Can a class b subclass of itself wh is diff between instaceof n isInstance

appricate your views

Okay. After reading it three times, I got you. Impoliteness abounds.
No, classes cannot extend themselves.
1) It should be obvious if you put a little thought of your own into it. Why should it be able to?
2) You could have simply wrote some code to try this yourself.
instanceof is an operator. I have no idea what isInstance is supposed to be.
madeaboutjava, you're leeching knowledge, make no useful contributions to this board whatsoever, show no effort or even will to learn anything by yourself rather than being spoonfed by us and basically can be considered a big waste of time. I will no more reply to you.

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    Java_Aspirant wrote:
    hello experts,
    Is a class a subclass of itself? no
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    A class is never a Sub class of itself..
    can you do like this...
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    public static void main(String args[])
    no way doing like this.....
    ok You got it, I think
    One thing
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    Edited by: sankar.natukula on Sep 24, 2007 2:04 AM

  • Is a class subclass of itself

    reply for the subject que

    Nice find, Jenny. :o)
    Despite the fact that the quote comes from Sun, I'm not sure that it's in line with the JLS, to wit:
    The subclass relationship is the transitive closure of the direct subclass relationship. A class A is a subclass of class C if either of the following is true:
    * A is the direct subclass of C.
    * There exists a class B such that A is a subclass of B, and B is a subclass of C, applying this definition recursively.
    I haven't found in the JLS where they use the term "strict subclass", or the implied "non-strict" subclass. The JLS only uses the term "subclass" in the context mentioned above. Furthermore JLS is quite clear that a final class cannot have a subclass, which would seemingly preclude a final class from being a subclass of itself.
    But, hey, if that's what Sun says the certification is asking for, I'd take their word for it over mine... :o)

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    // /**JCF already does this so just wrap their implementation
    // public static List asList(Object[] array) {
    // return java.util.Arrays.asList(array);
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    result = asList(( short[])object);
    else if (type == Integer.TYPE)
    result = asList(( int[])object);
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    result = asList(( long[])object);
    else if (type == Float.TYPE)
    result = asList(( float[])object);
    else if (type == Double.TYPE)
    result = asList(( double[])object);
    } else {
    result = java.util.Arrays.asList((Object[])object);
    return result;
    I do not intend to instantiate com.tassajara.util.Arrays as all my methods are static just like java.util.Arrays. You can see where I started to wrap asList(Object[] o). I could continue and wrap all of java.util.Arrays methods, but thats annoying and much less elegant.

    Why can't classes with private constructors be
    subclassed?Because the subclass can't access the superclass constructor.
    I really, really want to be able to subclass
    java.util.Arrays, like so:Why? It only contains static methods, so why don't you just create a separate class?
    I do not intend to instantiate
    com.tassajara.util.Arrays as all my methods are static
    just like java.util.Arrays. You can see where I
    started to wrap asList(Object[] o). I could continue
    and wrap all of java.util.Arrays methods, but thats
    annoying and much less elegant.There's no need to duplicate all the methods - just call them when you want to use them.
    It really does sound like you're barking up the wrong tree here. I can see no good reason to want to subclass java.util.Arrays. Could you could explain why you want to do that? - perhaps you are misunderstanding static methods.
    Precisely as you said, if they didn't want me to
    subclass it they would have declared it final.Classes with no non-private constructors are implicitly final.
    But they didn't. There has to be a way for an API
    developer to indicate that a class is merely not to be
    instantiated, and not both uninstantiable and
    unextendable.There is - declare it abstract. Since that isn't what was done here, I would assume the writers don't want you to be able to subclass java.util.Arrays

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    pressedX = e.getX();
    pressedY = e.getY();
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    Math.max(label.getX() + e.getX() - pressedX, BORDER),
    panel.getWidth() - label.getWidth() - BORDER),
    Math.max(label.getY() + e.getY() - pressedY, BORDER),
    panel.getHeight() - label.getHeight() - BORDER));
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    interface InterfaceA {
      public int doSomething(String myString);
    interface InterfaceB {
      public String doSomething(String myString);
    // Now the classes
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    public class ClassA implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
      public int doSomething(String myString) {
        return 0;
      public String doSomething(String myString) {
        return 0;
    // Gives error "The return type is incompatible with InterfaceB.doSomething(String)"
    public class ClassB implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
      public int doSomething(String myString) {
        return 0;
    // Gives error "The return type is incompatible with InterfaceA.doSomething(String)"
    public class ClassC implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
      public String doSomething(String myString) {
        return 0;

