Can somebody give me a sample about alv oo?

hi experts ,can you give me a sample about alv using oo method,
i have tried
data lt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
    call method alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
        exporting is_layout = gs_layout
        changing it_outtab = itab_data
                 it_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcat.
but the code cann't be compiled, and says "lt_fieldcat is not type-compatible with formal parameter it_fieldcatalog.",and so is the gs_layout.
can you give me a sample for using alv oo ,and use the fieldcat to set table for first display, not to use i_structure_name.
Message was edited by:
        liu shaochang

Please take a look at my code below. Just create a custom control in screen painter and PF-status and title as well. Hope it helps...
P.S. Please award points if it helps...
*& PROGRAM TYPE  : Report
*& RICEF ID      : R-149
*& SAP Module    : FI
*& CREATION DATE : 11/06/2007
*& AUTHOR        : Aris Hidalgo
*& DESIGNER      : Aris Hidalgo
*$   DATE        | T-Num      | Description                  | Reference
              |            |                              |
REPORT  zfi_cash_proof_sheet
        MESSAGE-ID zfi.
Data Dictionary Table/s                      *
TABLES: t012k.
Global Data/s                                *
DATA: gt_fieldcat          TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
      wa_fieldcat          LIKE LINE OF gt_fieldcat,
      ok_code              TYPE syst-ucomm,
      save_ok              TYPE syst-ucomm,
      g_repid              TYPE syst-repid,
      gs_layout            TYPE lvc_s_layo,
      gv_container         TYPE scrfname VALUE 'CUSTOM_CONTROL',
      lcl_grid1            TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
      lcl_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
      gs_disvariant        TYPE disvariant,
      lcl_event_receiver   TYPE REF TO lcl_event_receiver,
      gt_sort              TYPE lvc_t_sort,
      gs_sort              TYPE lvc_s_sort.
Global Structure/s                           *
TYPES: BEGIN OF t_output,
            bukrs              TYPE bsis-bukrs,
            hbkid              TYPE t012k-hbkid,
            hktid              TYPE t012k-hktid,
            cash_in_bank       TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            one_day            TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            two_days           TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            more_than_two_days TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            misc_collection    TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            outs_rel_checks    TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            treas_transactions TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            tot_cash_bal       TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            outs_unrel_checks  TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            imp_docs_due       TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            est_cash_balance   TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
           END OF t_output.
DATA: gt_output TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_output,
      wa_output LIKE LINE OF gt_output.
SELECTION-SCREEN                             *
                s_hbkid FOR t012k-hbkid,
                s_hktid FOR t012k-hktid.
PARAMETERS:     p_budat TYPE bsak-budat OBLIGATORY.
      CLASS lcl_data_def DEFINITION
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_t012k,
            bukrs TYPE t012k-bukrs,
            hbkid TYPE t012k-hbkid,
            hktid TYPE t012k-hktid,
            hkont TYPE t012k-hkont,
           END OF t_t012k.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_bsis_bsas,
            bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs,
            hkont TYPE bsis-hkont,
            belnr TYPE bsis-belnr,
            buzei TYPE bsis-buzei,
            gjahr TYPE bsis-gjahr,
            budat TYPE bsis-budat,
            blart TYPE bsis-blart,
            dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            shkzg TYPE bsis-shkzg,
           END OF t_bsis_bsas.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_bsid_bsad,
            bukrs TYPE bsid-bukrs,
            belnr TYPE bsid-belnr,
            gjahr TYPE bsid-gjahr,
            blart TYPE bsid-blart,
            buzei TYPE bsid-buzei,
            budat TYPE bsid-budat,
            dmbtr TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
            shkzg TYPE bsid-shkzg,
            bschl TYPE bsid-bschl,
           END OF t_bsid_bsad.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_cash_in_bank,
            bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs,
            hkont TYPE bsis-hkont,
            dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
           END OF t_cash_in_bank.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_outs_trade_coll,
            bukrs              TYPE bsis-bukrs,
            hkont              TYPE bsis-hkont,
            one_day            TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            two_days           TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
            more_than_two_days TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
           END OF t_outs_trade_coll.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zcheck_monitor,
            zzbukr TYPE zcheck_monitor-zzbukr,
            zhbkid TYPE zcheck_monitor-zhbkid,
            zhktid TYPE zcheck_monitor-zhktid,
            zubhkt TYPE zcheck_monitor-zubhkt,
            zrwbtr TYPE zcheck_monitor-zrwbtr,
            zrlsvd TYPE zcheck_monitor-zrlsvd,
            zrlsdt TYPE zcheck_monitor-zrlsdt,
           END OF t_zcheck_monitor.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_zcheck_monitor_collect,
            zzbukr TYPE zcheck_monitor-zzbukr,
            zubhkt TYPE zcheck_monitor-zubhkt,
            zrwbtr TYPE zcheck_monitor-zrwbtr,
           END OF t_zcheck_monitor_collect.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_company,
            bukrs TYPE t001-bukrs,
            butxt TYPE t001-butxt,
           END OF t_company.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_header,
            bukrs     TYPE t001-bukrs,
            butxt     TYPE t001-butxt,
            hbkid     TYPE t012k-hbkid,
            hktid     TYPE t012k-hktid,
            expand(1) TYPE c,
           END OF t_header.
    DATA: gt_t012k                  TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_t012k
                                    WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs hbkid hktid,
          gt_bsis                   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_bsis_bsas,
          wa_bsis                   LIKE LINE OF gt_bsis,
          gt_bsas                   LIKE gt_bsis,
          gt_bsis_bsas              LIKE gt_bsas,
          gt_bsid_bsad              TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_bsid_bsad
                                    WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY bukrs belnr gjahr blart,
          gt_bsid                   LIKE gt_bsid_bsad,
          gt_bsad                   LIKE gt_bsid_bsad,
          gt_bsik                   LIKE gt_bsid_bsad,
          gt_bsak                   LIKE gt_bsid_bsad,
          gt_cash_in_bank           TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_cash_in_bank
                                    WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs hkont,
          gt_misc_collection        LIKE gt_cash_in_bank,
          wa_misc_collection        LIKE LINE OF gt_misc_collection,
          gt_importation_docs_due   LIKE gt_cash_in_bank,
          wa_importation_docs_due   LIKE LINE OF gt_importation_docs_due,
          wa_cash_in_bank           LIKE LINE OF gt_cash_in_bank,
          gt_outs_trade_coll        TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_outs_trade_coll
                                    WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs hkont,
          wa_outs_trade_coll        LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_trade_coll,
          gt_zcheck_monitor         TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_zcheck_monitor,
          gt_zcheck_monitor_collect TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_zcheck_monitor_collect
                                    WITH UNIQUE KEY zzbukr zubhkt,
          wa_zcheck_monitor_collect LIKE LINE OF gt_zcheck_monitor_collect,
          gt_outs_rel_checks        LIKE gt_cash_in_bank,
          wa_outs_rel_checks        LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_rel_checks,
          gt_outs_unrel_checks      LIKE gt_cash_in_bank,
          wa_outs_unrel_checks      LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_unrel_checks,
          gt_company                TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_company
                                    WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs,
          wa_company                LIKE LINE OF gt_company,
          gt_header                 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_header,
          wa_header                 LIKE LINE OF gt_header.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_data_def DEFINITION
      CLASS lcl_get_data DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_get_data DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_data_def.
