Can I Change the Name of my Computer?

Hi, I'm a new mac user. I was actually given a Powerbook G4 by a teacher of mine because it was outdated for his uses (and he is pretty loaded). I'm using the machine for school mostly. Basically what I wanted to know is can I change the name of the computer? It's not entirely a life or death situation, but I'd like my name to be on my computer.

An easy way is to follow Macworld magazine's advice:
There are other ways, but try that out first.
Then here's Apple's official way to do it:

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    I guess my reply to these questions in your other topic did not help?
    The name of the computer is in System Preferences Sharing pane.
    If something appears under DEVICES in a Finder window sidebar, you can click hold on it and drag it off the sidebar. If it appears under SHARED, it should no longer appear there once if that iMac is no longer on your local network, or if you turn off its shared services in the Sharing pane.

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    Select the device when it is connected to iTunes. Click in the device name on the summary tab. Enter what you want.

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    Follow these steps :
    Hopefully the help Cheers!!

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    You might want to try this first.
    Sync Your iOS Device with a New Computer Without Losing Data -losing-data/
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive
     Cheers, Tom

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    I don't think you can change the name of your computer but you can change the name of your itunes library.
    iTunes Preference, General Overtype the Name in the Library Name Box,
    Then your iTunes library will show the new name

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    If you mean the name you assigned to it, then connect it to your computer, open iTunes, click in the name of the device in the iTunes sidebar, press RETURN to activate the field, change the name, press RETURN again.

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    Here is the information I had found, however I have never had to try. You will have the passowrd too, so the above will help for that.
    For Mac OS X v10.5 or later
    Enable the root user.
    Log in as root.
    Navigate to the /Users folder.
    Select the Home folder with the short name you want to change, and rename it just like you would rename any folder. Keep in mind that the shortname must be all lowercase, with no spaces, and only contain letters.
    Use the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier) in System Preferences to create a new user with the Account name or Short Name that you used in the previous step.
    Click OK when "A folder in the Users folder already has the name 'account name'. Would you like to use that folder as the Home folder for this user account?" appears. Note: This will correct the ownership of all files in the Home folder, and avoid permissions issues with the contents.
    Choose Log Out from the Apple menu.
    Log in as the newly created user. You should be able to access all of your original files (on the desktop, in Documents, and in the other folders of this Home).
    After verifying that your data is as expected, you can delete the original user account via the Users & Groups pane (Accounts pane in Mac OS X v10.6.8 or earlier).
    Disable the root user.
    Hope this helps you

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    Connect your iPod to the computer. Once it shows up in the source list of iTunes (the window on the left where you see "library", "playlists", "podcasts" etc), double click on it and this will highlight it and you can then type a name for it.

