Can I dynamically remove vi's.

Is it possible to dynamically remove vi's? It does not seem possible with the vi-server-functions.

If you dynamically load a VI, you can dynamically remove it by closing the
VI reference.
If it's a VI that has been loaded because it is part of another VI you
cannot unload it while the parent remains in memory.
I've never had to close a VI that has been arbitrarily loaded by the user,
but I think that you cannot have a VI in memory if its front panel is
closed, it is not running and it is not a child of another loaded VI. Hence
I think you can close such VIs by closing their window, which is an
available property.
casimir wrote in message
news:[email protected]..
> Is it possible to dynamically remove vi's? It does not seem possible
> with the vi-server-functions.

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    Hi Craig,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Using the steps from the article above (iTunes Store: Changing your payment information), you should be able to select "None" as your payment method. This will remove your credit card from your iTunes Store account (Apple ID).
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    Best Regards,

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    Unfortunately, this sort of trouble has gotten more complicated to deal with ever since Microsoft pulled the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from their Download Center on June 25. First we have to find a copy of the utility.
    Let's try Googling. (Best not to use Bing, I think.) Look for a working download site for at least version 3.0 of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. After downloading the utility installer file (msicuu2.exe), scan the file for malware, just in case. (I use the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware to do single-file scans for that.)
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    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
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    This is a working example of a search form.
    In the JSP page we have several texts box, a table bound to a DataProvider with the rowSet in the SessionBean and a search button.
    JSP source:
                    <ui:body binding="#{PackageAirtime.body1}" id="body1">
                        <ui:form binding="#{PackageAirtime.form1}" id="form1">
                            <table border="0">
                                        <table border="0" width="100%">
                                                    <ui:label binding="#{PackageAirtime.pageTitle}" id="pageTitle" text="Package Airtime"/>
                                                    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                                                            <td>Package ID:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textPackageID}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonPackageID}" id="buttonPackageID"
                                                                    onClick="handlePackageIDPopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open package locator"/>
                                                            <td>Airtime Code:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textAirtimeCode}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonAirtimeCode}" id="buttonAirtimeCode"
                                                                    onClick="handleAirtimeCodePopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open airtime code locator"/>
                                                                <ui:button action="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton}"
                                                                    id="searchButton" text="Search" toolTip="Search records"/>
                                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticTextSearchResults}" id="staticTextSearchResults"/>
                                                    <ui:table binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchResults}" id="searchResults" paginationControls="true">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount()>0)?false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                                        <f:facet name="title">
                                                            <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.table1Title}" id="table1Title" text="Package Airtime search results"/>
                                                        <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableRowGroup1}"
                                                            emptyDataMsg="No records matching the search criteria" id="tableRowGroup1"
                                                            sourceData="#{PackageAirtime.s23_package_airtimeDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn1}" headerText="Package ID" id="tableColumn1" sort="S23_PACKAGE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText1}" id="staticText1" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_PACKAGE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn2}" headerText="Airtime Code" id="tableColumn2" sort="S23_AT_CODE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_AT_CODE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn7}" headerText="Prepaid Value" id="tableColumn7">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText6}" id="staticText6" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_PERIOD_VAL']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn8}" headerText="Prepaid Type" id="tableColumn8">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText7}" id="staticText7" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_TYPE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn4}" headerText="Start" id="tableColumn4" sort="PRSM_PK_START">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_START']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn5}" headerText="End" id="tableColumn5">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText4}" id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_END']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn6}" headerText="Units" id="tableColumn6">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText5}" id="staticText5" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_UNITS']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn9}" headerText="Carry-over limit" id="tableColumn9" valign="Top">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText8}" id="staticText8" text="#{currentRow.value['ROM_PLAN_CARRY_LMT']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn3}" headerText="Details" id="tableColumn3" width="100">
                                                                <ui:hyperlink action="#{PackageAirtime.viewpackageAT_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.hyperlink1}"
                                                                    id="hyperlink1" text="View"/>
    ...JAVA source:
        public void prerender() {
        public String search_action() {
            try {
                String command = "SELECT s23_package, s23_at_code, prsm_pk_start, prsm_pk_end,  prsm_pk_units, subr_at_prepaid_period_val,  subr_at_prepaid_type, subr_disc_type, subr_disc_rate,  subr_disc_value, subr_disc_perm,  subr_at_prepaid_bill_per_val, subr_at_prepaid_recurring,  s23_package_fwd, s23_at_code_fwd, prsm_pk_start_fwd,  subr_ppa_infinite, subr_ppa_carry_over, rom_plan_carry_lmt  FROM s23_package_airtime, ROM_23_PPLAN_COMP  where rom_23_pack_plan = s23_package";
                String where = "";
                String packageID = (String)textPackageID.getText();
                if (packageID == null) {
                    packageID = "";
                packageID = packageID.replace("'", "''");
                if (packageID != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += "upper(S23_PACKAGE) LIKE upper('" + packageID + "%')";
                String airtimeCode = (String)textAirtimeCode.getText();
                if (airtimeCode == null) {
                    airtimeCode = "";
                airtimeCode = airtimeCode.replace("'", "''");
                if (airtimeCode != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += " upper(S23_AT_CODE) LIKE upper('" + airtimeCode + "%')";
                if (where != "") {
                    command += " AND " + where;
            catch (Exception e) {
                log("Error during search for packages airtime", e);
            return null;
        public String searchButton_action() {
            return "";
        }I put the search_action() call in the prerender() to have data in my table when the page is open. For a large resultset the best aproach is to let the user select some search criteria and then call the search_action() using a button (searchButton_action() ).
    I've added a hyperlink column to my table, it is used to display the current record details in a new page.
    I have defined in my SessionBean a getRowkey/setRowkey methods.
    When the user click on a "View" hiperlink the following code is executed:
        public String viewpackageAT_action() {
            RowKey row = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
            return "packageairtime_details";
        }I will step over the "Page Navigation".
    In the Detail Page I have the following code:
        public void init() {
    }Now I have the detail page opened and also the DataProvider opened at the saved RowKey value.
    Finally, in the SessionBean:
         * Holds value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        private RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Getter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @return Value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public RowKey getPackageAirtimeRowKey() {
            return this.packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Setter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @param packageAirtimeRowKey New value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public void setPackageAirtimeRowKey(RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey) {
            this.packageAirtimeRowKey = packageAirtimeRowKey;
        }Note: You should enable page navigation in the result(s) table.
    That's about it :)
    Hope this helps,
    Catalin Florean.

