BW Rolled Up Count

Posted this in general BI before I realized this forum was here...
I have a question about providing rolled up counts in BW. We are currently using BW 3.5.
I have an article and I have say 100 sites
I want to see:
Total Stores Total Stores In Stock Total Stores Out of Stock In Stock %
Article 100 50 50 50%
I thought it was possible hiding the site dimension I could pull this off (i.e. my rows would look like Article Site(hidden)).
Anyone have any idea? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you,

Hi Ryan,
If you remove site of the drilldown you should be able to get this..
Can you clarify the question, which is the actual scenario and the desired scenario, so I can help you better.

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    check the sharedobject and the date class. you can use them
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    you can use any loop (setInterval() and onEnterFrame, for
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    Transaction Type
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    Thanks and regards

    It is not clear what you are trying to achieve, however, there are a few options:
    1) Create an account type dimension that contains Cash/Cheque/Mixed but has a top level "All" member, so it is a simple two-level dimension. Then change the aggregation to MAX for that one dimension and use SUM on all the other dimensions.
    2) Create separate measures to for each type of transaction and an all transactions measure and as part of the mapping create a view that has uses a MAX() function to assign a 1 to the Total measure if there is a value in any of the other transaction type columns.
    Hope this helps,
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management
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  • Foreign JMS and XA

    Hi everybody,
              Is anybody successfully using remote IBM MQseries 5.3 server as
              Foreign JMS in WLS 8.1sp2?
              We're observing some strange behavior in this case. Here is our setup:
              WLS and IBM MQ server deployed on separate boxes.
              WLS version 8.1sp2 running on Windows 2000/Intel
              IBM MQ version 5.3 running on Solaris/SPARC
              We're using "WebSphere MQ classes for Java, version 5.303 - j5303-L030225"
              and "WebSphere MQ Extended Transactional Client Feature, version 5.300 -
              MQ files added in WLS POST_CLASSPATH variable in WLS starup script.
              Foreign JMS server configured in WLS via fscontext JNDI.
              MDB bean deployed with Transaction attribute "Required".
              Everything seems to work fine, if we're posting message to MQ queue MDB
              receives it and process successfully (just print message content to the
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              Problem: In WLS console, under Server->Monitoring->JTA->Monitor inflight
              transactions we can constantly see one transaction enlisted for our MDB
              bean with following details:
              Transaction ID: BEA1-00DFC5EB4B7B7F28EDB9
              Coordinator: mydomain+myserver
              Status: Active
              Seconds Active: 17
              This transaction seems to be Active for 30 seconds and then rolled back
              (no error messages on WLS console displayed).On JTA statistics page in
              WLS console "Total Rolled Back" counter keeps increneting with every
              Does anybody observerd similar problem? May be it's normal behaviour but
              I'm kind of worrying about those transactions and constant rollback. I'd
              appreciate any feedback.
              Dmitri Maximovich

