Can anyone explain LV debug log files?

Specifically, I'm looking at the debug files generated in my local %TEMP% directory, and I'm wondering what to make of the entries like this:
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 0 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 1 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 2 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 3 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 4 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 5 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 6 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 7 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 8 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 9 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 10 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 11 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 12 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 13 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 14 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 15 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 16 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 17 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 18 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 19 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 20 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 21 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 22 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 23 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 24 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 25 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 26 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 27 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 28 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 29 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 30 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
starting LabVIEW Execution System 2 Thread 31 , capacity: 48 at [3510752623.52037530, (10:03:43.520375252 2015:04:01)]
Questions that this raises for me are:
why do i see entries for "LabVIEW Execution System 2" and then later in the file (not shown here), entries for "...System 22"? Why more than one execution system, and what do the numbers associated respresent?
Why does it appear that these execution systems have a capacity of 48 threads (if I'm reading it right), but LV is only ever starting 32 threads?
And then, of course, any additional information/insight into these files would be helpful. Wondering if someone might point me to some documentation, or provide any lessons learned.

Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, it looks a bit dated ("Primary Software Version: 7.1"). But I guess it's starting to make sense...
"LabVIEW has five "execution systems", and each execution system allocates threads for four different normal priorities. This accounts for twenty threads"
My debug file claims that there are 2x execution systems starting up ("2" and "22"), which I guess makes sense, since I believe my application has some VIs in the "Other 2" execution system.
So I would expect one thread per priority per logical CPU core (my desktop has 32 logical cores)
And I think I don't have any VIs configure with custom priories, so I guess seeing 32 makes sense
...not sure what the "capacity: 48" part means, though
Am I interprething things correctly so far?

