Can I access logic pro 7 inst from LE8

I just got LE8 today, and I have Logic Pro 7 already. Can I access the instruments from Logic pro7 in LE8? (or am I already and I just don't know it?) I can't find any folders specific to one or the other, but there are instruments in LP7 that don't seem to be showing up in LE8.

You should be able to copy all the files from your old computer, although it might not work if the old machine didn't have an intel processor. When I got a new Mac a few months ago, I used the migration assistant to copy everything from my old computer's time machine backup disk. All my old pro apps, such as Final Cut Pro 6, work fine on the new machine under Lion.
Later, I wanted to install Soundtrack pro and couldn't do it from the original disks. So I installed it on my old machine and copied the files. It worked perfectly.

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    No.. its still available on the Aus App Store.... I was just speaking with a client of mine in Geelong and he successfully downloaded it under the Purchase tab last Saturday so....
    Sign out of the App Store
    Quit the App Store
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    Look for any new Terms and Conditions popup you may need to agree to....
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    Logic Pro 9 (9.0.0).
    You can't use this version of the application Logic Pro 9 with this version of Mac OS X
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    I have been told that I can use the Logic Pro 9.1.8 Update (.dmg) which you can download from Apple Logic Support, although when I try to upgrade my I get this message:
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    Logic Pro 9 (9.0.0).
    You can't use this version of the application Logic Pro 9 with this version of Mac OS X
    You have Logic Pro 9 9.0.0.
    I have been told that I can use the Logic Pro 9.1.8 Update (.dmg) which you can download from Apple Logic Support, although when I try to upgrade my I get this message:
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    Thanks, Josh
    PS: there is a related question here:
    added link to related  issue. Message was edited by: joshTheGreenDragon

    My best guess...and it's only a guess but it is based on other Pro Apps and how Apple have handled them along with what seems to be Apple's roadmap for OS X in the next few years.. is as follows.....
    Logic Pro 9 was sold as both a physical item (Logic Studio 2.0) and a download from the Mac App Store. Because some users could buy it as a physical item at one point in  time, Apple continued to provide updates that could be downloaded as individual files (outside of the online Update system) and then could be physically transported to the Mac that has L9 installed.
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    So, my guess is there will be no offline update files...(Unless Apple have a major change of direction with Mavericks.....) and it seems your "USB stick" method may be the one of the few practicals way of updating LPX on a Mac..when you have no internet at that location.
    My method to get around the problem that one of my studios are in a location where the internet is poor... is to install OS X and Logic onto a fast external HD and boot from that. I then take that HD to another location which has a good internet connection, connect it to a Mac and boot it up and update it there. On two occasions I have even taken it to my nearest Apple store and they have happily allowed me to use their bandwidth and a Mac to achieve this. The advantage of this method is that both the OS X and Logic can be updated at the same times along with any other related content or 3rd party plugins/content.. which may or may not be updated in the future.

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    Could be corrupted preferences.
    In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder from the menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the  file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro User Manual for details on how to do this. If you are having trouble with a control surface in Logic Pro.
    Be sure and use the ~ character in the path name.

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    Buy an external USB2 DVD/CD drive..... (Amazon's Basic model works great)
    Borrow someone else's Mac that has a DVD drive fitted and use that via Remote Disk
    There is no legal means of downloading available for Logic Pro 9.. unless you originally purchased it via the App Store..
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    You should be able to copy all the files from your old computer, although it might not work if the old machine didn't have an intel processor. When I got a new Mac a few months ago, I used the migration assistant to copy everything from my old computer's time machine backup disk. All my old pro apps, such as Final Cut Pro 6, work fine on the new machine under Lion.
    Later, I wanted to install Soundtrack pro and couldn't do it from the original disks. So I installed it on my old machine and copied the files. It worked perfectly.

