustomPrincipalValve.invoke(CustomPrincipalValve.java:39)
         at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.SecurityAssociationValve.invoke(SecurityAssociationValve.java:159)
         at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JaccContextValve.invoke(JaccContextValve.java:59)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:126)
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:105)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:107)
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:148)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:856)
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(Http11Protocol.java:744)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.PoolTcpEndpoint.processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:527)
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.MasterSlaveWorkerThread.run(MasterSlaveWorkerThread.java:112)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    2006-08-17 15:29:16,875 DEBUG [com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl] Adding Message[sourceId=searchForm:ratingField,summary=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)Do you see where the problem comes from??

  • File Upload action is not called

    I'm trying to upload file to a server and I use WDFileUpload UI control. After I select file on the client and click on 'Upload' button nothing happens. Action that assigned to that button is not called. But if FileUpload control is empty, file is not selected, action is called. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    Hope you mustve also created value attributes of type binary and string to be bound to the data and filename properties(of the Upload UI element) respectively.
    In the 'onActionUpload'method specify the location where you want the file to be uploaded. On browsing, you get the file name in the value attribute assigned to the ‘filename’ property of FileUpload. This creates a file by this name in the sever. The contents of the file is present in the value attribute bound to data property. This is written to the file created. This happens when you click the ‘Upload’ button. The code for this is given below.
    String location = "c:
    String fileName = location + wdContext.currentFileElement().getFileName();
    File file = new File(fileName);
    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
    Here 'element' is an object of IFileElement(IPrivateFileUploadView.IFileElement element)   'Upload' is the value attribute bound to the 'data' property of the Upload UI Element.
    Kindly revert back for further clarifications

  • ADF VO Row Fetch Range Issue: Action is not called after 10th row

    Hi People!
    I am working with an Application here in which one page has a table based on a view object. This table has range navigation, and the VO configuration for Tuning is to fetch rows in batches of 1000, all in one fetch. Now, i have a single selection configured in this table, and also a button on the <tableActions> facet which calls a method on the backing bean.
    The problem is, for the first 10 rows of this table, the method is called (seen through the debugger), but when we move the selection to the 11th row or further, the page only refreshes but does not call the method.
    This is not a problem with the data, because we tried two other approaches:
    1) removed the range navigation and shown all the records in the same page: the error persists for the 11th row ahead
    2) changed the VO query to return only the 11th row from the previous test using its ID: the action is called, now that the row is the first on the rowset.
    Have you experienced similar behavior? Why the Action is not executed when the selected row comes after the tenth row?
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thiago Souza

    Hi Frank, thanks for the reply.
    I have assembled a step-by-step based on the HR schema. For this example, i have created an EmployeesVO based on the EMPLOYEES table, and an App Module to provide a data control. From then on:
    1) Create a JSF JSP to list the Employees VO
    1.1) Bind the JSF Page to a Backing bean
    1.2) Create an af:page element on the page
    2) Drag the EmployeesVO from the Data Control Palette to the af:page
    2.1) Read-Only Table, Selection Enabled
    2.2) Do not include table navigation.
    3) Double-Click the automatically created submit button on the TableSelectOne section
    3.1) Bind it to a method on the Backing Bean
    3.2) Add some code to it, in my case i tested:
         FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Teste"));
    4) Run the example and try two approaches:
    4.1) select one of the first ten rows and click on the button: The action is fired.
    4.2) select the eleventh row and click on the button: The action is not fired.
    4.3) select one of the first ten rows again and click on the button: The action is fired.
    This example didn't even include range navigation, but if you want to test you will see the result is the same.
    Please let me know if you want further info.
    Thanks a lot!
    Thiago Souza

  • h:CommandLink : Action event not called on the first click

    I am facing a problem here.
    I have a JSF page:
    When I first load the page, I have few text boxes and dropdowns. With out doing anything If I click the <h:commandLink I call an action in my pagecode.
    But the problem is on the very first load of the page, without doing anything if I click on the command link action event in my pagecode is not called, but If I click on the link the second timethe pagecode actionevent is called.
    So I think tried submitting the form in the JSF page onclik of the commandlink it works in my Local IBM RAD. But doesnot work in the WebSphere Portal.
    So can you tell me if I can submit the form atleast once when the page loads for the first time
    This is my command link:
    <td colspan="2" align="center">
    <h:commandLink styleClass="commandLink" id="lnkBtnCreateUser" action="#{pc_Createuser.doLnkBtnCreateUserAction}">
    <hx:graphicImageEx styleClass="graphicImageEx" id="imgBtnCreateUser" value="/theme/images/btnCreateUser.gif" style="border:0;cursor:pointer" onclick="return onFormSubmit();"></hx:graphicImageEx>
    function onFormSubmit(){
    //enabling all the disable components
    So can anybody please help me on this. Why exactly the pageCode action event is not called for the very first click ???

    seems that a prependID="false" attribute in the respective form was causing the trouble. At least it's working now that I've deleted it.
    I introduced it, because last time the component ID's messed up the output of the error/success messages ("j_id:xxx isn't that of a usefull information to the enduser).
    Edited by: stger on Apr 9, 2008 5:41 PM

  • Jsf command button action bean method call from text fox

    Hai Friends,
    I want call the command button action bean method from textbox entry time.
    because i develop login form that time user enter user name and password if he press enter from password component that time i want to use the commandbutton action

    What's the problem exactly? Won't the commandbutton action be invoked when you press [enter] in the textbox?