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PhotosEnabledKey = 1; Platform = apple; "SCHEDULE_SYNC_ALERT" = 43200; "SCHEDULE_SYNC_REPEAT" = 8; SavedSelectedSegmentIndex = 1240; "UPDATE_STATUS" = 0; USERNAME = 19104179594; VideosEnabledKey = 0; charge = "0.0"; "client version" = "MB 13.3.8"; contactsUserID = 19104179594; dvtoken = "ADiiNDs_jFiCKrzd3NOIGHwmIHMCbepQCqb_AYRDxUcoft5oM3n1BxxUKBp5K2Ayf39-6ORxjtoAXh JkzP_sD-Fo-_uZTqYsp5dAliKsVr6GV_QVe0ie8Wx5SOc0EZkSkFv9_4DxUNZbx1zPk5ovxh5pAGBrAu 2xFquq7gIkhLw6mgI8j5fW_Cldk3eEzXDmPOmc8DORn1F1cEPkEVJRwRyPh0GQ40at3fkL9VeoyprU"; email = "[email protected]"; featurecode = VL5; globalConfig = { alternate = alternate; appMandatoryVersion = "1.0.0"; appOptionalVersion = "1.0.0"; appUpgradeURL = "itms://"; batteryLevel = "0.250000"; "carrier/MCC" = 310; "carrier/Name" = VZCloud; "carrier/OpCo" = us; "carrier/allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth" = false; "carrier/atpUrl" = ""; "carrier/browseRegistration" = true; "carrier/country" = US; "carrier/dataClasses/calls" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/contacts" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/documents" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/messages" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/music" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/photos" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/videos" = true; "carrier/forgotPasswordURL" = " playForgotPassword"; "carrier/granttype" = "client_credentials"; "carrier/helpURL" = " es/cloud.html"; "carrier/registrationURL" = ""; "carrier/service" = DV; "carrier/serviceURL" = ""; "carrier/tandcURL" = ""; carriers = ""; carriersArray = ( { MCC = 310; Name = VZCloud; OpCo = us; allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth = false; atpUrl = ""; browseRegistration = true; country = US; forgotPasswordURL = " playForgotPassword"; granttype = "client_credentials"; helpURL = " es/cloud.html"; registrationURL = ""; service = DV; serviceURL = ""; tandcURL = ""; }, { MCC = 310; Name = VZCloud; OpCo = us; allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth = false; atpUrl = ""; browseRegistration = true; country = US; forgotPasswordURL = " playForgotPassword"; granttype = "client_credentials"; helpURL = " es/cloud.html"; registrationURL = ""; service = DV; serviceURL = ""; tandcURL = ""; } ); clientconfig = ""; concurrentChunks = 3; configID = globalConfig; "dataClasses/contacts" = true; "dataClasses/documents" = true; "dataClasses/music" = true; "dataClasses/photos" = true; "dataClasses/videos" = true; defaultChunkSizeKb = 512; defaultRepositoryName = VZMOBILE; deviceFolderPath = "/"; "features/manualUpload" = false; "features/privateShare" = true; "features/publicShare" = true; granttype = "client_credentials"; maxDownloadSizeKb = 20971520; maxEmailSizeKb = 9728; maxUploadSizeKb = 20971520; "pageSize/myDocuments" = 50; roaming = false; sncConfigURL = ""; thumbnail = thumbnail; tw = 96; upgradeStoragePercentage = 80; upgradeStoragePercentagePersistent = 98; "urlEndpoints/atpendpoint" = "/atp"; "urlEndpoints/dvendpoint" = "/dv/api"; "urlEndpoints/dvextendpoint" = "/dv/ext"; "urlEndpoints/mediaendpoint" = "/media"; "urlEndpoints/pvaendpoint" = "/msg"; "urlEndpoints/tariffendpoint" = "/tariff/tariff"; version = 73; videoTranscodeRecipe = MPEG4w480f20h360AAC; }; kNBFirstUseKey = NO; kNBLCCExpiresIn = 32399; kNBLCCUidKey = 9e1b3a2230a24ad7b2719926d89e0eeb; "last-media-backup-status-key" = 2; lifeCacheID = 9e1b3a2230a24ad7b2719926d89e0eeb; localConfig = { alternate = alternate; appMandatoryVersion = "1.0.0"; appOptionalVersion = "1.0.0"; appUpgradeURL = "itms://"; audioMimeType = "audio/mpeg"; batteryLevel = "0.15"; "carrier/MCC" = 310; "carrier/Name" = VZCloud; "carrier/OpCo" = us; "carrier/allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth" = false; "carrier/atpUrl" = ""; "carrier/browseRegistration" = true; "carrier/country" = US; "carrier/dataClasses/calls" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/contacts" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/documents" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/messages" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/music" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/photos" = true; "carrier/dataClasses/videos" = true; "carrier/forgotPasswordURL" = " playForgotPassword"; "carrier/granttype" = "client_credentials"; "carrier/helpURL" = " es/cloud.html"; "carrier/registrationURL" = ""; "carrier/service" = DV; "carrier/serviceURL" = ""; "carrier/tandcURL" = ""; carriers = ""; carriersArray = ( { MCC = 310; Name = VZCloud; OpCo = us; allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth = false; atpUrl = ""; browseRegistration = true; country = US; forgotPasswordURL = " playForgotPassword"; granttype = "client_credentials"; helpURL = " es/cloud.html"; registrationURL = ""; service = DV; serviceURL = ""; tandcURL = ""; }, { MCC = 310; Name = VZCloud; OpCo = us; allowMSISDNEnrichedAuth = false; atpUrl = ""; browseRegistration = true; country = US; forgotPasswordURL = " playForgotPassword"; granttype = "client_credentials"; helpURL = " es/cloud.html"; registrationURL = ""; service = DV; serviceURL = ""; tandcURL = ""; } ); clientconfig = ""; concurrentChunks = 3; configID = localConfig; confirmAfterMobileUploadSizeKb = 52428800; "dataClasses/contacts" = true; "dataClasses/documents" = true; "dataClasses/music" = true; "dataClasses/photos" = true; "dataClasses/videos" = true; defaultChunkSizeKb = 512; defaultRepositoryName = VZMOBILE; deviceFolderPath = "/"; "features/manualUpload" = false; "features/privateShare" = false; "features/publicShare" = false; "fileExtensions/audioExtensions" = "aiff,aif,aifc,m4a,flac,mp3,mp2,ogv,oga,ogx,ogg,spx,wav,wma,dcf"; "fileExtensions/documentExtensions" = "doc,docx,pdf,ppt,pptx,xls,xlsx"; forceMediaStreamOverHttp = true; granttype = "client_credentials"; inAppPurchasesEnabled = false; initialStorageSize = 524288000; isClientConfigRetrieved = true; maxChunkSizeKb = 1024; maxDownloadSizeKb = 20971520; maxEmailSizeKb = 9728; maxTranscodeSizeKb = 358400; maxUploadSizeKb = 20971520; minChunkSizeKb = 512; "pageSize/browseAllFiles" = 50; "pageSize/myDocuments" = 50; "pageSize/myMusic" = 50; "pageSize/myPictures" = 30; "pageSize/myVideos" = 30; "pageSize/recentlyUploaded" = 50; roaming = false; sncConfigURL = ""; thumbnail = thumbnail; tw = 96; upgradeStoragePercentage = 80; upgradeStoragePercentagePersistent = 98; uploadQueueItemMaxRetries = 5; uploadQueueRetryIntervalMillisecs = 30000; "urlEndpoints/atpendpoint" = "/atp"; "urlEndpoints/dvendpoint" = "/dv/api"; "urlEndpoints/dvextendpoint" = "/dv/ext"; "urlEndpoints/mediaendpoint" = "/media"; "urlEndpoints/pvaendpoint" = "/msg"; "urlEndpoints/tariffendpoint" = "/tariff/tariff"; "urls/absAtpUrl" = ""; "urls/absDvExtUrl" = ""; "urls/absDvUrl" = ""; "urls/absMediaUrl" = ""; "urls/absPvaUrl" = ""; "urls/mediaUrl" = ""; version = 73; videoMimeType = "video/mp4"; videoTranscodeRecipe = MPEG4w480f20h360AAC; }; locationuri = ""; nabtoken = "ADiiNDs_jFiCKrzd3NOIGHwmIHMCbepQCqb_AYRDxUcoft5oM3n1BxxUKBp5K2Ayf39-6ORxjtoAXh JkzP_sD-Fo-_uZTqYsp5dAliKsVr6GV_QVe0ie8Wx5SOc0EZkSkFv9_4DxUNZbx1zPk5ovxh5pAGBrAu 2xFquq7gIkhLw6mgI8j5fW_Cldk3eEzXDmPOmc8DORn1F1cEPkEVJRwRyPh0GQ40at3fkL9VeoyprU"; provisioned = 0; "quick-start-guide-viewed-key" = 1; refreshtoken = dzYI8A4eW8119l0G4b8Up1I9t4xW25qH; repositoryCheckPerformed = 1; status = 12; totalStorageAvailable = "2.684355e+10"; totalStorageUsed = "4.47238e+08"; }
