Calling javac from a restricted-run NT policy

I'm a teacher wanting to use the java SDK, javac within a fairly secure NT set of mandatory policies where cmd is currently dissallowed for students, and RUN has been removed from the start menu.
Are there any methods that I can utilize, so that I can keep the existing secure settings?
I am the administrator for the 100 plus machines, so I'm open to any solutions...
Too bad these boxes aren't Linux...

Use an IDE, like JCreator. It's free, rather complete for teaching and not a big install.
However JCreator use the SDK to compile and execute. You may be in better position than me to know wether the NT policies may hindered its usage.

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    you better off using Run_Report_Object() instead of Run_Product(). There is a Whitepaper available on that details this. The problem that you run into is that Forms Services(thin clients) are multi user environments while Reports called via Run_Product() is a single user environment. This means that the Reports Runtime does not handle Reports requests in parallel but sequential one at a time. The first user blocks the runtime engines and all other hang for this time.

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    Message was edited by: ClayG

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    Thanks all!!!

    I (think I) understand the basics.. what I'm confused
    about is whether the methods are synced on the class
    type or a class instance?The short answer is; the instance for non-static methods, and the class for static methods, although it would be more accurate to say against the instance of the Class for static methods.
    The locking associated with the "sychronized" keyword is all based around an entity called a "monitor". Whenever a thread wants to enter a synchronized method or block, if it doesn't already "own" the monitor, it will try to take it. If the monitor is owned by another thread, then the current thread will block until the other thread releases the monitor. Once the synchronized block is complete, the monitor is released by the thread that owns it.
    So your question boils down to; where does this monitor come from? Every instance of every Object has a monitor associated with it, and any synchronized method or synchonized block is going to take the monitor associated with the instance. The following:
      synchronized void myMethod() { equivalent to:
      void myMethod() {
        synchronized(this) {
      ...Keep in mind, though, that every Class has an instance too. You can call "this.getClass()" to get that instance, or you can get the instance for a specific class, say String, with "String.class". Whenever you declare a static method as synchronized, or put a synchronized block inside a static method, the monitor taken will be the one associated with the instance of the class in which the method was declared. In other words this:
      public class Foo {
        synchronized static void myMethod() { equivalent to:
      public class Foo{
        static void myMethod() {
          synchronized(Foo.class) {...The problem here is that the instance of the Foo class is being locked. If we declare a subclass of Foo, and then declare a synchronized static method in the subclass, it will lock on the subclass and not on Foo. This is OK, but you have to be aware of it. If you try to declare a static resource of some sort inside Foo, it's best to make it private instead of protected, because subclasses can't really lock on the parent class (well, at least, not without doing something ugly like "synchronized(Foo.class)", which isn't terribly maintainable).
    Doing something like "synchronized(this.getClass())" is a really bad idea. Each subclass is going to take a different monitor, so you can have as many threads in your synchronized block as you have subclasses, and I can't think of a time I'd want that.
    There's also another, equivalent aproach you can take, if this makes more sense to you:
      static final Object lock = new Object();
      void myMethod() {
        synchronized(lock) {
          // Stuff in here is synchronized against the lock's monitor
      }This will take the monitor of the instance referenced by "lock". Since lock is a static variable, only one thread at a time will be able to get into myMethod(), even if the threads are calling into different instances.

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    In client server mode you can use RUN_PRODUCT built-in. Lookup help for this built-in for more details.
    Best of luck!

