Calling up employee picture

Hi Gurus,
I uploaded employee picture into sap server, i wanted to view it from enterprise portal and want it to authoumatically be attached to emp data when i call it up again, each time i call up the emp portal, it will not show, meaning that it may not be in the right path or something else is wrongh. What should i do? pls help.

Hi Maureen,
I am guessing you are on at least ESS 1.0 (ECC6.0)
Goto Customizing for Personnel Management by choosing Employee Self-Service ® Service-Specific Settings ® Whou2019s Who. 
Determine Document Type u2013
Where are the employee photos stored - maintained as a system switch in T77S0
     (By Default use Admin-Photo-HRICOLPHOTO)
Also, In Maintain Settings u2013 Whether to display employee photo, enable the flag.

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    I have a problem... I have to put in a smartform The employee picture ( like PA20 or PA30 )
    I checked the following functions :
    But Those aren`t the solution ...
    Somebody has an idea to solve my problem

    For putting the Picture in the smartform you must have employee's picture in the system.
    Then fetch that picture from the table based on the employee number and call this picture in the smartform dynimcally as per the employee records.
    First to findout in which table the pictures are getting saved and whats the logic for retreiveing those pictures.
    With Regards,

  • How to get Employee Picture in Smartforms

    Hi Experts
    Please help me out in getting employee picture in Smartforms
    I have used the following FMs
    By using these two FM i got the URL and i am able to get the picture in my Report Program,by using FM 'ISM_URL_SHOW'.
    But Please tell how to get this picture in Smartform .
    As i am generating Employee Biodata and in that i need employee Picture.
    Please HELP me ....
    Thanks & Regards
    Shaveta Prabhakar

         U need pictures in smartforms for that just try this one I think so it will help full to u.
          First Upload that picture in the se78 that photo must be in the bitmapformat(picture.bmp).
    steps are:
             goto se78>graphics->import--->it asks the file path here,fill those details
    Then goto Smartform--->In which page u want to put the picture,
              there click that page  and goto Background picture,
             here give the name of that picture and select the resolution and positin of the picture there. 
               Then u will get the picture in the output.

  • How to fetch Employee Picture in Smartforms

    Hi Experts
    Please help me out in getting employee picture in Smartforms
    I have used the following FMs
    By using these two FM i got the URL and i am able to get the picture in my Report Program,by using FM 'ISM_URL_SHOW'.
    But Please tell how to get this picture in Smartform .
    As i am generating Employee Biodata and in that i need employee Picture.
    Please HELP me ....
    Thanks & Regards
    Shaveta Prabhakar

    Hi Shaveta,
    The question has been raised earlier as well on SDN.
    Please search for 'Smartforms dynamic picture' on sdn and you will get a good number of solutions.
    The one answer which i found to be promising one is the one which mentioned somethig like:
    <b>Create a graphic node in the Smartform and under the tab 'General Attributes' fill the Name, Object and Id with variables (e.g. &NAME&, &OBJECT& and &ID&) and fill these parameters to get the picture you want at runtime.</b>
    See if this helps.
    check this link too
    smartforms dynamic logo
    and revert for more clarifications if any.
    <b>Always reward points to useful suggestions.</b>

  • Mass download of employees pictures

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    You can download one photo at a time.
    If you want to download all photos at a time You need to check with ABAPER For any customization to download all photos at a time 

  • How to upload employees picture thru API

    Hi All,
    Can anybody say me how to upload the employees pictures thru PER_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PKG.LOAD(). Here i am having 2500 employees photos.
    and if it is step wise manner it will be more helpful and where we have to place the pictures in server , in which location