    Hi Dmitri,
              The shutdown "suspend" failure has nothing to do with transactions
              or JMS. It looks like the failure is due to a
              java.util.ConcurrentModificationException during undeployment
              which indicates a bug in WL - something is not getting
              synchronized that should be.
              As for MQ, their new extended client supports remote XA, which I think
              is the reason for the product in the first place. Even so, I
              still recommend testing to make sure that its messages
              participate in transactions. (Actually, I recommend such testing
              for any transactional app, including those built on WL JMS.)
              Dmitri Maximovich wrote:
              > Hi Tom,
              > Thanks for info, that's a relief. Unfortunately there is no hints in WLS
              > documentation that it's normal, that's why we were worried about it.
              > Now there is one more issue, which I believe is related. You see with
              > those 'in-flight' transactions graceful shutdown of WLS doesn't quite
              > work. There is suspicious exception thrown and after that WLS is still
              > running in some state but console is not available anymore. Please see
              > console messages attached (sorry for long post). at the time of shutdown
              > there is no messages in the queue(s) so as far as I can tell those
              > 'pending transactions' mentioned is those from foreign JMS wrappers.
              > I'd appreciate any comments on that. We have case opened with BEA about
              > this but so far they cannot reproduce it in their lab. That's why I
              > start wondering if we're doing something wrong here, like using remote
              > MQ server for example, may be you not supposed to (I remember there was
              > an issue before with IBM MQ that XA support required binding mode, I was
              > kind of hope that it's not the case anymore)?
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:47:56 PM EST> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365>
              > <Server state changed to SUSPENDING>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:47:56 PM EST> <Info> <Deployer> <BEA-149236> <Preparing
              > to suspend.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:47:56 PM EST> <Info> <Deployer> <BEA-149237> <Ready to
              > suspend.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:47:56 PM EST> <Info> <WebService> <BEA-220028> <Web
              > Service reliable agents are suspended.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:47:56 PM EST> <Notice> <JTA> <BEA-110476> <The server has
              > detected pending transactions during graceful shutdown. The server will
              > wait for the pending transactions to complete before suspending the RMI
              > service. A force shutdown command can be issued to shutdown the server
              > immediately.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:26 PM EST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141080> <A request
              > has been received to force shut down of the server.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:26 PM EST> <Alert> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000228> <The
              > disabling of server logins has been requested by <WLS Kernel>>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:26 PM EST> <Alert> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000229>
              > <Server logins have been disabled.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:26 PM EST> <Info> <WebService> <BEA-220028> <Web
              > Service reliable agents are suspended.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:26 PM EST> <Info> <EJB> <BEA-010084> <The
              > message-driven beans are being suspended. This may take a minute or two.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:32 PM EST> <Info> <EJB> <BEA-010085> <The
              > message-driven beans have all been suspended.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:32 PM EST> <Info> <EJB> <BEA-010084> <The
              > message-driven beans are being suspended. This may take a minute or two.>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:32 PM EST> <Info> <EJB> <BEA-010085> <The
              > message-driven beans have all been suspended.>
              > [MessageDrivenBeanPoolInfoImpl] : Couldn't unregister MBean
              > mydomain:ApplicationRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb,EJBComponentRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb_otis-dasl-ejb.jar,Location=myserver,,ServerRuntime=myserver,Type=EJBTransactionRuntime
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.monitoring.EJBRuntimeMBeanImpl.unregisterDependents(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.monitoring.MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBeanImpl.unregisterDependents(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanPoolInfoImpl.unInitPool(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanPoolInfoImpl.onUndeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.onUndeploy(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.internal.BaseEJBHome.undeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.internal.MessageDrivenEJBHome.undeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBDeployer.deactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.doDeactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivateModule(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.stop(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.removeDeployedApplications(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationService.shutdown(
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.application.ApplicationService.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.prepareToSuspend(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread$
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > --------------- nested within: ------------------
              > An error has occurred during
              > preDeregister().
              > nullmydomain:ApplicationRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb,EJBComponentRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb_otis-dasl-ejb.jar,Location=myserver,,ServerRuntime=myserver,Type=EJBTransactionRuntime
              > - with nested exception:
              > [
              > mydomain:ApplicationRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb,EJBComponentRuntime=myserver_otis-dasl-ejb_otis-dasl-ejb.jar,Location=myserver,,ServerRuntime=myserver,Type=EJBTransactionRuntime]
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.monitoring.EJBRuntimeMBeanImpl.unregisterDependents(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.monitoring.MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBeanImpl.unregisterDependents(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanPoolInfoImpl.unInitPool(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanPoolInfoImpl.onUndeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.MessageDrivenBeanInfoImpl.onUndeploy(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.internal.BaseEJBHome.undeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.internal.MessageDrivenEJBHome.undeploy(
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBDeployer.deactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.doDeactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivateModule(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.stop(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.removeDeployedApplications(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationService.shutdown(
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.application.ApplicationService.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.prepareToSuspend(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread$
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:33 PM EST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141082>
              > <ServerRuntime:java.util.ConcurrentModificationException>
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:33 PM EST> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141082>
              > <ServerRuntime:java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
              > at
              > java.util.LinkedList$ListItr.checkForComodification(
              > at java.util.LinkedList$
              > at
              > weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBDeployer.deactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.doDeactivate(
              > at weblogic.ejb20.deployer.EJBModule.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivateModule(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.deactivate(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.stop(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.removeDeployedApplications(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationService.shutdown(
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.application.ApplicationService.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.prepareToSuspend(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread.prepareToSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleWorkerThread$
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > >
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:35 PM EST> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000217>
              > <Failed to fully suspend the server due to:
              > java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
              > java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
              > at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
              > at java.util.HashMap$
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.removeDeployedApplications(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationService.shutdown(
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.application.ApplicationService.forceSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.forceSuspend(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.forceSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.uprotectedForceShutdown(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.access$300(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime$
              > at
              > at
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.forceShutdown(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.shutdown(
              > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
              > at
              > sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
              > at
              > sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
              > at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime$ShutdownRequest.execute(
              > at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              > at
              > >
              > <Mar 3, 2004 1:48:35 PM EST> <Debug> <Management> <BEA-141132> <Dynamic
              > invocation while executing action shutdown on
              > mydomain:Location=myserver,Name=myserver,Type=ServerRuntime MBean
              > instance failed. The method shutdown with signature [int, boolean] was
              > invoked with parameters as [30, true].
              > java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
              > at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
              > at java.util.HashMap$
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.removeDeployedApplications(
              > at
              > weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationService.shutdown(
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.application.ApplicationService.forceSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.SubsystemManager.forceSuspend(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.forceSuspend(
              > at
              > weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.uprotectedForceShutdown(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.access$300(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime$
              > at
              > at
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.forceShutdown(
              > at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerRuntime.shutdown(
              > at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
              > at
              > sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
              > at
              > sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
              > at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > at
              > weblogic.server.ServerLifeCycleRuntime$ShutdownRequest.execute(
              > at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
              > at
              > >
              > Tom Barnes wrote:
              >> Hi Dmitri,
              >> This is normal behavior.
              >> The internal rollbacks are a side effect of WL MDBs
              >> necessarily starting a transaction before they (internally)
              >> post a synchronous
              >> receive on the remote foreign JMS server. If the synchronous receive
              >> receives nothing, the tx is rolled back, and another
              >> synch receive is posted with a new tx. (When interacting with
              >> foreign vendors, tx MDBs usually must post synchronous receives
              >> in order to infect the received message - there is no
              >> standard JMS API for infecting asynchronously received messages
              >> with a user transaction.)
              >> Tom
              >> Dmitri Maximovich wrote:
              >>> Hi everybody,
              >>> Is anybody successfully using remote IBM MQseries 5.3 server as
              >>> Foreign JMS in WLS 8.1sp2?
              >>> We're observing some strange behavior in this case. Here is our setup:
              >>> WLS and IBM MQ server deployed on separate boxes.
              >>> WLS version 8.1sp2 running on Windows 2000/Intel
              >>> IBM MQ version 5.3 running on Solaris/SPARC
              >>> We're using "WebSphere MQ classes for Java, version 5.303 -
              >>> j5303-L030225"
              >>> and "WebSphere MQ Extended Transactional Client Feature, version
              >>> 5.300 - j5303-L030122"
              >>> MQ files added in WLS POST_CLASSPATH variable in WLS starup script.
              >>> Foreign JMS server configured in WLS via fscontext JNDI.
              >>> MDB bean deployed with Transaction attribute "Required".
              >>> Everything seems to work fine, if we're posting message to MQ queue
              >>> MDB receives it and process successfully (just print message content
              >>> to the console for now).
              >>> Problem: In WLS console, under Server->Monitoring->JTA->Monitor
              >>> inflight transactions we can constantly see one transaction enlisted
              >>> for our MDB bean with following details:
              >>> =====================================================
              >>> Transaction ID: BEA1-00DFC5EB4B7B7F28EDB9
              >>> Coordinator: mydomain+myserver
              >>> Name:
              >>> Status: Active
              >>> Seconds Active: 17
              >>> Resources:
              >>> Properties
              >>> (key=value):
              >>> =====================================================
              >>> This transaction seems to be Active for 30 seconds and then rolled
              >>> back (no error messages on WLS console displayed).On JTA statistics
              >>> page in WLS console "Total Rolled Back" counter keeps increneting
              >>> with every rollback.
              >>> Does anybody observerd similar problem? May be it's normal behaviour
              >>> but I'm kind of worrying about those transactions and constant
              >>> rollback. I'd appreciate any feedback.
              >>> ---
              >>> Sincerely,
              >>> Dmitri Maximovich

