Calendar not working...

I have a following piece of code embedded in jsp but its not popping out a plz
<li><label for="flightDepartureDate">Departing:</label> <input
          type="text" name="criteria.displayDepartureDatetime" readonly="readonly"
          onblur="updateCheckout();return true;"
          value="<c:out value="${flightSearchForm.criteria.displayDepartureDatetime}"/>"><a
          onClick="displayCalendar('criteria.displayDepartureDatetime', 'false','<%= request.getContextPath() %>');">
     <img src="<cms:ref path="global" reference="images_calendar"/>"
          alt="calendar" title="calendar" /> </a> <label for="flightReturnDate">Returning:</label>
     <input type="text" NAME="criteria.displayReturnDatetime"
          onblur="updateCheckout();return true;"
          value="<c:out value="${flightSearchForm.criteria.displayReturnDatetime}"/>"><a
          onClick="displayCalendar('criteria.displayReturnDatetime', 'false','<%= request.getContextPath() %>');"></li>
     <img src="<cms:ref path="global" reference="images_calendar"/>"
          alt="calendar" title="calendar" />
// Calendar Library
// This calendar is used when a user clicks on a link (image or text). A pop-up window is
// displayed and the user can click on an arrow to move to the next or previous month.
// When the user clicks on one of the days in the month the calendar window is closed and
// the selected date will now be displayed in the day and month option lists (focus is
// returned to the month option list).
// Usage: Add the following lines of code to your page to enable the Calendar
// component.
// // This line loads the JavaScript library for the calendar
// <script language="JavaScript" src="calendar.js"></script>
// // This line is used in conjunction with one form field (dateField).
// // *** NOTE ***
// <a href="#showCalendar
// onClick="setDateField(setDateField(document.mainForm.startDate));
// newWin ='calendar.html','cal','dependent=yes,width=200,height=200')">
// <img src="../icons/icon_more.png" width=22 height=15 border=0></a>
// Note : when the calling window is an included jsp page make sure
// you use top.newWin ! Example Useage in the call centre app is :
// <a href="#showCalendar
// onClick="showCalendar('checkOutDate');
// top.newWin ='<%= request.getContextPath() %>/webcontent/calendar.jsp',
// 'cal',
// 'dependent=yes,width=200,height=200, left=500,top=500');">
// <img src="<cms:ref path="search" reference="images_calendar"/>" alt="calendar" title="calendar" />
// </a>
// Required Files:
// calendar.js - contains all JavaScript functions to make the calendar work
// calendar.jsp - is the actual calendar that is opened by the initial page when
// the user clicks on icon_more.gif.
// image file - image that the user clicks on to view the calendar
// Begin user editable section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tableBGColor = "#dfefff"; // BG COLOR OF THE CALENDAR TABLE
cellColor = "#ffffff"; // TABLE CELL BG COLOR OF THE DATE CELLS
hoverColor = "#dfefff"; // TEXT COLOR OF A LINK WHEN YOU HOVER OVER IT
fontStyle = "8pt arial, helvetica"; // TEXT STYLE FOR DATES
headingFontStyle = "bold 8pt arial, helvetica"; // TEXT STYLE FOR WEEKDAY ABBREVIATIONS
// Formatting preferences
// End of User Editable Section ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Determine browser type
var isNav = false;
var isIE = false;
// Assume Netscape or IE
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
     isNav = true;
} else {
     isIE = true;
var dateField = null;
var startDay;
var startMonth;
var startYear;
var format = null;
//used to determine if age needs to be calculated as well
var updateAge = false;
// Pre-build portions of the calendar when this JavaScript Library loads into the browser
// Calendar functions begin here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sets the initial value of the global date field
function showCalendar(inDateField, calcAge) {
     dateField = document.getElementById(inDateField);
// Set the colours of the calendar
// Set default value of noDateSelected
     noDateSelected = 1;
//determine if the calculateAge function on the parent must be called;
     updateAge = calcAge;
// Construct the calendar
     calDocBottom = buildBottomCalFrame();
function displayCalendar(inDateField, calcAge, calendarPath)
     // lets close the calendar window if its already open. Its safer dude!
     if (top.newWin != null) top.newWin.close();
     calendarURL = calendarPath + "/webcontent/common/calendar.html";
     showCalendar(inDateField, calcAge);
     top.newWin =, "cal", "dependent=yes,width=200,height=200, left=500,top=500");
Set the initial calendar date to today or to the existing value in dateField
function setInitialDate() {
     calDate = new Date();
     today = new Date();
     currentDate = new Date();
     if (dateField.value.length == 11) {
          noDateSelected = 0;
          var day = dateField.value.substring(0, 2);
          var month = dateField.value.substring(3, 6).toUpperCase();
          var year = dateField.value.substring(7, 11);
          if (month == "JAN") {
          } else {
               if (month == "FEB") {
               } else {
                    if (month == "MAR") {
                    } else {
                         if (month == "APR") {
                         } else {
                              if (month == "MAY") {
                              } else {
                                   if (month == "JUN") {
                                   } else {
