Can P2 be used with transparent WCCP redirection?

I have the following scenario for a WSA:
A. P1 is configured as the internal facing proxy interface.
B. P2 is configured as the public facing interface on a separate subnet from P1.
C. IP spoofing has been enabled.
D. The WSA uses transparent redirection based on the destination port with WCCP service 91 and WCCP service 92 with source port redirection for the return path.
F. IP spoofing is then disabled.
After IP spoofing is disabled, will transparently proxied traffic only use the P1 interface? Will the second (return path) WCCP service need to be disabled on the WSA?
I'm interested in being able to use both P1 and P2 to reduce proxied traffic congestion on the P1 interface after IP spoofing is disabled.

Hi Parleysmith,
WCCP will only be used to redirect client traffic on the P1 once it is disabled on the P2 interface using service ID 92. The service ID 92 also needs to be disable on the WSA.
Erik Kaiser
WSA Cisco Forums Moderator

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    With respect,
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                  Silviu Ghimposanu (Adobe Business Catalyst Support)           
                  Apr 14 15:23           
        Thanks for contacting us Michael  
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    You have no recovery partition. This is a normal condition if your boot volume is a software RAID, or if you modified the partition table after running Boot Camp Assistant to create a Windows partition. Otherwise, you need to reinstall OS X in order to add a recovery partition.
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    3. Use Recovery Disk Assistant (RDA) on another Mac running the same major version of OS X as yours to create a bootable USB device. Boot your Mac from the device by holding down the option key at startup.Warning: All existing data on the USB device will be erased when you use RDA.
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    Check what t.code used for your PO creation and what document type used for your PO creation- which result defaulting item category S which in turn asking for  with account assignment category.
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