Call a function from another software

Iam working on a program where i have to invoke a function from another software, is there any way i can do that? someone told me that i can use RMI to invoke the function but it seems to me like RMI is mainly for networked and distributed systems. any suggestions? i have an idea in my mind, if the software is programmed using c/c++ i can use the native coding to access the functions, well this is only a blind shot, not sure about it.

Hey asrar,
It is possible to call external programs from within the JVM. You need to do the following:
Process p = java.lang.Runtime.getInstance().exec("some.exe");
You can then do the following:
This will block until the process returns.
The Process class gives you access to 3 streams.
p.getInputStream(); returns a stream that the process sends to stdout.
p.getErrorStream(); returns a stream that the process sends to stderr.
p.getOutputStream(); returns a stream that allows you to send data to the process.
That is basically all you get.

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    Originally posted by:
    Dan Bracuk
    Generally, to call a function from within a cfc, you do
    exactly what you do outside a cfc.
    For your specific case, if your requirements permit it, you
    might consider caching the big query for a couple of seconds. Then
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    By the way... goTell has nothing in it. It's just a blank function for testing purposes.

    BTW - Wrap your code like this in posts tags so it stay readable.
    put code here
    Your code needs to be:
    MainView *myMainView = [[MainView alloc] init];
    [MyMainView goTell];

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    public class MainDisplayController implements Initializable, ControlledScreen {
        ScreensController myController;
        public static char restrict;
         * Initializes the controller class.
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
            // TODO
        public void setRestriction(){
            restrict = 0;
        public void clearRestriction(){
            restrict = 1;
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        private Label passwordLabel ;
        static String password = new String();
        static String pwd = new String("");
         ScreensController myController;
         private MainDisplayController controller2;
         * Initializes the controller class.
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            setPW(pwd);    // TODO
        private void goToMainDisplay(ActionEvent event){
            if(password.equals ("123456")){
               pwd = "";
               password = "";
            else if(password.equals ("123457")){
               pwd = "";
               password = "";
                password = "";
                pwd = "";
    When I enter the restricted (or full) password, I get a long list of errors, ending with
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
      at velocesdisplay.EntryDisplayController.goToMainDisplay(
    Line 60 is where "controller2.setRestriction(); is.
    As always, thanks for any help.
    Kind regards,

    You never set the controller2 variable to anything, which is why you get a null pointer exception when you try to reference it.
    public static variables (and even singletons) are rarely a good idea as they introduce global state (sometimes they can be, but usually not).
    If a static recorder like this can only have a binary value, use a boolean, if it can have multiple values, use an enum.
    Some of the data sharing solutions in dependency injection - Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML - Stack Overflow might be more appropriate.
    I also created a small framework for roll based solutions in JavaFX which perhaps might be useful:
    It was just something I hacked together, so it's not a fully polished solution and you probably don't need something quite so complex.
    What you need is a model class shared between the components of your application.  Dependency injection frameworks such as afterburner.fx can help achieve this in a fairly simple to use way.
    If you don't want to go with a dependency injection framework, then you could use either a static singleton model class for your settings or pass the model class using the mechanism in defined in the passing parameters link I provided.  For a model class example, see the ClickCounter class from this example.   That example doesn't use FXML, but to put it together with the passing parameters solution, for your restriction model, you would have something like the following:
       private class Restricted {
         private final ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper restricted;
         public Restricted(boolen isRestricted) {
           restricted = new ReadOnlyBooleanWrapper(isRestricted);  
         public boolean isRestricted() {
           return restricted.get();
         public ReadOnlyBooleanProperty restrictedProperty() {
           return restricted.getReadOnlyProperty();
    Then in your EntryDisplayController you have:
    public void goToMainDisplay(ActionEvent event) {
         // determine the restriction model as per your original code...
         RestictionModel restrictionModel = new RestrictionModel(<appropriate value>);
      FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(
      Stage stage = new Stage(StageStyle.DECORATED);
       new Scene(
         (Pane) loader.load()
      MainDisplayController controller =
    class MainDisplayController() {
      @FXML private RestrictionModel restrictionModel;
      @FXML private RestrictLabel restrictLabel;
      public void initialize() {}
      // naming convention (if the restriction model should only be set once per controller, call the method init, otherwise call it set).
      public void initRestrictionModel(RestrictionModel restrictionModel) {
        this.restrictionModel = restrictionModel;
         // take some action based on the new restriction model, for example
    If you have a centralized controller for your navigation and instantiation of your FXML (like in this small FXML navigation framework), then you can handle the setting of restrictions on new screens centrally within the framework at the point where it loads up FXML or navigates to a screen (it seems like you might already have something like this with your ScreensController class).
    If you do this kind of stuff a lot, then you would probably benefit from a move to a framework like afterburner.  If it is just a few times within your application, then perhaps something like the above outline will give you enough guidance to implement a custom solution.