    METHODS: get_bank_details,
                 im_date  TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs
                 im_hkont TYPE bsis-hkont
                 im_budat TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
                 im_date  TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs
                 im_hkont TYPE bsis-hkont
                 im_budat TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
                 im_date  TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs
                 im_hkont TYPE bsis-hkont
                 im_budat TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
                 im_date  TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_bukrs TYPE bsis-bukrs
                 im_hkont TYPE bsis-hkont
                 im_budat TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_dmbtr TYPE bsis-dmbtr,
                 im_date  TYPE bsis-budat
                 im_budat TYPE bsis-budat
                 ex_diff  TYPE vtbbewe-atage,
    CONSTANTS: lc_credit   TYPE bsis-shkzg VALUE 'H',
               lc_debit    TYPE bsis-shkzg VALUE 'S',
               lc_nt       TYPE bsis-blart VALUE 'NT',
               lc_nc       TYPE bsis-blart VALUE 'NC',
               lc_gl_zero  TYPE bsis-hkont VALUE '+++++++++0',
               lc_gl_one   TYPE bsis-hkont VALUE '+++++++++1',
               lc_gl_three TYPE bsis-hkont VALUE '+++++++++3',
               lc_monday   TYPE dtresr-weekday VALUE 'Monday',"#EC NOTEXT
               lc_tuesday  TYPE dtresr-weekday VALUE 'Tuesday',"#EC NOTEXT
               lc_sunday   TYPE dtresr-weekday VALUE 'Sunday'."#EC NOTEXT
    CONSTANTS: lc_k3  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'K3',
               lc_k4  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'K4',
               lc_k5  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'K5',
               lc_k6  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'K6',
               lc_k7  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'K7',
               lc_kb  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'KB',
               lc_kd  TYPE bsik-blart VALUE 'KD',
               lc_31  TYPE bsid-blart VALUE '31',
               lc_001 TYPE bsid-buzei VALUE '001'.
    DATA: lv_hkont           TYPE bsis-hkont,
          lr_hkont           TYPE RANGE OF bsis-hkont,
          wa_hkont           LIKE LINE OF lr_hkont,
          lr_blart           TYPE RANGE OF bsik-blart,
          wa_blart           LIKE LINE OF lr_blart,
          lv_hkont_new       TYPE bsis-hkont,
          lv_hkont_old       TYPE bsis-hkont,
          lv_date            TYPE vtbbewe-atage,
          lv_budat           TYPE bsis-budat,
          lv_day             TYPE dtresr-weekday.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_get_data DEFINITION
      CLASS lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_data_def.
    METHODS: build_fieldcat   FINAL,
             sort_alv_display FINAL.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_routines DEFINITION
      CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
CLASS lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
      handle_data_changed FOR EVENT data_changed OF cl_gui_alv_grid
      handle_top_of_page FOR EVENT print_top_of_page OF cl_gui_alv_grid,
      handle_top_of_list FOR EVENT print_top_of_list OF cl_gui_alv_grid.
    DATA: ls_good               TYPE lvc_s_modi,
          lv_treas_transactions TYPE t_output-tot_cash_bal,
          lv_tot_cash_bal       TYPE t_output-tot_cash_bal,
          lv_outs_unrel_checks  TYPE t_output-outs_unrel_checks,
          lv_imp_docs_due       TYPE t_output-imp_docs_due,
          lv_est_cash_balance   TYPE t_output-est_cash_balance.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver DEFINITION
      CLASS lcl_get_data IMPLEMENTATION
METHOD get_bank_details
  METHOD get_bank_details.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_t012k> LIKE LINE OF gt_t012k.
  Get bank account/s and their corresponding G/L account/s
    SELECT bukrs hbkid
           hktid hkont
      FROM t012k
      INTO TABLE gt_t012k
     WHERE bukrs IN s_bukrs
       AND hbkid IN s_hbkid
       AND hktid IN s_hktid.
    IF NOT gt_t012k[] IS INITIAL.
      SORT gt_t012k BY bukrs hbkid hktid hkont.
    Get company name
      SELECT bukrs butxt
        FROM t001
        INTO TABLE gt_company
         FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_t012k
       WHERE bukrs = gt_t012k-bukrs.
      LOOP AT gt_t012k ASSIGNING <fs_t012k>.
        wa_hkont-sign   = 'I'.
        wa_hkont-option = 'EQ'.
        wa_hkont-low    = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
        SHIFT wa_hkont-low LEFT DELETING LEADING space.
        APPEND wa_hkont TO lr_hkont.
        CLEAR wa_hkont.
        lv_hkont_new = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
        IF lv_hkont_new <> lv_hkont_old.
          CLEAR lv_hkont.
          lv_hkont = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
          DO 4 TIMES.