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __60-[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:]_block_invoke [Line 163] : Version match
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __60-[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:]_block_invoke [Line 159] : Parsed 73 == 73
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
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    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 41] In parsing...sncConfig =
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 47] Found text is false for element
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:44 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 41] In parsing...roaming = false
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:] [Line 151] : Request config version:
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:] [Line 137] : localConfig Requesting version:
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager retrieveLocalConfig:failed:] [Line 92] : Multi-DC SNC
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDAuthenticationObject hasPersistentRefreshToken] [Line 108] : Found RT. Returning YES. it is:dzYI8A4eW8119l0G4b8Up1I9t4xW25qH
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __60-[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:]_block_invoke [Line 163] : Version match
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __60-[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:]_block_invoke [Line 159] : Parsed 73 == 73
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 47] Found text is for element
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 41] In parsing...sncConfig =
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 47] Found text is false for element
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:43 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SNCConfig parser:didEndElement:namespaceURI:qualifiedName:] [Line 41] In parsing...roaming = false
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:] [Line 151] : Request config version:
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager sncVersionCheck:success:failed:] [Line 137] : globalConfig Requesting version:
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDSNCConfigurationManager retrieveGlobalConfig:failed:] [Line 44] GlobalURL:
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDAppDelegate beginAuthenticationProcess] [Line 343]
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __59-[SDAppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]_block_invoke [Line 626] (null)
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] void PrintReachabilityFlags(SCNetworkReachabilityFlags, const char *) [Line 38] Reachability Flag Status: WR t----l- networkStatusForFlags
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __27-[SDAssetScanner startScan]_block_invoke_2 [Line 201] Group: Camera Roll
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[WorkflowEngine reset] [Line 177] *** NBBackup WorkflowEngine: Engine RESET.
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __36-[NBHTTPResponseHandler setBaseURL:]_block_invoke 1
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __36-[NBHTTPResponseHandler setBaseURL:]_block_invoke 1
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDDigitalVaultKitObservableObject registerObserver:performCallbacksOnMainThread:] [Line 46] Observer "ActivityViewController" registered for callback on main thread
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDDigitalVaultKitObservableObject registerObserver:performCallbacksOnMainThread:] [Line 46] Observer "SDDownload" registered for callback on main thread
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDDigitalVaultKitObservableObject registerObserver:performCallbacksOnMainThread:] [Line 46] Observer "ActivityViewController" registered for callback on main thread
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] Could not load the "activityhandle.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier ""
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] Could not load the "activityheaderbackground.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier ""
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] Could not load the "activityfooteroverlay.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier ""
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] Could not load the "activitycancelbutton.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier ""
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __27-[SDAssetScanner startScan]_block_invoke_2 [Line 201] Group: Instagram
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:38 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SplashScreenViewController viewDidLoad] [Line 64] Splash Screen View Controller
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDAppDelegate showSplashScreenViewControllerForiPhone:] [Line 174]
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDAppDelegate showSplashScreen:] [Line 232]
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDDigitalVaultKitObservableObject registerObserver:performCallbacksOnMainThread:] [Line 46] Observer "SDUpload" registered for callback on main thread
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] __37+[SDBatteryMonitoring sharedInstance]_block_invoke [Line 40] Battery Monitoring: INACTIVE
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDDigitalVaultKitObservableObject registerObserver:performCallbacksOnMainThread:] [Line 46] Observer "SDUpload" registered for callback on main thread
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] -[SDUpload init] [Line 129] NBBackup sharedInstance singleton CREATED
    Sep 20, 2013, 1:54:37 PM - Warning
    Verizon[556] +[SDAuthenticationObject createAuthenticationObjectWithDelegate:] [Line 34] : Using NABATPAuthenticationObject for auth
    Data provided by AppSwitch for iPhone/iPod touch


