Can I get some help with this please

I got the following error messages from java after running my code.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 66
     at Graph.ChainingHashTable.get(
     at Graph.Vertex.isNeighbor(
     at Graph.LinkedGraph.addEdge(
     at Graph.Traversals.main(
The following is my code
package Graph;
public class Traversals implements Callback<Vertex>
    public void visit( Vertex data )
        System.out.println( data.getName() );
     * Perform a breadth first traversal of the vertices in the given graph
     * starting at the specified node. The call back object is used to process
     * each node as it appears in the traversal.
     * @param g the graph to traverse
     * @param start the vertex where the traversal will start
     * @param cb the object that processes vertices.
    public void BFSTraverse( Graph g, Vertex start, Callback<Vertex> cb )
        Queue<Vertex> waiting = new LinkedQueue<Vertex>(); // Queue of waiting
                                                            // vertices
        // Ensure the graph has no marked vertices
        List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
        for( vertices.first(); vertices.isOnList(); )
            vertices.get().setTag( false );
        // Put the start vertex in the work queue
        waiting.enqueue( start );
        // While there are waiting vertices
        while( !waiting.empty() )
            // Get the next Vertex
            Vertex curVertex = waiting.front();
            // If this Vertex hasn't been processed yet
            if( !curVertex.getTag() )
                cb.visit( curVertex ); // Process the vertex
                curVertex.setTag( true ); // Mark it as visited
                // Put its unmarked neighbors into the work queue
                List<Vertex> neighbors = curVertex.getNeighbors();
                for( neighbors.first(); neighbors.isOnList(); )
                    Vertex cur = neighbors.get();
                    if( !cur.getTag() )
                        waiting.enqueue( cur );
     * Use Kruskal's algorithm to create a minimum spanning tree for the given
     * graph. The MST is returned in the form of a graph.
     * @param g the graph from which to generate the MST
     * @return a graph containing the the vertices of g and the the edges
     *         nesseary to form a minimum spanning tree.
    public Graph kruskalMST( Graph g )
        // Where the MST will be stored
        Graph mst = new LinkedGraph();
        // All the vertices in the graph
        List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
        // List of Vertex Sets
        List<Set<String>> vertexSets = new LinkedList();
        // Add the vertices in the original graph to mst
        // and create the vertex sets at the same time
        for( vertices.first(); vertices.isOnList(); )
            String curName = vertices.get().getName();
            Set<String> curSet = null; // new ArrayBasedSet<Vertex>();
            // Add the name of the current vertex to its set and then
            // add the set to the list that contains the vertex sets
            curSet.add( curName );
            vertexSets.add( curSet );
            // Add the current vertex to the MST graph
            mst.addVertex( curName );
        // Put the edges into a heap which effectively sorts them
        Heap<Edge> edges = new ArrayBasedHeap<Edge>();
        List<Edge> allEdges = g.getEdges();
        for( allEdges.first(); allEdges.isOnList(); )
            edges.insertHeapNode( allEdges.get() );
        // Setup is complete - run the algorithm
        // There is more than one set left in the list vertex sets
        while( vertexSets.size() > 1 )
            // Get the smallest edge
            Edge cur = edges.getSmallest();
            // Find the sets where these vertices are located
            int sourcePos = findSet( vertexSets, cur.getSource().getName() );
            int destPos = findSet( vertexSets, cur.getDest().getName() );
            // If the vertices are in different sets - add the edge to
            // the MST
            if( sourcePos != destPos )
                Set<String> sourceSet = vertexSets.get( sourcePos );
                Set<String> destSet = vertexSets.get( destPos );
                // Add the edge to the MST
                mst.addEdge( cur.getSource().getName(),
                        cur.getDest().getName(), cur.getCost() );
                // Merge the sets
                sourceSet.union( destSet );
                vertexSets.remove( destPos );
        // The MST can be read from this graph
        return mst;
     * Return the position of the first set in the list that contains the
     * specified name.
     * @param vertexSets a list of sets to search.
     * @param name the name being searched for.
     * @return the position of the first set in the list that contains the name