            ADD 1 TO lv_hkont.
                input  = lv_hkont
                output = lv_hkont.
            wa_hkont-sign   = 'I'.
            wa_hkont-option = 'EQ'.
            wa_hkont-low    = lv_hkont.
            SHIFT wa_hkont-low LEFT DELETING LEADING space.
            APPEND wa_hkont TO lr_hkont.
            CLEAR wa_hkont.
        lv_hkont_old = lv_hkont_new.
      CALL METHOD me->get_gl_balances.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_bank_details
METHOD get_gl_balances
  METHOD get_gl_balances.
  Get G/L line items(Open items)
    SELECT bukrs hkont belnr
           buzei gjahr budat
           blart dmbtr shkzg
      FROM bsis
      INTO TABLE gt_bsis
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_t012k
     WHERE bukrs = gt_t012k-bukrs
       AND hkont IN lr_hkont
       AND budat <= p_budat.
  Get G/L line items(Cleared items)
    SELECT bukrs hkont belnr
           buzei gjahr budat
           blart dmbtr shkzg
      FROM bsas
      INTO TABLE gt_bsas
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_t012k
     WHERE bukrs = gt_t012k-bukrs
       AND hkont IN lr_hkont
       AND budat <= p_budat.
    APPEND LINES OF gt_bsis TO gt_bsis_bsas.
    APPEND LINES OF gt_bsas TO gt_bsis_bsas.
    IF NOT gt_bsis_bsas[] IS INITIAL.
      CALL METHOD me->get_cust_items.
      CALL METHOD me->get_vend_items.
      CALL METHOD me->sum_gl_accounts.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_gl_balances
METHOD get_cust_items
  METHOD get_cust_items.
  Get customer line items(Open items)
    SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr blart
           buzei budat dmbtr shkzg
      FROM bsid
      INTO TABLE gt_bsid
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_bsis_bsas
     WHERE bukrs = gt_bsis_bsas-bukrs
       AND gjahr = gt_bsis_bsas-gjahr
       AND belnr = gt_bsis_bsas-belnr.
  Get customer line items(Cleared items)
    SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr blart
           buzei budat dmbtr shkzg
      FROM bsad
      INTO TABLE gt_bsad
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_bsis_bsas
     WHERE bukrs = gt_bsis_bsas-bukrs
       AND gjahr = gt_bsis_bsas-gjahr
       AND belnr = gt_bsis_bsas-belnr.
    APPEND LINES OF gt_bsid TO gt_bsid_bsad.
    APPEND LINES OF gt_bsad TO gt_bsid_bsad.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_cust_items
METHOD get_vend_items
  METHOD get_vend_items.
  Get vendor line items(Open items)
    SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr blart
           buzei budat dmbtr shkzg
      FROM bsik
      INTO TABLE gt_bsik
       FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_bsis_bsas
     WHERE bukrs = gt_bsis_bsas-bukrs
       AND gjahr = gt_bsis_bsas-gjahr
       AND belnr = gt_bsis_bsas-belnr.
    DEFINE m_blart.
      wa_blart-sign   = 'I'.
      wa_blart-option = 'EQ'.
      wa_blart-low    = &1.
      append wa_blart to lr_blart.
      clear wa_blart.
    m_blart lc_k3.
    m_blart lc_k4.
    m_blart lc_k5.
    m_blart lc_k6.
    m_blart lc_k7.
    m_blart lc_kb.
    m_blart lc_kd.
    IF NOT gt_bsik[] IS INITIAL AND NOT lr_blart[] IS INITIAL.
      DELETE gt_bsik WHERE blart NOT IN lr_blart[].
      DELETE gt_bsik WHERE bschl <> lc_31.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_vend_items
METHOD sum_gl_accounts
  METHOD sum_gl_accounts.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_bsis_bsas>         LIKE LINE OF gt_bsis_bsas,
                   <fs_bsis>              LIKE LINE OF gt_bsis,
                   <fs_bsid_bsad>         LIKE LINE OF gt_bsid_bsad,
                   <fs_bsik>              LIKE LINE OF gt_bsik,
                   <fs_outs_rel_checks>   LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_rel_checks,
                   <fs_outs_unrel_checks> LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_unrel_checks.
