Calling web service via utl_dbws with unbounded return values

Hello, everyone.
I'm trying to use utl_dbws to call web service from Oracle DB 10 g.
WS has unbounded return value:
<xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='0' name='return' type='xs:string'/>
I'm setting return paramter in web service call handler like this:
sys.UTL_DBWS.set_return_type(l_h_service_call, cs_qname_type_string);
and when I'm trying to call it from PL/SQL function I'm getting an error:
ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
deserialization error: XML reader error: unexpected character content: "s2"
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_DBWS", line 388
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_DBWS", line 385
ORA-06512: at line 38
I've tried to return values by out parameters and got the same exception.
It looks like utl_dbws needs to know parameters count before calling.
Have anyone succeded in getting arrays from Web Service call?
This is a part of wsdl:
<xs:complexType name='getProcessList'>
<xs:element minOccurs='0' name='nameMask' type='xs:string'/>
<xs:complexType name='getProcessListResponse'>
<xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='0' name='return' type='xs:string'/>
Throught SoapUI I can produce such kind of request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:proc="">
and get a response:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
<ns2:getProcessListResponse xmlns:ns2="">
PL/SQL function:
cs_qname_type_string CONSTANT sys.UTL_DBWS.qname
:= sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname('', 'string') ;
cs_qname_type_int CONSTANT sys.UTL_DBWS.qname := sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname('', 'int');
cs_qname_type_any CONSTANT sys.UTL_DBWS.qname
:= sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname('', 'anyType') ;
cs_endpoint CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'http://server:8080/process-manager/ProcessManager';
l_service sys.UTL_DBWS.service;
l_service_qname sys.UTL_DBWS.qname;
l_port_qname sys.UTL_DBWS.qname;
l_operation_qname sys.UTL_DBWS.qname;
l_params sys.UTL_DBWS.anydata_list;
l_ret_val SYS.ANYDATA;
l_service_qname := sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname(NULL, 'ProcessManagerService');
l_service := sys.UTL_DBWS.create_service(l_service_qname);
l_port_qname := sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname(NULL, 'ProcessListServiceBinding');
l_operation_qname := sys.UTL_DBWS.to_qname('', 'getProcessList');
l_h_service_call := sys.UTL_DBWS.create_call(l_service, l_port_qname, l_operation_qname);
sys.UTL_DBWS.set_target_endpoint_address(l_h_service_call, cs_endpoint);
-- return type
sys.UTL_DBWS.set_return_type(l_h_service_call, cs_qname_type_any);
-- param type
sys.UTL_DBWS.ADD_PARAMETER(l_h_service_call, 'processNameMask', cs_qname_type_string, 'ParameterMode.IN');
l_params(1) := anydata.convertvarchar2('*');
l_ret_val := sys.UTL_DBWS.invoke(l_h_service_call, l_params);
IF l_ret_val IS NULL THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('l_ret_val is null');
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('l_ret_val is not null');
Edited by: Ilya on 03.12.2008 3:50

Hi Tony
I'm not sure if you would have solved your problem by now, but with my recent experience with the utl_dbws package, for doc lits with complex data types, you have to call the service with an XML request, as opposed to passing the param array.
If you still need details, reply accordingly.

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    right now, i'm using UTL_DBWS to acces Web Service via database.. but when i'm trying to get data from WEB SERVICE, using utl_dbws.invoke , i got NULL value.
    It happened if The result more than Varchar2 / 32767 byte.
    i'have tried to change code by :
    result := sys.utl_dbws.invoke(l_call, l_input_params);
    P_clob := sys.anydata.accessCLOB(result);
    The Output IS NULL value even if the data was less than Varchar2 or 32767 byte..
    this is my script looks like ::
    service sys.utl_dbws.SERVICE;
    l_call sys.utl_dbws.CALL;
    result ANYDATA;
    wsdl_url VARCHAR2(1024);
    service_name VARCHAR2(200);
    operation_name VARCHAR2(200);
    input_params sys.utl_dbws.ANYDATA_LIST;
    p_out VARCHAR2(32767);
    p_xml XMLTYPE;
    p_clob CLOB;
    wsdl_url := '';
    service_name :='{urn:hellowsdl}hellwsdl';
    operation_name := 'getData';
    service := sys.UTL_DBWS.create_service (
    wsdl_document_location => URIFACTORY.getURI(wsdl_url),
    service_name => service_name);
    l_call := sys.utl_dbws.create_call(
    service_handle => service,
    port_name => null,
    operation_name => operation_name
    input_params(1) := ANYDATA.ConvertVarchar2('DOCCODE');
    result := sys.utl_dbws.invoke(l_call, l_input_params);
    p_out := sys.anydata.accessVarchar2(result);
    sys.UTL_DBWS.release_call (call_handle => l_call);
    sys.UTL_DBWS.release_service (service_handle => service);
    Thanx for Any Help

    The basics are simple:
    - format a valid SOAP envelope
    - use UTL_HTTP to make the call
    - process the response (typically XML output)
    Sample source code in {message:id=4205205}.