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    Hi Buddhathoughts,
    The reason that Apple only goes up to that much storage is that some of the items on your device don't count against the icloud storage. Here is a quote from Apple's icloud description. " And that’s plenty of room, because of the way iCloud stores your content. Your purchased music, movies, apps, books, and TV shows — as well as your Photo Stream — don’t count against your free storage. That 5GB goes a long way for your mail, documents, account information, settings, and other app data."
    So if you have purchased 10GB of Tv shows, that 10GB will not count against your icloud storage. Also, with photos and videos. The photos and videos in your camera roll will count against your storage. But the photos(videos are not in the photo stream) in your photo stream will not count against your storage.
    I hope that answered your question.

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    Only photos in your camera roll will count against your storage, Photo Stream on the other hand does not count against your storage. If you do not want that photos of your camera roll will be in your back up then just change and manage your backup settings in "Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage".

  • Call a java class

    I have a fairly simple problem. I am making a basic game just for a learning experience.
    Project = 2ndif
    I have 2 classes in the project GuessingGame, and Town. After I finish with GuessingGame I need it to call class. Any suggesions. I put a note where I need to call
    I'm not 100% sure on how to ask for what I need. Not too fluent with the lingo yet.
    import static java.lang.System.out;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Random;
    class GuessingGame {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
              out.println("Rolling stats... ");
              //Variables for stats
              int RandomNumber = 0;
              int Strength = 0;
              int Dexterity = 0;
              int Inteligence = 0;
              int Wisdom = 0;
              int Charisma = 0;
              int Counter = 0;
              int reroll = 1;
              //Reroll if stats are not desireable
              for (reroll=reroll; reroll==1;) {
                   RandomNumber = 0;
                   Strength = 0;
                   Dexterity = 0;
                   Inteligence = 0;
                   Wisdom = 0;
                   Charisma = 0;
                   Counter = 0;
              //3D6 rolls redo 1 if its first roll
                   for ( Counter=Counter; Counter<3; Counter++ ) {
                        RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                        if (RandomNumber == 1) {
                             RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                             Strength = Strength + RandomNumber;                
              Counter = 0;
              //3D6 rolls redo 1 if its first roll
                   for ( Counter=Counter; Counter<3; Counter++ ) {
                        RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                        if (RandomNumber == 1) {
                             RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                             Dexterity = Dexterity + RandomNumber;
              Counter = 0;
              //3D6 rolls redo 1 if its first roll
                   for ( Counter=Counter; Counter<3; Counter++ ) {
                        RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                        if (RandomNumber == 1) {
                             RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                             Inteligence = Inteligence + RandomNumber;
              Counter = 0;
              //3D6 rolls redo 1 if its first roll                    
                   for ( Counter=Counter; Counter<3; Counter++ ) {
                        RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                        if (RandomNumber == 1) {
                             RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                             Wisdom = Wisdom + RandomNumber;
              Counter =0;
              //3D6 rolls redo 1 if its first roll
                   for ( Counter=Counter; Counter<3; Counter++ ) {
                        RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                        if (RandomNumber == 1) {
                             RandomNumber = new Random() .nextInt(6) + 1;
                             Charisma = Charisma + RandomNumber;
              //Show stats
              out.println("Strength = " + Strength);
              out.println("Dexterity = " + Dexterity);
              out.println("Inteligence = " + Inteligence);
              out.println("Wisdom = " + Wisdom);
              out.println("Charisma = " + Charisma);
              out.print("Reroll stats? 1 = yes 2 = no: ");
              reroll = myScanner.nextInt();
              *******THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO CALL TOWN.JAVA*********

    //Show stats
              out.println("Strength = " + Strength);
              out.println("Dexterity = " + Dexterity);
              out.println("Inteligence = " + Inteligence);
              out.println("Wisdom = " + Wisdom);
              out.println("Charisma = " + Charisma);
              out.print("Reroll stats? 1 = yes 2 = no: ");
              reroll = myScanner.nextInt();
              *******THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO CALL TOWN.JAVA*********
    }It seems like you are confused as to how to use your Town class. Java gives you the freedom to run an entire program in the main method like you are doing.. even if its not elegant. However, if you are going to continue your program as you are doing it in the main method. you probably want to do something like this.
    //Show stats
              out.println("Strength = " + Strength);
              out.println("Dexterity = " + Dexterity);
              out.println("Inteligence = " + Inteligence);
              out.println("Wisdom = " + Wisdom);
              out.println("Charisma = " + Charisma);
              out.print("Reroll stats? 1 = yes 2 = no: ");
              reroll = myScanner.nextInt();
              /*******THIS IS WHERE YOU BEGIN TO USE A TOWN*********/
                    Town town = new Town();  // creates a new town
                     /* Here you start to do whatever it is you want to do with your newly created town...*/
                     town.addNewCharacter(Strength, Dexterity, Inteligence, Wisdom, Charisma);

  • Sorting a two-dimensional array to check min and max random results.

