Can not Copy RAW Pictures to a USB Flashdrive

Why Lightroom does not support most simple function like a COPY? I have pictures in RAW format and need to copy it on usb drive and fail there no COPY only export. Another problem, there no PNG export. Every program I know reads and saves as PNG. Lightroom is the frist one that does not do it ...
Or there any way to bypass that ridiculous limitation without changing a program?

If you select "Original" in the Export dialog you can export the RAW file. However, edits are not baked into the RAW file.
RAW files are dependent on the camera manufacturer (nef, cr2 ...) and their specification is not "open source". So, LR can not create a RAW file with applied edits. You can use DNG as an alterative.
PNG is currently not supported ... what more can we say. Here is the place to place a feature request:

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    Original message----
    From : [email protected]
    Date : 25/01/2015 - 11:53 (GMTST)
    To : [email protected]
    Subject :  How can I get RAW pictures to open in PSE 12 and PSE 13?  I have installed the plugin 8.7.1 but it wont work with either.
        How can I get RAW pictures to open in PSE 12 and PSE 13?  I have installed the plugin 8.7.1 but it wont work with either.
        created by susanl96972449 in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Hello, I have been experiencing similar problems and followed the suggestion and yes, the raw icon comes up as illustrated but there is nothing there to indicate any further action can be taken.  So I am presuming that means it is installed and no further action required?
    Here's my problem:  I have had no problems  getting my pics into my organiser in Elements 12 from either my Nikon D7100 or my Fujifilm X100S - until last week.  Suddenly when they are imported all I see is the timer icons but they don't open to let me view them.  If I click on one it will open and I can then edit it but it will not save an image onto the grid for me to view so it's really frustrating not being able to view all my photos in order to decide what to edit and compare them.
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    You are having a hardware problem - there's a problem
    on one of the drives in this story.
    This can be caused by extra hardware connected to the
    computer, so if you have anything extra connected to
    the computer (external iSight, iPod, USB hub,
    anything) disconnect it.
    If that doesn't help, try reformatting the external
    drive and try again.
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    because the next step is that you're going to be
    reformatting the internal drive.

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    You can certainly copy files to to a blank CD without extra programs. But once there is data on the disc, it becomes much more complicated to add data at a later date.
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    class OpenImage_Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              int ans = open.showOpenDialog(MainProgram.this);     // "open" is the JFileChooser reference
              if(ans == open.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   File file = open.getSelectedFile();                    
                   MainProgram.this.add(new Map(file.getName()), BorderLayout.CENTER);     // this line does not work - it does not add the choosen picture on the window,
                            //but if I add the picture outside this listener class and inside the MainProgram constructor, the picture apperas, but then I cannot use the JFileChooser.
                            showMessageDialog(MainProgram.this, fil.getName() ,"It works", INFORMATION_MESSAGE);  // this popup works, and thereby the ActionListener also works.
    }So why can�t I add a picture to the window from the above listener class?

    The SSCCE:
    Ok, I think I solved it with the picture, but now I cannot add new components after adding the picture.
    Look at the comment in the actionlistener class:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Test extends JFrame{
         JButton b = new JButton("Open");
         JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
         Picture pane;
              super("Main Program");
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              JPanel north = new JPanel();
              add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              b.addActionListener(new Listener());
              pane = new Picture("");
              add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         class Listener implements ActionListener {
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                   int ans = jfc.showOpenDialog(Test.this);
                   if(ans == jfc.APPROVE_OPTION)
                        File file = jfc.getSelectedFile();
                        Test.this.add(new Picture(file.getName()), BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        pane.add(new JButton("NEW BUTTON")); // Why does this button not appear on the window???
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Test t = new Test();
    class Picture extends JPanel
         Image pic;
         String filename;
         Picture(String filename)
              this.filename = filename;
              pic = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(filename);
            protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)

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    See df-file-with-permissions-tutorial-ue.pdf

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    Can you confirm which Camera Raw PSE 12 is actually using by loading the editor and going to Help -> About Plug-in -> Camera Raw.
    If you do Help -> Updates it may install the latest camera raw of 8.4 - not on XP or Vista systems.
    Do you use any Nikon software to download the images? The older versions have been known to corrupt the files.
    See the following for more info.

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    Hope some one can help me.
                                     Robert chen

    The D800E is definitely supported in Camera Raw 7.1 which is compatible with CS6.
    Which version of Camera Raw are you running?
    Win: Help > About Plug-In > Camera Raw
    Mac: Photoshop > About Plug-In > Camera Raw
    If you're already on 7.1, what exactly happens when you try to open Raw files from that camera?

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