  • Calling web service via SSL

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    Current settings of my logical port:
    Target Address: https://...
    Authentication: HTTP authentication, basic (username/password)
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    Any suggestions ?
    Many thanks.

    Can you check the following?
    1) Did you install the SAP Cryptographic toolkit for Java available from
    2) Did you install the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
    Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 1.4.2". For Sun they are available here: (last item on page)
    3) How is the SSL server configured? Does it require client authentication? In this case you must send a client certificate.

  • Unable to call a Web Services via UTL_DBWS

    Hi all,
    I create with Apex 3.1 a web service (it works)
    Now i need to use the UTL_DBWS package to access a web services from PL/SQL
    So i get the Name 'WebServiceDemo', the URL 'http://my_url' and the Target Namespace 'http://my_target'
    from the web service reference to build PL/SQL process
    The operation 'Login' has two input parameters (username as string, password as string - nullable)
    and one ouput parameter (sessionId as string)
    When i run the following source code, i get an error
    ORA-29532: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: Well-formedness violation
    What am i doing wrong?
    Any help is appreciated,
    Here is my code :
       service_            UTL_DBWS.service;
       call_               UTL_DBWS.CALL;
       service_qname       UTL_DBWS.qname;
       port_qname          UTL_DBWS.qname;
       operation_qname     UTL_DBWS.qname;
       string_type_qname   UTL_DBWS.qname;
       retx                ANYDATA;
       retx_string         VARCHAR2 (100);
       retx_len            NUMBER;
       params              UTL_DBWS.anydata_list;
       service_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname (NULL, 'WebServiceDemo');
       service_ := UTL_DBWS.create_service (service_qname);
       port_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname (NULL, 'WebServiceDemo');
       -- target --
       operation_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname ('http://my_target', 'Login');
       call_ := UTL_DBWS.create_call (service_, port_qname, operation_qname);
       -- URL --
       string_type_qname :=
                  UTL_DBWS.to_qname ('', 'string');
       UTL_DBWS.set_return_type (call_, string_type_qname);
       params (0) := ANYDATA.convertvarchar2 ('my_login');
       retx := UTL_DBWS.invoke (call_, params);
       retx_string := retx.accessvarchar2;

    I have had this issue before when calling a .NET service, it was firewall related. I didn't actually make the fix so I can't tell you exactly how it was fixed on the server. I hope this info makes sense as this this the info I got from the IT boys
    I’ve install this tool on your computer:
    which does that:
    Firewall Client for ISA Server can be optionally installed on client computers protected by Microsoft ISA Server. Firewall Client for ISA Server provides enhanced security, application support, and access control for client computers. It provides authentication for Winsock applications that use TCP and UDP, supports complex secondary protocols, and supplies user and application information to the ISA Server logs.
    When a client computer running Firewall Client for ISA Server makes a request, the destination is evaluated by the Firewall Client software, and external requests are directed to the ISA Server computer for handling. No specific routing infrastructure is required. Firewall Client sends user information transparently with each request, enabling you to create a firewall policy on the ISA Server computer with rules that use the authentication credentials presented by the client. ISA Server allows you to configure automatic discovery for Firewall client computers, using a WPAD entry in DNS or DHCP to obtain correct Web proxy settings for clients, depending on their location.
    and I’ve added a exception in IE to the tools-lan settings-advanced-exceptions to be creditworks.* Did this by modifying the GPO that applies to your account, so all the users in National Office should have that exception.
    hope you can use this.

