Calling a package function in the data template

Hello All,
I am not able to understand the concept of calling a function from the data template.
In my data template, I put the sql statement as
<sqlStatement name="Q_SEL">
<![CDATA[  Select l_period_name PERIOD_NAME
                         from xla_tb_ap_report_pvt.get_period_name(1) ]]>
Is it possible to call a specific package function as shown above in a select statement?
I am getting the message "ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended" when I tried with the above. Could you pls. point out what the error is in the above sqlStatement?
1) My instance is R12.1.3
2) The base pkg function 'xla_tb_ap_report_pvt.get_period_name' expects a number to be passed in as 'IN' parameter.

I tried another version of the sql statement (after going through some older posts) like:
<sqlStatement name="Q_SEL">
<![CDATA[  Select xla_tb_ap_report_pvt.get_period_name(1) PERIOD_NAME
                        from  dual]]>
My group is :
<group name="G_PERIOD_NAME" source="Q_SEL">
<element name="PERIOD_NAME" value="PERIOD_NAME"/>
Now getting the error message:
ORA-00904: xla_tb_ap_report_pvt.get_period_name : invaild identifier
What is it that i am doing wrong?
Edited by: OAF_Monkey on Mar 26, 2012 11:52 AM

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    Hi friends!!!
    First of all happy Christmas! And them please help! :)
    We have a query calling a package function:
    SELECT * FROM DW025H WHERE DW025H_NR=MPPCI.ENCR ('0000000000000000');There is a primary key just with one column DW025H_NR and the problem is that is not accessing by INDEX UNIQUE SCAN,
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    May be the problem is that we are calling a procedure inside the query?
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    We both are connecting the same data base and using Oracle SQL Developer!
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 5343K| 1406M| 15670 (7)| 00:02:43 |
    |* 1 | VIEW | DW025H | 5343K| 1406M| 15670 (7)| 00:02:43 |
    |* 2 | FILTER | | | | | |
    | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DW025H | 5343K| 1406M| 15670 (7)| 00:02:43 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    1 - filter("DW025H_NR"="MPPCI"."ENCRIPTAPAN"('0000000000000000'))
    The correct path would be:
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 276 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 1 | FILTER | | | | | |
    | 2 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| DW025H | 1 | 276 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 3 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | PK_DW025H | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    3 - access("DW025H_NR"="MPPCI"."ENCR"('0000000000000000'))
    Please any ideas!?!?!
    Thanks a lot!
    Edited by: jamv on Dec 20, 2011 10:50 AM

    Have a read of this and try to pull together the information in it and post it up here. That will help immensely with getting to the root of your problem...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    In the mean time:
    From the execution plan you have extra predicates that aren't present in the query you supplied, so that's either not the SQL or you have something like VPD switched on.
    Anyway, there could be lots of reasons for the difference in execution plan. Sorry if this is very basic and possibly patronising question but it's always worth checking the basics I think - are you both definitely connecting to the same database? If so, have a look in v$sqlarea for this SQL statement and find the SQL_ID, use this to query v$sql and look at the child_number column.
        sql_text like '%SELECT * FROM DW025H WHERE DW025H_NR=MPPCI.ENCR%(''0000000000000000'')%'
        sql_text not like '%v$sqlarea%'
    select child_number from v$sql where sql_id='<enter the sql id returned by the query above>'as an example...
    XXXX> select /* my sql statement*/ rownum id from dual;
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
    XXXX> select sql_id from v$sqlarea where sql_text like '%my sql statement%'
    and sql_text not like '%v$sqlarea%';
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:03.56
    XXXX> select child_number from v$sql where sql_id='a6ss4v79udz6g'
      2  /
    1 row selected.   If you have more than one row in v$sql there could be differences in the optimiser environment. The supplied like shows you how to gather the information that should help find what the differences are if any.
    Also as a side note if you're calling PL/SQL functions from SQL, you can take advantage of subquery caching to help reduce the number of calls (depending on your version). As it stands, your function is most likely going to be called for every row - when there is only a single row returned, that's not necessarily a problem but for multiple rows, the overhead can quickly grow. If there's no way to get rid of the function call, select the function from dual instead i.e.
    SELECT * FROM DW025H WHERE DW025H_NR= (SELECT MPPCI.ENCR%('0000000000000000') FROM dual);This also (as I learnt a couple of weeks ago) works when you're using columns in the table your selecting from as parameters to the function.

