Can not add HSRP standby switch

Hi all,
I have added successful two Cat3560 switch that run HSRP for temporary.
Now they were replaced by two new Cat4506 switch that have the same IP address. But I can add only the active HSRP, not successful for standby HSRP. The message notify is IP address of that switch already in database although I deleted all information related.
Pls help me in this case, tks anyway.
Vo Khoa.

Hi all,
I have added successful two Cat3560 switch that run HSRP for temporary.
Now they were replaced by two new Cat4506 switch that have the same IP address. But I can add only the active HSRP, not successful for standby HSRP. The message notify is IP address of that switch already in database although I deleted all information related.
Pls help me in this case, tks anyway.
Vo Khoa.

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    Hello solidroq,
    This can be worked around by creating a version of the video that is compatible with your iPod.
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    *Tools > Page Info > Permissions
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    The SSCCE:
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Test extends JFrame{
         JButton b = new JButton("Open");
         JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
         Picture pane;
              super("Main Program");
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              JPanel north = new JPanel();
              add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              b.addActionListener(new Listener());
              pane = new Picture("");
              add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         class Listener implements ActionListener {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   int ans = jfc.showOpenDialog(Test.this);
                   if(ans == jfc.APPROVE_OPTION)
                        File file = jfc.getSelectedFile();
                        Test.this.add(new Picture(file.getName()), BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        pane.add(new JButton("NEW BUTTON")); // Why does this button not appear on the window???
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Test t = new Test();
    class Picture extends JPanel
         Image pic;
         String filename;
         Picture(String filename)
              this.filename = filename;
              pic = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename);
            protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

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    make new document at front with properties {template name:templateName}
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    tell body text of front document
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    set paragraph style of paragraph 2 to "Überschrift"
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    end tell

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    Bug ID# 8704270
    +Odd behavior of tables in Pages documents created by a script+
    +Steps to Reproduce:+
    +Run this huge script+
    +tell application "Pages"+
    +make new document at front with properties {template name:"Blank"} (* "Vierge" on French systems *)+
    +end tell+
    +Insert a table+
    +try to insert a formula+
    +Expected Results:+
    +I assumed that I will get the formula editor which I get when the document is created by hand+
    +Actual Results:+
    +There is no way to get the editor, no way to insert the equal character.+
    +This odd behavior strike in all versions of Pages '09 and Pages '08+
    +None to my knowledge+
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    This statement confuses me as your point 1/ says you can't find it in iTunes.

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    harryhal wrote:
    unable to add individual photos to individual albums.
    Best I can tell it's either because that wouldn't work on the iPad, or they haven't enabled it.
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    It definitely worked at some point in time because it has 25 entries but has since stopped.
    What am I missing?
    Steve D.

    sjdimare wrote:
    > Here are the details:
    > Both servers are identical in configuration (other than ip addresses):
    > NW 6.5 SP7 and updated TCP
    > BM 3.9 SP2 (tweaked per CJ website)
    > Both servers exist in their on OU which is partitioned
    > The server that is working currently only has 17 exceptions but I do
    > not think it is a # of exceptions issue.
    > While in iManager, if I select Proxy Services, on the main page the
    > buttons on the bottom of one server shows "Apply Changes, Backup and
    > Close" while the non-working server only has " Refresh and Close". This
    > seems to indicate to me that their is a rights or roles issue in
    > iManager that did not exist before but I can not figure out where.
    > Thanks for your assistance.
    > Steve D.
    1. Tid 3506678. Apply Changes button is missing in the iManager server
    configuration proxy screen
    Be aware of the issue when you manager a bm server from non local
    iManager instance. Tid 7001625:Apply changes button not submitting changes

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    Hello solidroq,
    This can be worked around by creating a version of the video that is compatible with your iPod.
    Select a video and choose File > Create New Version > Create iPad or Apple TV Version.
    iTunes: Videos may be unable to sync to iPhone, iPad, or iPod

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    The Dock did not return to default on that command?
    Try again and also delete username/Library/Preferences/
    If it's still no-go create a new User go to System Preferences >> Accounts >> "+" (make it an admin acct) and test the Dock in this new account, if it works the problem is isolated to your User and not systemwide.
    Let us know.
    EDIT: Also are you running any enhancement software?
    Message was edited by: macjack

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    Yes, if you choose the Erase and Sync option (or restore your iPod) you will be allowed to sync your iPod with the new computer.
    If you would like to save the content that's currently on your iPod, see this older thread from another forum member Zevoneer discussing the different ways to copy the content on an iPod back to your PC.

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    Set up iCloud
    Set up iCloud (2)

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