    Okay. This is pretty old code, and I don't quite remember how it works entirely, but here it is. I created a Formbuilder form with some custom java beans to read the directory where the badge photos resided, and create a SQL*Loader control file for each .jpg file. Here is the main code, from the client_pkg package and the OK button when-button-pressed trigger:
    PACKAGE client_pkg IS
    staging_dir varchar2(200) := 'c:\userapps\empphotos';
    photo_dir varchar2(200) := '\\Netser1\server dir\APPD\Human Resources Badging System\Photos';
    template varchar2(2000) := 'options (bindsize 400000)' || chr(10)
         ||'load data' || chr(10)
         ||'infile ''$INFILE$'' "fix $FILESIZE$"' || chr(10)
         ||'$OPERATION$' || chr(10)
         ||'into table per_images' || chr(10)
         ||'(image raw ($FILESIZE$), -- filesize' || chr(10)
         ||'parent_id constant $PERSON_ID$,' || chr(10)
         ||'table_name constant "PER_PEOPLE_F",' || chr(10)
         ||'image_id char "hr.per_images_s.nextval")' || chr(10)
    missing_template varchar2(2000) := 'options (bindsize 400000)' || chr(10)
         ||'LOAD DATA' || chr(10)
         ||'INFILE ''$INFILE$'' "fix $FILESIZE$"' || chr(10)
         ||'$OPERATION$' || chr(10)
         ||'INTO TABLE lac.lac_photo_dir' || chr(10)
         ||'     (IMAGE raw($FILESIZE$) -- filesize' || chr(10)
         ||' , FILENAME constant "$FILENAME$"' || chr(10)
         ||'     , FILESIZE constant $FILESIZE$' || chr(10)
         ||'     , FILEDATE constant "$FILEDATE$"' || chr(10)
         ||'     )' || chr(10)
    END client_pkg;
    --OK Button - When-Button-Pressed
         alert_msg varchar2(2000);
         button_pressed number;
         in_file Text_IO.File_Type;
         out_file Text_IO.File_Type;
         log_file Text_IO.File_Type;
         v_buffer varchar2(200);
         v_ctl_txt varchar2(2000);
         v_dir_find_string varchar2(20) := 'Directory of ';
         v_dirstring varchar2(200);
         v_pos integer;
         v_slash varchar2(2) := '\';
         v_filesize varchar2(20);
         v_filename varchar2(20);
         v_ctl_filename varchar2(120);
         v_log_filename varchar2(120);
         v_operation varchar2(20);
         v_emp_num varchar2(20);
         v_emp_name varchar2(80);
         v_payroll_id number;
         v_person_id number;
         v_load_count integer;
         v_qry_count integer;
         v_instance varchar2(20);
         v_username varchar2(20);
         v_password varchar2(20);
         v_connect_string varchar2(100);
         v_exec_string varchar2(200);
         v_success_count integer;
         v_beg_pos integer;
         v_end_pos integer;
         cursor c_badges(p_payroll_id in number) is
              select xref.emp_num
              , ppf.employee_number || ' - ' || ppf.full_name emp_name
              , xref.filename
              , ppf.person_id
    , decode(pi.image_id, null, 'N', 'Y') image_exists_yn
    from hr.per_all_people_f ppf
              , hr.per_all_assignments_f paf
              , lac.lac_emp_badge_xref xref
    , hr.per_images pi
              where paf.person_id=ppf.person_id
              and xref.emp_num = ppf.employee_number
              and sysdate between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
              and sysdate between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
              and paf.assignment_type<>'B'
    --          and paf.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
              and lower(filename) like '%.jpg'
    --          and ppf.employee_number in ('00012','08278') -- Temp debugging line
    and pi.parent_id(+) = paf.person_id
              order by emp_num
         cursor c_photo_dir is
         select xr.emp_num
         , pd.filename
         , pd.filesize
         , pd.filedate
         from lac.lac_emp_badge_xref xr
         , lac.lac_photo_dir pd
         where xr.filename(+) = pd.filename
         and xr.emp_num is null
         and lower(pd.filename) like '%.jpg'
         order by pd.filename
    :System.Message_Level := '5';
         v_instance := get_application_property(CONNECT_STRING);
         v_username := get_application_property(USERNAME);
         v_password := get_application_property(PASSWORD);
         v_connect_string := v_username || '/' || v_password || '@' || v_instance;
    if :replace_cb = 'Y' then
              v_operation := 'Replace';
         v_operation := 'Append';
    end if;
         v_load_count := 0;
         set_custom_property('EXEC_BEAN',1,'CMDSTRING','echo TEST');
    for v_badges in c_badges(to_number(:payroll_list))
              :work_file := v_badges.filename;
    v_filesize := get_custom_property('FILEIO_BEAN',1,'FILELENGTH');
    --          alert_msg := 'File Size for ' || :work_file || ' = ' || v_filesize || chr(10);
    --          button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
              if v_badges.image_exists_yn = 'Y' then
                   delete from hr.per_images
                   where parent_id = to_number(v_badges.person_id);
              end if;
              v_ctl_txt := client_pkg.template;
              v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$OPERATION$', v_operation);