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    Hi. When you look at the code I provided for you in other thread you will see that connecting to adapter is done through JNDI lookup. The creation of the adapter is done in your J2EE server. Here is some code for you where you can find mapping from code to ejb-jar and orion-ejb-jar.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ejb-jar xmlns=""
    This file declares the interface (needs/promises) of the message-driven bean.
    The MDB requires:
    - a JMS queue (to receive messages from the client),
    - a JMS exception queue (to send undeliverable messages back to the source), and
    - a connection factory (to communicate with a JMS resource provider).
    Note that communication with the resource provider may be (and for this
    application is) via a JMS Connector rather than direct.
    <display-name>JMS Consume MDB - opp-ifs</display-name>
    <description>Entity Bean ( BMP )</description>
    <service-qname xmlns:ns="">ns:ESB_MHS5_Jms_In_RS_Service</service-qname>
    <display-name>JMS Consume MDB - MDB</display-name>
    <!-- name of bean in deployment descriptor (including orion-ejb-jar.xml file) -->
    <!-- bean's fully qualified Java class name -->
    <!-- allow incoming messages to be included in transactions -->
    <!-- The ejb requires a connection factory to access an external resource (JMS). -->
    <!-- The resource's connection factory must be accessible at jndi location "java:comp/env/jms/QueueConnectionFactory". -->
    <!-- The resource's connection factory must implement the "javax.jms.ConnectionFactory" interface. -->
    <!-- container managed authorization -->
    Declare that a global transaction is required when the onMessage method of the ejb named
    "MDBEjbName" is called. This will cause the app server to automatically initiate a
    global (XA) transaction before calling onMessage (actually, before even receiving the JMS
    message that triggers onMessage) and end the transaction after onMessage returns. The
    JMS Connector will automatically rollback the transaction if onMessage throws an
    exception. onMessage may also set the transaction to be "rollback only".
    Participating in global transactions requires that the connection factory provided in the
    activation spec (see the ConnectionFactoryJndiName property earlier in this file) must be
    XA-capable (it must implement the javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory interface).
    If this declaration is ommitted, then onMethod will not be part of any global
    transaction. In that case the connection factory provided in the activation spec must
    implement the javax.jms.ConnectionFactory interface.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <orion-ejb-jar xmlns:xsi=""
    <entity-deployment name="EBEjbMecomsIFS">
    <service-ref-mapping name="service/interceptor">
    <service-qname localpart="ESB_MHS5_Jms_In_RS_Service" namespaceURI=""/>
    <wsdl-port namespaceURI=""
    <runtime enabled="owsm">
    <owsm init-home="/oracle/product/SoaAs/10.1.3/owsm/config/interceptors/C0003002"
    <message-driven-deployment name="MDBEjbMecomsIFS"
    enabled="true" max-instances="10">
    The ejb requires a connection factory implementing the "javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory"
    interface to be accessible at jndi location "java:comp/env/jms/QueueConnectionFactory". (see ejb-jar.xml and ....)
    A suitable connection factory is already accessible at jndi location "OEMSJMSDRASubcontext/MyXACF" (see oc4j-ra.xml)
    <resource-ref-mapping location="OEMSJMSDRASubopp-ifs/MyXACF"
    <!-- don't misspell this or you'll get an RP CF which doesn't work -->
    <!-- Required activation-spec properties. -->
    ConnectionFactoryJndiName (string, no default)
    This should be the JNDI location of an RA connection factory.
    The JMS Connector will use this connection factory to create the JMS
    connection it uses to receive messages for this MDB's onMessage. If the
    exception queue is enabled (see UseExceptionQueue), the JMS Connector will
    also use a connection created from this connection factory for the production
    of messages to the exception queue.
    This connection factory must be compatible with the message domain(s). (For
    example, if the MDB is receiving messages from a queue, the connection
    factory should implement javax.jms.[XA]QueueConnectionFactory or
    For XA/non-XA considerations, see the <container-transaction> comments later
    in this file.
    DestinationName (string, no default)
    This is JNDI location of the queue or topic from which messages to be
    delivered to the MDB's onMessage method should be received.
    The JNDI locations for RA destinations are defined in the
    oc4j-connectors.xml file.
    DestinationType (string, no default)
    This must be set to the type of the destination named by the above
    "DestinationName" property.
    The EJB 2.1 spec states that this must be set to either javax.jms.Queue or
    javax.jms.Topic. OracleGJRA also allows it to be set to
    javax.jms.Destination (which works for both queues and topics).
    Other activation-spec properties.
    The following activation-spec properties supported by OracleGJRA are optional
    except where otherwise noted:
    ListenerThreadMaxPollInterval (milliseconds, 5000)
    Listener threads "poll" to see if there is a message waiting to be processed.
    The more frequently this polling is performed, the faster (on average) a given
