Can I set up advanced boolean strings for rules?

I want to set up Mac Mail so that it automatically deletes certain kinds of Bacn after 30 days... but the "rules" in Preferences only give me the option of "Any of these conditions" or "All of these conditions." What I'd ideally like is to be able to set up a boolean search that would read something like...
content="unsubscribe" NOT sender=("list i want to keep" OR "other list i want to keep") AND age>30 order to capture just about all email list items (they all have "unsubscribe" somewhere in there), remove the few lists I do want to archive (the NOT argument), and get only those messages over 30 days old.
Is there an advanced way to work with email rules in Mail - maybe manually edit - so that I can combine the boolean AND, OR, and NOT arguments in rules?

Rules are only applied manually or to new incoming messages, so this will not be a way to automatically remove items after 30 days.  You should be able to achieve what you want with something like an AppleScript that runs periodically, though I'm not an AppleScript expert, so I can't give you a script to do that.  Alternately, you could create a smart mailbox that matches messages that you want to delete, and then just go to that mailbox periodically, select all messages and delete them.

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    Added Info:
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