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    I've got to agree with Allan. It sounds like the hard drive is corrupt at least. It's possible it might be physically failing. Without backups, it's possible your data is already gone. You need a professional to help you.
    If you do not have an Apple Store near you or simply don't have the time to spare, there are some things you can try, but you must understand that it's possible these things could make the chances of recovering your data worse than they already are. Perform the instructions to follow at your own risk!
    First, you can try repairing your hard drive with Disk Utility. If that works, see if you can start up the machine. If you can, the very first thing you need to do is back up any data you don't want to lose. You may still need to take other steps, as your system may be damaged as well, but getting the data is the important part.
    If Disk Utility cannot repair the problems, you can try DiskWarrior. It can repair problems that Disk Utility cannot. However, it also increases the risk of destroying your data if it fails. If it works and you can start up the machine, do the same as I advised for following success with Disk Utility.
    If repairs (with either) were successful, but the machine still won't start up, you can try reinstalling the system. Hold down command-R at startup and then just install right on top of the existing system. If all goes well, you'll be able to start up afterwards and can get your data backed up. If all goes badly, it'll further decrease the chances of getting your data back.
    If neither can repair the damage, you're in bad shape. You will need a professional to help you, unless you are willing to lose all your data.

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    ok, i'm stunnend.
    apparently there was something that resolved the issue, the store works fine now... have been hacking around on this for days, and now, just at once. only thing i did (and i did that before, naturally, it's one of the first things you trie) is disable my antivirus software. It runs perfectly with antivirus enabled now me...
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    Juice21 wrote:
    > In AW 7, can you dynamically resize a graphic (jpg, or
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    > on the screen, with some sort of code. Need help. Trying
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    Not as such. You can:
    - have multiple copies of the same image and flip between
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    a Show Me on it)
    - use Flash
    - use alPicView
    Andrew Poulos

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    by reading more about them on the web or in a good book, OR BY HIRING SOMEBODY TO DO SO. ;)

Maybe you are looking for