Can I buy a U.S. iPad Air can I set it up as a Canadian account?

i Bought my mother an iPad Air from Kalispell, Usa, and I was curious why it won't let me get a game... It says cannot be accounted with a Usa account! Help she would love to get her games!

Hey Danica96,
It sounds like her Apple ID is logged into the wrong country. Check out the article below to walk you through changing the country of which the account is associated. Let me know if this helps. 
Change the country of your iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account
Take care,
-Norm G. 

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    Capt. Dinosaur

    As per the information and details provided by you, to set up a
    “Receive Only”email account in Outlook 2010, please follow these steps: -
    You have a few options available to you. You can set up the account with
    a fake SMTP server name and configure the Send/Receive group to not send mail from this account, or you can use a different, valid account for the Outgoing server, just in case you accidentally use the wrong account when you compose a message.
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    Fill the name and address fields with the desired information. Select
    POP3 account type and enter the incoming server name.
    In the Outgoing server field, type
    Enter the correct username and password for the incoming mail account.
    If you want to verify the incoming server is correctly configured, click on
    Test Account Settings, and then choose the dialog after the incoming server is verified.
    Deselect the option to
    Automatically test account settings when the Next is clicked.
    Click on the
    Finish to return to Outlook.
    Because Outlook will error on every manual send and receive when it can not find the outgoing server error, you need to change the
    Send and Receive Settings for this account.
    Ctrl+Alt+A to open the Send/Receive Settings dialog. (or you can go to
    Send/Receive tab, Send/Receive Groups and select Define Send/Receive Groups.
    Click the
    Edit button.
    Select the receive-only account, then deselect
    Send Mail Items.
    Click on the
    OK, then Close to return to Outlook.
    I hope this information will be helpful for you.
    Thanks and regards

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    from Apple's web site - I tried these first and then other combinations:
      • Server name:      - also tried using the p03-   before that which was in my Mac's settings for this account, also tried using the p03- in the IMAP prefix field
      • SSL Required: Yes   - I also tried the 3 other available settings, including TLS and accept all for both SSL and TLS
      • Port: 993  (also tried TLS / 143)
      • Username: The name part of your iCloud email address (for example, emilyparker, not [email protected])  - I also tried using that with both and as part of user name
      • Password: Your iCloud password
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    SMTP information for the outgoing mail server
      • Server name:
      • SSL Required: Yes - I also tried the 3 other available settings, including TLS and accept all for both SSL and TLS
      • Port: 587 (also tried SSL / 465)
      • SMTP Authentication Required: Yes
      • Username: Your full iCloud email address (for example, [email protected], not emilyparker) -  I also tried using that with both and as part of user name
      • Password: Your iCloud password

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    You can't do it with the Mail app, you need to set any filters before the emails arrive on the iPad - does your email provider have any settings that you can enable if you log into your account via a browser ?

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    Restore iPad and set up with the correct Apple ID.

  • Can't set up mailbox for fourth email account on Mail?

    I have a Macbook Pro - Mid 2009 - 2.53GHZ, 4GB and 250GB HD.
    Running OS version 10.6.8.
    My specific question is this I am using Mail 4.6 and have already set up a primary email account and through time I have added an additional 3 email addresses. they are all from the same ISP. No problems so far until recently when I created a new email address through my ISP and tried to create a new mailbox on mail. For whatever reason I cannot access the new account and I have done the following steps:
    Made sure email address was correct and password too.
    Checked working mail preferences against the new email account
    Deleted one of the old working email mailboxes
    Phoned the ISP support and they checked everything
    Can access emails on the ISP webmail account
    Checked that SSL option was unchecked which it was
    After numerous phone calls to the ISP they have advised that I should phone Apple Technical support.
    As this computer is quite old I would need to pay £35GBP for this support.
    I cannot fathom why the previous mailboxes would work and now why subsequent new email accounts cannot be created on Mail.
    On previous mailboxes there would be a separate trash box for each account and in this case when I create a new account this is not created.
    Also the mailbox is greyed out and there is a warning symbol next to it.
    Does anyone have any ideas?
    P.S I am thinking of upgrading to a Macbook Pro Retina and wonder if there is a simple way of transferring my saved email folders to my new mac?

    Both of these are wrong.
    I finally set up on my Mac
    The same settings on my ipad are not working.
    AppleCare had to walk me through a bizarre set of steps
    Those same steps apparently are different on an ipad
    But .mac, .me account that exist can migrate with all you old aliases.
    I will try to remember to log back in here and answer this when apple calls me in a few hours

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