     *         or -1 if the name cannot be found.
    private int findSet( List<Set<String>> vertexSets, String name )
        int retVal = -1;
        // Step through the list and examine each set. Stop when you
        // find a set with the name or we fall off the list
        for( int i = 0; retVal == -1 && i < vertexSets.size(); i = i + 1 )
            Set curSet = vertexSets.get( i );
            // Does the current set contain the name we are looking for?
            if( curSet.contains( name ) )
                retVal = i;
        // Return the position of the set
        return retVal;
     * Perform Dijkstra's Shortest Path algorithm on the given graph, starting
     * at the given vertex.
     * @param g the Graph to traverse.
     * @param name the name of the vertex where the traversal starts.
     * @return an array containing vertex path costs.
    public int[] dijkstraSP( Graph g, String name )
        // The names of the vertices for which the shortest
        // path is not known
        Set<String> u = new ArrayBasedSet<String>();
        // The names of the vertices for which the shortest
        // path is known
        Set<String> s = new ArrayBasedSet<String>();
        // Put the vertices in an array to make things easier
        List<Vertex> vertices = g.getVertices();
        Vertex v[] = new Vertex[ vertices.size() ];
        for( int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++ )
            v[ i ] = vertices.get( i );
        // The starting vertex
        Vertex start = g.getVertex( name );
        // The lowest costs seen so far
        int c[] = new int[ v.length ];
        // Temporary edge used by the program
        Edge curEdge = null;
        // Sort the vertices by name so that the costs will
        // appear in order by name
        Heap<String> names = new ArrayBasedHeap<String>();
        // Build the heap
        for( int i = 0; i < v.length; i = i + 1 )
            names.insertHeapNode( v[ i ].getName() );
        // Read out the values
        for( int i = 0; !names.empty(); i = i + 1 )
            v[ i ] = g.getVertex( names.getSmallest() );
        // We "know" the shortest path to the source
        s.add( name );
        // For each vertex, compute the starting cost
        for( int i = 0; i < v.length; i = i + 1 )
            // If this isn't the start node
            if( !v[ i ].getName().equals( name ) )
                // Put it in the unknown set
                u.add( v[ i ].getName() );
                // Compute the initial cost to reach this Vertex
                curEdge = start.getEdge( v[ i ].getName() );
                if( curEdge != null )
                    c[ i ] = curEdge.getCost();
                    // This Vertex is currently unreachable
                    c[ i ] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                // It costs 0 to get to the start vertex
                c[ i ] = 0;
        // Set is complete - run the algorithm until all of
        // the paths are known
        while( !u.isEmpty() )
            // Find the position of the lowest-cost unknown node
            int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int minPos = -1;
            for( int i = 0; minPos == -1 && i < c.length; i = i + 1 )
                if( c[ i ] < min && u.contains( v[ i ].getName() ) )
                    min = c[ i ];
                    minPos = i;
            // We know the shortest path to the vertex
            s.add( v[ minPos ].getName() );
            u.remove( v[ minPos ].getName() );
            // Update the costs based
            for( int i = 0; i < c.length; i = i + 1 )
                // Get the edge between the new shortest and the
                // current node in the array
                curEdge = v[ minPos ].getEdge( v[ i ].getName() );
                // If there is an edge
                if( curEdge != null )
                    // If going through the new node is better than
                    // what has been seen update the cost
                    if( c[ i ] > c[ minPos ] + curEdge.getCost() )
                        c[ i ] = c[ minPos ] + curEdge.getCost();
        return c;
    public static void main( String args[] )
        Traversals t = new Traversals();
        Graph g = new LinkedGraph();
        g.addVertex( "A" );
        g.addVertex( "B" );
        g.addVertex( "C" );
        g.addVertex( "D" );
        g.addVertex( "E" );
        g.addVertex( "F" );
        g.addEdge( "A", "B", 5 );             <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Line 311
        g.addEdge( "A", "D", 9 );
        g.addEdge( "A", "C", 10 );
        g.addEdge( "B", "A", 5 );
        g.addEdge( "B", "D", 4 );
        g.addEdge( "C", "A", 10 );
        g.addEdge( "C", "D", 13 );
        g.addEdge( "C", "E", 14 );
        g.addEdge( "D", "B", 4 );