    SORT gt_bsis_bsas BY bukrs hkont belnr.
    LOOP AT gt_bsis_bsas ASSIGNING <fs_bsis_bsas>.
      IF <fs_bsis_bsas>-shkzg = lc_credit.   "H
        MULTIPLY <fs_bsis_bsas>-dmbtr BY -1.
*/Routine for cash in bank
      IF <fs_bsis_bsas>-hkont CP lc_gl_zero.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_bsis_bsas> TO wa_cash_in_bank.
        COLLECT wa_cash_in_bank INTO gt_cash_in_bank.
        CLEAR wa_cash_in_bank.
*/Routine for miscellaneous collection
      IF <fs_bsis_bsas>-blart = lc_nt OR
         <fs_bsis_bsas>-blart = lc_nc AND
         <fs_bsis_bsas>-shkzg = lc_debit AND
         <fs_bsis_bsas>-hkont CP lc_gl_one.
        READ TABLE gt_bsid_bsad ASSIGNING <fs_bsid_bsad> WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_bsis_bsas>-bukrs
                                                                        belnr = <fs_bsis_bsas>-belnr
                                                                        gjahr = <fs_bsis_bsas>-gjahr
                                                                        blart = <fs_bsis_bsas>-blart.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_bsis_bsas> TO wa_misc_collection.
          COLLECT wa_misc_collection INTO gt_misc_collection.
          CLEAR wa_misc_collection.
*/Routine for importation docs.due
      IF <fs_bsis_bsas>-shkzg = lc_credit.
        READ TABLE gt_bsik ASSIGNING <fs_bsik> WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_bsis_bsas>-bukrs
                                                              belnr = <fs_bsis_bsas>-belnr
                                                              gjahr = <fs_bsis_bsas>-gjahr
                                                              blart = <fs_bsis_bsas>-blart.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_bsis_bsas> TO wa_importation_docs_due.
          COLLECT wa_importation_docs_due INTO gt_importation_docs_due.
          CLEAR gt_importation_docs_due.
    IF NOT gt_bsis[] IS INITIAL.
      IF NOT gt_bsis[] IS INITIAL.
        lv_budat = p_budat.
            date    = lv_budat
            weekday = lv_day.
        LOOP AT gt_bsis ASSIGNING <fs_bsis>.
*/Routine for outstanding trade collection
          IF <fs_bsis>-shkzg = lc_debit AND <fs_bsis>-blart <> lc_nt.
            IF lv_day = lc_monday.
              CALL METHOD me->monday_routines
                  im_date  = p_budat
                  im_bukrs = <fs_bsis>-bukrs
                  im_hkont = <fs_bsis>-hkont
                  im_budat = <fs_bsis>-budat
                  im_dmbtr = <fs_bsis>-dmbtr.
            ELSEIF lv_day = lc_sunday.
              CALL METHOD me->sunday_routines
                  im_date  = p_budat
                  im_bukrs = <fs_bsis>-bukrs
                  im_hkont = <fs_bsis>-hkont
                  im_budat = <fs_bsis>-budat
                  im_dmbtr = <fs_bsis>-dmbtr.
            ELSEIF lv_day = lc_tuesday.
              CALL METHOD me->tuesday_routines
                  im_date  = p_budat
                  im_bukrs = <fs_bsis>-bukrs
                  im_hkont = <fs_bsis>-hkont
                  im_budat = <fs_bsis>-budat
                  im_dmbtr = <fs_bsis>-dmbtr.
              CALL METHOD me->other_days_routines
                  im_date  = p_budat
                  im_bukrs = <fs_bsis>-bukrs
                  im_hkont = <fs_bsis>-hkont
                  im_budat = <fs_bsis>-budat
                  im_dmbtr = <fs_bsis>-dmbtr.
*/Routine for outstanding released checks
          IF <fs_bsis>-hkont CP lc_gl_three AND <fs_bsis>-shkzg = lc_debit.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_bsis> TO wa_outs_rel_checks.