                                        if (month == "JUL") {
                                        } else {
                                             if (month == "AUG") {
                                             } else {
                                                  if (month == "SEP") {
                                                  } else {
                                                       if (month == "OCT") {
                                                       } else {
                                                            if (month == "NOV") {
                                                            } else {
                                                                 if (month == "DEC") {
                                                                 } else {
     if (isNaN(calDate)) {
          noDateSelected = 1;
          calDate = new Date();
     } else {
          startDay = calDate.getDate();
          startMonth = calDate.getMonth();
          startYear = calDate.getYear();
     calDay = calDate.getDate();
     calMonth = calDate.getMonth();
// Set day value to 1... to avoid JavaScript date calculation anomalies
// (if the month changes to Feb and the day is 30, the month would change to
// March and the day would change to 2. Setting the day to 1 will prevent that)
Sets the calendar colours
function setCalColour() {
     bottomBackground = "#6598fe";
     tableBGColor = "#dfefff";
     cellColor = "#ffffff";
     hoverColor = "#dfefff";
     logo = "cal_logo_lilac.gif";
Create the calendar
function buildBottomCalFrame() {
// Start calendar document
     var calDoc = calendarBegin + "<div class=\"calender\"><table align=center border=0 width=140>" + "<tr>" + "<td align=left><a href='javascript:parent.opener.setPreviousMonth()' class='navigate'><</a></td>" + "<td style=\"font-weight:700; color:#ffffff; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:center;\">" + getMonth(calDate.getMonth()) + "</td>" + "<td align=left><a href='javascript:parent.opener.setNextMonth()' class='navigate'>></span></td>" + "</tr>";
calDoc = calDoc + "<tr>" + "<td align=left><a href='javascript:parent.opener.setPreviousYear()' class='navigate'><</span></td>" + "<td style=\"font-weight:700; color:#ffffff; margin:0; padding:0; text-align:center;\">" + calDate.getFullYear() + "</td>" + "<td align=left><a href='javascript:parent.opener.setNextYear()' class='navigate'>></span></td>" + "</tr>" + "</table></div >" + calendarTable;
     month = calDate.getMonth();
     year = calDate.getFullYear();
// Get globally tracked day value (prevents JavaScript date anomalies)
     day = calDay;
     var counter = 0;
     var days = getDaysInMonth();
// If global day value is > than days in month, highlight last day in month
     if (day > days) {
          day = days;
// Determine what day of the week the calendar starts on
     var firstOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1);
// Get the day of the week the first day of the month falls on
     var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay();
     days += startingPos;
     var columnCount = 0;
// Make beginning non-date cells blank
     for (counter = 0; counter < startingPos; counter++) {
          calDoc += blankCell;
     var currentDay = 0;
     var dayType = "weekday";
// Date cells contain a number
     for (counter = startingPos; counter < days; counter++) {
          var paddingChar = " ";
          if (counter - startingPos + 1 < 10) {
               padding = "  ";
          } else {
               padding = " ";
          currentDay = counter - startingPos + 1;
// Set the type of day
          if (noDateSelected == 0 && (currentDay == startDay) && (startMonth == calDate.getMonth() && startYear == calDate.getYear())) {
               dayType = "focusDay";
          } else {
               if (noDateSelected == 1 && (currentDay == currentDate.getDate()) && (calDate.getMonth() == currentDate.getMonth())) {
                    dayType = "focusDay";
               } else {
                    dayType = "weekDay";
          calDoc += "<td align=center bgcolor='" + cellColor + "'>" + "<a class='" + dayType + "' href='javascript:parent.opener.returnDate(" + currentDay + ")'>" + padding + currentDay + paddingChar + "</a></td>";
// Start a new row when necessary
          if (columnCount % 7 == 0) {
               calDoc += "</tr><tr>";
// Make remaining non-date cells blank
     for (counter = days; counter < 42; counter++) {
          calDoc += blankCell;
// Start a new row when necessary
          if (columnCount % 7 == 0) {
               calDoc += "</tr>";
               if (counter < 41) {
                    calDoc += "<tr>";
     calDoc += calendarEnd;
     return calDoc;
Write the monthly calendar once the forward/backward arrow has been clicked on
function writeCalendar() {
     calDocBottom = buildBottomCalFrame();;
Set the global date to the previous month and refresh the calendar
function setPreviousMonth() {
     var year = calDate.getFullYear();
     var month = calDate.getMonth();
     // If month is January, set month to December and decrement the year
     if (month == 0) {
          month = 11;
          if (year > 1000) {
     } else {
Set the global date to the previous year and refresh the calendar
function setPreviousYear() {
     var year = calDate.getFullYear();
// Set the global date to next month and refresh the calendar
function setNextMonth() {
     var year = calDate.getFullYear();
     var month = calDate.getMonth();