  • Consuming a Web Service via SSL with Basic Authentication

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    When I set up the web service to be accessed via HTTP and Basic Authentication (Username/Password), everything is fine. When I set up the web service to communicate via HTTPS, I get the following error message in my client:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Service call exception; nested exception is:
         at priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.SSLBindingStub.pingText(
         at priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.SSLBindingStub.pingText(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.SSLBindingStub.pingText(
         ... 2 more
    Testing the web service with WebServiceNavigator and/or by using a generated WebDynpro Client results in the following error:
    000D604C66BE004E0000001300000AFC00040922E0160632 : An error occurred during processing the timestamp. The error was: No wsse:Security header has been defined for role soap:finalActor. Please verify the policy configuration..
    But my main focus is on the client implementation based on a proxy. Here comes the client's code:
    public class MultiSecSSL {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                MultiSecuritySSLAuthImpl serviceInterface = new MultiSecuritySSLAuthImpl();
                SSLBindingStub service = (SSLBindingStub)serviceInterface.getLogicalPort(MultiSecuritySSLAuthViDocument.class);
                SecurityProtocol protocol = (SecurityProtocol) service._getGlobalProtocols().getProtocol("SecurityProtocol");
                AuthenticationContext auth = protocol.getAuthenticationContext();
                String ret = service.pingText("Called service MultiSecurity via SSL");
            } catch (Exception e) {
    Here comes the logical port information of the generated proxy:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <LogicalPorts Name='MultiSecuritySSLAuth' InterfaceName='priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.MultiSecuritySSLAuth'>
      <LogicalPort Name='SSLPort_Document' Endpoint='' BindingName='SSLBinding' BindingUri='urn:MultiSecuritySSLAuthWsd/SSL/document' BindingImplementation='SOAP 1.1 HTTP Binding with Attachments' StubName='priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.SSLBindingStub' Default='true' InterfaceName='priv.senw04.wsproxy.multisec_ssl.MultiSecuritySSLAuthViDocument' Original='true' Valid='true'>
          <Feature Name='' Provider='SoapHeadersProtocol' Original='false'>
          <Feature Name='' Provider='SessionProtocol' Original='false'>
            <Property Name='SessionMethod' Value='httpCookies'>
          <Feature Name='' Provider='SecurityProtocol' Original='true'>
            <Property Name='AuthenticationLevel' Value='None'>
            <Property Name='AuthenticationMechanism' Value='HTTP'>
            <Property Name='AuthenticationMethod' Value='BasicAuth'>
            <Property Name='SupportsSSO2Authentication' Value='false'>
          <Feature Name='' Original='true'>
            <Property Name='Level' Value='No'>
            <Property Name='TLSType' Value='SSL'>
          <Operation Name='pingText'>
            <Feature Name='' Original='true'>
              <Property Name='RequestPolicy' Value='Signature'>
              <Property Name='ResponsePolicy' Value='None'>
            <Feature Name='' Original='true'>
    To me, this looks consistent. Any idea, what is misconfigured on my machine ?

    Hi Martin,
    that is exactly, what I did.
    - Change Web Service Configuration in IDE
    - Build and Deploy the Service to my local Server
    - Check Service in Visual Administrator
    - Deleted and Regenerated the Standalone Proxy
    - Deleted and Recreated the link between CLient and Proxy Project in IDE
    - Started Client
    Here comes the section of the ws-deployment-descriptor.xml of the service. For me, it matches, what the proxy generated.
          <transport-binding name="SOAPHTTP_TransportBinding">
            <feature name="" protocol="SecurityProtocol">
              <property name="TLSType" value="SSL"/>
            <feature name="" protocol="SecurityProtocol"/>
            <feature name="" protocol="SecurityProtocol">
              <property name="AuthenticationMethod" value="BasicAuth"/>
              <property name="AuthenticationMechanism" value="HTTP"/>
              <property name="SupportsSSO2Authentication" value="false"/>
          <operation-configuration uniqueViName="pingText(java.lang.String)">
                <property name="soapAction" value=""/>
                <property name="encodingStyle" value=""/>
                <property name="encodingStyle" value=""/>
            <feature name="" protocol="SecurityProtocol">
              <property name="RequestPolicy" value="None"/>
              <property name="ResponsePolicy" value="None"/>
            <feature name="" protocol="SecurityProtocol">
              <property name="security-roles">
                <property name="role1" value="use_multisec_service"/>