    I am working on a new project to learn more advanced uses of java, and have run into some very confusing output. the program should roll 2 6 sided dice 36000 times, storing the results (how many times each of the 21 possible combinations of rolls occurred) in a 2-d array, printing that array in tabular format, then copying the values to a 1d array to sort numericallly (ascending) then print which combination of rolls occured least and most, with how many occurences for each (least and most) here is the code I have, the error will be below it.
    package d12;
    //import classes to use
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class randomDice2D {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    //bring in new Random object
            Random r = new Random();
    //declare all variables and arrays
            int[][] dieResults; dieResults = new int[6][6];
            int[] sortingResults; sortingResults=new int[37];
            int one;  int two;  int three;  int four;  int five;  int six;
            int seven;  int eight;  int nine;  int ten;  int eleven;  int twelve;
            int thirteen;  int fourteen;  int fifteen;  int sixteen;  int seventeen;
            int eighteen;  int nineteen;  int twenty;  int twentyone;
            //initialize all variables at 0
            one=0;  two=0;  three=0;  four=0;  five=0;  six=0;  seven=0;  eight=0;
            nine=0;  ten=0;  eleven=0;  twelve=0;  thirteen=0;  fourteen=0;
            fifteen=0;  sixteen=0;  seventeen=0;  eighteen=0;  nineteen=0;
            twenty=0;  twentyone=0;
    //do dice rolling and count each iteration of each possible result - 36 possible??
            for (int i = 0; i < 36000; i++)
              int roll  = (r.nextInt(6) + 1) ;
              int roll2 = (r.nextInt(6) + 1) ;
            if (roll ==1 && roll2 == 1) ++one;
            if ((roll == 1 && roll2 == 2) || (roll2 == 1 && roll == 2)) ++two;
            if ((roll == 1 && roll2 == 3) || (roll2 == 1 && roll == 3)) ++three;
            if ((roll == 1 && roll2 == 4) || (roll2 == 1 && roll == 4)) ++four;
            if ((roll == 1 && roll2 == 5) || (roll2 == 1 && roll == 5)) ++five;
            if ((roll == 1 && roll2 == 6) || (roll2 == 1 && roll == 6)) ++six;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 2) ++seven;
            if ((roll == 2 && roll2 == 3) || (roll2 == 2 && roll == 3)) ++eight;
            if ((roll == 2 && roll2 == 4) || (roll2 == 2 && roll == 4)) ++nine;
            if ((roll == 2 && roll2 == 5) || (roll2 == 2 && roll == 5)) ++ten;
            if ((roll == 2 && roll2 == 6) || (roll2 == 2 && roll == 6)) ++eleven;
            if ((roll == 3 && roll2 == 3)) ++twelve;
            if ((roll == 3 && roll2 == 4) || (roll2 == 3 && roll == 4)) ++thirteen;
            if ((roll == 3 && roll2 == 5) || (roll2 == 3 && roll == 5)) ++fourteen;
            if ((roll == 3 && roll2 == 6) || (roll2 == 3 && roll == 6)) ++fifteen;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 4) ++sixteen;
            if ((roll == 4 && roll2 == 5) || (roll2 == 4 && roll == 5)) ++seventeen;
            if ((roll == 4 && roll2 == 6) || (roll2 == 4 && roll == 6)) ++eighteen;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 5) ++nineteen;
            if ((roll == 5 && roll2 == 6) || (roll2 == 5 && roll == 6)) ++twenty;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 6) ++twentyone;
            //assign results to array
            dieResults[1][0]=two; dieResults[0][1]=two;
            //print results
            for (int j=0; j<dieResults.length; j++){
                for (int k=0; k<dieResults.length; k++){
                System.out.print("|"+dieResults[j][k]+"| ");
            // Verify program accuracy and ensure total reported results add up to 36000
    System.out.println("\nValidate: 1's; "+dieResults[0][0]+" 1 & 2; "+dieResults[1][0]+
            dieResults[0][1]+" 4's; "+dieResults[2][0]+dieResults[0][2]+" 5's; "
            +dieResults[3][0]+dieResults[0][3]+" 6's; "+dieResults[4][0]+dieResults[0][4]
            +" 7's; "+dieResults[5][0]+dieResults[0][5]);
    System.out.println("All total rolls add up to " + (dieResults[0][0] + dieResults[0][1] +
             dieResults[0][2] + dieResults[0][3] + dieResults[0][4] + dieResults[0][5]));
    //check lowest/highest numbers entered to verify results are reasonable
    //sort results to obtain lowest and highest number of rolls
        for (int l=0; l<sortingResults.length;l++){
         for (int m=0; m<sortingResults.length;m++){
    //determine and print what roll occurred the least
        if (sortingResults[0] == two)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == three)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == four)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == five)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == six)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == seven)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "7's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == eight)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "8's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == nine)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "9's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == ten)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "10's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == eleven)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "11's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twelve)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "12's with " + sortingResults[0]);
    //determine and print what roll occurred the most
        if (dieResults[5][5] == two)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == three)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == four)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == five)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == six)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == seven)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "7's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == eight)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "8's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == nine)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "9's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == ten)
            System.out.println("The lohighestwest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "10's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == eleven)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "11's with " + dieResults[10]);
        if (dieResults[5][5] == twelve)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "12's with " + dieResults[10]);
    }the output I got was this:
    |988| |2038| |1933| |2008| |2095| |2002|
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 6
    |2038| |965| |1973| |1982| |1985| |2028|
    |1933| |1973| |1034| |1952| |1928| |2055|
    |2008| |1982| |1952| |1010| |1981| |2023|
    |2095| |1985| |1928| |1981| |1041| |1996|
    |2002| |2028| |2055| |2023| |1996| |983| Validate: 1's; 988 1 & 2; 20382038 4's; 19331933 5's; 20082008 6's; 20952095 7's; 20022002
    All total rolls add up to 11064
            at d12.randomDice2D.main(
    Java Result: 1
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)I can see from the validate line in output that i need to start that line with a \n and change the formula of that println from
    I am also aware i have to finish listing all the elements of the array to add to the all total rolls line, but that I can add as I wait for an answer to the errors I don't see the solutions to. The last thing I need help with is how to print those results in a 2-d table format instead of one number per line. Should I change the pair of loops here:
    for (int l=0; l<sortingResults.length;l++){
         for (int m=0; m<sortingResults.length;m++){
            }    }to a single loop repeated till the end like this?
    for (int l=0; l<6; l++){
    for (int m=0; m<5; m++){
    for (int n=0; n<4; n++){
    sortingResults[(n+11)]=dieResults[n][1];}or just take 21 lines (or 36 if i track all results instead of all unique) to declare each element like:
    Edited by: Geode on Oct 20, 2010 12:38 AM