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    boton.onPress = animate ;
    Function animate () {
         animation1 (onComplete: animation2);
         animation2 (onComplete: animation3);
         animation3 ;
    Function animation1 () { Tween 1};
    Function animation2 () { Tween 2};
    Function animation3 () { Tween 3};
    any suggestions ?

    I'd do something like this:
    boton.onPress = animation1 ;
    Function animation1 () {
         var Tween1 = new Tween();
        Tween1.onComplete =  animation2;
    Function animation2 () {
         var Tween2 = new Tween();
         Tween2.onComplete = animation3;
    Function animation3 () {
         var Tween3 = new Tween();

  • Problems calling a function from another function

    Hello all.
    I am trying to create a function that will loop a few other function.
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                        private function publish(event:MouseEvent):void
                            if (doPublish.label == 'Publish')
                                // create a new NetStream object for video publishing
                                nsPublish = new NetStream(nc);
                                nsPublish.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, nsPublishOnStatus);
                                // set the buffer time to zero since it is chat
                                nsPublish.bufferTime = 0;
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                                nsPublish.send("@setDataFrame", "onMetaData", metaData);
                                // attach the camera and microphone to the server
                                doPublish.label = 'Stop';
                                // here we are shutting down the connection to the server
                                doPublish.label = 'Publish';
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                protected function startloop():void {
    But i get the error Access of undefined property event.
    Any ideas on how i can call this function ?  I need to call it as part of a loop against a timer..
    Thanks in advance

    Need more info. Are you using a ViewStack or other navigator container, and trying to access a view that has not been displayed yet, due to deferred instantiation?
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
    Flex Training and Support Services

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  • How to call a servlet from another servlet

    hi everybody,
    i have a problem, i have to call one servlet from another one.
    Everything works on my pc, but when i install the application on the customer's server i got an error about an Uknown URL followed by the name of the machine.
    Wjat i do is the folloqing :
    String urlString = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+"/"+servletName;
    URL url = new URL(urlString);
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    the variable servletName is the name of the servlet i have to call.
    Is there another way to call the servlet ?
    All the servlet are installed in the same server.
    Any suggestion ?

    Sweep is correct about requestDispatcher being another approach for inter-servlet delegation; the only issue that i recall with this approach is that it defaults the method of the destination servlet to the one it was called from...for example, calling servlet2 from within resulted in the dispatcher attempting to utilize - i believe that i searched for a parameterize solution to no avail :( (ended up handling the request by placing a "fake" doPost() in servlet2 that simply called servlet2.doGet())
    however, if your application is functioning correctly on your pc/webserver then the problem may be external to servlet communication (e.g. client webserver's ports not configured or blocked, missing runtime classes, etc.)
    my suggestion would be to set aside the programmatic concerns for the moment - what is the response if you open a browser on a client's machine and access the URL in question (i.e. http://clientserver:port/stefanoServlet)? If it will not respond to access in this manner then it certainly won't when your application calls for it.
    It's possible that there is a coding error but, given the info supplied, i'd start examining the environment, first. Let us know if you have any luck with the test i recommended or not (please provide abundant detail). Or, if you've found the solution then you may want to post back with a quick blub so the next person knows how to escape the trap.