  • Call web service in beehive with ADF

    Hi all,
    I want to call a web service from Oracle Beehive with ADF 10g. I created the data control from the wsdl file and I was execute in my jspx page.
    A message was returned:
    "DCA-40010: The Web Service call failed. The service returned a SOAP fault with the message: null."
    I created a java client using Apache Axis and the error was the following:
    Exception in thread "main" AxisFault
    faultCode: {}VersionMismatch
    faultString: Version Mismatch
         {}stackTrace:Version Mismatch
         at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(
         at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(
         at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(
         at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(
         at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXParser.parse(
         at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.parse(
         at org.apache.axis.SOAPPart.getAsSOAPEnvelope(
         at org.apache.axis.Message.getSOAPEnvelope(
         at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.MustUnderstandChecker.invoke(
         at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
         at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
         at ExecuteClient.main(
    I think that this problem is related with de soap version (1.1 and 1.2).
    Someone can help me?

    there's also a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial about consuming a web service from the Enterprise Services Workplace using CAF. This tutorial also features the new capability for configuration of Web Service consumers that was introduced with 7.1.1.
    You can find the tutorial [here|].
    Hope that helps!

  • Web Services  from ABAP function modules return values- leading zeros

    I am using several web services from SAP CRM (5.0) that were created from Function modules ( I am assuming that that they are in ABAP).
    I can call the web services fine and they work as expected, but I am seeing a lot of leading zeros in the return values of fields in tables from the Web service.
    The ABAP er’s are telling me that they cannot see the leading zero’s.
    So my question is where these are appended to the values in the whole process. When I execute the Function Module in SAP CRM from transaction SE37 I can see the leading zeros. So I think that this is something that has to be handled by the ABAP er’s and not in the client consuming the web service.
    Are the functions in SAP CRM that can remove leading zeros for fields in a table (that is an export parameter?)

    Hello Jawahar
    If you run your (RFC-enabled) function modules using the SAP-GUI (i.e. in dialog) then the GUI automatically replaces leading zero when the function module returns any data. However, calling the same function module remotely you will always see these leading zeros.
    These so-called conversion exits are defined as attribute of domains in the ABAP dictionary. If the function module used for the WebService is a standard fm then you have little chances to get rid of the leading zero. Perhaps the WebService has some attribute to suppress conversion exits or activate them when retrieving the data.

  • Problem with special characters when calling web services via ISG

    Hi all,
    I have a problem when trying to send or retrieve strings containing some special characters via Integrated SOA Gateway.
    For example, when I call a PL/SQL function via ISG that returns a string containing curling single and double quote characters, these are not represented by valid XML character entity references. So when trying to open the response XML (returned by ISG) in a browser, I get a parser error...
    Has anybody had a similar experience with ISG? How can I resolve that - is it an ISG bug?

    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Location: file:///C:/Users/sanders/Desktop/Text3.xml
    Line Number 4734, Column 54: <DESCRIPTION>Overhead Track Lighting 4?</DESCRIPTION>Do you get the same error if you change the description from "Overhead Track Lighting 4?" to "Overhead Track Lighting 4"?
    Do you have any invalid characters?
    BI Publisher Reports End With Error When There Is An Ampersand Character ( & ) On The Xml Data File [ID 1081175.1]
    Journal Entries Report Doesn'T Yield Output: Java Heap Error [ID 1115663.1]

  • ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR when calling web service

    Summary: ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR was met when I called web service in ABAP with logical port & RFC Connection of type G.
    1. the <b>test of RFC Connection of type G in SM59 works OK</b>, with SSL inactive and basic authentication.
    2. while <b>in ABAP code, the calling to web service throws ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR</b>, using the logical port with the RFC Connection as HTTp Destination.
    3. also, with using URL directly in logical port settings, the calling to web service in ABAP throws ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR.
    I searched threads and blog for ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR, it seems others met ICM_HTTP_SSL_ERROR in SM59; while my case is the test in SM59 works well.
    Anybody can help?
    Thanks and kind regards.

    Dear Sayid,
    The document which you had mentioned here is really helpful.
    I'am working on Digital Signature for Form16 in SAP.I stucked up with the same issue.
    I went through the document of
    Enabling SSL and Client Certificates on the SAP J2EE Engine by Angel Dichev
    in that document i went through one note
    Note: Per default, the SAP J2EE Engine uses the u201Cssl-credentialsu201D entry for SSL, which contains a
    public-key certificate that has been signed by a test CA. Although this certificate can be used for
    testing purposes, a certificate that has been signed by a well-known, productive CA should be used
    when in production mode.
    right now i'am doing it for testing purpose, in the above note it is mentioned that we can use default credentials but when i see the expiry date of this default credentials in my server 1) SSL-Credentials 2)SSL-Credentials-cert it is given that these certificates are Valid Not After 2005 year.
    So i got confused now whether to use the default credentials or not.
    Please guide me with a solution.
    With Regards,