            COLLECT wa_outs_rel_checks INTO gt_outs_rel_checks.
            CLEAR wa_outs_rel_checks.
*/Routine for outstanding unreleased checks
          ELSEIF <fs_bsis>-hkont CP lc_gl_three AND <fs_bsis>-shkzg = lc_credit.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_bsis> TO wa_outs_unrel_checks.
            COLLECT wa_outs_unrel_checks INTO gt_outs_unrel_checks.
            CLEAR wa_outs_unrel_checks.
*/Routine for outstanding released check/s
*/this routine will get all records from custom table zcheck_monitor
*/where status is released to vendor
    CALL METHOD me->outs_check_released.
    IF NOT gt_outs_rel_checks[] IS INITIAL.
    Subtract debit line items from ZFE002
      LOOP AT gt_outs_rel_checks ASSIGNING <fs_outs_rel_checks>.
        CLEAR wa_zcheck_monitor_collect.
        READ TABLE gt_zcheck_monitor_collect INTO wa_zcheck_monitor_collect
                                             WITH TABLE KEY zzbukr = <fs_outs_rel_checks>-bukrs
                                                            zubhkt = <fs_outs_rel_checks>-hkont.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          <fs_outs_rel_checks>-dmbtr = wa_zcheck_monitor_collect-zrwbtr -
          <fs_outs_rel_checks>-dmbtr = 0 - <fs_outs_rel_checks>-dmbtr.
    IF NOT gt_outs_unrel_checks[] IS INITIAL.
    Subtract ZFE002 records from credit line items
      LOOP AT gt_outs_unrel_checks ASSIGNING <fs_outs_unrel_checks>.
        CLEAR wa_zcheck_monitor_collect.
        READ TABLE gt_zcheck_monitor_collect INTO wa_zcheck_monitor_collect
                                             WITH TABLE KEY zzbukr = <fs_outs_unrel_checks>-bukrs
                                                            zubhkt = <fs_outs_unrel_checks>-hkont.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          <fs_outs_unrel_checks>-dmbtr =  ABS( <fs_outs_unrel_checks>-dmbtr ) -
                                          ABS( wa_zcheck_monitor_collect-zrwbtr ).
  Move records to output table
    CALL METHOD me->process_data.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "sum_gl_accounts
METHOD monday_routines
  METHOD monday_routines.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-bukrs   = im_bukrs.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-hkont   = im_hkont.
    CLEAR lv_date.
    CALL METHOD me->difference_in_days
        im_date  = im_date
        im_budat = im_budat
        ex_diff  = lv_date.
  One day
    IF lv_date = 3.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-one_day = im_dmbtr.
  Two days
    ELSEIF lv_date = 4.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-two_days = im_dmbtr.
  More than two days
    ELSEIF lv_date > 4.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-more_than_two_days = im_dmbtr.
    COLLECT wa_outs_trade_coll INTO gt_outs_trade_coll.
    CLEAR wa_outs_trade_coll.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "monday_routines
METHOD sunday_routines
  METHOD sunday_routines.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-bukrs   = im_bukrs.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-hkont   = im_hkont.
    CLEAR lv_date.
    CALL METHOD me->difference_in_days
        im_date  = im_date
        im_budat = im_budat
        ex_diff  = lv_date.
  One day
    IF lv_date = 2.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-one_day = im_dmbtr.
  Two days
    ELSEIF lv_date = 3.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-two_days = im_dmbtr.
  More than two days
    ELSEIF lv_date > 3.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-more_than_two_days = im_dmbtr.
    COLLECT wa_outs_trade_coll INTO gt_outs_trade_coll.
    CLEAR wa_outs_trade_coll.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "sunday_routines
METHOD tuesday_routines
  METHOD tuesday_routines.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-bukrs   = im_bukrs.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-hkont   = im_hkont.
    CLEAR lv_date.
    CALL METHOD me->difference_in_days
        im_date  = im_date
        im_budat = im_budat
        ex_diff  = lv_date.