    listener thread can respond to a new message. The price for frequent polling is
    overhead - the resource provider must process a receive request each time it is
    Oracle's JMS Connector implementation applies an adaptive algorithm which
    uses shorter polling intervals (high polling rates) during periods of activity
    (once activity is noticed) and longer polling intervals (lower polling rates)
    during periods of inactivity. The ListenerThreadMaxPollInterval property places
    an upper limit on the polling interval used by this adaptive algorithm.
    AcknowledgeMode (string, default = Auto-acknowledge)
    This should be set to Auto-acknowledge or Dups-ok-acknowledge. This
    controls the quality-of-service provided by listener threads which
    consume messages and call the MDB's onMessage method.
    MessageSelector (string, default = no message filtering)
    This is the selector expression used to filter messages sent to the
    MDB's onMessage method. (I.e., this is used as the messageSelector for
    the JMS sessions created for the listener threads.)
    SubscriptionDurability (string, default = NonDurable)
    For topics this should be set to Durable or NonDurable. (This should
    not be set for queues.) This controls the durability of the topic
    consumer used by the listener thread. When SubscriptionDurability is
    set to Durable (and DestinationType is javax.jms.Topic or
    javax.jms.Destination), the SubscriptionName property is required.
    SubscriptionName (string, no default)
    This property is required when SubscriptionDurability is Durable (and
    DestinationType is javax.jms.Topic or javax.jms.Destination). (In all
    other cases it is ignored.) This is the name used when creating the
    durable subscriber used by the listener thread. For a given JMS server,
    a given subscription name should be assigned to at most one MDB (which
    must have most one listener thread).
    ClientId (string, no default)
    If set, connection(s) used by the listener threads will be set to use
    this client ID.
    TransactionTimeout (milliseconds, default = 300,000)
    This limits the amount of time that the JMS Connector will wait for a
    message to arrive before exiting the current transaction. The
    transaction manager limits the amount of time a transaction can last
    (see transaction-timeout in transaction-manager.xml).
    TransactionTimeout should be set such that the transaction manager will
    not timeout the transaction during the onMessage routine unless
    something is wrong. For example, If the transaction mananager timeout
    is set to 30 seconds, and the onMessage routine will never take more
    than 10 seconds unless something is wrong, then this property could be
    set to 20 seconds (20000 milliseconds).
    EndpointFailureRetryInterval (milliseconds, default = 60,000)
    If an endpoint can not be processed (due to the app server WorkManager
    not accepting new work), it will be scheduled to be retried this many
    milliseconds later.
    ReceiverThreads (integer, default = 1)
    This sets the maximum number of listener threads to create for this
    endpoint. For queues, using more than one thread may be useful in
    increasing the rate at which messages can be consumed. For topics this
    value should always be 1. (Each listener thread gets its own session
    and TopicSubscriber. For durable subscribers it would be an error to
    have more than one subscriber with the same subscription name. For
    nondurable subscribers having more than one thread will not help because
    more threads translates into more subscribers which translates into more
    copies of each message.) See also: ListenerThreadMinBusyDuration
    UseExceptionQueue (boolean, default = false)
    When "UseExceptionQueue" is true:
    - Messages that would otherwise be discarded are sent to the
    exception queue. (Currently the only case where this happens is
    when the max delivery count is exceeded. See MaxDeliveryCnt
    property.) Rather than sending the original message directly to
    the exception queue, the following procedure is used:
    o Create a new message of the same type.
    o Copy the properties and body from the original message to the
    new message.
    o If the headers were copied, sending the message to the
    exception queue would cause most of them to be lost
    (over-written by the resource-provider). So instead,
    translate headers in the original to properties in the copy,
    assigning each header obtained via "getJMS{Header}" to
    property "GJRA_CopyOfJMS{Header}". Since
    javax.jms.Destination is not a valid property type, translate
    destination headers into descriptive messages.
    (Currently this same service is not provided for JMSX*
    properties, most notably the JMSXDeliveryCount property.)
    o If some part of the copy process (above) or augmentation
    process (below) fails, do not abort. Attempt to complete the
    rest of the procedure. (For Bytes/Map/Stream message types,
    this can mean that part of the body is copied and the rest is
    o If the copy process is 100% successful, add a boolean property
    called "GJRA_CopySuccessful" with the value "true".
    o Add a string property called "GJRA_DeliveryFailureReason" which
    indicates why the message was not delivered.
    o If the MDB onMessage method generated an exception immediately
    prior to the delivery failure, add a string property called