        g.addEdge( "D", "A", 9 );
        g.addEdge( "D", "C", 13 );
        g.addEdge( "D", "E", 7 );
        g.addEdge( "D", "F", 8 );
        g.addEdge( "E", "C", 14 );
        g.addEdge( "E", "D", 7 );
        g.addEdge( "E", "F", 2 );
        g.addEdge( "F", "D", 8 );
        g.addEdge( "F", "E", 2 );
        int costs[] = t.dijkstraSP( g, "A" );
        for( int i = 0; i < costs.length; i = i + 1 )
            System.out.println( costs[ i ] );
package Graph;
* An implementation of a HashTable using chaining for collision resolution.
* Javadoc comments for methods specified in the Table interface have been
* omitted.
* This code assumes that the preconditions stated in the comments are true when
* a method is invoked and therefore does not check the preconditions.
public class ChainingHashTable<K, V> implements Table<K, V>
    private List<Tuple<K, V>> hashTable[]; // The hashtable
    int size; // The size of the hash table
     * Create a new hash table.
     * @param cardinality the number of elements in the domain.
    public ChainingHashTable( int cardinality )
        // Note that the cast is necessary because you cannot
        // create generic arrays in Java. This statement will
        // generate a compiler warning.
        hashTable = (LinkedList<Tuple<K, V>>[]) new LinkedList[ cardinality ];
        size = 0;
    public void put( K key, V value )
        int bucket = key.hashCode();
        // Do we need to create a new list for this bucket?
        if( hashTable[ bucket ] == null )
            hashTable[ bucket ] = new LinkedList<Tuple<K, V>>();
        hashTable[ bucket ].add( new Tuple<K, V>( key, value ) );
        size = size + 1;
    public void remove( K key )
        int bucket = key.hashCode();
        List<Tuple<K, V>> chain = hashTable[ bucket ];
        boolean found = false;
        // Is there a chain to search?
        if( chain != null )
            // Step through the chain until we fall off the end or
            // find the tuple to delete
            while( !found && chain.isOnList() )
                // If this tuple has the key we are looking for
                // delete it and stop the loop
                if( chain.get().getKey().equals( key ) )
                    found = true;
    public V get( K key )
        int bucket = key.hashCode();
        List<Tuple<K, V>> chain = hashTable[ bucket ];     <----------------------------------------------------------------Line 76
        V retVal = null;
        // Is there a chain to search?
        if( chain != null )
            // Step through the chain until we find the element or
            // run out of list.
            for( chain.first(); retVal == null && chain.isOnList(); chain
                    .next() )
                // If this tuple has the key we are looking for,
                // extract the value
                if( chain.get().getKey().equals( key ) )
                    retVal = chain.get().getValue();
        return retVal;
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return size == 0;
    public int size()
        return size;
    public int cardinality()
        return hashTable.length;
    public List<K> getKeys()
        List<Tuple<K, V>> chain;
        List<K> keys = new LinkedList<K>();
        // Go through each chain and create a list that contains all
        // of the keys in the table
        for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i++ )
            if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                chain = hashTable[ i ];
                for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                    keys.add( chain.get().getKey() );
        return keys;
    public List<V> getValues()
        List<Tuple<K, V>> chain;
        List<V> values = new LinkedList<V>();
        // Go through each chain and create a list that contains all
        // of the keys in the table
        for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i++ )
            if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                chain = hashTable[ i ];
                for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                    values.add( chain.get().getValue() );
        return values;
     * Return a string representation of this hash table.
     * @return a string representation of this hash table.
    public String toString()
        StringBuffer hashAsString = new StringBuffer( "" );
        List chain = null;
        for( int i = 0; i < hashTable.length; i = i + 1 )
            hashAsString.append( "h[" + i + "]==" );
            if( hashTable[ i ] != null )
                chain = hashTable[ i ];
                for( chain.first(); chain.isOnList(); )
                    hashAsString.append( " " + chain.get() );
            hashAsString.append( "\n" );
        return hashAsString.toString();
} // ChainingHashTable