  • Using utl_dbws to call web service

    We're calling a web service using utl_dbws and getting a response but the problem is the parameters. I haven't been able to find much documentation about how to use the utl_dbws package and have only one example to work from so could do with some expert help.
    The following code calls the webservice:
    procedure call_web_service(p_application_key in number,
    out_success_message out varchar2)
    v_service utl_dbws.service;
    v_service_qname utl_dbws.qname;
    v_port_qname utl_dbws.qname;
    v_operation_qname utl_dbws.qname;
    v_string_type_qname utl_dbws.qname;
    v_return anydata;
    v_send_data anydata;
    v_return_string varchar2 (100);
    v_return_length number;
    v_parameter_string varchar2(32767);
    v_params utl_dbws.anydata_list;
    v_interview_xml xmltype;
    v_policy_number varchar2(14);
    -- return parameters
    v_interviewId varchar2(1000);
    v_statusType varchar2(1000);
    v_error_reason varchar2(1000);
    message_handler.set_current_process('retrieve generated xml');
         select upload_xml, extractvalue(upload_xml, '/interview/externalReferenceNumber') policy_number
         into v_interview_xml, v_policy_number
              from xpb_upload_data
         where application_key = p_application_key
              and extractvalue(upload_xml, '/interview/externalReferenceNumber') is not null;
    --dbms_output.put_line('xml retrieved');
         when no_data_found then     
              v_success_message := 'No xml found for application_key = '||p_application_key;
              raise v_procedure_error;
         message_handler.set_current_process('call web service');
    -- create service
    v_service_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname (null, 'xpertBridge');
    v_service := utl_dbws.create_service (v_service_qname);
    -- create call
    v_port_qname := utl_dbws.to_qname (null, 'xpertBridgePort');
    v_operation_qname :=
    v_call := utl_dbws.create_call (v_service, v_port_qname, v_operation_qname);
    -- set endpoint
    -- set type of input and output parameters
    v_string_type_qname :=
    utl_dbws.to_qname ('', 'string');
    utl_dbws.add_parameter (v_call,
    utl_dbws.add_parameter (v_call,
    utl_dbws.add_parameter (v_call,
    utl_dbws.add_parameter (v_call,
    utl_dbws.set_return_type (v_call, v_string_type_qname);
    -- convert xmltype to string for call
    select xmlserialize(document v_interview_xml)
    into v_parameter_string
    from dual;
    v_params (1) := anydata.convertvarchar(v_parameter_string);
    -- call
    v_return := utl_dbws.invoke (v_call, v_params);
    -- values which can be returned are Success / MessageError / ApplicationError
    v_return_string := v_return.accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Message returned is: ' || nvl(v_return_string, 'No success message returned'));
    -- retrieve out parameters
    v_interviewId := v_params(2).accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Message returned is: ' || nvl(v_interviewId, 'No interviewId returned'));
    v_statusType := v_params(3).accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Message returned is: ' || nvl(v_statusType, 'No status type returned'));
    v_error_reason := v_params(4).accessvarchar2;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Message returned is: ' || nvl(v_error_reason, 'No error reason returned'));
    -- release call
    utl_dbws.release_call ( v_call );
    -- release services
    utl_dbws.release_service ( v_service );
    when others then
    out_success_message := message_handler.formatted_error_message;
    end call_web_service;
    Here is an excerpt from the WSDL relating to the call being made:
         <xs:element name="orcaAppUpload">
                             <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Message payload XML</xs:documentation>
                                  <xs:element name="orcaXml" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="orcaAppUploadResponse">
                                  <xs:element name="interviewId" type="xs:string">
                                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Interview identifier used to access the interview from UI</xs:documentation>
                                  <xs:element name="status" type="tns:StatusType"/>
                                  <xs:element name="errorReason" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                                            <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Only included if an error has occured </xs:documentation>
                   <xs:simpleType name="StatusType">
                        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                             <xs:enumeration value="Success"/>
                             <xs:enumeration value="MessageError">
                                       <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">MessageError arises if the request payload was
    rejected by xpertBridge. This might be because it does not validate against the
    expected schema. Alternatively, a business rule is not satisfied.</xs:documentation>
                             <xs:enumeration value="ApplicationError">
                                       <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">ApplicationError would indicate application or system
    error or exception occured in xpertBridge while processing the request.</xs:documentation>
         <wsdl:message name="orcaAppUploadReq">
              <wsdl:part name="orcaAppUpload" element="tns:orcaAppUpload"/>
         <wsdl:message name="orcaAppUploadResp">
              <wsdl:part name="orcaAppUploadResponse" element="tns:orcaAppUploadResponse"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="xpertBridgePort">
              <wsdl:operation name="orcaAppUpload">
                   <wsdl:documentation>Upload (typically paper) application from ORCA/Ingenium</wsdl:documentation>
                   <wsdl:input message="tns:orcaAppUploadReq"/>
                   <wsdl:output message="tns:orcaAppUploadResp"/>
    The error being returned is the following: web service.ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: unexpected element name: expected=interviewId, actual=status
    Initially I started the params at params(0) but when I received the response above I thought it might solve the problem by starting at 1 - try anything :-) but still had the same response.
    I'm now out of ideas!

