Button to load flv

hi, all
long time listener first time caller, i need some help with a
button, basically the button needs to load a flv through a video
instance not a flv player, I know it sounds a bit cheeky to be
asking someone to help but I have tried most avenues and Im still

constructor example always worked for me as the basic starting
point. Be sure to follow the instruction to create the my_video
instance of the Video object.

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    I'm using a remote hosting service for my FLV storage (
    http://www.blip.tv). When I load
    FLVs remotely into my player, they just seem to load infinitely
    without play control. All except for 1. There is 1 video that
    actually loads and plays just fine, which indicates to me it might
    not be a problem with the host.
    Below are testing-purpose links. (This is a php script which
    passes the flv link to my player). The first one will work and load
    correctly, the second link loads forever.
    http://behindlacrosse.com/videos.php?video=http://blip.tv/file/get/Treschonde-BehindLacros seEp3249.flv
    http://behindlacrosse.com/videos.php?video=http://blip.tv/file/get/Treschonde-BLSummer2006 2549.flv
    I've tried this with several different flv's, and only that
    first one above ever loads. I'm not doing anything complex with my
    code, I use the following actionscript:
    I've traced the vidurl variable to ensure that the urls are
    correct. So I'm really stumped on this one.
    One more interesting note.. in Firefox, on that website
    linked above, if you click on any of the other videos in the list,
    they won't load. It's like the player locked up. But in Internet
    Explorer, you can still click other videos to bypass the currently
    loading one.
    Any help or suggestions at all? I appreciate anything.

    This is the way I work with videos.
    Each video is in a differente frame.
    Name you FLV playback like movie1, movie2, etc.
    You may have a frontpage that links to each video or place a
    button on the keyframe where you want specific video to play. For
    example, on movie1, place a button. On movie2, place another
    The code below is used assuming you customized your video
    // in a MovieClip named Video Controller insert a play, pause
    and stop buttons and a slider//
    import mx.video.*;
    movi1.contentPath = "EditedFlash/Text_Edited.flv";
    movi1.playButton = VideoControl.my_playButton;
    movi1.pauseButton = VideoControl.my_pauseButton;
    movi1.stopButton = VideoControl.my_stopButton;
    var cuePt:Object = new Object ();
    cuePt.time =0.5;// title - no voice//
    cuePt.name = "Pt1";
    cuePt.type = "actionscript";
    movi1.addASCuePoint(3.2, "Pt2");
    var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
    listenerObject.cuePoint = function(eventObject:Object): Void{
    movi1.addEventListener("cuePoint", listenerObject);
    //second cue point//
    movi1.addEventListener("cuePoint", listenerObject);
    listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
    movi1.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject);
    Hope this helps.

  • Load flv file

    How to load a flv from 10 second to 20 second ?

    BruceMCE wrote:
    > I have 3 flv files that I would like to load onto the
    stage via corresponding
    > buttons. I put one of the flv files on the stage and
    named the Instance
    > "player" and assigned the following action script to a
    > on (release) {loadMovie(player.nonstoprockplayer.swf);
    > }
    The action is incorrect to start with, so is the entire
    If you want to load SWF, you need to load it in level or
    movie clip holder
    not in FLV file. It's like trying to load something in a GIF
    or JPG file
    on flash's timeline. Just does not work like that. Level or
    holder MC only.
    Secondly, if you load FLV you don't load them in holder movie
    clip but into
    a FLVplayback components and not with loadMovie action.
    Check for FLV Playback, under the Components section in your
    help files.
    You will find action samples on how to set it up.
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    Happy New Year
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Can't get Simple button to Load Movie Clip

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    (this link will take you to the main page click the shadow
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    of. The site is basically 5 different pages or movie clip.
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    trying to do is basically change the "Spring Break" middle
    (which is a Movie Clip) on the HOME page and add a simple
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    button to load a new page (movie clip) and nothing happens.
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    when the page loads. If i take this button and just put it
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    loaded into
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    for each page it loads that movie clip on the main page. It
    like the button only wants to work on the main timeline. I
    even replaced the code for the "Contact" button with the code
    for the new button and it worked (opening new page). Here is
    code for the new button that does not work:
    on (release) {
    _root.contentHolder.myHeight = 307;
    _root.contentHolder.newLoc = 9;
    I know the location and height from the above code are
    referring to the placement and sizing of each movie clip
    in the "Empty Clip". As i said before this heightAnimation
    and the resizing of the new clip works fine when the
    button resides in Scene 1 on the Main Timeline but not
    within the new movie clip (graphic Ive created.)
    I will upload the main chunk of the code that resides
    in Scene 1 on the first frame of the "Actions" layer.
    If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it very much!
    Please let me know if I can provide anymore info.

    function newLayerBT_CLICK(MouseEvent):void{
    function newLayerBT_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{

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    Is it possible to make a button that loads only a few frames within the timelime? and the next button will load another few?
    this is what i found and it says i can't:
    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/791422/how-to-stop-flash-file-swf-from-loading-actionsc ript-3

    loading a swf file is an all or none issue.  once you start loading a swf, you can't stop it from proceeding to a complete load unless you unload the entire swf.