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    I am so sorry for the delay! I am sending you a private message so that we can discuss your billing concerns more freely.
    At the top of each Forum page, you will see a small gray envelope icon. This icon will have a number next to it if you have any new messages waiting. To open a PM to read it, double click on the envelope. If you click on the white envelope a window will open with tabs for your Private Message Inbox, Sent Messages, Friends, Ignored Users, and Compose new Message. You can also access this area by clicking on the Username in a Thread or post. By default, Private Messages are enabled. You can disable this feature in My Settings>Preferences> Private Messenger.

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    Firefox 4 is not supported, but firefox 3.6 is
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                for (int j=0; j<array.length;j++)
    System.out.print(array[i][j]) ;
    * traverses through the maze
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    * @param column: the current column
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    System.out.println("array is solved");
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    array[row-1][column]='x';//marks path
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    array[row][column]='x';//marks path
    array[row+1][column]='x';//marks path
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    array[row][column]='x'; //marks path
    array[row][column+1]='x';//marks path
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    if(array[row][column-1]=='.')//checks if should move right
    array[row][column]='x'; //marks path
    array[row][column-1]='x';//marks path
    }else/*1*/ if((array[row-1][column]=='#')||((array[row-1][column]=='*'))&&(array[row+1][column]=='#')||(array[row+1][column]=='*')&&(array[row][column+1]=='#')||(array[row][column+1]=='*'))
    //checks if up is clear to move back
    //checks if down is clear so could move back
    //checks if right is clear to move back
    if(row==3&&column-1==0)//checks if at the beginning of the array
    System.out.println("MAze cannot be solved");
    if (array[row][column-1]=='x')//checks if behind has a x to move
    array[row][column]='*';//prints dead end
    }else/*2*/ if((array[row+1][column]=='#')||(array[row+1][column]=='*')&&(array[row][column-1]=='#')||(array[row][column-1]=='*')&&(array[row][column+1]=='#')||(array[row][column+1]=='*'))
    //checks if left is clear to move back
    //checks if right is clear to move back
    //checks if up is clear to move back
    if(row-1==3&&column==0)//checks if at the begining of the maze
    System.out.println("MAze cannot be solved");
    }else if (array[row-1][column]=='x')//checks if behind as been marked
    array[row][column]='*';//marks as dead end
    }else/*3*/ if((array[row+1][column]=='#')||(array[row+1][column]=='*')&&(array[row][column-1]=='#')||(array[row][column-1]=='*')&&(array[row][column+1]=='#')||(array[row][column+1]=='*'))
    //checks if right is clear to move back
    // checks if left is clear to move back
    //checks if up is clear to move back
    if (array[row-1][column]=='x')//checks if behind as been marked as a path
    array[row][column]='*';//marks as dead end
    } else/*4*/ if((array[row][column-1]=='#')||(array[row][column-1]=='*')&&(array[row+1][column]=='#')||(array[row+1][column]=='*')&&(array[row-1][column]=='#')||(array[row-1][column]=='*'))
    //checks if right is clear to move back
    //checks if down is clear to move back
    //checks if up is clear to move back
    if (array[row][column+1]=='x')//checks if behind has been marked as a path
    array[row][column]='*';//marks as dead end

    morgalr wrote:
    That is truely one of the better threads that I've seen on the net for maze traversal.Forget "for maze traversal". That was one of the most interesting of all the threads I've seen here in quite a while. My sincerest admiration to those who contributed and eventually worked it out (and it wasn't me that's for sure), and especially to Keith. Impressive!

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    HI,?I am new to these boards and need help with my Creative Labs Zen Vision M. I bought it a little more than a year ago so it is out of warranty. Heres the problem: the screen is completey black and no lights or anything indicate that it is on. When I put it in the charger for the wall?I bought, a blue light on top near the power switch turns on.When I put it in the USB port in my computer the computer does not recognize a connection is being made and the player remains blank. ?The blue light on top?is about as far as it got. I havent really have any problems like this before other than having to poke the reset button from time to time. Any information or tips would be appreciated.
    ThanksMessage Edited by rdeezy on 07-09-2007:2 AM
    Message Edited by rdeezy on 07-09-2007:3 AM

    I'm having exactly the same issue, and it's definitely not the battery as I've left mine charging for days at a time, and the problem started virtually overnight. I'm pretty disappointed, I haven't even had the player a year and it's already totally unusable.