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    Oracle Client 8.04
    Oracle ODBC Driver 8.00.04
    VB 6.0
    Windows 2000
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    PACKAGE test
    TYPE test_cur IS REF CURSOR;
    FUNCTION mycur RETURN test_cur;
    END test;
    and under the Package Body folder created:
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    c_return test_cur;
    OPEN c_return FOR
    SELECT * FROM table_A;
    RETURN c_return;
    CLOSE c_return;
    END mycur;
    END test;
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    print x;
    and the query results are displayed as expected.
    The problem is trying to get the result back into a VB recordset
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    Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim sConnection As String
    Dim sSQL As String
    sSQL = "{call test.mycur}"
    sConnection = "Provider=MSDASQL;UID=" & sUserID & ";PWD=" &
    sPassword & ";Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; Server=" &
    sInstance & ";"
    Conn.Open sConnection
    RS.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    RS.Open sSQL, Conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic,
    adCmdStoredProc ' or adCmdText
    but get:
    ?err.Number -2147217900
    ?err.Source Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    ?err.Description [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Syntax error
    or access violation
    The problem is not with the connection or permissions, since the
    query works fine when I just use the select statement in the
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    in the package (eg sSQL = "Select * from table_A") and can
    process the resulting recordset in VB.
    I've also tried variations using:
    Set RS = Conn.Execute("{call test.mycur}")
    or using a Command object something like:
    Dim com As ADODB.Command
    Set com = New ADODB.Command
    With Conn
    .ConnectionString = sConnection
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    End With
    With com
    .ActiveConnection = Conn
    .CommandText = sSQL
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    End With
    Set RS.Source = com
    But still get the same errors. Any help is appreciated. Also, in
    my package body, is it necessary to explicitly close the cursor,
    or does the function just exit when it executes the return and
    not ever hit the close statement?
    Ed Holloman

    i don't know if you got your answer, but i work with VB and
    the procedure in the DB should have the cursor like you writen
    in your mail.
    to call a procedure in Oracle and get the data back
    into a recordset you shuld use a Command object like this:
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
    Set conn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
    Set cmd = CreateObject("adodb.command")
    Set rs = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
    With conn
    .ConnectionString = ""
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    End With
    With cmd
    .ActiveConnection = conn
    .CommandText = ""
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    End With
    'Then you set the rs to the command
    Set rs = cmd.Execute
    Set conn = Nothing
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set cmd = Nothing

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  • Call SQL Server function through the gateway

    Hello, Does anyone know if it is possible to call a SQL Server system function such as SERVERPROPERTY through the gateway?
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    Maybe I need to be a little bit more precise. It really depends on the data types being returned. When you look at the SERVERPROPERTY function you mentioned earlier and try to select for example the Collation, then SQl Server will return a SQL_VARIANT data type and that will fail - even using passthrough as SQL_VARIANT is not a supported data type.
    Let me use the passthrough example as it allows me to demonstrate it easily:
    SQL> SQL> declare
      2  val varchar2(100);
      3  c integer;
      4  nr integer;
      5  begin
      6  c:= dbms_hs_passthrough.open_cursor@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB;
      7  dbms_hs_passthrough.parse@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB (c, 'SELECT  SERVERPROPERTY(''Collation'') as Collation');
      8  LOOP
      9  nr:= DBMS_Hs_Passthrough.fetch_row@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c);
    10  exit when nr=0;
    11  dbms_hs_passthrough.get_value@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c,1,val);
    12  dbms_output.put_line(val);
    13  end loop;
    14  dbms_hs_passthrough.close_cursor@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c);
    15  end;
    16  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using
    SID=ORA-28511: lost RPC connection to heterogeneous remote agent using
    ORA-02063: preceding line from DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    Process ID: 16919
    Session ID: 148 Serial number: 16721
    When I now make sure the return value is a char data type by slightly modifying the select and including a convert it will work:
    SQL> declare
      2  val varchar2(100);
      3  c integer;
      4  nr integer;
      5  begin
      6  c:= dbms_hs_passthrough.open_cursor@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB;
      7  dbms_hs_passthrough.parse@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB (c, 'SELECT  convert(char,SERVERPROPERTY(''Collation'')) as Collation');
      8  LOOP
      9  nr:= DBMS_Hs_Passthrough.fetch_row@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c);
    10  exit when nr=0;
    11  dbms_hs_passthrough.get_value@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c,1,val);
    12  dbms_output.put_line(val);
    13  end loop;
    14  dbms_hs_passthrough.close_cursor@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB(c);
    15  end;
    16  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Just in case you have a procedure that returns the correct data type you have to make sure the gateway is configured correctly which means the parameter
    HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC needs to be set to TRUE and the function you want to call is listed in the HS_CALL_NAME parameter.
    Here for a userdefined function I have to specify:
    HS_CALL_NAME = "dbo.fx_SumTwoValues"
    and then  the udf based select:
    SQL> SELECT "dbo"."fx_SumTwoValues"@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB('7','8') AS SumOfTwoValues from "dummy"@DG4MSQL_EMGTW_1123_DB;
    - Klaus