  • Can anyone explain these network log enteries to me.

    Although my profile says leopard/macpro this relates to a g5 running 10.4.11. I just discovered the firewall has been off. The machine has been behaving very eratically recently in spite of a clean verify disk/permissions clean. We had aq kernal panic yesterday that appeared to be related to a external hardrive, but it still seems a bit eratic.
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:17:35:51 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 208
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:20:01:16 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 152
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:20:01:16 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 152
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:20:01:16 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 75
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:20:01:16 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 207
    localhost - - [19/Dec/2008:20:01:18 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 218
    I assume this is users connecting on our local ethernet network (2 other macs) but why the variable at the end? If the machine had been hacked where would we be able to check if someone had accessed it? Many thanks.

    Mostly there are only going to be logs if you set up some kind of logging for that and/or they had failures getting in, but once in, they can erase/doctor the logs & much else.
    Some Routers have logs you can check.
    You an do all that stuff that WaterRoof does on your own, mostly by learning how to edit the ipfw in Terminal.
    WaterRoof is a free GUI into handling that!

  • Can anyone explain how a "recovery file" works?

    it has this at the end ~recovery
    and needs the crashed project file in order to load properly

    Is the file name something like: "Projectname~Recovery.prproj"?
    I think this would be a file generated by Premiere as the result of a crash.
    Depending on what happened, you could have been presented with an
    option to "Try to save current Project" before exiting from the crash.
    This should be a stand-alone Project file that would not
    require the presence of another Project file in order to open.
    If you can not open the "Projectname~Recovery.prproj" file,
    the next step is to look at your most recent Auto-Save file(s).