  One day
    IF lv_date = 1.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-one_day = im_dmbtr.
  Two days
    ELSEIF lv_date = 4.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-two_days = im_dmbtr.
  More than two days
    ELSEIF lv_date > 4.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-more_than_two_days = im_dmbtr.
    COLLECT wa_outs_trade_coll INTO gt_outs_trade_coll.
    CLEAR wa_outs_trade_coll.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "tuesday_routines
METHOD other_days_routines
  METHOD other_days_routines.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-bukrs   = im_bukrs.
    wa_outs_trade_coll-hkont   = im_hkont.
    CLEAR lv_date.
    CALL METHOD me->difference_in_days
        im_date  = im_date
        im_budat = im_budat
        ex_diff  = lv_date.
  One day
    IF lv_date = 1.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-one_day = im_dmbtr.
  Two days
    ELSEIF lv_date = 2.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-two_days = im_dmbtr.
  More than two days
    ELSEIF lv_date > 3.
      wa_outs_trade_coll-more_than_two_days = im_dmbtr.
    COLLECT wa_outs_trade_coll INTO gt_outs_trade_coll.
    CLEAR wa_outs_trade_coll.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "other_days_routines
METHOD difference_in_days
  METHOD difference_in_days.
        i_date_from          = im_budat
      I_KEY_DAY_FROM       =
        i_date_to            = im_date
      I_KEY_DAY_TO         =
      I_FLG_SEPARATE       = ' '
        e_days               = ex_diff.
      E_MONTHS             =
      E_YEARS              =
  ENDMETHOD.                    "difference_in_days
METHOD outs_check_released
  METHOD outs_check_released.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zcheck_monitor> LIKE LINE OF gt_zcheck_monitor.
    SELECT zzbukr zhbkid zhktid
           zubhkt zrwbtr zrlsvd
      FROM zcheck_monitor
      INTO TABLE gt_zcheck_monitor
     WHERE zrlsvd <> space.
    IF NOT gt_zcheck_monitor[] IS INITIAL.
      LOOP AT gt_zcheck_monitor ASSIGNING <fs_zcheck_monitor>.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <fs_zcheck_monitor> TO wa_zcheck_monitor_collect.
        COLLECT wa_zcheck_monitor_collect INTO gt_zcheck_monitor_collect.
        CLEAR wa_zcheck_monitor_collect.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "outs_check_released
METHOD process_data
  METHOD process_data.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_t012k>             LIKE LINE OF gt_t012k,
                   <fs_company>           LIKE LINE OF gt_company,
                   <fs_cash_in_bank>      LIKE LINE OF gt_cash_in_bank,
                   <fs_outs_trade_coll>   LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_trade_coll,
                   <fs_misc_collection>   LIKE LINE OF gt_misc_collection,
                   <fs_outs_rel_checks>   LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_rel_checks,
                   <fs_outs_unrel_checks> LIKE LINE OF gt_outs_unrel_checks.
    SORT gt_t012k BY bukrs hbkid.
    LOOP AT gt_t012k ASSIGNING <fs_t012k>.
      AT NEW hbkid.
        READ TABLE gt_company ASSIGNING <fs_company>
                              WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_header-bukrs = <fs_company>-bukrs.
          wa_header-butxt = <fs_company>-butxt.
          wa_header-hbkid = <fs_t012k>-hbkid.
         wa_header-hktid = <fs_t012k>-hktid.
          APPEND wa_header TO gt_header.
          CLEAR wa_header.
      wa_output-bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs.
      wa_output-hbkid = <fs_t012k>-hbkid.
      wa_output-hktid = <fs_t012k>-hktid.
    Move cash in bank
      READ TABLE gt_cash_in_bank ASSIGNING <fs_cash_in_bank>
                                 WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                hkont = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-cash_in_bank = <fs_cash_in_bank>-dmbtr.
        ADD wa_output-cash_in_bank TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
      CLEAR lv_hkont.
      lv_hkont = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
      ADD 1 TO lv_hkont.
          input  = lv_hkont
          output = lv_hkont.