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    check this documentation link especially the stmt...
    You cannot access remote package variables and constants.May be you can write a function in the remote db which when called will return the variable value.
    for calling remote package functions...
    syntax from documentation is [[schema.]package.]function_name[@dblink][(param_1...param_n)]
    an example given in the above link for this...
    EXECUTE fire_emp1@boston_server(1043);
    Ravi Kumar
    Edited by: on Aug 31, 2009 11:29 AM

  • Need to Achieve Grand Total in the Data Template

    Hi Team
    As per the requirements i need to achieve the grand total form the various level of Total. To achieve the Total i have used the SUM function and it works fine. Could you please suggest me how can i achieve the Grand Total. For your reference i am attaching the data template here that i am using.
    <group name="G_ITEM" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_ITEMQuery" groupFilter="">
                        <element name="ITEM_ID" dataType="varchar2" value="item_id" function=""/>
                        <element name="DESCRIPTION" dataType="varchar2" value="description" function=""/>
                        <element name="DIVISION" dataType="varchar2" value="division" function=""/>
                        <element name="UNITS_APPTD" dataType="varchar2" value="apptd_unit_qty" function=""/>
                        <element name="UNITS_RCVD" dataType="varchar2" value="unit_rcvd" function=""/>
                        <element name="WEIGHT_APPTD" dataType="varchar2" value="apptd_weight" function=""/>
                        <element name="WEIGHT_RCVD" dataType="varchar2" value="receipt_weight" function=""/>
                        <element name="SUM_UNITS_APPTD" value="G_ITEM.UNITS_APPTD" function="SUM()"/>
                        <element name="SUM_UNITS_RCVD" value="G_ITEM.UNITS_RCVD" function="SUM()"/>
                        <element name="SUM_WEIGHT_APPTD" value="G_ITEM.WEIGHT_APPTD" function="SUM()"/>
                        <element name="SUM_WEIGHT_RCVD" value="G_ITEM.WEIGHT_RCVD" function="SUM()"/>
                        <group name="G_TROUBLE" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_TROUBLEQuery" groupFilter="">
                             <element name="T_CODE" dataType="varchar2" value="trouble_code" function=""/>
                   <group name="G_DEPOSIT" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_DEPOSITQuery" groupFilter="">
                        <element name="ITEM_ID1" dataType="varchar2" value="ITEM_ID1" function=""/>
                        <element name="DESCRIPTION1" dataType="varchar2" value="DESCRIPTION1" function=""/>
                        <element name="UNIT_QTY1" dataType="varchar2" value="Unit_Qty1" function=""/>
                        <element name="SUM_UNIT_QTY1" value="G_DEPOSIT.UNIT_QTY1" function="SUM()"/>
                   <group name="G_TRANSPORT" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_TRANSPORTQuery" groupFilter="">
                        <element name="ITEM_ID2" dataType="varchar2" value="ITEM_ID2" function=""/>
                        <element name="DESCRIPTION2" dataType="varchar2" value="DESCRIPTION2" function=""/>
                        <element name="UNIT_QTY2" dataType="varchar2" value="Unit_Qty2" function=""/>
                        <element name="SUM_UNIT_QTY2" value="G_TRANSPORT.UNIT_QTY2" function="SUM()"/>
    I need SUM_UNITS_APPTD, SUM_UNIT_QTY1 and SUM_UNIT_QTY2 of 3 different group to be added to generate the Grand Total. PLEASE ADVISE

    Hi Domnic
    Thanks for the reply.
    I am not much aware of the XDO. Could you please let me know can i pass the field name in place of 2 and 3 as in your example.
    For example if i have field A and B and i need to add it then should it be
    <?xdofx:A+B?> in RTF.
    Else please give me the complete syntax.
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

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    I have an IPhone4 and is updated with version 6.1.3 and I am not able to connect with face time calls. I have checked the date ant time. I used to be able to use face time with no problem. Since the late os upgrace I have not been able to connect with face time.


  • Using Variable in the Data Template

    Hi All,
    I am on BIP and DB is SQL Server. My Data Model is a Data Template wherein I have written multiple SQL Statements. I want to use a variable in my Data Template, assign it a value and use that variable to limit one of the SQL statements in the where clause like
    declare @cnt int;
    set @cnt = select count(asset_id) from asset
    How do I use in the data template. I tried using it in a separate SQL statement but it throws me an error when i run the report like
    "Need to declare the scalar variable '@cnt'
    Can we have a variable section like parameter section we have in the data template to declare the parameters?
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Sorry for the shot follow up, can anybody please reply on this?

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          I am calling a special function in the dll using call library function node. There is a input parameter that it is a enum type in this function. I don't know how to deal this parameter for calling this function.Has anybody solved this problem?Please advise!
          I am appreciated of you anytime. 

    Most of the times an enum is just a U8/U16/U32, internally so probably you can call it with just a U8/U16/U32 or something. For the correct value you have to look at the definition.
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  • Does Less Than ( ) operator works in the data template SQL within CDATA ??

