Camera.get - USB vs. Firewire

This may not be the right forum, I'm not sure this is a
"code" issue. I am trying to display live video. My project works
GREAT with a Firewire video camera attached - I see live
video in my SWF; but I get no video in my SWF when I attach a USB
2.0 webcam. I don't think this is my code - is this a bug? I am
using Flash MX 2004. The USB webcam works fine with iChat and
QuickTime, just not in Flash. Any ideas on this would be greatly

Its not your code - that's fine. Its nothing to do with
firewire or usb 2.0, as firewire transfer rates are only 400mbps
compared to usb 2.0's 480mbps - the usb should be better. Are you
using a mac? You hardly ever hear of firewires on pcs.
Your problem is to do with the curse of all hardware:
drivers. Now, most drivers are good, and the best are the ones that
come with your pc - the plug in and play ones. These work find with
Flash and are tested and efficient. If your using a Mac, you
would've had the drivers for the firewire, apple likes firewire,
but perhaps not the usb. If you're on a pc, you probably have bad
drivers from a bad company. Logitech are particually bad. Yes, they
Anyhow, what im really trying to get at is its nothing to do
with flash or your code, its the camera's drivers failing to
interact with flash. Either this was a dodgey install or you have a
Mac, which then you have no hope, or just siply flash doesn't like
it. I suggest you put it on a website to test with the people on
this forum.

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    What type of Firewire cable do you have?
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    iBook G3   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Tar,
    I'm afraid there are no such converters available that work in the required direction.
    There is one I'm aware of which will run from a FW device to a USB2 ported computer, but associated software is for Windows only, as I understand it - see
    It won't work in the reverse direction (which is what you would need), and, as I understand it, can only be used for connecting a video camera's FW port to a USB2 computer (by reporocessing the FW signal into video , and then sending this to the USB port) , not for other purposes such as general firewire devices like drives, burners, etc etc. So its not for you. Even to achieve only this it costs $120US.
    There have been some "dual" firewire /USB hubs on the market but they all require you to have a cable to your computer's FW port and another cable to your computer's USB port to provide both forms of connection.
    Your answers , I'm afraid, are to get the existing USB ports sorted out or to see if you can find FW peripherals to replace the USB ones.

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    Message was edited by: BlueDingo

    Don't know about PPro.
    For FCP, you really should have FW. The problem you'll run into, is that the Mac Book only has 1 FW bus. It doesn't matter how many ports the computer or external have, they will all run on the same FW bus. And I don't believe the MacBook has the capability of using an Express34 card (or any other FW expandability). I could be wrong, but don't think so.
    One solution is to capture directly to your internal harddrive, then copy the files over to the external FW drive. Others have posted about daisy-chaining your camera/deck through the external FW drive, but I've not done that and can't tell you how.
    Even capturing to the internal may not work, depending on what format you're capturing.
    Hang around for other possible solutions and search this forum for 'capturing to Mac Book' or some such language.
    and yes, USB delivers content in packets vs. a continuous stream using FW. FW is the way to go. You might have success with USB, but you'll be lucky. Try to get FW 800 if you can.

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    hey there Heliks,
    you can load video(as QT files) from the other Mac/PC on to a FW drive, then into your iMac over FW. also check out the Arkaos User Forums for more info:
    good luck.

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    So, here's the question: I know that you can daisy chain FireWire drives that have more than one port together, like this:
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    Thanks so much in advance for any help I get. Sorry about the long post; I hope it made sense.
    Thanks again.

    nate12345 wrote:
    Thanks for the response!
    What about Setup 2, though? Does someone sell a USB to FireWire Converter?
    Nobody has heard of a USB to FireWire converter that works.
    The first example you gave would require a USB B to USB B cable or perhaps a "gender bender". Both of the drives you're looking at seem to still use the original full-sized USB B port, while many have gone to the mini-B. It wouldn't work anyways since both are USB slave devices. USB was never designed to daisy-chain.
    Why can't you just connect the USB-only device to the USB port. If you're strapped for ports, then maybe a USB hub. You wouldn't even need a powered hub if you have a few low-powered devices and this external drive which doesn't use bus power.

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    No. No adapter exists to connect USB devices to a FireWire port; hubs which provide both USB and FireWire ports don't transfer any data between the interfaces.