  • Button Actions are not working -invoking task flow from other project regio

    I have a project using a mani.jspx file having a regions and the region is updated with different views based on a router condition in my bounded task flow. Everything working fine with in the project. I have a seperate project in my application having an index.jspx and region in it. I created the ADF lib jar file of the first project and imported to this project. I could invoke the task flow in the first project to the region in the index.jspx file in the seconed project.But none of the action managed bean method attached to the buttons in this view are working.The methods are not getting called on clicking on button and no error in the backend console of Integrated weblogic server.Any body can help what could be the issue ?

    The issue that is happening when I refreshed the region with task flow from the project I imported.If I load the taskflow from the imported project on first time rendering all my managed bean actions are executing but if I load a different flow initially and change the taskflow Id imported from other project none of the managed actions are working.

  • Button Action is not getting captured after enabling

    I have Button in a region with disabled property as true. And on process form request , i am changin the button disabled property to False. Now, when i click the button, processform request is getting called, but event is not getting captured.
    button properties:
    Action Type: fireAction
    Even: save
    Submit: True
    Controlelr code: pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM) is returing null.
    Can you let me know what needs to be done to capture the event.

    Use the below sample code in your PFR starting that will give what are all the context parameters,
    from that you should be able to find the event's parameter.
    Get all the pagecontext form parameters using Enumeration
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    Enumeration enums = pageContext.getParameterNames();
    String paramName = enums.nextElement().toString();
    System.out.println("Param names " paramName " -----> Param Values " + pageContext.getParameter(paramName));
    With regards,

  • Button action is not working

    Hi all,
    I am using JDev10g
    created jspx page.
    in backing bean i written this code.
    I created commandButton. I add following code
        public String Login_action()
            // Add event code here...          
                      if(this.getInputText11()!=null && this.getInputText11().equals("jdev"))
                          if(this.getInputText21()!=null && this.getInputText21().equals("jdev"))
                          return "Success";
                      return "null";       
                  }When i press commandButton its not checking the condition. Its not woring at all.
    What is the problem here.
    My requirement is if i give user name=jdev and Password=jdev then only it should go to next page. This code works.
    Help me.

    in return "/faces/Home.jspx" if i give like this it works or not.
    After checking the condition it should go to Home.jspx. but its not working.
    Is it correct method or wrong. if wrong how should i go to Home.jspx

  • Button actions not called.

    I have a fairly complicated edt page (lots of data entry components and 3 tables) with a save and a reset button. Somewhere along the line the button actions stopped being called when I click a button in the browser. The buttons' Events-Action properties are set properly. I have a breakpoint set on the first line of the action method, but in debug mode I never get to the breakpoint.
    I even added a new button with its own action but it does not get called either.
    No virtual forms. I've run Clean and Build on the project. Stopped and started the server, closed and reopened the IDE. Nothing changes.
    I created a new test page with a single button. It works fine.
    Any other ideas?

    Do you have a message group component on the page?
    If the page was working but now has stopped, it could be that some component is not passing conversion or validation. If you don't have a message associated with the component or a message group component on your page, and some component is generating a runtime error, you won't know about it.
    Also, if you right-click the server node and choose View Server Log, you can see if the server is emitting any runtime error messages.

  • Command button action not calling when in subview

    i have a page that is fine when it's in it's own view...
    the command button calls a managed bean's method..
    <af:commandButton text="Call Method"
    but when i remove the view tags and include it in a main index.jspx page
    that has a main view and a tabbed panel with showdetailitems and
    for each showdetaileditem i have a subview
    and then an include
    <f:subview id="discovered_subview" rendered="true"
    <jsp:include page="/mypage.jspx" />
    Mypage renders but the commandbutton's action is not called..
    but is called when run as a standalone page

    I also have the same problem as above. Changing the dropDown values to String does not fix it.
    I am using Netbeans Visual Web Pack.
    I drag a drop down box onto a brand new page.
    I double click the drop down box and in the processValueChange action i put System.out.println("Hello World");
    In the init() method i add 2 options to the drop down box:
    "option 1", "1"
    "option 2", "2"
    values are Strings
    I press F6 to run
    I notice that the drop down box is correctly populated.
    I change the drop down box selection
    Nothing is printed.

  • CommandButton action would not be invoked

    I am trying to follow the JSP 1.2 standard. The page is rendered correctly. The drop down list is populated successfully, which means my bean is correctly registered and initialized. However, when I click the button, the action is not called. (I have logger statement inside the create method). Can someone help? I am thinking that maybe the 1.2 JSP caused the problem. Thanks!
    I am using Tomcat 4.1.29
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page">
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <h:form id="createProductForm">
    Id:<h:inputText value="#{createProduct.id}" id="id"/>
    Name:<h:inputText value="#{createProduct.name}" id="name"/>
    Width:<h:inputText value="#{createProduct.width}" id="width"/>
    Length:<h:inputText value="#{createProduct.length}" id="length"/>
    Price:<h:inputText value="#{createProduct.price}" id="price"/>
    Description:<h:inputTextarea value="#{createProduct.description}" id="description" rows="5" cols="20"/>
                             Categories:<h:selectManyListbox value="#{createProduct.selectedCategories}" id="selectedCategories">
    <f:selectItems value="#{createProduct.categories}" id="categories"/>
    <h:commandButton value="Create" action="#{createProduct.create}"/>

    Thanks. It is resolved.
    End up to be my bean has a typo with one of the property setter method.
    It's always nice to turn on logger for JSF packages.
    I think for this kind of problem JSF should throw a fatal exception. At least it should tell the developer that one of the setter method could not be found.
    Currently, JSF just log a debug message (PropertyResolver24...) quitely and the action is not called.

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