    I am trying to use <= operator (<= sysdate) in the data template sql query and it's throwing Java exceptions.
    I have CDATA around my sql and XML parser should ignore '<' symbol. Query works fine if I use 'ampersandlt;=' operator. Here is my query
    <sqlStatement name="Q_1" dataSourceRef="">
    <![CDATA[select * from table where date_column <= sysdate]]>
    Just want to know if this is a bug.
    Problem was solved. Use 'ampersandlt;' where ampersand is '&' for less than

    Try this..
    select * from table where date_column <= sysdate

  • FUNCTION Variable within Data Template

    Hi Im calling a function within my sql and i want to use the result as a bind variable.... here goes...
    Data Template...... XML
    <sqlStatement name="Q1">
    <![CDATA[select function_name( the_main_one,
    :the_main_one + 10 new_value
    from per_ppp]]>
    I get null value .... but from the_main_one i get a value..... any ideas... i checked for number and nvl(,0) and all that no luck
    is there a grouping thing involved here... where as i need to call the function from within another sql statement...

    It can be done.
    Step 1: Setup package.
    Step 2: Create a global variable for your function value
    Step 3: Before the calling function returns the value, set a global variable (placeholder)
    Step 4: Create a new function that returns the global variable, make sure it's after the first function call. Returning the value you might want to reset the global variable to null....
    Your good to go.
    Ike Wiggins

  • Functions needed in Data Template for XML output

    Hi ,
    Are there any oracle functions like abs() available
    in data_template to be used as follows
    group name="listItem" source="Q2">
    <element name="amount" value="abs(amount)"/>
    <element name="serialNumber" value="TXN_SERIAL_NO"/>
    I want the absolute value of the amount .
    Can I HIDE the xml Element like
    <element name="amount" value="amount"/> (i want to hide this tag in output?)
    Please do not suggest to do the same in the SQL query as I am using the SQL query to do something else and resolve another issue.

    You can do this abs in Template.
    use xdoxslt:abs or abs from xsl.
    if you want the data in the xml to habe absolute value , then write pl/sql package to this .
    <element name="amount" value="yourpcakage.yourabs(amount)"/>
    or do it in sql query, which you dont want to.

  • Unable to debug the Data Template Error in the Log file

    I am unable to debug the log file error message Please can anybody explain me in detail where the error lies and how to solve the error.The log file shows the following message.
    XDO Data Engine ver 1.0
    Resp: 50554
    Org ID : 204
    Request ID: 2865643
    All Parameters: USER_ID=1318:REPORT_TYPE=Report Only:P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID=1:TRNS_STATUS=Posted:P_APPROVED=Not Approved:PERIOD=Sep-05
    Data Template Code: ILDVAPDN
    Data Template Application Short Name: CLE
    Debug Flag: Y
    {TRNS_STATUS=Posted, REPORT_TYPE=Report Only, PERIOD=Sep-05, USER_ID=1318, P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID=1, P_APPROVED=Not Approved}
    Calling XDO Data Engine...
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataTemplateParser.getObjectVlaue(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataTemplateParser.replaceSubstituteVariables(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroupStructure(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.DataTemplate.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDODataEngine.runProgram(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    Start of After parameter Report Trigger Execution..
    Gl Set of Books.....P
    Organization NameVision Operations
    Entering TRNS STATUS POSTED****** 648Posted
    end of the trns status..687 Posted
    currency_code 20USD
    precision 332
    GL NAME 40Vision Operations (USA)
    Executing the procedure get format ..
    ExecutED the procedure get format and the Result..
    End of Before Report Execution..
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------
    Beginning post-processing of request 2865643 on node AP615CMR at 28-SEP-2006 07:58:26.
    Post-processing of request 2865643 failed at 28-SEP-2006 07:58:38 with the error message:
    One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 28-SEP-2006 07:58:38
    Thanks & Regards
    Suresh Singh

    Generally the DBAs are aware of the OPP service log. They can tell you the cause of the problem.
    Anyway, how did you resolve the issue?

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    we have passed Modifier List header id as parameter..
               SESSION_FLAG => 'Y',
               OTHER_PARAMS=>'LIST_HEADER_ID_QF = '||:TEST_BLK.MODIFIER_HEADER_ID);     Then, the form opens fine but as in Entry mode.. we want the data to be queried automatically for the passed Header Id.
    I have seen multiple posts on the similar requirement, and followed all the suggestions possible but didnt work.
    1. Is there anything i am missing here. please suggest.
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    Also, we are unable to open QPXPRLMS.fmb as it is huge and form is getting hanged, any inputs how to pen that?

    pass parameter using this syntax:
                                   '" CUSTOMER_NAME="'||param_to_pass2||'"');
              -- all the extra single and double quotes account for
              -- any spaces that might be in the passed values

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