    "GJRA_onMessageExceptions" which contains exception information.
    o Send the resulting message to the exception queue.
    Note that only one attempt is made to send the message to the
    exception queue. Should this attempt fail, the message will
    be discarded without being placed in the exception queue.
    See IncludeBodiesInExceptionQueue property for potential variations
    of the above procedure.
    - The ExceptionQueueName property is required.
    - In addition to being used for the primary destination, the
    connection factory specified by the ConnectionFactoryJndiName
    property will also be used for the exception queue. If the primary
    destination (specified by the DestinationName property) is a topic,
    then the connection factory must support both queues and topics.
    (I.e., the <connectionfactory-interface> [see oc4j-ra.xml] for the
    given connection factory must be either javax.jms.ConnectionFactory
    or javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory.)
    ExceptionQueueName (string, no default)
    This is the JNDI location of the javax.jms.Queue object to use as the
    exception queue. (See UseExceptionQueue property for information about
    the use of the exception queue.) This property is required when
    UseExceptionQueue is true, and ignored when UseExceptionQueue is false.
    IncludeBodiesInExceptionQueue (boolean, default = true)
    This controls whether or not messages sent to the exception queue will
    include a message body. (See UseExceptionQueue property for information
    about the use of the exception queue.) If many messages are sent to the
    exception queue during normal operation and the message body is of no
    use in the exception queue, then this property may be set false to
    improve performance. This property is ignored when UseExceptionQueue is
    false. There are two cases where this property does not apply:
    - If the original message did not have a message body, then the
    message sent to the exception queue will not have one either.
    - If a copy of the original message can not be created for any
    reason, then the original may be sent to the exception queue
    instead. This may result in a message body being sent to the
    exception queue.
    MaxDeliveryCnt (integer, default = 5)
    If a message has the "JMSXDeliveryCount" property and the value of that
    property is greater than MaxDeliveryCnt, then the message will be
    discarded (and not sent to onMessage). If the exception queue is
    enabled (see UseExceptionQueue), a copy of the message will be sent to
    the exception queue. If MaxDeliveryCnt is set to 0, no messages will be
    discarded. (Note that when an MDB responds to a message by throwing an
    exception, the message is not considered delivered and it may be
    redelivered. If the MDB might always respond to a given message by
    throwing an exception, and MaxDeliveryCnt is set to 0 to prevent the
    message from ever being discarded, the result may be an MDB stuck in an
    "infinite loop" - failing to process the same message over and over
    LogLevel (string, no default)
    This controls the level of detail of messages logged by the JMS
    Connector. These messages are primarily intended for debugging the
    JMS Connector itself, but may also be useful when debugging issues
    related to the use of the JMS Connector. This property should not be
    set in production code. (It should only be set temporarily for
    debugging purposes - specific log messages and log levels may be and
    will be added/removed/modified in future versions of the JMS
    Connector.) Currently the allowed values are:
    ListenerThreadMaxIdleDuration (milliseconds, default = 300,000)
    This is how long a listener thread which is not receiving any messages
    will be kept around. (At least one listener thread will remain as long
    as the endpoint is active.)
    ListenerThreadMinBusyDuration (milliseconds, default = 10,000)
    If a listener thread has just received a message, has not been idle (had to
    wait for a new message to arrive) at any point during the past
    ListenerThreadMinBusyDuration milliseconds, and the current number of
    listener threads for this endpoint is less than ReceiverThreads, then
    (application server willing) an additional listener thread will be created.
    ResUser (string, default = null)
    ResPassword (string, default = null)
    These properties allow a user/password to be passed to the resource
    provider. When neither of these properties are set, connections used for
    this MDB's inbound message handling (as well as for exception queue
    handling, if enabled) are created using the no-argument version of the
    create*Connection method. When one or both of these properties are set,
    they are passed to the create*Connection method as the user/password
    arguments. (If only one property is not set, then 'null' is used for that
    particular create*Connection argument.) The ResPassword property supports
    the standard password indirection options (e.g., using "->joeuser" to
    represent the password of "joeuser").
    Note that the commas used in many of the above default values and examples are
    included here for readability but can not be used in the actual activation spec.
    (I.e., integer/milliseconds values in the activation spec must not include
    embedded commas.)
    <security-role-mapping name="&lt;default-ejb-caller-role>"