    Ok, I have done a lot and thought I had worked out all of the problems. Netbeans had no problems compiling it or running it, and the output was exactly what I expected it to be. Then I decided that the println starting "Validate:" was unneccessary since I printed the table right before it, so I deleted it. Noww Netbeans is telling me it compiles with errors every time i run it, even though it doesn't flag any line as having an error and it still executes exactly as I expect it to. Also, I was not able to find a way to make the three big sets of if's into loops. Any suggestions or ideas on how they could be looped would be most welcome. Also, any ideas on why Netbeans is saying it compiles with errors when it does not give any. I'll give the code and then the output again.
    package d12;
    //import classes to use
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class randomDice2D {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    //bring in new Random object
            Random r = new Random();
    //declare all variables and arrays
            int[][] dieResults; dieResults = new int[6][6];
            int[] sortingResults; sortingResults=new int[36];
            int one; int two; int three; int four; int five; int six; int seven;
            int eight; int nine; int ten; int eleven; int twelve; int thirteen;
            int fourteen; int fifteen; int sixteen; int seventeen; int eighteen;
            int nineteen; int twenty; int twentyone; int twentytwo; int twentythree;
            int twentyfour; int twentyfive; int twentysix; int twentyseven;
            int twentyeight; int twentynine; int thirty; int thirtyone; int thirtytwo;
            int thirtythree; int thirtyfour; int thirtyfive; int thirtysix;
            //initialize all variables at 0
    //do dice rolling and count each iteration of each possible result - 36 possible??
            for (int i = 0; i < 36000; i++)
              int roll  = (r.nextInt(6) + 1) ;
              int roll2 = (r.nextInt(6) + 1) ;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 1) ++one;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 2) ++two;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 3) ++three;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 4) ++four;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 5) ++five;
            if (roll == 1 && roll2 == 6) ++six;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 1) ++seven;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 2) ++eight;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 3) ++nine;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 4) ++ten;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 5) ++eleven;
            if (roll == 2 && roll2 == 6) ++twelve;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 1) ++thirteen;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 2) ++fourteen;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 3) ++fifteen;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 4) ++sixteen;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 5) ++seventeen;
            if (roll == 3 && roll2 == 6) ++eighteen;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 1) ++nineteen;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 2) ++twenty;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 3) ++twentyone;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 4) ++twentytwo;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 5) ++twentythree;
            if (roll == 4 && roll2 == 6) ++twentyfour;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 1) ++twentyfive;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 2) ++twentysix;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 3) ++twentyseven;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 4) ++twentyeight;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 5) ++twentynine;
            if (roll == 5 && roll2 == 6) ++thirty;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 1) ++thirtyone;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 2) ++thirtytwo;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 3) ++thirtythree;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 4) ++thirtyfour;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 5) ++thirtyfive;
            if (roll == 6 && roll2 == 6) ++thirtysix;
            //assign results to array
            dieResults[0][0]=one;dieResults[1][0]=seven; dieResults[0][1]=two;
            //print results
            System.out.println("     1      2      3      4     5      6");
            for (int j=0; j<dieResults.length; j++){
                System.out.print("\n"+(j+1)+" -");
                for (int k=0; k<dieResults.length; k++){
                System.out.print("|"+dieResults[j][k]+"| ");
            // Verify program accuracy to ensure total results add up to 36000
    System.out.println("\nAll total rolls add up to "+(dieResults[0][0]+dieResults[0][1]+
    //check lowest/highest numbers entered to verify results are reasonable
    //sort results to obtain lowest and highest number of rolls 
    int z;z=0;
    while (z < 36){
    for (int l=0; l<6;l++){
         for (int m=0; m<6;m++){
    //determine and print what roll occurred the least
        if (sortingResults[0] == one)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1's with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == two)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == three)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == four)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == five)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == six)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == seven)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 1 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == eight)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == nine)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == ten)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == eleven)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twelve)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 1 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == fourteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == fifteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == sixteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == seventeen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == eighteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == nineteen)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 1 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twenty)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentyone)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentytwo)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentythree)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentyfour)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentyfive)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 1 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentysix)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentyseven)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentyeight)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == twentynine)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirty)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtyone)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 1 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtytwo)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 2 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtythree)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 3 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtyfour)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 4 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtyfive)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 5 with " + sortingResults[0]);
        if (sortingResults[0] == thirtysix)
            System.out.println("The lowest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 6 with " + sortingResults[0]);
    //determine and print what roll occurred the most
        if (sortingResults[35] == one)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1's with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == two)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == three)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == four)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == five)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == six)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "1 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == seven)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 1 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == eight)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == nine)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == ten)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == eleven)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twelve)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "2 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 1 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == fourteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == fifteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == sixteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == seventeen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == eighteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "3 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == nineteen)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 1 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twenty)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentyone)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentytwo)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentythree)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentyfour)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "4 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentyfive)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 1 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentysix)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentyseven)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentyeight)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == twentynine)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirty)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "5 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtyone)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 1 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtytwo)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 2 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtythree)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 3 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtyfour)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 4 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtyfive)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 5 with " + sortingResults[35]);
        if (sortingResults[35] == thirtysix)
            System.out.println("The highest number of rolls for a single result is "
                    + "6 & 6 with " + sortingResults[35]);
    }and here is the output (after clicking 'Run Anyways' on the project compiled with errors message from Netbeans)
         1      2      3      4     5      6
    1 -|995| |1014| |1076| |976| |1015| |1000|
    2 -|971| |982| |993| |1067| |983| |1011|
    3 -|990| |951| |1019| |968| |1011| |1023|
    4 -|999| |931| |1009| |987| |1020| |1022|
    5 -|969| |954| |997| |970| |1016| |1028|
    6 -|955| |1014| |996| |996| |1075| |1017|
    All total rolls add up to 36000
    The lowest number of rolls for a single result is 4 & 2 with 931
    The highest number of rolls for a single result is 1 & 3 with 1076
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 13 seconds)

