Can Numbers export to FilemakerPro 10

I am trying to find a way to import stock prices to a Filemaker Pro 10 data base. I can open downloaded csv text files in Numbers but can not find a way to import to Filemaker. I am running Mountain lion on a new Imac.

This may or may not work (it did on previous versions) but worth a try:
Export the Numbers file to Excel format. Import that into Filemaker.

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    Hi AMGracie,
    In Numbers 3.0 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9

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    Yes, you can but there is a trick to it.
    In the Export Dialog under <Image Sizing> select Widdth & Height.
    Then enter 750 pixels for Height.
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    Hi David,
    Coming in and whining loudly is rude.  We are all volunteers here, voluntarily sharing our expertise so that users like you can make the most of their time with Aperture.  Speaking just for myself:  although I do care about your success with software (it's why I'm here), I don't care what software you use.  If you want to use Lightroom, do so, and post your questions in an appropriate forum.
    Burning files to a CD is a file operation done at the system level (it is built into OS X).  Aperture lets your create sharable image-format files from your Images.  You then use OS X's tools to burn those files to a CD.  Iirc, you can set up a "Burn Folder" in Finder, into which you can export files created from your Images, and with a single click burn your CD.
    Naming the files you create by exporting your Images can be tricky.  There are _many_ possibilities.  Some things can't be done.  Sequencing can be done in a number of ways (see Léonie's answer above).  What have you tried?  What was the result?  In what way did this differ from what you expected?

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    Sorry but your iPhoto library is not on an iPad or iPod - you may have photos there (most likely low resolution copies) but not an iPhoto library - dying computers (along with software and human errors) are why you always must have a backup - now is the time to load it

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    With Best Regards,
    - Naveed

    This is pretty much what you need.
    v_sql varchar2(1000);
    TYPE T_COL_NAME is table of varchar2(1000) index by binary_integer;
    v_col_tbl t_col_name;
    FOR i in
    (SELECT object_name
    FROM dba_objects
         WHERE owner = IN_OWNER_NAME
         AND object_type ='TABLE'
    and rownum < 2)
    v_sql := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || i.object_name ;
    if v_count > 0 then
    v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM ' || i.object_name ;
    select column_name
    bulk collect
    into v_col_tbl
    -- start selecting the column and exporting using the column names selected.     
    end if;
    if v_col_tbl.count > 0 then
    for i in v_col_tbl.first .. v_col_tbl.last
    end loop;
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_lINE( i.object_name || '-' || v_count);
    - Ronel

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    Let me make sure I understand correctly what you're doing:
    I'm assuming you have the latest version of itunes, correct?
    When you connect your phone to itunes, do you get any pop ups? If you do, click cancel. Click the button, check for update, is this where you're getting that error message? Are you on a windows pc or a mac? If you're on a windows pc, make sure BEFORE you connect your phone that you disable your anti-virus software, turn off your firewall, disable any malware software & see if that will let you upgrade. On a 3gs, to install any firmware(assuming you're running the latest version of itunes), itunes HAS to contact apple's servers.

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    I have figured out a way to do this with free available programs:
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    What version of iPhoto and system are you running?
    Try moving the Zoom slider at the bottom of the iPhoto window all the way to the left.  Does that let more than one photo display in the window?

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    Do NOT attempt to use CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD.  This class and method is for use through the SAPGui and will NOT work within BSP.  This information is completely incorrect!
    There are lots of existing Weblogs on this subject.  Have a look through them for solutions that do work.

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    Thank you so much and all help is truely appreciated!
    (i had a former post with a. as a topic which i will delete to avoid redundancy. Also - please forgive if this has been discussed before and point me in the right direction. Last not least i have read most threads on the topic so while a former topic might have dealt with my problems it's solution - by my understanding - didn't work for me. Example: postscript for pdf because of cmyk. At the same time i fully acknowledge i might just have not fully understood the solution. Thanks!)

    I can't help with your color proplem -- don't know the printer -- but you can use a script to impose your booklet in a new file, then export that to PDF.
    The two I use are by Dave Saunders. The first, merely shuffles the pages in a new file. You then export that as spreads. It's very fast and easy, but cannot handle objects that cross the spine.
    The second is at Dave's CS3 Booklet Script and works by placing pages into a new spread-size document. This one does do cross-spine objects, but neither one handles creep. It's been awhile since I used either, but I think bleeds may be an issue for the second script, too.
    There are also imposing plugins for Acrobat...

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