Can i stick an object to the side of the browser?

First, thanks for all the support that been given here, it was really helpfull!
second, I got an issue since adobe muse first came:
how can i stick something to the side of the browser no matter what width the user is seeing my website,
without pin it let's say to the left side of the screen.
when i'm using pin - it does do the work but it's not moving, i want the object (shape, text box, etc..) to stick to the side like header and footer but to the side.
if someone can help me out it will be lovely!

Hi… I found your question when I was looking for an answer to the same thing. But I think I've achieved what you were trying to achieve… A Tab, or a 'thing' that sits at the edge of the BROWSER window, no matter how wide or narrow, and moves horizontally with the edge of the Browser window as a user resizes the window, but always remains in the same position vertically within the site itself. Right? Well, maybe it was a 'fix' in the latest version of Muse, I'm running V7.4, Build 30 CL 784238 but it seemed quite easy.
All I did was draw a rectangle on the MASTER Page. Place it vertically at the point I wanted it to be seen at all times and made sure it was attached to the right hand edge of my site page (or the left if you prefer). Then I clicked the 'Pin' option in the tool bar at the top and right position, ie, top corner. Bingo. My little (as it became) 'email me' button moves with the browser window and stays vertically where I wanted it to be.
I've attached a screen grab of what I did and where I placed it. I hope this proves useful for you.

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    Here is a piece of sample codes. You can save the bytes read from the object by invoking save(byte[] b), and load the last inserted object by invoking load.
    * Created on 2004-12-23
    package com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue;
    * @author elgs This is a very high performance implemention of Cache.
    public class StackCache implements Cache
        protected long             seed    = 0;
        protected RandomAccessFile raf;
        protected int              count;
        protected String           cacheDeviceName;
        protected Adapter          adapter;
        protected long             pointer = 0;
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            cacheDeviceName = name;
            f = new File(Const.cacheHome + name);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
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         * Whne the cache file is getting large in size and may there be fragments,
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            long size = pointer + 4;
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  , 0, mode);
            out.write(buf, 0, mode);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
        private synchronized long getPointer() throws IOException
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            long pointer = raf.readLong();
            return pointer < 8 ? 4 : pointer;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#load()
        public synchronized byte[] load() throws IOException
            pointer = getPointer();
            if (pointer < 8)
                return null;
            int length = raf.readInt();
            pointer = pointer - length - 4;
            byte[] b = new byte[length];
   + 4);
            return b;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#save(byte[])
        public synchronized void save(byte[] b) throws IOException
            pointer = getPointer();
            int length = b.length;
            pointer += 4;
            pointer = raf.getFilePointer() - 4;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#getCachedObjectsCount()
        public synchronized int getCachedObjectsCount()
            return count;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#getCacheDeviceName()
        public String getCacheDeviceName()
            return cacheDeviceName;

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