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    Technically this is NOT the 'legal' case:
    CCTM wrote:
    According to the details in this:
    You could well be out of luck....
    Except as otherwise set forth herein,
    If you are an individual acting in your personal capacity, you may download and use an application from the Mac App Store (“Mac App Store Product”) for personal, non-commercial use on any Apple-branded products running Mac OS X (“Mac Computer”) that you own or control.
    (ii) If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, you may download a Mac App Store Product for use by either (a) a single individual on each of the Mac Computer(s) used by that individual that you own or control, or (b) multiple individuals on a single shared Mac Computer that you own or control. For example, a single employee may use a Mac App Store Product on both the employee’s desktop Mac Computer and laptop Mac Computer, or multiple students may serially use the Mac App Store Product on a single Mac Computer located at a resource centre or library. For the sake of clarity, each Mac Computer used serially by multiple users requires a separate licence.
    (iii) Use of Mac App Store Products may require sign-in with the Apple ID used to download the Mac App Store Product from the Mac App Store. Mac App Store Products can be updated through the Mac App Store only."

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    Hi, is  the iMac also 10.6.8? I had an iMac die when 10.6.8 was installed, it worked at first but after some You Tube flash videos the screen just locked and no mouse clicking anywhere did anything. It turned out that most older iMacs [ mine was from august 2007] have a graghics chipset that can't handle Snow Leopard, there were [are?] 77 pages on this "locked screen"topic in the Snow Leopard forum. I checked out a web site that tells you how much your mac is worth by filling in the sereal number-mine was worth only $168, I may give it to a friend for his children to play with, although that seems unholy. I doubt anyone woud buy it,the problem is now so well known that even Apple certified resellars here in the Netherlands refuse to repair them,they claim Apple will revoke their certification if they replace the faulty Graphics unit,it is also VERY hard to get to that unit in an iMac, everything is so tightly packed inside.
    If your iMac is running Mountain Lion[10.8.0] you may have to change the app store preference to accept apps from all sites,normally ML will only allow app store apps to be downloaded.

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    Yes. Click here for more information.

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    What should I do?
    Thanks for any advice.

    If you used the Mountain Lion installer it will have "migrated" your iWork software to the new system.
    Unfortunately that doesn't always work properly. I had to reinstall mine from the original DVD.
    If you can't find your DVD then you will have to purchase the iWork software individually from the Mac Store.
    Just make sure to completely uninstall your existing iWork from your System first: ntrick

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    Logic 9.0.2 is the last version that runs on a G5 - 9.1.x is Intel only.
    If you have only 50 GB left on your system drive, you should consider it full. Get an external drive and move your music, movies and photo's to it, and delete them from your system drive to free up space.
    The free space on the system drive is being used by the OS to offload RAM, rule of thumb is to keep at least 20 % of the drives' capacity free. When you have less and less free space, your Mac will eventually become very slow (many "beachballs").
    I believe the current Logic Package has version 9.1 on it, be sure you have the correct (9.0) version...

  • How can I deauthorize Logic Pro 9?

    I'm going to sell my old MacBook Pro and buy a new one.
    How can I deauthorize Logic Pro 9 on the old computer and authorize on the new Mac?
    Thanks, Max )

    You don't..
    If you started with the DVD version of Logic Studio...You can simply delete the App on your old Mac and then reinstall via the DVDs on your new Mac  remembering to update to 9.1.8 as soon as the install is complete if you are running Mountain Lion or Mavericks on your New Mac...
    Note: Personally, I'd do a full reinstall of OS X on your old Mac using either the OS X DVDs that came with your old Mac or using the recovery partition if you have since installed Mountain Lion or Maverivcks.. on your old mac.. This effectively will revert your mac back to the state it was when you bought it... or to a completely clean OS X install...
    Or, if you bought the App Store version...  of LP9
    You delete the LP9 App from your old mac.. sign out of the App store on your old Mac....and that's it.
    Then on your new Mac, sign into the Mac App Store using the same Apple ID you used to purchase LP9 in the first place and then go to the purchases tab and you will find Logic Pro 9 ready and waiting for you to download and install using the install button under purchases.
    Note: Again, either way I'd do a full clean OS X install on your old Mac is possible as then none of your personal data will be left on your old mac prior to you selling it.

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