  • What is a redo log file? can anyone explain in simple terms

    I am confused between redo log file and physical datafile can anyone explain in simple terms
    Thank u

    See Overview of Physical Database Structures

  • Can anyone explain me "  How to debug updaterules?"

    Can anyone explain me "  How to debug updaterules?"

    Hi ALI,
    Transfer rules and Update rules are the main areas within a BW system where the BW professional can transform your transaction system data into the required format for what ever InfoObject / InfoProvider is being updated.
    Quite often when ABAP is used as part of your transfer and update rules there is a need to debug the code to ensure you don’t introduce any problems into your production environment.
    When data is loaded into a BW system the a background process is used. This means you can not run the data load in debug mode as you would most other programs. What you need to do is run the load program in Simulation mode.
    The first step to take is set a breakpoint in you coded Update/Transfer rule. This can be achieved by:
    •     Setting a breakpoint within the generated program once the rule has been activated.
    •     Locate the code manually during your debug session and setting a break-point.
    •     Hard code a breakpoint in the rule as shown below:
    o     if sy-uname = 'MYUSERID'.
         break.
    o     endif.
    My preferred method is the first option. I try not to hard code breakpoints (second option) as I sometimes forget to remove the code once I have finished debugging and the third option takes I find take too long.
    To set a break-point in the activated code you have to find the activated program and then search for your code that you want to debug. Follow these 4 steps (Update Rule):
    1, View the code for the Update Rule.
    2, Locate the code that you want to debug and remember some content that will identify the code that you need to debug.
    3, Come back out of the code and activate your Update rule. Once activated, select “Display Activated program from the Extra’s menu.
    4, Search for the code that you located in step 2 and set the break-point.
    Once your beak-point has been set you then need to run the update/transfer rule in simulation mode. To achieve this you must have already loaded data into the PSA. Follow these steps:
    1, Navigate to the PSA under the Monitoring section with transaction RSA1. Find the PSA Request that you want to debug and select the ‘Simulate/Cancel update’ option from the right mouse click menu.
    2, The screen will then show the details tab of the InfoPackage Monitor for the specific request. Right-click on a selected Data-Packet and select Simulate.
    3, Select the appropriate ‘Activate Debugging’ option for your rule (Update/transfer). Select the radio button to determine the number of records that you want to process in you debugging session and select the ‘Perform Simulation’ button.
    4, Select the Data Packets, Number of Records and then the continue button.
    5, The update process will start and your screen will show the debug window. Press ‘F8’ to run through your program. It will then stop at the breakpoint you set earlier.

  • HT3775 I have a .avi file that is not playing. It keeps telling me additional software is needed. I have Mac OS X 10.6.8. Can anyone explain why?

    I have a .avi file that is not playing. It keeps telling me additional software is needed. I have Mac OS X 10.6.8. Can anyone explain why?

    Because there's no codec installed on your system for that specific AVI, and there may be no Mac OS X component for it. Try installing Perian.

  • Strange Parameter behavior - can anyone explain or enlighten?

