Can EP6 render R/3 4.6C  BW info?

EP6 can use R/3 4.6D business package iviews, Any limitation to accessing R/3 4.6C modules (like BW/FI/MM)?

Hi Sharyn,
There is a lot of confusion regarding use of EP60 with R/3 4.6C
Your thread seems to indicate that you have successfully installed EP60 with R/3 4.6C using ITS 6.2 and Web AS 6.40 Is that correct?
We intend to go for the same architecture. Can you please tell me if there is a guide(document) on setting this up? Also, where can i find the above software components to install? I don't find the SDC on marketplace very intutive (especially for old releases).
Thanks and regards,

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    That camera shoots AVCHD...not AVCIntra. Only P2 cameras shoot AVCIntra.
    "Original files are H-264, and are imported without conversion"
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    Hi Kim DT,
    Thanks for posting on Adobe forums,
    Please check this post, It will answer your query.
    With that preparatory definition out of the way, what do the colored bars mean?
    green: This segment of the sequence has a rendered preview file associated with it. Playback will play using the rendered preview file. Playback at full quality is certain to be in real time.
    yellow: This segment of the sequence does not have a rendered preview file associated with it. Playback will play by rendering each frame just before the CTI reaches it. Playback at full quality will probably be in real time (but it might not be).
    red: This segment of the sequence does not have a rendered preview file associated with it. Playback will play by rendering each frame just before the CTI reaches it. Playback at full quality will probably not be in real time (but it might be).

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    Its an was update from an earlier version.
    What earlier version?
    And you're saying when you using File>Import>File and select a JPEG you get the error message?
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    Hi rani
    may i know ur contact no or mail id?
    suresh babu

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    Can Any one help me.  Same thing happens on my MACPRO w 16 GB Ram and on my 17" MacBook Pro.

    Allan Sicks wrote:
    Thanks for your input.  Problem might be with the EASTER BUNNY..... have to have someone to blame.
    I can't blame you for saying that.
    Adobe is the clear owner of the responsibility to make functional their product that they claim is compatible with your operating system.  Adobe is the one who sold you the product.
    I just went looking for what Adobe has said about Mountain Lion compatibility, and they both list Mountain Lion as compatible and include such language as that on this page (emphasis mine):
    Adobe and Apple have worked closely together to test Adobe® Creative Suite® 5, 5.5 and CS6 editions and individual products for reliability, performance and user experience when installed on Intel® based systems running Mac OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8). Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop® (CS3 and CS4) software were also tested with Mountain Lion and there are currently no known issues.
    I suggest that Adobe needs to get on the ball and get this fixed.  The time for user patience is over.
    If someone from Adobe is saying "Adobe can't fix it" then that someone is at the wrong authority level and/or is thinking on the wrong level.
    This is business and the business is making products that have value and are sold to people who perceive that value.  Adobe doesn't get to keep selling products that don't work while standing on principles that "it's someone else's problem".   Customers don't care why it doesn't work. 
    It's obvious to a child that if Photoshop CS5 can write the proper things to the Apple OS so that the thumbnails are visible, that there's something Adobe could do to fix it.
    But EVEN IF this were something only Apple could fix, that Apple hasn't fixed it yet says pretty loudly that Adobe isn't making the right overtures to Apple for their mutual benefit.  Adobe, are your executives so greedy that they can't grease a few palms of their friends over at Apple to put some priority on this?  What's the problem here?  Has Adobe actually forgotten how to do business?
    P.S., You should know that I don't use a Mac and am personally having no issues with seeing proper thumbnails and previews on my Windows 7 and 8 systems, since the software that does that isn't from Adobe.

Maybe you are looking for