  • Can I get some help with CF8 and Unix from this forum?

    I did my dev in my local machine running windowsXP and CF8
    In prod. environment, my CF8 runs in Unix and I'm not familiar with Unix at all.
    My manager is out for awhile and I want to do this if I could without waiting for him because in windows it is very simple.
    Here is what I did in windows and I think I should do the same in unix but unfortunately I don't know how:
    In Windows environment I have done the following successfully and easy:
    1. installed/moved a .exe file in 2 folders: 1. in cfx folder under Coldfusion8 folder and
                                                                2. and again in CFClasses folder under WEB-INF folder
    2. Then in CF8 administrator I went to SERVER SETTINGS >> Java and JVM >> under ColdFusion Class Path, I put: c:\Coldfusion8\cfx\cfx_myexe.jar >> submit
    3. Under CFX Tags >> clicked REGISTER Java CFX >> I put: cfx_myexe in Tag Name and the same in Class Name  >>submit
    Then when I go to my application, everything work as a charm!
    How can I do these things in Unix?
    When I logged into CF server in unix using my FTP FileZilla, I immediately see /space/users/www , so I'm in the root directory. I can't see anything above this directory
    In windows, CFX is found under ColdFusion8 folder AND cfclasses is found under WEB-INF folder like this:
    All my CF files for the application are on C:/Inetpub/www/myfolder/
    So my questions are:
    1. How can I access point 1 using my FTP to move my exe file to the right folders
    2. Since I don't have CF administrator interface with Unix, how can I do point 2 and 3 above????
    I have searched on this forum if someone had this problem in the past and also googled it but I got no result.

    1)  If the account you use to FTP to the site does not give you permissions to the ColdFusion instlation directories, you will need to ask permission from whomever in your organization provides those permissions.
    2) You would run the same ColdFusion administrator tool.  It is usually located at yourwebsite-domain/cfide/administrator/
    If it is not located at this location, you need to ask whomever controls your ColdFusion server where it is located and how you should access it.
    In otherwords, these are not general problems that we can help you with much.  These are specific problems dealing with your organizaiton and how it has configured its systems and network.

  • Can I get some help with embedded attachments, please?

    Hi guys,
    I am having the reverse problem with attachments, I actually *want* a file to remain embedded in an email. When my clients on PC or webmail open my e-mails, the attachment comes through no longer inline, but as an attachment that they have to click and download. It happens whether the file is a .jpg or .pdf. I have "Windows friendly Attachments" checked.
    Is there a work-around to this? I know in Outlook you can manually embed an image, but I don't want to have to buy it just to be able to work with PC clients.
    Thanks in advance!

    The mail servers and other factors that have been mentioned are actually rarely an issue in this case. The problem lies in Mail, which will send an HTML message with correctly embedded images only if all of the following conditions are met:
    The message format is set to "rich text" (this is how Mail calls HTML).
    The message contains actual text formatting (different styles, colors, fonts or font sizes, etc.).
    The message does not contain any attachments other than images.
    If you don't need to send embedded images very often and stick to the three above rules, it will work OK.
    If you need to send embedded images reliably without having to worry about formatting and other attachments you can try Attachment Tamer:  It's a Mail plug-in that among other things allows you to send embedded images reliably. It always sends attachments as they are displayed (images displayed in place are sent as embedded images, any files displayed as icons as regular attachments). You set up how you prefer files to be displayed and attached and default, and then adjust individual attachments as needed. Unlike Thunderbird, Attachment Tamer isn't free, but it costs just a few bucks and integrates with Apple Mail seamlessly (and there is of course a free trial version).
    (The forum conditions require me to say that I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link. Indeed, I'm the developer of Attachment Tamer.)