    I have 27 Crystral Reports that are fed data through 27 SQL Stored Procedures.  Recently my boss had me add two more parameters to all 27 Procedures and update the Crystal Reports.  I went through all 27 Reports, ran the Set Datasource Location and Verify Database function in the Crystal Designer, and then tested all the reports.  24 of the 27 ran fine, but 4 of them came back with "Database Connector Error" problems.  I spent two days trying to debug this problem with no luck - even though the reports Verify correctly, and Preview perfectly in the Designer, when I ran them through our .NET (WinForms) app, these 4 continued to give Database Connector Errors.
    I then stumbled on a fix....  Normally every one of the 27 SQL Stored Procedures takes these parameters just as they appear here...
    @ImportCompanyNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportProjectNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportId int,
    @ImportTypeNm as varChar(100),
    @ImportType int,
    @FileType nvarchar(2000),
    @DateTo  datetime,
    @DateFrom  datetime,
    @ImpDateTo  datetime,
    @ImpDateFrom  datetime,
    @Passphrase as varchar(20)
    Once again, 24 of the 27 reports run fine with the SQL this way.  Notice the final 3 parameters, @ImpDateTo and @ImpDateFrom are the 2 new parameters added, and @Passphrase has been there for a year or more.  However, I was able to fix the bug by doing this in 4 of the 27 Procedures.
    @ImportCompanyNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportProjectNm as varchar(100),
    @ImportId int,
    @ImportTypeNm as varChar(100),
    @ImportType int,
    @FileType nvarchar(2000),
    @DateTo  datetime,
    @DateFrom  datetime,
    @Passphrase as varchar(20),
    @ImpDateTo  datetime,
    @ImpDateFrom  datetime
    Notice that I just moved @Passphrase, two lines up - thats it.  Once I did that, the 4 problem reports run fine.  NO Database Connector Error!
    Can anyone explain this to me?  Every single one of the other 24 reports runs just fine with the parameters as shown in the first block above - but the problem 4 will not run unless I move @Passphrase up two lines.
    Why is this?  I thought the order of Parameters does not matter - and why would it matter in 4 of 27 reports, but not in the 23 others???
    This makes me very nervous about Crystal and what it is doing behind the scenes.  Can anyone shed some light here?

    Hi Bruce,
    OK here goes.... And sorry if I miss anything or not clear.
    In MS SQL Server 7 Microsoft had a native Client and CR used p2ssql.dll which is our native DB driver to connect to MS's native client engine. MS SQL 2000 did not support native DB connections using their client engine so CR stopped shipping p2ssql.dll and only supported connectivity through MDAC, OLE DB and ODBC clients. As you know MDAC was installed by default. MS SQL Server ( native ) now shows up in CR Database Explorer again because of this new Native client. In the back end though it's using our native crdb_ado.dll in this case.
    As noted now that 2005 enhanced their client engine which is now known as the "Native SQL Server" it uses a new set of Native API's which can be used to connect in either OLE dB or ODBC mode. Because this is "new" the way our OLE DB Driver works is depending on the client we are connecting to and therefore which CR subroutines are being called. So although you are using OLE DB in the client, the low level API's being called in our driver are a new set of routines.
    These are the ones responsible for indexing the Tables, Fields, Store Procedures and their Parameters. Our OLE DB driver is dynamic, meaning we query the client for connection info and other info including Store Procedure Parameters. The order they are returned in is the order CR expects them to be in, CR keeps a copy of the database structure in the RPT file. For speed we use indexing and not names, this may explain why it works if you change the order. It may be that the new parameter was added in that order or the client is ordering them before sending them to CR to use and dynamically populate the list in CR Designer. In this case it appears something is not being returned to CR or CR does not have logic to handle this type of change.
    In either case I will discuss this with the Report Design team to see if anyone else has noticed this and ask them to test and if it is reproducible I'll have R&D fix this if it's our issue.
    Hope this is understood and explain why?
    Thanks agian

  • I keep getting an error message when downloading a new app which states " Zinio and 5 other apps cannot be purchased at this time" and then it let's me purchase the app that I was looking at? Can anyone explain that?

    I keep getting an error message when downloading a new app which states " Zinio and 5 other apps cannot be purchased at this time" and then it let's me purchase the app that I was looking at? Can anyone explain that?

    apple_master New Delhi, India
    This solved my questionRe: Unable to Purchase 
    Apr 16, 2012 10:22 PM (in response to eight4seven)
    This worked for someone
    I had this problem for about six weeks. I was following this forum but was too unsure of what might happen to try the fixes that were suggested.
    About two weeks ago I decided to delete the downloads.28.sqlitedb file (usingDiskAid(a free program), on a PC running Windows 7). The original downloads.28.sqlitedb was 936 KB. The new one that the system created is 80 Kb., and has stayed at about that size. After about four days I also deleted all the other contents of the Download folder. Ten days later and still no more problems. Downloads are much quicker, nothing greys-out (as was happening frequently before).
    Everything has worked well since with no more error messages.
    I am using an iPod 4G, iOS 5.1 (originally iOS 5.0). I do not have a manifest file, and as far as I know, have not had one. DiskAid can search the whole "hard drive" on the iPod.
    Deleting downloads.28.sqlitedb and the contents of Downloads worked for me.