  • Can I call a function from a dll in LabVIEW that returns:double*string and int.?

    I have a function from a dll that return a double* string and an integer. How can I call this function from LabVIEW? There is a possibility to work in LabVIEW with a double* string?

    pcbv wrote:
    > Hello all,<br><br>The header of the function is:
    > "HRESULT WRAPIEnumerateDevices(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE **ppDeviceList, long *plItems);"
    > where WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE have this form:
    > typedef struct WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE<br>{<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceName;<br>
    > WCHAR *pDeviceDescription;<br><br>}
    > WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE;<br><br>
    > The function is from WRAPI.dll, used for communication with wireless card.
    > For my application I need to call in LabVIEW this function.
    Two difficulties I can see with this.
    First the application seems to allocate the array of references
    internally and return a pointer to that array. In that case there must
    be another function which then deallocates that array again.
    Then you would need to setup the function call to have a pointer to an
    int32 number for the deviceList parameter and another pointer to int32
    one for the plItems parameter.
    Then create another function in your DLL similar to this:
    HRESULT WRAPIEnumExtractDevice(WRAPI_NDIS_DEVICE *lpDeviceList, long i,
    CHAR lpszDeviceName, LONG lenDeviceName,
    CHAR lpszDeviceDesc, LONG lenDeviceDesc)
    if (!lpDeviceList)
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceName, -1,
    lpszDeviceName, lenDeviceName,
    NULL, NULL);
    if (lpDeviceList[i].pDeviceName)
    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
    pDeviceList[i].pDeviceDescription, -1,
    lpszDeviceDesc, lenDeviceDesc,
    NULL, NULL);
    return NO_ERROR;
    Pass the int32 you got from the first parameter of the previous call as
    a simple int32 passed by value to this function (and make sure you don't
    call this function with a higher index than (plItems - 1) returned from
    the first function.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Regarding calling 1 report from another

    Hello Friends,
       Can u plz tell me how to call one report from another report.

    Use SUBMIT program statement
    chk this.
    *Code used to populate 'select-options' & execute report 
    DATA: seltab type table of rsparams,
          seltab_wa like line of seltab.
      seltab_wa-selname = 'PNPPERNR'.
      seltab_wa-sign    = 'I'.
      seltab_wa-option  = 'EQ'.
    load each personnel number accessed from the structure into
    parameters to be used in the report
      loop at pnppernr.
        seltab_wa-low = pnppernr-low.
        append seltab_wa to seltab.
      SUBMIT zreport with selection-table seltab
                                    via selection-screen.
    *Code used to populate 'parameters' & execute report 
    SUBMIT zreport with p_param1 = 'value'
                    with p_param2 = 'value'.
    Other additions for SUBMIT
    *Submit report and return to current program afterwards
    SUBMIT zreport AND RETURN.
    *Submit report via its own selection screen
    *Submit report using selection screen variant
    *Submit report but export resultant list to memory, rather than
    *it being displayed on screen
    Once report has finished and control has returned to calling
    program, use function modules LIST_FROM_MEMORY, WRITE_LIST and
    DISPLAY_LIST to retrieve and display report.
    \[removed by moderator\]
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Jul 29, 2008 5:25 PM