  • How to call Servlet from jsp page and how to run this app using tomcat..?

    Hi ,
    I wanted to call servlet from jsp action i.e. on submit button of JSP call LoginServlet.Java file.
    Please tell me how to do this into jsp page..?
    Also i wanted to execute this application using tomcat.
    Please tell me how to do this...? what setting are required for this...? what will be url ..??
    Thanks. problem is as follows:
    whenever i type...... http://localhost:8080/appName/
    i am getting 404 is not calling to login.jsp (default jsp)
    but when i type......http://localhost:8080/appName/ executes servlet properly.
    Basically this '' is form action (form action='/').....and i wanted to execute this from login jsp only.(from submit button)
    In short can anyone please tell me how to diaplay jsp page using tomcat 5.5
    plz help me.

  • Calling Java from Delphi

    Can ActiveX bridge used for calling Java from Delphi?

    Also trying to solve this problem, after creating the bean i packaged/registered it successfully, (tested the bean using beanbox, works perfectly) then tried calling it via createoleobject in delphi 7
    (*Code Snip *)
    v : variant;
    v := createoleobject(Edit1.text); // my class name ie WorldPort.Bean (also tried WorldPort.Bean.1
    except on e:exception do
    (*Code Snip*)
    After this simple code failed i started backtracking , eventually after getting "Access Violation...etc in axbridge.dll" all the time. tried delphi "import activex control" got the same access violation.
    Decided to test the example from they both crashed on execution (calc.exe and boundprop.exe).
    After this failed I tested these example classes on another machine, both crashed again.....
    Also tried this experiment in VC++ , after adding the class to the Toolbox , i try to drop it onto a form, once again access violation.**PS**
    ('You will need VC++ and the Microsoft SDK to build the dll, download c++beta for free from microsoft site it you need it')** and a simple cmd file todo the job would look something like this:
    echo - ** Build Java ActiveX Bridge **
    echo Make sure these folders exist in jre--> axbridge\lib and axbridge\bin
    set path=%path%;C:\MSDN\Bin;C:\VisualC++\lib
    echo path
    jar cmf Manifest.txt WorldPort.jar WorldPort.class
    "C:\SDK\bin\packager.exe" -clsid {162193C4-AD5C-4A06-9F88-A737AE9B43AD} -out "C:\SDK\jre\axbridge\bin" WorldPort.jar WorldPort-reg
    *** After running this cmd you will find the dll in bin folder and the jar in lib folder..***
    Must Read:
    Hope some of this helps , if you have successfully created / installed/ used a "JavaActiveX" in Delphi , i would really like to try replicate it on my machine..

  • Exception thrown while calling back a DSC componentcom/adobe/edc/policy/APSDocumentServicesManager

    Hi All,
    I am getting this below error ever 10 min on JBoss server, LCES SP1.
    SEVERE: Exception thrown while calling back a DSC componentcom/adobe/edc/policy/APSDocumentServicesManagerHome
    2012-04-20 05:54:41,908 INFO  [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Job APS_PRINCIPALKEY_REKEY_JOB_GRP.APS_PRINCIPALKEY_REKEY_JOB threw a JobExecutionException:
    org.quartz.JobExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException [See nested exception: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException]
              at com.adobe.idp.scheduler.callback.ServiceCallbackHandler.execute(ServiceCallbackHandler.ja va:102)
              at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
    Any idea about this error ??
    I refered this post but no luck --
    Any pointers to solve this issue ?????
    Regards --