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    But your iPad should get really hot and if I am reading your post correctly this occurs after a half hour of use?
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              My servlets which would run happily in WLS4.0.2 on NT do not run anymore
              in WLS4.5.
              In order to help me troubleshoot this problem will someone please
              explain me the difference between the path mentioned against
              weblogic.class.path in the output of t3config
              and the path mentioned against CLASSPATH in the same output.
              When I type t3config I get the following. What is the diff between the
              lines marked ---->>>>
              WebLogic startup settings are presently:
              CLASSPATH Prefix=
              JAVA_HOME= "d:\Weblogic\jre1_1"
              system properties:
              INITIAL_HEAP= 32 MB
              MAX_HEAP= 32 MB

              It all depends on whether you want to do reload on modify feature or not. If you don't need reload on modify they you can have servlets in weblogic.class.path.
              Two things to remember if you can't invoke servlets.
              1. Do you have the servlet registered.
              2. If not, do you have ServletServlet property uncommented. If this property is not commented out then you have to give the complete path to make servlets work.
              Good luck,
              Pankaj Tandon wrote:
              > Hi,
              > My servlets which would run happily in WLS4.0.2 on NT do not run anymore
              > in WLS4.5.
              > In order to help me troubleshoot this problem will someone please
              > explain me the difference between the path mentioned against
              > weblogic.class.path in the output of t3config
              > and the path mentioned against CLASSPATH in the same output.
              > When I type t3config I get the following. What is the diff between the
              > lines marked ---->>>>
              > WebLogic startup settings are presently:
              > CLASSPATH Prefix=
              > .;C:\wip\java\ejb\classes;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\rt.jar;d:\weblogic\classes\boot;d:\Weblogic\evel\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar
              > ------->>>>>CLASSPATH=
              > ".;C:\wip\java\ejb\classes;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\rt.jar;d:\weblogic\classes\boot;d:\Weblogic\evel\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar;d:\Weblogic\jre1_1\lib\;d:\Weblogic\jre1_1\lib\rt.jar;d:\Weblogic\license;d:\Weblogic\classes;d:\Weblogic\lib\weblogicaux.jar;d:\Weblogic\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar"
              > JAVA_HOME= "d:\Weblogic\jre1_1"
              > WEBLOGIC_HOME="d:\Weblogic"
              > system properties:
              > weblogic.system.home=d:\Weblogic
              > java.compiler=symcjit
              > ------->>>
              > weblogic.class.path=d:\Weblogic\license;d:\Weblogic\classes;d:\Weblogic\lib\weblogicaux.jar
              > INITIAL_HEAP= 32 MB
              > MAX_HEAP= 32 MB
              > SERVERCLASSPATH=
              > ".;C:\wip\java\ejb\classes;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\;d:\weblogic\jre1_1\lib\rt.jar;d:\weblogic\classes\boot;d:\Weblogic\evel\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar;d:\Weblogic\jre1_1\lib\;d:\Weblogic\jre1_1\lib\rt.jar;d:\Weblogic\classes\boot;d:\Weblogic\eval\cloudscape\lib\cloudscape.jar"

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    How can I make a server differ between two or more clients?
    The clients can connect and talk to the server fine, but how can I make the server talk to one, two or all clients? i.e. what would be a good way to implement this?
    Currently, the server listens for connections like this:
    while (listening) {
    try {
    new ServerThread(this, serverSocket.accept()).start();
    I guess one way would be to add the ServerThreads to a Hashtable with the client ID as key, and then get the ServerThread with the proper client ID, but this seems unnecessary complicated. Any ideas?

    Complicated was perhaps the wrong word, I should have
    written something like it doesn't "feel" right. Or is
    this a common and good way to solve communication
    between a server and multiple clients?Thats pretty much how I do it. I normally use an array or ArrayList of Sockets instead of HashTable, with [0] being the first player etc.... Then you can communicate with exactly who you want. If you want to send bytes to all of them, just send the same thing to each socket individually (or is there a better way to do this?).

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       this pandu can i know what is the diff between pnp &pnpce logical database.
    thanks and regards,

    pretty much the same.. except that PNPCE has additional functionality to deal with Concurrent Employment.. PL go through <a href="">SAP Help</a> for more info.

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    All I want do is to have the new phone activated and then tested!
    Ciao // Mufftas

    Yes, you can do that.

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