  • VPD: Problems calling a function on another schema

    Here's the setup:
    I've create a schema called "AllYourBase".  It contains all of my tables, views, functions, procs, etc.
    These tables are protected by a DBMS_RLS policy.  The policy uses a function to define its predicate which looks like this:
    create or replace function tous_filter(schemaName varchar2, tableName varchar2)
    return varchar2 is
    return  'account = sys_context(''USERENV'', ''CLIENT_IDENTIFIER'')';
    All of the tables have an account column for this to work.  So far, this is a pretty basic VPD setup.
    I have other db users that login and view data in the "AllYourBase" schema.
    So when "ArbyLong" logs in, I set sys_context('USERENV', 'CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') to "ArbyLong", and when he runs a query, he gets back his rows.
    Now, "AllYourBase" has several functions.  Here's a very contrived, simplified example of one (but it illustrates the issue I'm running into just fine):
    create or replace function getUserID
    return integer is retval integer;
    select user_id into retval from users;
    return (retval);
    When "ArbyLong" runs the equivalent query (select user_id from users), he gets back the one row where the account column is equal to "ArbyLong", as expected.
    But this getUserID function lives in the "AllYourBase" schema.  And here's the catch: I've made "AllYourBase" exempt from the policies by running "grant exempt access policy to AllYourBase".
    When "ArbyLong" runs the function getUserID, it runs in the "AllYourBase" schema and pulls ALL of the rows from the users table.
    This particular function simply errors out (since it's only expecting one row), but other functions are returning data that the logged in user shouldn't see.
    So even though there are policies in place, by calling a function on another schema who is exempt from the policies, a user is able to see all returned data and not just the rows they are normally limited to.
    Ultimately my question is this: Is there a way to enforce VPD policies when a user calls a function that lives in another schema?
    Doing my own research, the answers I've come up with are:
    * Don't use "grant exempt policy"!
    * Put the function directly into the users' schemas.  So "ArbyLong" would have his own getUserID function that would look at the "AllYourBase" users table.
    I'd rather not do either of these, so does anyone have any other ideas?  If it turns out these are the only solutions, then I'll go with one of them.

    Need more info. Are you using a ViewStack or other navigator container, and trying to access a view that has not been displayed yet, due to deferred instantiation?
    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
    Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
    Flex Training and Support Services

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    Your posting is ambiguous. My impression is that you have two threads, both trying to create a java VM?

  • Creaing Message interface from another software component imported object

    Hi all,
      Will it be possible to creaing Message interface from another software component imported object like i need to create idoc Abstract interface in one software component by using the imported object from other software component

    In thise case your SC2 Software Component is dependent on SC1.
    Go  to the SLD, go to the software component SC2 and you will have an option Dependency and as shown in michal's blog make this SC2 dependent on SC1.
    Next, reimport your Software Components SC1 and SC2 in your IR . The old objects will contnue to exists but still clear the SLD cache, and reimport the SC1 and SC2 from the SLD.
    Now in SC2 you will see a new option called BASIS objects under which you can see the message interfaces of SC1.

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    Yet another cross-poster: [Calling java functions from c++|]

  • /How to call a function in another PowerShell script

    Hi All,
    I want to use dot-sourced method to call the function from other script,While calling Function.ps1 from the second script there is a Null value in the beginning,
    How can we ignore this null value or there is a better approach of doing it without using Import-Module.
    function add($x,$y)
    Write-Host "The value is $Z"
    add $a $b
    The second script which has been dot-source to call the function
    #================Main script==========
    . C:\Users\Anirban\Desktop\Tester.ps1 |Out-Null
    add 1 2
    Anirban Singha

    Dot Sourcing is adding the function ADD to console environment and the script is acting like a module vs a script with parameters.
    The Add $a $b line should be removed. (Where are $a and $b defined?)
    They are not defined hence, "The Value is " blank line
    function add($x,$y)
    Write-Host "The value is $Z"
    add $a $b
    Should be
    function add($x,$y)
    Write-Host "The value is $Z"
    PS C:\Test> . c:\tester.ps1
    Add 1 2
    Add 3 4
    The value is 3
    The value is 7
    However the add can work without dot sourcing the script file by parameterizing the script
    Param ($a,$b) # Parameters to the script
    function add($x,$y)
    Write-Host "The value is $Z"
    Add $a $b # body of script
    PS C:\Test> 
    C:\Tester.ps1 1 2
    C:\Tester.ps1 3 4
    The value is 3
    The value is 7

Maybe you are looking for