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    Start here to adapt the 25 pin scsi to 50 pin
    And then this looks like the scsi to usb cable
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    - Mike

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    Hello Steve and welcome to discussions,
    Its probably not possible to convert a drive in the manner you suggest. Even if you did, you would almost certainly void any warranty on the device.
    Sell the drive and buy a new ( Firewire ) version? - I would.
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Super Duper
    are 2 back up Applications around. Both seem to have good reputations among many here.
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    Hi, Sashasdad. Lots of great adapters out there; which one is best for you depends on your circumstances.
    First suggestion: I would suggest going with one that has enough ins/outs plus one or two spares. If you get more gear, you can always add on another MIDI interface and your Mac shouldn't have any trouble handling it.
    Second suggestion: don't even look for a Firewire MIDI interface. You'll find audio interfaces with some MIDI ports that run on Firewire, but for straight MIDI data a USB port is going to handle a ton of I/O before it even thinks about breaking a sweat. (MIDI runs at 32 KILObits per second, while even pokey old USB 1.0 theoretically runs at 10 MEGAbits per second.)
    I've used the M-Audio MIDISport interfaces (2 in; 2 out) as well as "micro lite" from Mark of The Unicorn (MoTU). Both are absolutely easy to install and use. One small benefit of the MIDISport series is that there's a switch that allows you to use the device as a 'thru' box even if the computer isn't running or processing MIDI -- this is useful when you have a controller addressing one or two modules and you don't want to turn on your computer just to play around. The MoTU Ultra Lite is a 5*5 device, and it's served perfectly well for a few years now. Because my configuration has changed, I don't miss the 'thru' feature of the MIDISport interfaces.
    I would suggest checking online prices at M-Audio, Sweetwater Sound, and Musician's Friend -- then go to your local shop and expect a decent markup.
    WARNING: OLD FOGEY ALERT!!: Just to show my age here, I sorely miss the Opcode Studio-4 that I used to have: 8*8, with tons of patching and processing available in the box. Couple that with a Roland A-880 MIDI patchbay (also 8*8) and you've got oodles of power. Then there was the funny little Akai ME-25S and the wildly potent Yamaha MEP-4. Yummy, yummy, yummy.
    Back in the early 90s, I spent a huge amount of time with UltraMIDI and TweakIt on the wonderful Atari ST, at one point designing a pretty nifty two-player, four-controller, eight-module setup for a recital at Berklee.
    For what it's worth, you can do a whole lot more with much less money using today's gear (put Cycling 74's Max onto a cheap laptop and !!!!!), but there was a certain beautiful adventurousness to those weird old devices. The MEP-4 was particularly nifty. Mine is probably still working in my brother's home studio years away and far ago. And UltraMIDI was a variant on Max -- anything could be mapped to anything else!
    eMac 800mHz, MacBook 2gHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    USB/Firewire ports were designed to be "hot" plugged. You can safely plug and unplug devices without usually having to shut down the computer or the device. Some devices, such as external HDs, digital cameras and iPods need to be "ejected" first, so as not to damage their formatting or data.
    You can network your Macs wirelessly or with an ethernet cable and then set the printer connected to one computer to be shared with the other computer.
    Here are a couple of links;
    Connecting two computers using Ethernet
    Sharing your printers with other computers

  • Disconnecting all USB and firewire cables before upgrading OS X?

    I would like to confirm my understanding of some empirically effective advice provided in this previous Post about disconnecting USB and firewire cables before doing a Software Update and I presume also a Download update. What is gained by disconnecting the peripherals connected to the USB and firewire ports?
    I'm getting ready to update from OSX 10.2.8 to 10.3.9 (using full Retail CDs, of course).
    1. So it would NOT be a good idea to do the update in an external firewire drive? I had done this previously to leave my original OSX 10.1.5 in my internal drive alone while I tested the upgrade to 10.2.8 in a firewire drive. (I have since added a second internal drive.)
    2. That I should disconnect my two printers from their USB ports.
    3. If I'm doing a Download update vs. Software Update (from System Preferences), I guess I should also disconnect the cable to the modem?
    4. Run Repair Permissions before and after each software update step?
    Thanks in advance.

    Browsing through the Apple instructions on installing updates I do see in the section on Troubleshooting... to "Disconnect or remove anything that did not come with your computer" including removing any non-Apple RAM -- although this is recommended after an unsuccessful installation. Disconnecting the devices seems like an easy and prudent enough precaution.
    I do wonder now about again doing an update on a volume in an external firewire drive. This did work for me twice before in upgrading from OS X 10.1.5 to 10.2.8 (which is markedly better than the former). I suppose I could try it again although this time in a Panther upgrade; if it fails I could upgrade in an internal drive.

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