  • Passing plist Items between views with a flip transition

    Dear developers,
    My question is a simple one, but the background around it can appear a bit complicated - please bear with me!
    I have an app with two views; a flip transition allows navigation between them. In each view there is a UILabel - these display strings from a plist. The first View displays 'Question' strings and the second View displays 'Answer' strings.
    The plist is structured as follows.
    .............Item 0.................................(Dictionary)
    .........................Question...................(String) "Question0?"
    .....................................Answer.........(string) "Answer0"
    .............Item 1.................................(Dictionary)
    .........................Question...................(String) "Question1?"
    .....................................Answer.........(string) "Answer1"
    .............Item 2.................................(Dictionary)
    .........................Question...................(String) "Question2?"
    .....................................Answer.........(string) "Answer2"
    In the first View there is a button that allows the user to navigate down the Items to view a desired Question/string. On flipping to the second view the itemChild Answer/strings are revealed. This works fine.
    On flipping back to the first view however, the Item0 strings are displayed and i don't want this to happen!. Instead I would like the most recent item string to be retained/passed, so that on returning to the first view, the previously selected item question is displayed.
    E.g. View 1 (displays Item2/Question2) ---> flip Transition --> View 2 (displays ItemChild/Answer2) --->flip Transition ----> View 1 (displays Item2/Question2)
    I have tried to make this work by using the following code;
    - (IBAction)done {
    NextItemViewController *controller = [[NextItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"NextItemViewController" bundle:nil];
    controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
    controller.Question = [[self. flashCards objectAtIndex:counter]objectForKey:@"Question"]; <-- i thought this might pass on the Item index position to the firstView
    [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
    [controller release];
    but i think this is being ignored when the first view is reloaded.
    how can i get this working?
    the code is presented below and the source code for this project is here;
    Should you require further clarification (if the above doesn't make sense)- please get in touch.
    with thanks
    _first View (NextItemViewController.h)_
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @interface NextItemViewController : UIViewController {
    NSMutableArray *flashCards;
    IBOutlet UILabel *Label1;
    int counter;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *flashCards;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *Label1;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) int counter;
    - (IBAction)NextItem;
    _First View (NextItemViewController.m)_
    #import "NextItemViewController.h"
    #import "FlippedViewController.h"
    #import "Constants.h"
    @implementation NextItemViewController
    @synthesize Label1, flashCards, counter;
    /////////////////////Code to load the Array into the UIlable////////////////////////////////////////////////
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"FlashCardData" ofType:@"plist"];
    NSMutableArray* tmpArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:path];
    self.flashCards = tmpArray;
    if ([flashCards count]) { // <-- handle null plist
    NSDictionary *Question = [flashCards objectAtIndex:counter];
    Label1.text = [Question objectForKey:Question_KEY];
    else {
    Label1.text = @"No Questions";
    [tmpArray release];
    ///////////////////////////code to load Next item from UIbutton press/////////////////////////////////////
    -(IBAction)NextItem {
    int count = [flashCards count];
    if (++counter < count) { // <-- any cards left?
    NSDictionary *nextItem = [self.flashCards objectAtIndex:counter];
    Label1.text = [nextItem objectForKey:Question_KEY]; // <-- use #define here
    else {
    Label1.text = @"Done"; // <-- no more cards
    //////////////////////////code to flip views///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    - (void)FlippedViewDidFinish:(FlippedViewController *)controller {
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
    - (IBAction)Flip {
    FlippedViewController *controller = [[FlippedViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlippedViewController" bundle:nil];
    controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
    controller.ItemChild = [[self. flashCards objectAtIndex:counter]objectForKey:@"ItemChild"];
    [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
    [controller release];
    - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
    // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
    - (void)viewDidUnload {
    // Release any retained subviews of the main view.
    // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
    - (void)dealloc {
    [Label1 release];
    [flashCards release];
    [super dealloc];
    _secondView (flippedViewController.h)_
    @interface FlippedViewController : UIViewController {
    NSDictionary *ItemChild;
    IBOutlet UILabel *Label2;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSDictionary *ItemChild;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel *Label2;
    - (IBAction)done;
    Second View (flippedViewController.m)
    #import "FlippedViewController.h"
    #import "NextItemViewController.h"
    #import "Constants.h"
    @implementation FlippedViewController
    @synthesize Label2, ItemChild;
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    Label2.text = [ItemChild objectForKey:Answer_KEY];
    - (IBAction)done {
    NextItemViewController *controller = [[NextItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"NextItemViewController" bundle:nil];
    controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
    [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
    [controller release];
    - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
    // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
    - (void)viewDidUnload {
    [super viewDidUnload];
    // Release any retained subviews of the main view.
    // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
    - (void)dealloc {
    [ItemChild release];
    [Label2 release];
    [super dealloc];