    UTL_DBWS is not part of XDB, XDB is more about being the web service, rather than calling a web service. Here's an example of using UTL_HTTP to test a XML DB Database Native Web Service which may help
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Jun 17 08:23:14 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL> spool password.log
    SQL> --
    SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> def HOSTNAME=&1
    SQL> --
      2  /
    User dropped.
    SQL> grant connect, resource to &USERNAME identified by &PASSWORD
      2  /
    old   1: grant connect, resource to &USERNAME identified by &PASSWORD
    new   1: grant connect, resource to DBNWS identified by DBNWS
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> begin
      2    dbms_network_acl_admin.drop_acl('localhost.xml');
      3  end;
      4  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> begin
      2    dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl('localhost.xml', 'ACL for &HOSTNAME', '&USERNAME', true, 'connect');
      3    dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl('localhost.xml', '&HOSTNAME');
      4  end;
      5  /
    old   2:   dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl('localhost.xml', 'ACL for &HOSTNAME', '&USERNAME', true, 'connect');
    new   2:   dbms_network_acl_admin.create_acl('localhost.xml', 'ACL for localhost', 'DBNWS', true, 'connect');
    old   3:   dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl('localhost.xml', '&HOSTNAME');
    new   3:   dbms_network_acl_admin.assign_acl('localhost.xml', 'localhost');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
      2  /
    Commit complete.
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> --
    SQL> create or replace function GET_SQRT (INPUT_VALUE number) return number
      2  as
      3  begin
      4    return SQRT(2);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select GET_SQRT(2)
      2    from dual
      3  /
    SQL> --
      2    :url :=   'http://&USERNAME:&PASSWORD@&HOSTNAME:' || dbms_xdb.getHttpPort() || '/orawsv/&USERNAME/GET_SQRT';
      3  end;
      4  /
    old   2:   :url :=   'http://&USERNAME:&PASSWORD@&HOSTNAME:' || dbms_xdb.getHttpPort() || '/orawsv/&USERNAME/GET_SQRT';
    new   2:   :url :=   'http://DBNWS:DBNWS@localhost:' || dbms_xdb.getHttpPort() || '/orawsv/DBNWS/GET_SQRT';
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print url
    SQL> --
    SQL> set long 100000 pages 0 lines 256
    SQL> --
    SQL> select     httpuritype( :url || '?wsdl' ).getXML() from dual
      2  /
    <definitions name="GET_SQRT" targetNamespace="" xmlns="
    " xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="http://">
        <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
          <xsd:element name="SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput">
                <xsd:element name="INPUT_VALUE-NUMBER-IN" type="xsd:double"/>
          <xsd:element name="GET_SQRTOutput">
                <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:double"/>
      <message name="GET_SQRTInputMessage">
        <part name="parameters" element="tns:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput"/>
      <message name="GET_SQRTOutputMessage">
        <part name="parameters" element="tns:GET_SQRTOutput"/>
      <portType name="GET_SQRTPortType">
        <operation name="GET_SQRT">
          <input message="tns:GET_SQRTInputMessage"/>
          <output message="tns:GET_SQRTOutputMessage"/>
      <binding name="GET_SQRTBinding" type="tns:GET_SQRTPortType">
        <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
        <operation name="GET_SQRT">
          <soap:operation soapAction="GET_SQRT"/>
            <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
            <soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
      <service name="GET_SQRTService">
        <documentation>Oracle Web Service</documentation>
        <port name="GET_SQRTPort" binding="tns:GET_SQRTBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://localhost:80/orawsv/DBNWS/GET_SQRT"/>
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> --
      3  '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
    encoding/" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      4          <SOAP-ENV:Body>
      5                  <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
      6                          <m:INPUT_VALUE-NUMBER-IN>2</m:INPUT_VALUE-NUMBER-IN>
      7                  </m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput>
      8          </SOAP-ENV:Body>
      9  </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>');
    11    V_REQUEST           UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    12    V_RESPONSE          UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    13    V_BUFFER            VARCHAR2(1024);
    14  BEGIN
    17    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(V_REQUEST, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
    18    V_REQUEST.METHOD := 'POST';
    23    LOOP
    26    END LOOP;
    31  END;
    32  /
    old   5:                <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
    new   5:                <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <GET_SQRTOutput xmlns="">
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> --