              v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$INFILE$', :photo_file_dir || v_slash || v_badges.filename);
              v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$FILESIZE$', v_filesize);
              v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$PERSON_ID$', v_badges.person_id);
              v_ctl_filename := 'sqlldr' || v_badges.emp_num || '.ctl';
              v_ctl_filename := :staging_dir || v_slash || v_ctl_filename;
              v_log_filename := replace(v_ctl_filename,'.ctl','.log');
              out_file := Text_IO.Fopen(v_ctl_filename, 'w');
              text_io.put_line(out_file, v_ctl_txt);
              v_exec_string := 'sqlldr ' || v_connect_string || ' control=' || v_ctl_filename
              || ' log=' || v_log_filename;
    --          alert_msg := 'before, v_exec_string= ' || v_exec_string || chr(10);
    --          button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
              :emp_name := v_emp_name;
    --          alert_msg := 'after, v_exec_string= ' || v_exec_string || chr(10);
    --          button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
              v_operation := 'Append';
              v_load_count := v_load_count + 1;
              exit when v_load_count >= nvl(:proc_limit,99999);
    end loop;
         set_custom_property('EXEC_BEAN',1,'CMDSTRING','echo TEST');
    if false then     
    v_operation := 'Append';
         for v_photo_dir in c_photo_dir
              v_pos := instr(v_photo_dir.filename,'.jpg');
              v_end_pos := v_pos - 1;
              v_pos := instr(v_photo_dir.filename,'-',-1,1);
              if v_pos > 0 then
                   v_beg_pos := v_pos + 1;
                   v_beg_pos := 1;
              end if;
              v_emp_num := lpad(substr(v_photo_dir.filename,v_beg_pos, v_end_pos + 1 - v_beg_pos),5,'0');
              v_payroll_id := to_number(:payroll_list);
                   select ppf.employee_number || ' - ' || ppf.full_name
                        , ppf.person_id
                        into v_emp_name
                        , v_person_id
              from hr.per_all_people_f ppf
                        , hr.per_all_assignments_f paf
              , hr.per_images pi
                        where paf.person_id=ppf.person_id
                        and sysdate between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date
                        and sysdate between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
                        and paf.assignment_type<>'B'
              and pi.parent_id(+) = paf.person_id
              and decode(pi.image_id, null, 'N', 'Y')='N'
              and ppf.employee_number = v_emp_num
    --          and paf.payroll_id = v_payroll_id
                   when no_data_found then
                   v_emp_name := null;
                   v_person_id := null;
                   when others then
                        alert_msg := 'Error looking up Employee: ' || v_emp_num || chr(10) || sqlerrm;
                        SET_ALERT_PROPERTY('GENERIC_ALERT',ALERT_MESSAGE_TEXT, alert_msg);
                        button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
                   raise form_trigger_failure;
              if v_person_id is not null then
                   :work_file := v_photo_dir.filename;
                   v_ctl_txt := client_pkg.template;
                   v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$OPERATION$', v_operation);
                   v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$INFILE$', :photo_file_dir || v_slash || v_photo_dir.filename);
                   v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$FILESIZE$', v_photo_dir.filesize);
                   v_ctl_txt := replace(v_ctl_txt, '$PERSON_ID$', v_person_id);
                   v_ctl_filename := 'sqlldr' || v_emp_num || '.ctl';
                   v_ctl_filename := :staging_dir || v_slash || v_ctl_filename;
                   v_log_filename := replace(v_ctl_filename,'.ctl','.log');
                   out_file := Text_IO.Fopen(v_ctl_filename, 'w');
                   text_io.put_line(out_file, v_ctl_txt);
                   v_exec_string := 'sqlldr ' || v_connect_string || ' control=' || v_ctl_filename
                   || ' log=' || v_log_filename;
         --          alert_msg := 'before, v_exec_string= ' || v_exec_string || chr(10);
         --          button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
                   :emp_name := v_emp_name;
         --          alert_msg := 'after, v_exec_string= ' || v_exec_string || chr(10);
         --          button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
                   v_operation := 'Append';
                   v_load_count := v_load_count + 1;
         --          exit when v_load_count >= nvl(:proc_limit,99999);
              end if;
         end loop;     
         set_custom_property('EXEC_BEAN',1,'CMDSTRING','echo TEST');
    end if;
         when no_data_found then
              Text_IO.Fclose (in_file);
    when others then
              alert_msg := 'Error outside loop: ' || chr(10) || sqlerrm;
              button_pressed := Show_Alert('GENERIC_ALERT');
              raise form_trigger_failure;          
    Hope that helps.............Dave