    james_coleman01 wrote:
    I have tried to make this work by using the following code;
    - (IBAction)done {
    NextItemViewController *controller = [[NextItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"NextItemViewController" bundle:nil];
    controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
    controller.Question = [[self. flashCards objectAtIndex:counter]objectForKey:@"Question"];
    [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
    [controller release];
    but i think this is being ignored when the first view is reloaded.
    The first view is never reloaded and never re-appears, James. The above method creates a new instance of NextItemViewController and presents its view modally. In other words, The first instance of NIVC is the parent of the first instance of FVC, which is the parent of the second instance of NIVC and so on. Each time you do a Flip->Back cycle you add new instances of NIVC and FVC to a growing "stack" of modal view controllers, none of which are ever released.
    Since your intent in 'done' is to return to the parent of the modal view, all you need to do there is send a dismissModalViewController message to the parent controller (whose address is always stored in the 'parentViewController' property of the child modal view controller). So this is all you need:
    - (IBAction)done {
    [self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; // <-- back to parent view
    Since you already had 'FlippedViewDidFinish' in the parent, the following example code uses that method instead of the code above. Both examples do exactly the same thing in this case.
    // NextItemViewController.h
    #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
    @class FlippedViewController;
    @interface NextItemViewController : UIViewController {
    - (void)FlippedViewDidFinish:(FlippedViewController *)controller; // <-- add declaration
    // NextItemViewController.m
    @implementation NextItemViewController
    - (IBAction)Flip {
    if (counter >= [flashCards count]) // <-- valid card?
    // FlippedViewController.m
    @implementation FlippedViewController
    - (IBAction)done {
    [(NextItemViewController*)self.parentViewController FlippedViewDidFinish:self]; // <-- back to parent view
    This second example also includes protection against calling 'Flip' with an invalid array index (i.e. when the deck is empty and "done" is displayed). You might consider disabling the "ItemChild" button in that case, and similarly disabling the "Next Item" button when the deck is empty, but I guess those decisions will depend on whether you want to automatically roll the counter back to 0, etc. I generally hard code array index protection even when it's "impossible" to access the array with an out-of-range index from the UI.
    - Ray

  • CFChart Displaying False Data

    I posted a question previously about grouping CFChart output
    that was answered by MikeRoo. I thought it was solved and marked it
    as such. However, this morning I discovered that the Chart
    contained invalid data -- data that is not in the database. I did
    not see a way to change the previous thread to "Unanswered" so I'm
    posting this new thread -- for which I apologize ahead of time if
    I'm not supposed to do it this way. But this is more of a problem
    than the grouping was because it is showing false results.
    I want to display a Bar graph with TQs along the X axis
    (bottom) and Percentages along the Y axis (side). But I need a
    percentage of each InsideTQ and OutsideTQ for each Originator.
    What is happening is that I'm getting InsideTQ and OutsideTQ
    values for Originators that do not have that TQ. For example:
    Originator 00021
    TQ 3
    InsideTQ 40 percent
    OutsideTQ 60 percent
    TQ 6
    InsideTQ 44 percent
    OutsideTQ 56 percent
    But what I'm seeing on the graph is that Originator 00021
    shows a TQ 5 with an InsideTQ and OutsideTQ value, but there isn't
    a TQ 5 for this Originator. This particular Originator should only
    have 5 values on the chart, yet there are 13 being displayed for
    it. I've double checked the tables, I've created temp tables from
    my queries to step through each query and query of query. My
    queries are correct and they display the data correctly on the
    report table. But the CFChart is showing false data. The good news
    is that all of the data that is really is in the database is shown
    correctly on the chart...just seems to make up other data.
    Attached are my queries, chart, and table. I have a jpg of
    the chart if anyone thinks that might help...
    I REALLY appreciate your help.

    Yeah it's a LOT of code...that is why I was trying to give it
    to you in pieces, didn't want to scare you off ;-)
    Something I tried yesterday: I pulled the CFChart out and
    opened it in a new window with just the attached code and it still
    displays incorrect data. My best guess on where the data is coming
    from -- it is some how ignoring my more specific filters and
    returning data for rows where the Originator or TQ is NULL though I
    specify not to include those. I use the NULL Originator and TQ
    fields for my roll up counts but I don't want them in the chart.
    However, when I've found strange values in the chart, they all
    point back to a row in the table with a NULL Originator or TQ. Now
    on my table, those values are being filtered correctly. So, I'm
    still blaming the chart and not my queries...just wish I knew why!?
    Again, any time you have when you can help, it is
    appreciated. I'm going to lock down the filters so that the users
    can only select 1 Originator and/or 1 Object. This way the report
    in production will display correctly until we can solve the problem
    in the development report.
    Side Note: I downloaded a trial version of Chart Director. I
    just started looking at it yesterday, spent a few hours trying to
    figure out how I would get it to work with my CF site. I'm such a
    CF geek that I forget about those other languages...we have .NET,
    we have VB, and other assorted development tools so it shouldn't be
    too difficult to figure out how to fit it into the current
    reporting tool. I'll let you know how it goes...also the book you
    suggested "Visual Display of Quantative Information" does that
    cover Chart Director? Trying to get our Project Lead to purchase
    Chart Director and a few books so I don't bang my head against the
    wall on these charts...
    Thanks again and hope to hear that you had an epiphany...I'll
    let you know if I have any!

  • How to model this data

    In the sample data below, there are rows that contain header names, followed by a row with the data.
    The problem is that some of the "header" column values change.  They represent "sizes" boxes.
    Name | BoxType | Color | Qty | 45 | 11 | 13.5
    Compx | F | Red | 32 | 1 | 0 | 34
    Name | BoxType | Color | Qty | 75 | 11 | 12.5
    QuickMartZ | G | Blue | 68 | 13 | 7 | 77
    Name | BoxType | Color | Qty | 75 | 11 | 45
    QuickMartZ | F | Blue | 22 | 17 | 72 | 12
    How could I model this data or re-shape it into a schema such as
    Ultimately I need to be able to extract a "rolled up" count of the boxes by size and their quantity
    Something like this