  • Can anyone explain what the other section section in the HDD usage description is for ? I recently used iphoto to send a mail and this "other "section inrease the usage by about 1GB....any ideas why ?

    Can anyone explain what the "other" (yellow colour) section in the HDD usage description is for and what it does.It is under the about this mac section and storage option?
    I recently used iphoto to send mail with photos attached and this "other" section increased by about 1GB. The mail size was around 900KB.....any ideas ?

    Shurig wrote:
    Thanks gor replying,,,this is my first time on this site.
    Any idea why the "other" continues to increase. I have just got got my mac so no new apps installed yet only been using it for mail and web browsing. I tried the iphoto mail last night and noticed the the "other" section had increased by 1GB which I thought was rather larger. Do you know what this setion actually does ?
    Also do you know if it is possible to delete the iphoto emails.
    All of your 'stuff' that is not Music Movies Apps Backups or Photos is in Other, that means all your emails, all your files etc, why don't you just leave well enough alone, this is not windows and doesn't need tinkering with,

  • Error/Warning Messages in Agent Debug Log Files

    I have noticed the following error message in the Agent Debug Log Files and was wondering if anybody could shed any light on their meaning or what might be causing them.
    Warning 1855:####### ServiceEngine: Service::getPolicyResult():No passwd value in session response.
    Warning 1855:####### PolicyAgent: Access Manager Cookie not found.
    Error 1855:####### AM_SSO_SERVICE: SSOTokenService::getSessionInfo(): Error 18 for sso token ID <SSO_TOKEN_ID>

    Looks like the message numbers you are processing in the function module CRM_MESSAGE_COLLECT are only for 'errors'.
    Please go to Transaction: CRMC_MSGS
    Look at the following Application Areas
    Select one of the above and double click 'Single Messages' towards your left side on the screen. Select the relavant message number from the list and check the 'S' flag. Press 'F1' (help) on this box and you will see the following.
    Only error messages are saved in the processing log. If a message definitely should be saved - contrary to this rule - then the indicator needs to be set.
    You need to make sure that a message marked like this can be deleted again - by calling up the function module CRM_MESSAGES_DELETE in the appropriate place in the program.
    When you do these steps, please note the message 'Do not make any changes (SAP data)'. This is not tested and used from my side. Please see if this impacts other functions. I am not sure. Do necessary R&D before you proceed further. Please explore tables CRMC_MESSAGES_S and CRMC_MESSAGES and see if this helps.
    Reward if helps

  • Can anyone explain in simple terms how to set up icloud when I have 2 identities?

    I use my id for my calendar and contacts, but have a different ID for store purchases and everything else.  I would like to set up my iCloud with a single ID, but I don't want to lose all my historical calendar and contact data, so I need my iCloud tpo import the data from the Mobile.Me '' account.
    Everything I have read is confusing....can anyone explain in simple terms how I sert the iCloud up?  I run a Macbook, a Windows 7 PC and an iphone, and I need them all to syns together.
    Any help appreciated.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can drag all your contacts (all at once) and each calendar from address book and iCal to your desktop as a back up/copy. Once you have set up iCloud using the ID for your apps, books and tunes etc, you can add the contacts and calendars to the new account by clicking on the desktop files, iCloud will sync them to your other devices.

  • Can anyone explain what the 'other' storage consists of and how I can decrease the size please?

    Can anyone explain what the 'other' storage consists of and how I can decrease the size please?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    "Other" refers to OS X files, caches, downloads, documents. See Other in this website >
    I would not worry about Other because they contain files that you need, but if you want to decrease the size, start deleting downloads and documents

  • Can anyone explain why all of my Spry Assets on a live website have suddenly stopped working?