// If month is December, set month to January and increment the year
     if (month == 11) {
          month = 0;
     } else {
// Set the global date to next year and refresh the calendar
function setNextYear() {
     var year = calDate.getFullYear();
Get number of days in the month
function getDaysInMonth() {
     var days;
     var month = calDate.getMonth() + 1;
     var year = calDate.getFullYear();
     if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) {
          days = 31;
     } else {
          if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {
               days = 30;
          } else {
               if (month == 2) {
                    if (isLeapYear(year)) {
                         days = 29;
                    } else {
                         days = 28;
     return (days);
Check to see if the year is a leap year
function isLeapYear(Year) {
     if (((Year % 4) == 0) && ((Year % 100) != 0) || ((Year % 400) == 0)) {
          return (true);
     } else {
          return (false);
Build the month select list
function getMonth(month) {
     monthArray = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
// Return a string value which contains a select list of all 12 months
     return monthArray[month];
Set days of the week
function createWeekdayList() {
     daysInWeekLongName = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
     daysInWeekShortName = new Array("Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa");
     var weekdays = "<tr bgcolor='" + headingCellColor + "'>";
// Loop through the weekday array
     for (var index = 0; index < daysInWeekShortName.length; index++) {
          weekdays += "<td class='heading' align=center>" + daysInWeekShortName[index] + "</td>";
     weekdays += "</tr>";
// Return table row of weekday abbreviations to display above the calendar
     return weekdays;
Pre-build portions of the calendar (for performance reasons)
function buildCalParts() {
// Generate weekday headers for the calendar
     weekdays = createWeekdayList();
// Build the blank cell rows
     blankCell = "<td align=center bgcolor='" + cellColor + "'>  </td>";
// Build the top portion of the calendar page using CSS to control some display elements
     calendarBegin = "<html>" + "<head>" + "<TITLE>Calendar</TITLE>" + "<style>";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "TD.heading { text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; font: " + headingFontStyle + "; }";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "B { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; font: " + headingFontStyle + "; }";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "A.focusDay:link { color: " + focusColor + "; text-decoration: none; font: " + fontStyle + "; }" + "A.focusDay:hover { color: " + focusColor + "; text-decoration: none; font: " + fontStyle + "; }" + "A.focusDay:visited { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; font: " + fontStyle + "; }";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "A.weekday:link { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; font: " + fontStyle + "; }" + "A.weekday:hover { color: " + hoverColor + "; font: " + fontStyle + "; }" + "A.weekday:visited { color: #000000; text-decoration: none; font: " + fontStyle + "; }";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "A.navigate:link { font-weight:700; color:#ffffff; text-decoration: none; }" + "A.navigate:hover { font-weight:700; color:#ffffff; text-decoration: none; }" + "A.navigate:visited { font-weight:700; color:#ffffff; text-decoration: none; }";
calendarBegin = calendarBegin + "</style>" + "</head>" + "<body style=\"background-color:#3d70d6; font:normal 75% arial, helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:center; margin:0; padding:0;\">" + "<center>";
// Netscape needs a table container to display the table outlines properly
     if (isNav) {
          calendarTable = "<table CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1 border=" + tableBorder + " align=center bgcolor=\"" + tableBGColor + "\"><tr><td>" +
// Build weekday headings
          "<table CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1 border=" + tableBorder + " align=center bgcolor=\"" + tableBGColor + "\">" + weekdays + "<tr>";
     } else {
// Build weekday headings
          calendarTable = "<table CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=1 border=" + tableBorder + " align=center bgcolor=\"" + tableBGColor + "\">" + weekdays + "<tr>";
// Build the bottom portion of the calendar page
     calendarEnd = "";
// Whether or not to display a thick line below the calendar
     if (bottomBorder) {
          calendarEnd += "<tr></tr>";
// Netscape needs a table container to display the table outlines properly
     if (isNav) {
          calendarEnd += "</td></tr></table>";
// End the table and the HTML document
     calendarEnd += "</table>" + "<a href='javascript: self.close ();' class='linktext' style=\"font-weight:700; color:#ffffff;\">Close Calendar Window</a>" + "</center>" + "</body>" + "</html>";
// Set form field value to the date selected and close the calendar window
function returnDate(selectedDay) {
// Set the date returned to the user
     var day = "0" + calDate.getDate();
     day = day.substring(day.length - 2, day.length);
     var month = monthArray[calDate.getMonth()];
     month = month.substring(0, 3);
     dateField.value = day + "-" + month + "-" + calDate.getFullYear();
// Close the calendar window
     if (updateAge === "true") {