  • How to make a PDF form call Web service and return a static pdf for user to print?

    Hi all,
    Can anyone help me regarding the feasibility of using PDF forms for my following case?
    I would like to create a Dynamic pdf form. User only have the Acrobat reader. they can enter some information. Then have a submit button. when user click the submit button, it can call the web service with data. then Web service returns a Static PDF document based on data and the user can print it out. (and maybe save as separate pdf file)
    1. Is that possible to implement? Because I know PDF can call web service, but dont know how it handle when the webservice returns another static PDF document. could it able to handle the responds and open up in another acrobat reader?
    2. As I understand I need to have Live Cycle Designer to create a pdf  and make it Reader Enabled. So user can user reader to call webservice? am I correct?
    3. What minimum reader that user need to have? PDF reader 7 or above?
    4. I have a webservice serve the same purpose for web. But if I want the same web services can serve both web and PDF form. So, whatever client (PDF or Web)make the web service call, server returns the PDF document to client. Is that possible ? Do I need to make any changes on web service?
    5. Do I need to get any other Adobe server product? (other than Live Cycle Designer )
    Thanks a lot

    We have done a similar approach in the past and yes, it can be doable.
    1. Is that possible to implement? Because I know PDF can call web service, but dont know how it handle when the webservice returns another static PDF document. could it able to handle the responds and open up in another acrobat reader?
    Srini: We have developed a Servlet to talk to Webservice. Based on the Webservice response, the Servlet, prepares the Byte stream and sends it to Webbrowser to display as a PDF. The PDF data was submitted to Servlet in XML format.
    But if you do not want to use the above approach, then you have to use the Workbench Process.
    Submit the PDF data to a Workbench process and the inside process, execute Webservice Service with the data. Once the response is received, prepare the data XML and render a PDF with it.
    To do this, you need LiveCycle Server and Reader Extensions server component.
    2. As I understand I need to have Live Cycle Designer to create a pdf  and make it Reader Enabled. So user can user reader to call webservice? am I correct?
    Srini: If you want to use the Servlet, you can Reader extend the PDF with Acrobat.. But if you want to submit the data directly to Webservice, then you need Reader Extensions server component.
    3. What minimum reader that user need to have? PDF reader 7 or above?
    Srini: Not sure but Reader 8 and above should work.
    4. I have a webservice serve the same purpose for web. But if I want the same web services can serve both web and PDF form. So, whatever client (PDF or Web)make the web service call, server returns the PDF document to client. Is that possible ? Do I need to make any changes on web service?
    Srini: If you use the Servlet approach, then you can re-use the same webservice. But if you want to submit directly to the same webservice, you may need to change it to suit your data XML.
    5. Do I need to get any other Adobe server product? (other than Live Cycle Designer )
    Srini: If you use the Servlet approach, you do not need any server component but other approach, you need Livecycle Server and Reader Extensions server component.

  • Security issues with calling web services from within Oracle?

    I'd like to use a trigger to initiate pushing data to a web service, so I thought we should call the web service from PL/SQL in a DBMS job, or perhaps create a .NET stored proc to call the service. Our DB Lead is concerned about security, since the standard model is for clients to call the database, and not for the database to function as a client.
    Does this pose any security risk? Can you refer me to any best practices or articles on this?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: on Nov 9, 2010 11:28 AM