    Hi Neerav,
    Thanks a lot for your reply ...
    Please find the server log file at -
    Here is the complete error part in server log file -
    2012-08-03 03:03:21,764 INFO  [com.adobe.idp.scheduler.jobstore.DSCJobStoreTX] Removed 0 stale fired job entries.
    2012-08-03 03:03:21,764 INFO  [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] Scheduler IDPSchedulerService_$_20 started.
    2012-08-03 03:03:21,795 INFO  [com.adobe.idp.dsc.impl.DSCManagerImpl] Started services which need post-dsc-initialization (Scheduler, docmanager purge) successfully
    2012-08-03 03:03:21,795 INFO  [com.adobe.idp.dsc.impl.DSCManagerImpl] Core Components started successfully
    2012-08-03 03:03:21,905 INFO  [com.adobe.idp.dsc.startup.DSCStartupServlet] Install and start of components complete. Now starting core asynchronous services ...
    2012-08-03 03:03:22,076 ERROR [STDERR] Aug 3, 2012 3:03:22 AM com.adobe.idp.scheduler.callback.ServiceCallbackHandler execute
    SEVERE: Exception thrown while calling back a DSC componentcom/adobe/edc/policy/APSDocumentServicesManagerHome
    2012-08-03 03:03:22,092 INFO  [org.quartz.core.JobRunShell] Job APS_PRINCIPALKEY_REKEY_JOB_GRP.APS_PRINCIPALKEY_REKEY_JOB threw a JobExecutionException:
    org.quartz.JobExecutionException: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException [See nested exception: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException]
              at com.adobe.idp.scheduler.callback.ServiceCallbackHandler.execute(ServiceCallbackHandler.ja va:102)
              at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
    Caused by: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException
              at com.adobe.idp.scheduler.callback.ServiceCallbackHandler.execute(ServiceCallbackHandler.ja va:101)
              ... 2 more
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClientFactory$1.handleThrowable(ServiceClientFactory.j ava:69)
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.invoke(
              at com.adobe.idp.scheduler.callback.ServiceCallbackHandler.execute(ServiceCallbackHandler.ja va:87)
              ... 2 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/adobe/edc/policy/APSDocumentServicesManagerHome
              at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
              at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
              at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor$ :342)
              at Method)
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor.getPublicDeclaredMethods(MappedProp
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor.internalFindMethod(MappedPropertyDe
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor.findMethod(MappedPropertyDescriptor .java:500)
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor.<init>(MappedPropertyDescriptor.jav a:103)
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean.getPropertyDescriptor(PropertyUtilsBean.ja va:822)
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtilsBean.isWriteable(
              at org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils.isWriteable(
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.component.impl.DefaultPOJOServiceInstanceFactory.createInstance(Default
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.invocation.impl.InstancePerRequestStrategy.getInstance(InstancePerReque
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.invocation.impl.InstanceAccessorFactory.getInstanceForInvocation(Instan
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.InvocationStrategyInterceptor.allocateInstance(Invocat
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.InvocationStrategyInterceptor.intercept(InvocationStra
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed(RequestInterceptor
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.InvalidStateInterceptor.intercept(InvalidStateIntercep
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed(RequestInterceptor
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.AuthorizationInterceptor.intercept(AuthorizationInterc
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed(RequestInterceptor
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.JMXInterceptor.intercept(
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.interceptor.impl.RequestInterceptorChainImpl.proceed(RequestInterceptor
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.engine.impl.ServiceEngineImpl.invoke(
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.routing.Router.routeRequest(
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.base.AbstractMessageReceiver.routeMessage(AbstractMessage
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.vm.VMMessageDispatcher.doSend( 5)
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.base.AbstractMessageDispatcher.send(AbstractMessageDispat
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient.invoke(
              ... 3 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: IDPSchedulerService_Worker-1Class name com.adobe.edc.policy.APSDocumentServicesManagerHome from package com.adobe.edc.policy not found.
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSContainerSearchPolicy.searchClassUsingParentFirst(DSContainerSearchPo
              at com.adobe.idp.dsc.DSContainerSearchPolicy.findClass(
              at org.ungoverned.moduleloader.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(
              at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
              ... 33 more
    Thanks --

  • Call report from java with deployment of java web start

    I need call report from java,the call function is:execURL ( String pURL )
    pURL is a url link to call report from report services .
    such as :
    public static void execURL ( String pURL )
    String tempstr = new String();
    int posIdx = 0;
    if ( (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows NT"))||
    (System.getProperty("").equals("Windows 2000")) )
    posIdx = pURL.indexOf("&");
    while ( posIdx > 0 )
    tempstr = pURL.substring(0,posIdx)+"^"+pURL.substring(posIdx);
    pURL = tempstr;
    posIdx = pURL.indexOf("&",posIdx+2);
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start "+pURL);
    catch (Exception e1) {System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); }
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("start "+pURL);
    catch (Exception e2)
    It's run with no problem with deployment of simple jar.
    But when i call report with deployment of java web start,it can not.
    I think it's java secuity problem,so i add
    Permission "c://winnt//system32//cmd.exe", "execute";
    in java.policy file in client(windows 20000).However ,it can not too.
    Who can help me,Thanks in Advance!

    In your code, 'cmd' is invoked as Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start "+pURL);
    but in your policy file you specify
    Permission "c://winnt//system32//cmd.exe", "execute";
    Before creating a new process, the security manager checks for FilePermission(cmd,"execute")
    if cmd is an absolute path, otherwise it calls checkPermission with
    FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>","execute"). Try specifying
    FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>","execute") in your policy file.
    But, I believe using exec, may not be the right solution as it may not work on
    other platforms. Also you will have to expect the client m/c to relax security
    Did you consider using class instead to access the report
    service URL?

  • Calling report from form. Need PDF output

    I am calling a report from a form using RUN_PRODUCT. I need to display the form in PDF format. When the user clicks the button in the form to run the report, acrobat reader should open up and the report displayed there. Please help.