Too much unformatted code to even try and understand.
Is this a Java/JSP question or javascript issue?
Is there an error message loading the page?
Are there any javascript notifications (check the alert bottom left of IE browser)
When does the error occur? Loading the page? Pushing the button?
My suggestion would be to
- view source on the generated HTML. See if the html is valid, and correct.
- change the onclick event of the button to pop up an "alert" so you can see it is actually getting to the button press. Then put alerts through the code you are calling to see if it is actually getting there.

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    Hello, mhart252.
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    Hello @Djamour,
    I understand that you are getting a continiuos error concerning HP Touchsmart Calendar & Notes on your HP TouchSmart IQ505 Desktop PC and you would like it resolved. I would advise you to download and install the HP TouchSmart Calendar Application Update, which should update your software and hopefully resolve your error.
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    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
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    For Mail.
    Do a backup.
    Take notes of all account information or take screen shots. You may need to set the accounts up again. Quit Mail.
    Copy the line below.
    Select Go/Go To Folder from the Finder menu bar. Paste the line into the window. You won’t see it.
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    Relaunch Mail and test. If the problem is solved, recreate any required Mail settings and import any emails you want to save from the folder on the desktop. If the problem remains, return the folder to where you got it replacing the one that is there. 
    Information learned from Linc Davis.
    If you prefer to make your user library permanently visible, use the Terminal command found below.
    Show User Library Directory in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion & 10.8 Mountain Lion
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    When you say " I also changed the default start to 7:30 and end 4:30", are you talking about the
    project information in the project tab? You're supposed to be able to specify only one of the parameters (start date or finish date) depending if you're back-planning or not.
    Check if the option "ignore resource calendar" on the task if checked.
    Also try to press F9.
    Are the task manually scheduled? Do you have constraints on the tasks?
    Maybe share a screenshot so it'll be easier to help you.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