  • View employee picture in a report

    Is there anyway to view the employee picture in a concurrent request?
    WHERE PI.table_name = 'PER_PEOPLE_F'
    AND PI.parent_id = PPF.person_id
    AND PPF.person_id = :pers_idwhen i supmitted the concurent request it gives me warning, and when i attach it to .rtf template it gives me an error says:
    REP-1295: Data format of column 'IMAGE' is unsupportedanyone tried the same and was successful?

    I don't think you can do that in a concurrent request Report.
    Have you considered re-writing your report in XML Publisher? It's possible to do it with XML Publisher - see:
    You might hit problems if you're using 11i though: per_images stores images with the obsolete LONG RAW datatype. In r12 it's a regular BLOB so that should be fine.

  • Employee picture not shown in ESS

    Can someone please help us? We use HR 46C. It is not possible anymore from a certain patch level to use a file store in archivelink, therefore we have configured an HTTP content Server. This works fine, we can upload pictures without any problem. When we test it in transaction PA30 on our SAP system it works fine. We see an photo for every employee for which we uploaded an picture.
    However when we use the ITS server to run transaction PZ01 (or PA30) we won't see a picture. After some investigation I found the HTML part of the service file where picture should be shown. This is in the HTML template of PZ01 'SAPMPZ01_500_CORE'. In here the following code is shown:
    `if (SHOW_PIC == "1")`
      <td width="140" valign=top>
        `<!-- Foto if desired and available -->`
        <table width=140 border=0 bordercolor=black align=right>
          <td valitn=top align=right><IMG width="140" SRC="`wgateURL(~OKCode="DISPLAY")`" alt="`#Foto`"></td>
    This code will only be executed when teh variable 'SHOW_PIC' has the value '1'. I already took the ocde outside of the if command. Then it shows an border where the picture should be shown however the URL is incorrect so it only shows an red x.
    Is there anyone who knows if we forget to configure something so that the picture will be shown? Where will the variable SHOW_PIC be filled for example???
    We would be VERY thankful if someone could help us!
    Kind Regards,
    Nico van der Linden

    Hi Sudhir,
    thanks for you reaction (and I am sorry for the late response. The problem is solved. It appeared to be a stupid authorization problem.
    Kind regards,
    Nico van der Linden

  • Incoming phone calls from Contacts-pictures

    How can I make the pictures come back on my contacts. Before it would show the nice picture of the contact. Now it's just a little tiny circle with with newest update 7.1. I like the old incoming call/answering set up better. How do I change that in settings back to the previous update (atleast).