  • Can i get some help with the bing app please?

    ironically i searched all over the bing website and couldn't find the answer to this:
    on the bing commercial they show the ability to hold up your phone with the app open and on the screen you see the scene in front of you but with little popups telling you what each place is. i cannot figure out how to get the app to do that, can anyone provide instructions? thanks.

    Bing Mobile email support is here:!%7dsource=app_iPhone&ct=eformt s&mkt=en-US&productkey=bingmobile&scrx=1&st=1&wfxredirect=1

  • How can I get some help with Verizon's customer service?

    I want to preface this by stating that this is the first time in the 10 years in which I've been a Verizon wireless customer, that I've had a problem that cannot be resolved to my satisfaction.  My issue started with a Verizon Wireless Stores in Bethlehem, PA.  I asked one of the sales clerks for some assistance (which I now regret).  My question to her was that I simply wanted to be able to connect my home laptop computer to the internet data on my mobile plan. Without even discussing the different options, I was "told" I needed to purchase a Mobile Hotspot Device (for $69.99, but just $20 after rebate!).  I told the clerk I didn't want to have to pay an additional bill every month and didn't want something that wasn't absolutely necessary.  She neglected to give me the more costly details, like the fact that it would require a 2 year contract on the device, and it would also cost me an additional $20 per month.  She knew I wasn't really sure what the most cost-effective option was, so I trusted her knowledge.  I even had my husband speak to her over the phone about the device, since he's more savvy about technology than I am.  The clerk spoke with him the entire time she completed my transaction, and when she rang the sale up, she did not have me sign anything.  She handed me the receipts, and told me I had 14 days to decide If I wanted to keep the device.  When I got home and tried to use it, it would not connect to my computer.  I took it to a local Verizon store on my lunch break one day and they looked into the transaction.  They told me it was never put on my account; it was charged to someone else's account in error.  I had to go back to the store where I originally purchased it.  I wasn't able to get back to the original store right away, but I made sure to get there by the 14th day.  It took two store managers to look at my account and figure out the error.  They fixed it, but no one apologized to me for the inconvenience; they simply told me they could activate the device for me, or if I didn't want it any more, they would take it back (minus the $35 restocking fee). I took issue with the restock fee, because the store made the error by not giving me the full information at time of purchase, and then not charging it to my account so that I could try it out for 14 days.  I was very upset that the manager refused to remove the restocking fee due to "policy" and that I "signed a contract" and I had to pay it.  I argued that she should make an exception in this case, because I was inconvenienced.  I told her if she valued my future business at her store, she would reconsider.  She refused to budge and told me that I didn't need to shop in her store any more.  I thought that was quite rude and insulting. So, I took all of my original receipts, along with the receipt that indicated that she refunded the $69.99 plus tax (minus the $35 restock fee).  I left the store quite upset, but figured there wasn't much else I could say to her. Meanwhile, it's days later and my bill still shows the entire amount of $74 for the mobile hot spot device still on there.  There is no credit for the return at all.  I called customer service on my lunch break yesterday, and was on the phone for 45 min with a "Kendra R" to no avail.  The entire call, she kept putting me on hold, and my bill was still not straightened out. When I asked to speak with a supervisor or manager, she said there was no one else available.  Later that afternoon, I got an automated call (that left a voice message) from Verizon Customer Service to do a survey on my customer service experience.  I did the survey and explained that my problem was not resolved and I would like a call back.  No one has called me back yet, and I am stuck with no resolution to my problem.  Now the Verizon store has the device back, and I still have the entire amount for it on my bill.  Can you help me please?

    Nope, it was a Verizon Wireless Store.  I went in there in the first place because I trusted the Company for their professionalism, but I've been let down badly.  I posted my story on here because I'm hoping to be able to get the attention of someone from Customer Service.  It seems like the only way you can actually speak with a live person who knows what they are doing, is when you stop paying your bill on time.  After you pay your bill, they transfer you to a poorly trained "rep" that has no authority to handle anything important. I'm actually a pretty patient person, but when it takes someone over 45 min mostly just to keep me on hold, and then tell me they can't help me, I'm not really impressed with their idea of customer service.