    Can anyone explain why all of my Spry Assets on a live website have stopped responding? I have checked that the Spry CSS and JS files are in place. Then checked the files on Dreamweavers live view and they are not working there either. It was fine a few weeks ago, it is almost as if the web browsers have stopped rending Spry, for example, the links for the collapsible panels are not even being recognised as links.
    I am using 'old' spry assets on Dreamweaver CS4 (if that makes a difference). The Spry Assets used are Tabbed Panels and Collapsible Panels.
    Thanks for your help.

    Something has been going on, when I look at the bottom of your document (as pasted below), this is normally all at the top after the links to external style sheets.
    <script src="js/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/lightbox-2.6.min.js"></script>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"/>
       <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="Menu_Photography_edgePreload.js"></script>
       <script src="SpryAssets/SpryCollapsiblePanel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
      var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
      var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
      if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
      var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
      d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
      if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
      for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
      if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
      var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
      if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}

  • Can anyone explain how the LO data source flows from ECC to BI up to cubes?

    Dear all,
    Can anyone explain step by step (HOW THE DATA FLOWS)....By taking 2LIS_11_VAHDR  from SD , starting from Activate Data source in ECC  to Info Cube in BI7.0. Please this will be helpful -
    Thanks for the advance answers...
    Edited by: harishk.225 on Dec 23, 2011 9:56 AM

    Hi Harish,
    First go to RSA5 in ECC  select your datasource 2LIS_11_VAHDR and activate it.
    After activatin check in RSA6 whether the datasoure activated properly or not.
    Then log on  to BI sytem Select datasource and click on replicate.
    Then Create Infocube infopackage ,Transformation, DTP ...entire flow. But dont schedule it because there is no data in SETUP Tables.For full load first we need to run statistical set up , so that data should come to SETUP Table.
    Now go to ECC  enter T.CODE OLI7BW to filled up the SETUP Table  for datasource 2LIS_11_VAHDR.
    It will ask  you for Run Name etc give the run name and time limit and execute it.
    If you get some error then first delete the SETUP Table by using Transaction Code LBWG.
    In LBWG it will ask you for applicatiion number , give 11 i.e for sales datasourc and execute it.
    Data will get deleted from SETUP Table. To check data is deleted or not  in SET UP Tabe go to database table MC11VA0HDRSETUP. Always remember the name of SETUP Table will be Extract Structure followed by SETUP.
    EX : If extract structure name is MC11VA0HDR then name of the SETUP Table will MC11VA0HDRSETUP.
    If data gets deleted then again go to 0LI7BW and run the Statistical Setup then agan check in MC1VAOHDRSETUP table contains data or not.
    Then trigger the Infopackage and DTP in BI.  Above steps was for full load.
    Now to Load deltas follow below steps.
    First Create INIT at BI side which enable delta at ECC Side.
    Then go to ECC and execute T.CODE LBWE.
    LBWE is LO Cockpit Work Bench. There we have folowng functions 1.Maintan Datasource. 2.Maintain Extract Structure. 3. Job  Control.  4.Delta Type 5.. Activate/deactivate.
    If you want to add any new field to your datasource then to to Maintain Extract Strucutere remeber before adding or modififying datasource first we should deactivate datasource by using 5th function  Activate/Deactivate.
    Then select DELTA TYPE in delta type we have four types of delta. 1. Delta Queue (RSA7) 2. Queued Delta (LBWQ)
    3. Unserialized (SM13) , 4. Seriaized (SM13)
    If you select Delta queue then deltas drectly come to RSAT.
    if you select Queued Delta  deltas goes to LBWQ then you have perform V3 job by using Job Control  function to move data from LBWQ to RSA7. Remeber to BI  data  always goes from RSA7 only.
    If you select Unserealized then delta goes to SM13 again you have to perorm V3 Job to move deltas in RSA7.
    Serialize update is not in used in Lo-cockpit.
    There is a differerence between  DELTA QUEUE , QUEUED DELTA, UNSERIALIZE UPDATE. Pls find the differences on net.
    Then select your delta type and create deltas dtp in BI and start loading .
    Hope this help you.
    In RSA7 we have two tables delta and repeat delta, to know the functionality of this please search for the documents on  net.

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