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    //  ViewController.m
    //  Movie List
    //  Created by Damian on 20/02/15.
    //  Copyright (c) 2015 Tika Software. All rights reserved.
    #import "ViewController.h"
    @interface ViewController ()
    These outlets to the buttons use a `strong` reference instead of `weak` because we want
    to keep the buttons around even if they're not inside a view.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *editButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *cancelButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *deleteButton;
    @property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *addButton;
    // A simple array of strings for the data model.
    @property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *dataArray;
    #pragma mark -
    @implementation ViewController
    - (void)viewDidLoad
        [super viewDidLoad];
         This option is also selected in the storyboard. Usually it is better to configure a table view in a xib/storyboard, but we're redundantly configuring this in code to demonstrate how to do that.
        self.tableView.allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = YES;
        // populate the data array with some example objects
        self.dataArray = [NSMutableArray new];
        NSString *itemFormatString = NSLocalizedString(@"Movie %d", @"Format string for item");
        for (unsigned int itemNumber = 1; itemNumber <= 0; itemNumber++)
            NSString *itemName = [NSString stringWithFormat:itemFormatString, itemNumber];
            [self.dataArray addObject:itemName];
        // make our view consistent
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - UITableViewDelegate
    - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
        return self.dataArray.count;
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Update the delete button's title based on how many items are selected.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Configure a cell to show the corresponding string from the array.
        static NSString *kCellID = @"cellID";
        UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellID];
        cell.textLabel.text = [self.dataArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
        return cell;
    #pragma mark - Action methods
    - (IBAction)editAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:YES animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)cancelAction:(id)sender
        [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex
        // The user tapped one of the OK/Cancel buttons.
        if (buttonIndex == 0)
            // Delete what the user selected.
            NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
            BOOL deleteSpecificRows = selectedRows.count > 0;
            if (deleteSpecificRows)
                // Build an NSIndexSet of all the objects to delete, so they can all be removed at once.
                NSMutableIndexSet *indicesOfItemsToDelete = [NSMutableIndexSet new];
                for (NSIndexPath *selectionIndex in selectedRows)
                    [indicesOfItemsToDelete addIndex:selectionIndex.row];
                // Delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeObjectsAtIndexes:indicesOfItemsToDelete];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects
                [self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:selectedRows withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
                // Delete everything, delete the objects from our data model.
                [self.dataArray removeAllObjects];
                // Tell the tableView that we deleted the objects.
                // Because we are deleting all the rows, just reload the current table section
                [self.tableView reloadSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationAutomatic];
            // Exit editing mode after the deletion.
            [self.tableView setEditing:NO animated:YES];
            [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    - (IBAction)deleteAction:(id)sender
        // Open a dialog with just an OK button.
        NSString *actionTitle;
        if (([[self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows] count] == 1)) {
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove this movie?", @"");
            actionTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to remove these movies?", @"");
        NSString *cancelTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"Cancel title for item removal action");
        NSString *okTitle = NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK title for item removal action");
        UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:actionTitle
        actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleDefault;
        // Show from our table view (pops up in the middle of the table).
        [actionSheet showInView:self.view];
    - (IBAction)addAction:(id)sender
        [self.dataArray addObject:@"New Movie"];
        // Tell the tableView about the item that was added.
        NSIndexPath *indexPathOfNewItem = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRowself.dataArray.count - 1) inSection:0];
        [self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths:@[indexPathOfNewItem]
        // Tell the tableView we have finished adding or removing items.
        [self.tableView endUpdates];
        // Scroll the tableView so the new item is visible
        [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPathOfNewItem
        // Update the buttons if we need to.
        [self updateButtonsToMatchTableState];
    #pragma mark - Updating button state
    - (void)updateButtonsToMatchTableState
        if (self.tableView.editing)
            // Show the option to cancel the edit.
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.cancelButton;
            [self updateDeleteButtonTitle];
            // Show the delete button.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.deleteButton;
            // Not in editing mode.
            self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.addButton;
            // Show the edit button, but disable the edit button if there's nothing to edit.
            if (self.dataArray.count > 0)
                self.editButton.enabled = YES;
                self.editButton.enabled = NO;
            self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButton;
    - (void)updateDeleteButtonTitle
        // Update the delete button's title, based on how many items are selected
        NSArray *selectedRows = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows];
        BOOL allItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == self.dataArray.count;
        BOOL noItemsAreSelected = selectedRows.count == 0;
        if (allItemsAreSelected || noItemsAreSelected)
            self.deleteButton.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Delete All", @"");
            NSString *titleFormatString =
            NSLocalizedString(@"Delete (%d)", @"Title for delete button with placeholder for number");
            self.deleteButton.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:titleFormatString, selectedRows.count];

    Hey JB001,
    Sounds like you have more going on than just a simple issue with Home Sharing and more dealing with Wi-Fi syncing. Start with the article below and see if that may resolve it.
    iTunes 10.5 and later: Troubleshooting iTunes Wi-Fi syncing
    If it does not work out, then may I suggest contacting Apple for further assistance to walk you through it or just take that time that you were talking about to sort it out.
    Contact Apple Support
    -Norm G.

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    rename mymatview to mymatview2
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-32318: cannot rename a materialized view
    SQL> disconnect
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    It is possible to edit the dictionary, but not recommended.
    It is recommended to use exp/imp to "rename" a schema

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