Can I run CS2 on OSX 10.8?

I have an unopened, sealed CS2 but the box says that it runs on OSX 10.2-10.4.   I don't want to open it if it won't run on my OSX 10.8.2.  Is there an upgrade that will permit me to use the application?

CS2 was PPC, OSX 10.8 is Intel. Apple's Rosetta which allowed PPC apps to run on Mac Intel machines was discontinued in versions 10.7 and 10.8, so aside from upgrading I don't believe its possible with that configuration. However CS2 is now outside the upgrade path options, so sadly I think you will need a full version.

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    ... don't run anymore
    Upgrade when possible.
    Downgrade back.
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    Please don't say that CS2 doesn't work under Rosetta, when it does. There are performance issues, and for those who use CS2 for large, system intensive purposes have good reason to not want to upgrade to Intel, but that doesn't mean CS2 won't work.
    I haven't experienced the install problem personally, but googling "cs2""intel""mac" yields this article:
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    A reinstall should leave all your own personal data and programs in place.
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    Message was edited by: softwater

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