  • Report viewer "Go To Next Page" button always load Page2 with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.10. No problem with Crystal Reports Runtime version 10.0.5

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    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Externally loaded FLV

    In my SWF fie, I have an externally loaded FLV file.
    I now want to add another FLV that will load and play
    automatically when the first one is finished.
    I actually want the SWF to jump to a new scene when the first
    movie is done.
    How can I do that/ what the actionscript?

    Hey Steven,
    I am not very sure but just giving a shot answering it...
    You can use FLVPlayback.complete event to detect the
    comepletion of first flv and set the path of other flv on complete.
    Something like this:
    import mx.video.*;
    my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = "
    var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
    // listen for complete event; play new FLV
    listenerObject.complete = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
    if (my_FLVPlybk.contentPath == "
    my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject);
    Hope that works...

  • How to disable buttons under an FLV?

    I have designed a website in Flash AS2 and it is nearly complete, but I have one big problem. On my main page, I have a line of scrolling buttons as well as a slide show which also doubles up as a button. All of these buttons link to FLV movies. When clicked, the movie page fades up to cover the entire stage.
    This is the effect I want and I like the way it looks, but the problem is, all the buttons remain active underneath the FLV as it plays. So if you accidentally click on the movie while its playing, it's still possible to trigger one of these buttons, causing all kinds of undesired chaos!
    Here is a link to the current swf, so you can see exactly what I'm talking about.
    The row of scrolling buttons (the circles) and the arrow buttons at the bottom are contained within a single movie.
    I must point out that I am not well versed in action script. I have picked up bits and pieces as I've gone along but I don't speak the language, so I would really appreciate it if somebody could walk me through this step by step.
    Thank you very much for your time.

    also try:
    TJF_BTN._visible = false;
    BTNstrip._visible = false;
    Your button or movieclip will be invisible when doing this command and because of that you can make a "graphic" with the same look as the button or movieclip at the exactly the same place so it looks like the button has been disabled.

  • Button  down load doesn't show

    I tried to download adobe flashplayer but the button down
    load doesn't appear. the computer worked well, but at any moment he
    stops showing flas, video's and i can't listening to music any
    I use Vista

    Please see the thread titled "Won't Download"

  • Where did the "Stop" button go on the Navigation Bar in ff4? It isn't included in the Customize box. Is there anyway to install the "Stop" button for loading web pages or is this option compeletly gone from Firefox now?

    Just installed upgrade to Firefox 4.0. Where did the "Stop" button go on the Navigation Bar. I checked the Customize dialogue box and it isn't included. Is anyone else missing it? Is there anyway to install the "Stop" button for loading web pages or is this option completely gone from Firefox now? It was a very helpful button and allowed us users to stop a web page and move on if it wasn't what we needed.

    In Firefox 4 by default the Stop, Go and Reload buttons are combined and attached to the right hand edge of the location bar.
    When you are typing in the location bar it will show the Go button. When a site is loading it shows the Stop button. At other times it shows the Reload button.
    If you want separate buttons, right-click on a toolbar and choose Customize, you can then drag and drop the stop or reload buttons and place them elsewhere. If you place them in the order "Reload-Stop" on the right hand edge of the location bar they will be combined again. For more details on customizing the toolbar see https://support.mozilla.com/kb/How+to+customize+the+toolbar

  • [AS2] Controlling loaded FLV sound??

    While I haven't any hints in the documentation on how to
    control a dynamically loaded FLV's sound(volume), everywhere I read
    that you create a Sound object on the parent MovieClip. This isn't
    var nc = new NetConnection();
    var ns = new NetStream(nc);
    mc.vid.attachVideo(ns); // MovieClip on stage with Video
    instance named "vid"
    ns.play('TestVideo.flv'); // this all works, video loads and
    plays full volume
    function onMouseUp(){
    var snd = new Sound(mc);
    What am I doing wrong?

    I seriously spent 2 hours trying to figure this out and got
    no where. I posted this question literally a minute ago, and have
    just figured it out:
    I should have posted this question two hours ago ;-)

  • Need help loading flv movie onto stage from a button click

    Hi folks, I need your help.
    I'm new to flash so please bear this in mind.
    My problem is this:
    I have a picture of a phone on the stage which I have made
    into a button.
    What I want is that, when I click on this button (phone_btn),
    my video (called 'TyreChange.flv') will appear on the stage. And I
    will have the option of removing the video to get rid of it from
    the screen.
    The stage is like a menu, where I can click a number of
    objects and the relevant video or element will appear.
    The TyreChange video is in the same folder as my project but
    I have not imported it into the library. If I do that, the video
    goes onto the stage as well as the library, and it appears as the
    name FLVPlayback for some reason.
    I only want the video on the stage when the user clicks the
    'phone_btn' button.
    Please help
    Many thanks, James

    I did try that but it would not remove the child.
    i appreciate your help though.
    I am also trying to determine if a child is on the stage and if it is, remove it. I have created a button that will jump back on the timeline and the mc's that were loaded after this point in time.
    This looks like it should work. It doesn't give me any errors but the mc remains on the stage.
    var remMC;
    if (getChildByName("mc2") != null) {

  • Problem loading flv into FLVPlayBack

    Hello All,
    I have set up a test site at
    When the page loads there is an error. When I look at the
    browser activity viewer it says my video
    not found. BUT!!!! If you click the first button 'bölüm
    1' then the 'indik' button under '1. BÖLÜM - TANITIM 01'
    the file will download from the server.
    I have tried everything. The page works fine during testing
    but not online. Any thoughts.