    Kigwee wrote:
    My 5s recently began to not take some incoming calls, but they go directly to voicemail.  Do not disturb settings allow calls from Everyone, Repeated Calls is On, and Silence is checked "Only while iPhone is locked.  Any thoughts why it's being selective?
    just turn off do not disturb

  • I have an iPhone 5.  always before when i called someone..or they called me the picture of them would take up the whole screen.  I LOVED it!  I could see it.  Since the last update it is just a little "bubble" in the upper right hand corner.  Can i change

    Hi  I have an IPhone 5.  Always before when I called someone...or they called  and I had a pic set up for them in my contact list..... it would pop up the full size of the screen.  I LOVED it!  I could actually see it.  Now...since the last update...or maybe the one b4 that.... The pic is just a little bubble that floats to the upper right hand corner.  Does anyone know if there is a way I can get that full size pic back?

    I'm sorry, there is no way to change that. It is a change with the newer iOS 7. You can provide feedback to Apple, like a large group of others have that are disappointed in this at and click on the appropriate link.

  • Help with a numbers formula to call up employee schedules for a particular day / hour of day

    So my goal is to be able to use a drop-down menu on Sheet-1 with "day of week" and a 2nd one with "hour of day" to pull up a list of employees working on a particular day at a particular time.
    So far I've got Sheet-1 where the magic will happen
    Sheet 2-8 are different days of the week each displaying an employees hourly schedule and what hours of the day it corresponds with
    Here's a visual example of my thoughts:
    If anyone can help point me in the right direction that woul be helpful!

    Here is another approach that takes advantage of the Numbers 3 native filtering interface.
    Have a simple data input table like this (no formulas) and set up a filter as shown:
    When the filter box is checked the list shrinks to show employees working on Monday at 10a:
    Typing new values into the filter rule boxes changes the results instantly.
    And if you have the data input table arranged as shown, you can not only filter it but you can easily view it in multiple ways.
    Here's Monday:
    The one formula in the table, in B2 copied right and down, is:
       =IF(COUNTIFS(Hours Input::$A,$A2,Hours Input::$B,$A$1,Hours Input::$C,B$1)>0,"x","")
    And here's A's schedule:
    The formula in B2, copied right and down, is:
      =IF(COUNTIFS(Hours Input::$A,$A$1,Hours Input::$B,$A2,Hours Input::$C,B$1)>0,"x","")

  • Why did Apple change the incoming caller photo Id to a small picture in a small circle instead of the large full screen picture when calls are received?  This is useless.  If it isnt cchanged back to the way it was I am done with the iphone.  Hello Galaxy

    This will be my last iphone if thhis minor software issue is not cleared up.  I hate the new caller ID incoming picture.  Too small

    We are all users like yourself. No one here is an employee or representative of Apple. We cannot know why the photo of the incoming caller was changed. We can only say that it is what it is. If that feature change is enough to make you want to change phones then get the phone that best suits your needs. In the meantime you can send feedback to Apple here:

  • How do I get my large contact pictures back of person calling me after 7.1 update

    After I updated phone when someone calls me the picture is small now when it was large before update. How do I get it back I don't like the small pictures please help!!!!!!!

    Read Here >

  • IPhone IOS 7.1 incoming call picture size now small. How can I get it to fill the screen like before?

    Just had the upgrade to IOS 7.1 and now with an incoming call, the associated picture is just a thumbnail, instead of filling the screen.  Anyone know how to change this?  I tried specifically associating a picture on my phone with a contact and trying it, but still was a thumbnail. 

    This change that Apple made is disconcerting.  It shows that whomever is now in-charge of these decisions at Apple doesn't have what it takes.   There's something seriously missing with this decision and the change to less usability is incredibly misguided.   Who wants their contacts to appear in a little cartoon-like round bubble and the incoming caller can't easily be recognized??   As someone who has used a Mac since 1984, there's something seriously wrong with their design guidance.  Apple likes to create products that "delight" and this doesn't.

  • No picture when contacts call.

    When I call someone I get a little tiny picture that I assigned the contact up in the corner.
    But when the contact calls me , no picture shows up.
    I would like for their picture to take up the screen.
    I have a iPhone 4. I am on iOS 7.1.2.

    Hello KurtWerden,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    The user, roaminggnome, answered this question in this thread:
    How do I change the size of picture showing dur... | Apple Support Communities
    Jeff D. 

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