    Without some value which links the two rows together (other than the order of rows how do we know the box in the line above Compx belongs to it?) I don't think this is going to be possible as a set based solution.
    You could use a cursor to move through the rows RBAR:
    DECLARE @table TABLE (name VARCHAR(20), boxType VARCHAR(20), color VARCHAR(20), qty VARCHAR(4), col1 INT, col2 INT, col3 FLOAT)
    INSERT INTO @table (name, boxType, color, qty, col1, col2, col3)
    ('Name', 'BoxType', 'Color', 'Qty', 45, 11, 13.5),
    ('Compx', 'F', 'Red', '32', 1, 0 , 34),
    ('Name', 'BoxType', 'Color', 'Qty', 75, 11, 12.5),
    ('QuickMartZ', 'G', 'Blue', '68', 13, 7 , 77),
    ('Name', 'BoxType', 'Color', 'Qty', 75, 11, 45),
    ('QuickMartZ', 'F', 'Blue', '22', 17, 72, 12)
    DECLARE @name VARCHAR(20), @boxType VARCHAR(20), @color VARCHAR(20), @qty VARCHAR(4), @col1 INT, @col2 INT, @col3 FLOAT,
    @pname VARCHAR(20), @pboxType VARCHAR(20), @pcolor VARCHAR(20), @pqty VARCHAR(4), @pcol1 INT, @pcol2 INT, @pcol3 FLOAT
    DECLARE @products TABLE (name VARCHAR(20), boxType VARCHAR(20), color VARCHAR(20), qty VARCHAR(4), size1 FLOAT, size2 FLOAT, size3 FLOAT)
    DECLARE @boxes TABLE (name VARCHAR(20), boxType VARCHAR(20), size1 FLOAT, size2 FLOAT, size3 FLOAT)
    FROM @table
    OPEN c1
    FETCH c1 INTO @name, @boxType, @color, @qty, @col1, @col2, @col3
    IF @name = 'name'
    SET @pname = @name
    SET @pboxType = @boxType
    SET @pcolor = @color
    SET @pqty = @qty
    SET @pcol1 = @col1
    SET @pcol2 = @col2
    SET @pcol3 = @col3
    IF @name <> 'name'
    INSERT INTO @products (name, boxType, color, qty, size1, size2, size3) VALUES (@name, @boxType, @color, @qty, @col1, @col2, @col3)
    INSERT INTO @boxes (name, boxType, size1, size2, size3) VALUES (@name, @boxType, @pcol1, @pcol2, @pcol3)
    FETCH c1 INTO @name, @boxType, @color, @qty, @col1, @col2, @col3
    CLOSE c1
    SELECT *
    FROM @products
    SELECT *
    FROM @boxes

  • What happens when image count rolls over?

    MY Canon Xsi is about to hit 10,000, and will roll over in the counting. What will happen in Aperture if I am using a referenced master setup? What about if I just change things to a all incorporated database?
    Or, would it be better to start importing with customer names to eliminate duplicates?
    I do have 25,000 shots from an old Pentax, so I already have some duplicates with 3 matches.

    I love the XSi. Great little camera!
    The counter will restart and the camera will begin writing to a new directory on the memory card. I believe it'll start writing in CANON101 instead of CANON100, or something like that
    A standard naming convention might be a good idea, but it's really up to you.

  • Rolling averages/sums for counts

    I am a new user (business objects 12 relaease 2)
    I would like to build a report in web intelligence displaying the average count of the number of records per day, where the average is calculated for a rolling window of days.
    For example a rolling daily average count of records using a 3 day window would be caluculated by:
    Summing the counts of records for the last three days and dividing by 3
    I would like to include this rolling average in a table for a specified of time period, say the last 30 days. My table would have two rows the top row would be the date and would hgave 30 entries, inbe for each of  the previous 30 days, The scond row would have the 3 day rolling average for each of the 30 days. This table format will also allow me to graph the table
    An additional problem arises becasue there are some dates that have no data. I need to include those dates, but Web Intelligence won't display them. Is there a way of displaying dates with no values in the table?

    John Berezowski,
    In response to your question: "An additional problem arises becasue there are some dates that have no data. I need to include those dates, but Web Intelligence won't display them. Is there a way of displaying dates with no values in the table?"
    The solution is to build a "backend table" in your data base that has all of the applicable dates accounted for.  Then modify your universe by linking this new table to your pre-existing table and process as a left outer join (providing that this new table is on the "left" side, otherwise a full outer join will suffice due to the manner that you've built your table).
    A technique you can apply to the other columns used in your original table would be the use of the "coalesce" function to avoid nulls and transform unjoined values to spaces (or zero or some other value for integers). 

  • PCI-6602: Stop counting after roll over

    I'm programming a PCI 6602 Board and want to stop a counter after
    it had a roll over. This option isn't available in the NIDAQ 6.7 I think!
    If you know, how I could manage it, please reply.
    thank you
    Steve Dreger

    Error -10920 is normally caused by speed limitations of your computer. Normally changing from debug to release mode will help fix this. Here are several other KBs that explain this error and how to fix it.
    If running the ResetDevice command does not work. I suggest opening MAX up and right click on Tradio
    nal NI-DAQ Devices, and then click on Reset driver.
    I hope this helps out.

  • Counter roll over

    I wonder what to do when  counter roll over.
    Do anyone have some examples what to do?

    It looks like you're trying to measure the frequency of your encoder signal using the 6251?  Your software-timed loop (code in your other thread) isn't the best way to go about this since the software timing is non-deterministic.  I think you should follow Stefo's advice in this thread to use a period measurement, which wouldn't give you the rollover problem.  I don't think there's a need for you to use both the A and the B signals, instead just measure the frequency of either A or B using the shipping example.
    Alternatively, you could generate a sample clock to sample your encoder task deterministically to determine the frequency by subtracting consecutive samples.  You still can't reset the counter, but you can certainly account for the overflow in software.  In fact, if you typecast the data to U32 (you can actually read the data as U32 with the DAQmx API) before the subtraction, the overflow would take care of itself (0 - 4294967295 = 1 if the data is U32).
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

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