  • Can I get some help with my assets

    Hi Everyone.
    I've got a menu that I created and I made it an asset.
    <a href="../pages/index2.html">Home</a> | <a href="../pages/Men.html">Men</a> | <a href="../pages/women.html">Women</a> | <a href="../pages/bio.html">Who is Eric Jay? </a>| <a href="../pages/contactUs.html">Contact Us</a></font>
    Here is a link to it in order see it in action.
    You can see the link towards the top of the page all the words are jumbled.
    I cannot figure out why this is.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thanks Nancy.
    I've been reading up and really studying your links.  I've came to a roadblock that I'm hoping you can help me with.
    #1.  The adobe dreamweaver forum isn't working for me right now.  So I hope this email makes it through to you as I am stuck.
    #2.  I have read up on positioning, floating and clearing but I must be doing something wrong.
    Here is the current page
    My questions/statements are these.
    Someone said to not position things using any absolute divs.  However, i cannot get around this.
    I have started over from scratch. I first created a container div and set its position to relative with auto margins on the left and right of it.  I want to put everything in my website inside that container div.  I set a background image on it that I want to use.
    The way I understand things is that if I place a 2nd div into the container div- the 2nd it will reside inside the container.  If I add margin's to the 2nd div but leave positioning alone the div will move around inside the container relative to the container.
    If I set the 2nd div to absolute I can position it anywhere relative to the size of the upper left corner of the browser window.  
    The problem is- if I leave the 2nd div position empty (or set it to relative) and then use margins to move it around- it does not move relative to the container.  It actually takes the entire container and moves it and leaves a huge white gap at the top.
    Please see link
    I have a "central" graphic area where I want to have descriptions of a tshirt and a picture as well.
    I created a new div (inside of the container div) and labeled it something like mainGraphic.  Inside of that I put a 2nd div labeled something like tShirt description and an image.  I set the tShirtDescription div to float left and the image to float left as well so they will butt against each other.  I used no positioning.  But set a width limit on the tShirtDescription.  My thoughts on this are that the tShirtDescription div can grow/expand as needed and always reside on the left hand side of the mainGraphic div.  The graphic will float next to it.
    This worked great until I applied some padding to the tShirtDescritption div.  After I went over 3px of padding the image dropped below the tShirtDescription div. (as you can see in the above link)
    I am confused but feel like I'm really close to understanding all this.  I'm obviously missing something at the root level.  If you could give any suggestions I would appreciate it.

  • Where can I get some help with my Nokia Maps Licen...

    My problem is I bought a license and a Nokia n97.
    I originally bought the license on my n95 and was able to transfer my license to my new n97. But since I have upgraded to version 3.0 my license has dissapeared.
    I tried doing the sim card transfer method and that works up to the point where it tries to associate it with my new sim card (I changed provides when I upgraded). When it gets to this point it simply states "No updates" and then keeps trying again and again. I have rolled it back to version 2 and now have the same problem. 
    Unfortunately I have lost the email I got when I registered and I can't find any information on how to get this email resent.
    I have tried speaking with Nokia care here in Sydney, Australia and they said it is a known problem but there is no fix for it.
    I would like to try entering my license code again manually to see if thats possible. But I am told and I can see that nokia doesn't allow its customers to get this information again.
    Please do something about this Nokia. It's really a **bleep** situation.
    Go to Solution.