    Thanks for the response. The first part worked. I am able to get the output in PDF format. In the 2nd part where I want to open acrobat and display the output, I am having some trouble with the code. When I compile, it says
    win_api_environment.read_registry must be declared. Is there some package I need to attach?
    Also, in the After reports trigger, how do I pass vFile (I am assuming this is the PDF file name)?
    The first thing you'll want to do is pass parameters to the report IE DESTYPE, DESNAME and DESFORMAT where these could be FILE, 'c:\temp\report' and PDF.
    Then, you can try this piece of code I wrote (with some help from other people at Metalink and here) sometime back. Now, I call it from forms, but in your case, you'd have to run it in the after report trigger. Since with RUN_PRODUCT you don't know when the report is finished, if you did it from the form, it wouldn't work correctly.
    vcServerApp varchar2(40);
    vcServerTag varchar2(600);
    vcCommand varchar2(2000);
    iArgPos pls_integer;
    dummy NUMBER;
    -- 1 get the Server App for .PDF files
    vcServerApp := win_api_environment.read_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\.PDF','',true);
    -- 2 get the executable
    vcCommand:= win_api_environment.read_registry(vcServerTag,'',true);
    -- 3 Sort out how to specify the Filename
    iArgPos:= instr(vcCommand,'%1');
    if iArgPos = 0 then --no substitution Var on the command line
    vcCommand := vcCommand||' '||vFile;
    vcCommand := substr(vcCommand,1,(iArgPos-1))||
    end if;
    -- 4 Run using Winexec (or Host if preferred).
    when no_data_found then
    abortt('Acrobat Reader was not found! Please consult with your help desk to install it and try again.','N');
    I am calling a report from a form using RUN_PRODUCT. I need to display the form in PDF format. When the user clicks the button in the form to run the report, acrobat reader should open up and the report displayed there. Please help.

  • Calling Report from Menu (Oracle Forms 10g)

    We have the applications in Forms6i & Reports 6i (Client Server) and migrating to Forms 10g and Reports 10g. We have the menu, from that menu we are calling all the forms and Reports. For especially Reports earlier we user RUN_PRODUCT but now 10g it is not working. How can call the report using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT
    Important things we have some dynamic parameters (input) to the each report. That means when i called the report from the menu i need to get first parameter form to take the parameters and then can be run the report.

    Here is the code to call report from menu in 10g
    pl_id ParamList;
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep varchar2(100);
    v_server VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status varchar2(100);
    v_host VARCHAR2(100);
         select rep_server into v_server from reports_data;
         select machine into v_host from reports_data;
    pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('tmpdata');
         IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
         Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
         END IF;
         pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('tmpdata');           
         repid := find_report_object('REPORTOBJ');
              v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid, pl_id);
              rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
              WHILE rep_status in ('RUNNING','OPENING_REPORT','ENQUEUED')
                        rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
                   END LOOP;
              IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' or rep_status is NULL THEN
                   --Display report in the browser
         END IF;

  • Calling Report from Oracle form 11g

    I am new to Forms 11g, trying to call report from Oracle forms 11g .
    I want to call report from oracle forms, but its giving error.
    Below is the code
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
    repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT('empreport'); -- report node in forms builder
    set_report_object_property ( repid, report_filename, 'empreport.rdf' ); -- report name
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid,REPORT_SERVER,'RptSvr'); -- report server name
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status = 'FINISHED'
    message ( 'error while running reports-object ' || error_text );
    message ( ' ' );
    end if;
    Above code giving following error :
    Unable to connect to report server RptSvr
    I think my report servername is wrong
    Where to find report server name in 11g.
    I am Using weblogic server, so can i give weblogic server name
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: parapr on Aug 17, 2012 1:52 AM
    Edited by: parapr on Aug 17, 2012 3:21 AM

    You have to have the report server
    a. Installed and configured
    b. Running.
    If you are using rwservlet then you will find the name from the Configuration file referred to in the last link.

  • Getting rep-3002 when calling report from form on web

    i am getting rep-3002 when i call report from a form on web environment. Report is in character mode. It is coming proper if i change it to bitmap. but my requirement is of character mode. pl. give some solution.

    If you are running in WinNT/2000 environment, the NT/2000 user which runs the Report Server service must have a printer defined. In the control panel, look at the properties for the Report Server to see what user it runs as. Log in as that user and make sure a default printer is defined.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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