    First, a trigger is there to for a single sole purpose - guaranteeing the integrity of the data and the transaction. It is not there to interact with external services and processes (like mail, web and other services). Doing that exposes the transaction to those other processes/services. The transaction can now fail. not because of a business rule validation, but because of a network error when the trigger accesses an external service. How on earth can a business transaction fail when the transaction is valid, but a the transaction's trigger hit an external access error!?
    And what happens do that event you have fired off in the trigger, when the transaction is rolled back? How do you undo that event you have created in the trigger that was based on uncommitted data?
    So using a trigger like this is simply stupid (and yes, I have seen it too often in practice with horrible results to sugarcoat such an idiotic approach).
    As for calling a web service from the database, using the database as the client in such a case. This is not a security risk. This is not unusual. In fact, it is very common in my experience. We have a lot of databases, ranging from SE to EE and several RAC clusters. All of them function as a client at some stage during processing. Some use a db link - and as a client fire off a SQL via that db link to a database server to obtain data. Some use ftp and act as a ftp clients, transferring processed data (XML format) to a server. Some call web services to extract data from 3rd party systems to reconcile the differences between local data sets and 3rd party data sets..
    This is common between server and server. I do not see anything unusual in the database server using another server (and acting as a client when it does). Security between servers should not be a major problem (in fact, it can easily be done in a very robust way using trusted and encrypted communication).
    The problem occurs when a client connects to the server and client and server roles are swapped at some stage (like the server "writing" a file directly to the client's filesystem). This very seldom makes any sense. And this is where authentication and security become an issue.

  • Calling Data Services Web Services via Oracle Triggers?

    Has anyone called Data Services web service via an oracle trigger? If so i'm interested in your experiences with volume and perfromance.

    Has anyone called Data Services web service via an oracle trigger? If so i'm interested in your experiences with volume and perfromance.

  • Invoke existing DotNet web services via B1IF soap call

    Hi All,
    I have developed my own B1IF web services and invoked them with dot net.
    I now want to invoke existing hosted web services via B1IF (Not B1IF Web Services).
    Can someone guide me using the Web Service Call (soap call).
    Can I invoke any web service via B1IF scenarios (Web Service Call) ?
    Kind Regards,
    Brenden Draper

    Hi Bastian,
    I read about it for some reason I get the following error when loading the wsdl:
    Can you maybe tell me why I get this ?
    I can access the wsdl via my browser perfectly.
    Kind Regards,
    Brenden Draper

  • Calling web service from oracle forms fails with ORA_JAVA.JAVA_ERROR

    Problem Description:
    I'm following the steps as per the doc:
    to create a java stub to call external web service and then use java importer in oracle forms to call this web service from oracle forms.
    WSDL for external web service used is
    Calling the web service using JDeveloper works fine but from Oracle Forms returns ORA_JAVA.JAVA_ERROR; Unable to call out to Java, Invalid object type for argument 1
    The code from oracle form to call web service is as below:
    jo ora_java.jobject;
    rv ora_java.jobject;
    ex ora_java.jobject;
    outString varchar2(2000);
    --This will get the exchange rate from US Dollars to UK Sterling.
    rv:= CurrencyConvertorStub.ConversionRate(jo,'CAD','USD');
    message (float_.floatValue(RV));
    message('Unable to call out to Java, ' ||ORA_JAVA.LAST_ERROR);
    outString := Exception_.toString(ex);
    Any help/ideas on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Yes, it is the message line - so basically this call fails => rv:= CurrencyConvertorStub.ConversionRate(jo,'CAD','USD'); and control goes in the exception block
    message('Unable to call out to Java, ' ||ORA_JAVA.LAST_ERROR);
    Below is the code from java stub that was generated using JDeveloper by using web services stub/skeleton and associating the WSDL
    public Double ConversionRate(String FromCurrency, String ToCurrency) throws Exception
    URL endpointURL = new URL(endpoint);
    Envelope requestEnv = new Envelope();
    Body requestBody = new Body();
    Vector requestBodyEntries = new Vector();
    String wrappingName = "ConversionRate";
    String targetNamespace = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/";
    Vector requestData = new Vector();
    requestData.add(new Object[] {"FromCurrency", FromCurrency});
    requestData.add(new Object[] {"ToCurrency", ToCurrency});
    requestBodyEntries.addElement(toElement(wrappingName, targetNamespace, requestData));
    Message msg = new Message();
    msg.send(endpointURL, "http://www.webserviceX.NET/ConversionRate", requestEnv);
    Envelope responseEnv = msg.receiveEnvelope();
    Body responseBody = responseEnv.getBody();
    Vector responseData = responseBody.getBodyEntries();
    return (Double)fromElement((Element)responseData.elementAt(0), java.lang.Double.class);

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