    Instructions for adding FLV MIME
    type to IIS

  • I've tried, but I can't get any buttons to load in Encore Library (I do have menus!)

    First, all the system info:
    Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 Display Adapter
    I’m using Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.5 (001  (MC: 264587)) “Mighty Kilt”
    Version (64 Bit) of Adobe Media Encoder CS6
    Version of Adobe Encore CS6
    Other Adobe applications installed: AIR, Creative Cloud, Download Assistant, Encore CS6 Library, Flash Player 12 ActiveX, Flash Player 12 Plugin, Help Manager, Premiere Pro CS6, Premiere Pro CS6 Functional Content, Reader XI
    I’ve run check for updates on Premiere Pro, Encore and Media Encoder and everything is up to date
    I have also already searched on these forums (and elsewhere!) for answers to this problem and have obviously not been able to fix it.
    Specificlally, in these forums I've read and followed:
    The last post on this was Dec 2012
    Last post March of 2013
    I've read these Adobe Help pages that have been quoted in many posts:
    I've spent SEVERAL HOURS on this problem already. Ugh.
    Two things that would be extremely helpful for me:
    Does anyone know the actual FILENAME that contains the "button templates" or "loadable button styles" that would make these appear in Encore? Perhaps they did install somewhere on my computer, but I just haven't found them yet. If I knew the name of a file (or files) I could do a search and determine if I already have what I need. If there's a file for each button style and thus 50 different filenames, can you give me one or two and then perhaps the FOLDER name I could search on?
    Can someone tell me how to load an image into a post so I can show you what I'm seeing (or not seeing?) A picture's worth a thousand words. Right now, when I click on the "camera" icon above where I'm writing this post, I get a grey box that says "Insert Images" but there are no links, nothing to click on or anything. Simply a red x up in the right hand upper corner. I'd embed a picture of that in this post, but I don't know how to embed the picture that shows my difficulty in embeding a picture.  :-)

    Stan -
    Thanks again for the simple but valuable tip.
    I'm just going to repeat the relevant sections from my previous post with the screenshots this time:
    Below you'll see a snip of how my current folder structure appears. It's identical to yours, except there are no button files in the General Folder. Since you were kind enough to include a file name, I did a search on that specific one and it's nowhere to be found on my hard drive. Hmmm....
    I've seen others remark on how... "challenging".... Adobe's instructions can be sometime. I'll admit to having the same feeling when I was trying to download and install all the content files and the 7-zip stuff. Is the answer somehow that I screwed up that?  Note the 7-zip folder right above the Adobe folder. Here's a screen shot of that expanded folder contents:
    Does that look like you think it should? Have I not installed or extracted something correctly?
    Finally, the only other thing I can think of to give you as much info as you might need is to include a screenshot of where the "Functional Content" stuff got saved. Adobe's instructions about this (if I recall correctly) were that it did NOT have to be installed anywhere specific, but you then had to go into Encore (& Premiere) and through preferences point to this stuff, which I believe I did. But I don't see any button type files in these anyway.
    Other thoughts or advice?

  • Error Message When Loading FLV

    I'm getting this error message when I run this movie -
    "Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095:
    flash.net.NetStream was unable to invoke callback onMetaData.
    error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onMetaData not found on
    flash.net.NetStream and there is no default value.at
    My code to load the five FLV's is -
    var nc1:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns1:NetStream = new NetStream(nc1);
    var nc5:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns5:NetStream = new NetStream(nc5);
    var nc3:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns3:NetStream = new NetStream(nc3);
    var nc4:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns4:NetStream = new NetStream(nc4);
    var nc2:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns2:NetStream = new NetStream(nc2);
    ta1.textField.background = true;
    ta1.textField.backgroundColor = 0xC9C1B8;
    //ta1.htmlText = "<b>Kinds of PAVES
    of video
    var lessonInfoXML:XML;
    var lessonInfo:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var smartGraphicFile:String;
    lessonInfo.load(new URLRequest("Slide_Information.xml"));
    function onCompleteLessonInfo(evt:Event) {
    lessonInfoXML = new XML(lessonInfo.data);
    smartGraphicFile = lessonInfoXML.slide5.narration;
    ta1.htmlText = smartGraphicFile;
    The FLV's load, and I can dismiss the error messages. Any
    idea what I'm doing wrong?

    BALTB  seems to be a structure , can you explain how you r trying to loadd
    The error may be the Record type B is invalid ,  the last field is record type , chk whether B exists or not

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