    zgeek wrote:
    My problem is I bought a license and a Nokia n97.
    I originally bought the license on my n95 and was able to transfer my license to my new n97. But since I have upgraded to version 3.0 my license has dissapeared.
    I tried doing the sim card transfer method and that works up to the point where it tries to associate it with my new sim card (I changed provides when I upgraded). When it gets to this point it simply states "No updates" and then keeps trying again and again. I have rolled it back to version 2 and now have the same problem. 
    Unfortunately I have lost the email I got when I registered and I can't find any information on how to get this email resent.
    I have tried speaking with Nokia care here in Sydney, Australia and they said it is a known problem but there is no fix for it.
    I would like to try entering my license code again manually to see if thats possible. But I am told and I can see that nokia doesn't allow its customers to get this information again.
    Please do something about this Nokia. It's really a **bleep** situation.
    Hi zgeek,
    I had a similar issue when moving from my N95-1 (maps 3.0 installed and licence upgraded) to my N86-1 (maps 3.0 pre-loaded). Everything was fine with the old SIM but couldn't transfer the licence across to the new handset and SIM.
    Nokia ended up giving me new licences as the old ones didn't want to work anymore.
    Have you searched your e-mail for the word "openbit"? Not sure if they just do Europe or the worldwide licencing sales.
    One of the Nokia staff that contributes to the support forums was able to assist me (see this thread), as long as you have your N95 IMEI and SIM and your N97 IMEI and SIM then they should be able to sort it - It took me 3 weeks to resolve  and cbidlake was excellent and prodding the right people.
    Hope that this helps., 
    N8-00 (Product Code: 059C5Q8 (UK Generic)) FW Belle (111.030.0609.377.01)
    Orange 5.1, NK702, 7110, 8310, 7250, 6230, N70, N95-1, N86 8MP, N8-00

  • Can i get some help with i-tunes?

    i just got the new version of itunes and now it wont even start up. theres no message or anything. i tried right clicking it and clicking open and it still doesnt work.i also, before the problem, saved all the itunes music to a seperate folder in a different folder and that wont work either. can som1 please help me?

    Hi, R2X.
    I think you've already answered the first couple of questions but let's try to get an idea of what might be going on with some preliminary questions from b noir's "smack" for iTunes launch failures:
    Is there an error message associated with the launch failure?
    If so, what does it say and what (if any) error numbers are there?
    If there's not an error message, let's check your QuickTime (its well-being is a requirement for a functioning iTunes).
    Go to the XP Start menu > All Programs and try running QuickTime.
    Does it start?
    If not, then the same question as for iTunes - is there an error message?
    If so, what does it say and what (if any) error numbers are there?
    Do you notice any other peculiar behavior with QuickTime?

  • Can I get some help with keyboard shortcuts?

    This is my first Mac and I'm totally converted. Excellent! But the transition from a Windows O/S has not been without its difficulties. One problem that eludes me is how do I (in either Pages or Word for Mac) go directly to the end of a line of text? In Windows, there's the 'end' key. Is there an equivalent in Mac? Can't seem to find it. Help would be appreciated.

    a full mac keyboard does have the same home and end keys and they work the same way you are used to. on a laptop keyboard they are combined with left and right arrow keys. I'm not at my laptop right now but as i recall to get the home or end functionality you need to hold one of the modifier keys. try control+left arrow and control+right arrow for starters. or fn+left arrow and fn+right arrow.
    Message was edited by: V.K.

  • Can I get some help with a recursive function in Java?

    I'm trying to make a FrozenBubble clone in Java.  I'm having trouble with the method that checks for rows with the same color.  Here's what I have now:
    public int checkColors (BubbleNode node, BubbleNode prevNode, int counter) {
    if (node != null && prevNode != null && node.imageX != prevNode.imageX)
    return 0;
    if (counter == 0) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    if (node.left != null && node.left != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.left, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (node.right != null && node.right != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.right, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (node.topLeft != null && node.topLeft != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.topLeft, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (node.topRight != null && node.topRight != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.topRight, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (node.bottomLeft != null && node.bottomLeft != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.bottomLeft, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (node.bottomRight != null && node.bottomRight != prevNode) {
    if (checkColors (node.bottomRight, node, counter) == 1) {
    fallingList.add (node);
    return 1;
    return 0;
    if (fallingList.size () > 2) {
    deleteNodes ();
    return 0;
    The bubbles are six sided nodes, and imageX is the x coordinate for the start of the bubble in the bubble image, you can think of it as the color of the bubble.  I also posted this on the UbuntuForums here, but since it seems like the only person willing to help me has gone to bed and the program is already late, I'm thought I would also post it here.

    "Green" usually indicates a problem with graphic card drivers; see

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