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    Not sure if this is a common theme amongst others but when I place an address into an event in calendar and then go to add travel time, the menu using my location times out and disapears.

    sberman Southern California
    This solved my questionRe: Calendar Travel Time Starting from Work when I want to Start from Home Oct 23, 2013 8:43 PM (in response to theglenlivet12)
    From Calendar's help:
    To set your starting location, Calendar first looks for your location in any events that are up to three hours before this event. If Calendar doesn’t find a location, it uses your work address during work hours and your home address during other hours. (Your work hours are set in Calendar preferences using the “Day starts at” and “Day ends at” menus.) If your card in Contacts doesn’t have your addresses, Calendar uses your computer’s current location.

  • Calendar not working properly after software upgrade

    Today I upgraded my touch software to version 4.1 (8B117). Since this upgrade, the calendar doesn't work properly. Before the upgrade this is the scenario: I would go into my Calendar (synced with my gmail calendar) in "List" view. There was always a brief pause where the calendar would refresh. The screen would go white for a second and the "List" view would reappear. After the upgrade, I see the same refresh but the screen stays white. It won't display my calendar in "List" view anymore... unless I click on either "Day" or "Month" view and then back to "List". Anyone else experiencing this? I don't know if the upgrade is the reason but that's the only thing that changed today so I'm very suspicious.

    Not sorted on mine,
    Dates are added at random, so are times, i.e. a item in outlook 2010 is set for 09.00am on the 16 dec 2010.
    the date will come up as 14.35pm 20 dec 2010 on the ipod. This also occurs with repeated items, weekly, monthly and annual. as a % its about 5/15% of all appointments but they are the ones that matter most.
    Things I have tried to resolve this include the following,
    I have reset the ipod with factory settings, I have deleted All dates in outlook then synced to ensure all dates have been deleted, I have also tried the above and then reflashed the update before re syncing them.,
    Selected replace items on next sync button in itunes
    put repeating dates in and they have All been date changed and hours changed at random. BUT not changed in outlook on re-syncing. I know that the database is fine as I have also synced with an Android phone and a Win Mobile 6.5 phone and the dates Have correctly entered in both devices.
    Some of the dates have changed by as much as 9 days, the hours by minutes up to 16/17 hours.
    Ipod details, 32Gb at present 24Gb free so not a space issue...
    The ipod touch has been updated with 4.2.1 (8C148) Running itunes
    settings in ipod are for location london, in general and also im mail.
    (factory reset not upgraded and also tried on 2 computers running win7 pro 1 x32bit 1x64bit)

  • Notifications from Calendar not working

    Since I upgraded to ios6, my calendar notifications only work occasionally.  I have it set to a specific sound (I even tried changing to different ones!) and it is also set to show as an alert.  Even when the sound works, it is very short, it does not show as an alert, and if I miss the sound, it won't show on my lock screen!  Any suggestions?

    Update - resetting and starting over seems to have worked for now - thanks Spiff.
    On the Newstand issue, resetting my ipad and iphone multiple times and trying the "restore purchases" function in the magazine itself finally allowed a download in the ipad, however even though it allowed it, it still gave me the "no purchases made" error - very strange but I have the issue of the magazine on both devices.
    Absolutely no luck with Notifications - I woke up this morning and none of my twitter or facebook or news notifications are there, again, just the apple ones (mail, calendar, messenger).

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