    Move outstanding trade collection(Deposit in transit)
      READ TABLE gt_outs_trade_coll ASSIGNING <fs_outs_trade_coll>
                                    WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                   hkont = lv_hkont.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-one_day            = <fs_outs_trade_coll>-one_day.
        ADD wa_output-one_day TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
        wa_output-two_days           = <fs_outs_trade_coll>-two_days.
        ADD wa_output-two_days TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
        wa_output-more_than_two_days = <fs_outs_trade_coll>-more_than_two_days.
        ADD wa_output-more_than_two_days TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
    Move miscellaneous collection
      READ TABLE gt_misc_collection ASSIGNING <fs_misc_collection>
                                    WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                   hkont = lv_hkont.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-misc_collection = <fs_misc_collection>-dmbtr.
        ADD wa_output-misc_collection TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
    Move outstanding released checks
      CLEAR lv_hkont.
      lv_hkont = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
      ADD 3 TO lv_hkont.
          input  = lv_hkont
          output = lv_hkont.
      READ TABLE gt_outs_rel_checks ASSIGNING <fs_outs_rel_checks>
                                    WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                   hkont = lv_hkont.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-outs_rel_checks = <fs_outs_rel_checks>-dmbtr.
        IF wa_output-outs_rel_checks < 0.
          ADD wa_output-outs_rel_checks TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
          SUBTRACT wa_output-outs_rel_checks FROM wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
        CLEAR wa_zcheck_monitor_collect.
        READ TABLE gt_zcheck_monitor_collect INTO wa_zcheck_monitor_collect
                                             WITH TABLE KEY zzbukr = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                            zubhkt = lv_hkont.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_output-outs_rel_checks = wa_zcheck_monitor_collect-zrwbtr.
          IF wa_output-outs_rel_checks < 0.
            ADD wa_output-outs_rel_checks TO wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
            SUBTRACT wa_output-outs_rel_checks FROM wa_output-tot_cash_bal.
    Move outstanding unreleased checks
      CLEAR lv_hkont.
      lv_hkont = <fs_t012k>-hkont.
      ADD 3 TO lv_hkont.
          input  = lv_hkont
          output = lv_hkont.
      READ TABLE gt_outs_unrel_checks ASSIGNING <fs_outs_unrel_checks>
                                      WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                     hkont = lv_hkont.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-outs_unrel_checks = <fs_outs_unrel_checks>-dmbtr.
    Move importation docs. due
      CLEAR wa_importation_docs_due.
      READ TABLE gt_importation_docs_due INTO wa_importation_docs_due
                                         WITH TABLE KEY bukrs = <fs_t012k>-bukrs
                                                        hkont = lv_hkont
                                                                TRANSPORTING dmbtr.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        wa_output-imp_docs_due = wa_importation_docs_due-dmbtr.
      wa_output-est_cash_balance = wa_output-tot_cash_bal - ( wa_output-outs_unrel_checks +
                                                              wa_output-imp_docs_due ).
      APPEND wa_output TO gt_output.
      CLEAR wa_output.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "process_data
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_get_data IMPLEMENTATION
      CLASS lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD build_fieldcat.
    DEFINE m_fieldcat.
      add 1 to wa_fieldcat-col_pos.
      wa_fieldcat-fieldname   = &1.
      wa_fieldcat-tabname     = &2.
      wa_fieldcat-coltext     = &3.
      wa_fieldcat-outputlen   = &4.
      wa_fieldcat-key         = &5.
      wa_fieldcat-just        = &6.
      wa_fieldcat-do_sum      = &7.
      wa_fieldcat-emphasize   = &8.
      wa_fieldcat-edit        = &9.
      append wa_fieldcat to gt_fieldcat.
      clear wa_fieldcat.
    m_fieldcat 'BUKRS'              'GT_OUTPUT' text-a01  '12' 'X' '' '' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'HBKID'              'GT_OUTPUT' text-a14  '10' 'X' '' '' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'HKTID'              'GT_OUTPUT' text-a02  '10' 'X' '' '' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'CASH_IN_BANK'       'GT_OUTPUT' text-a03  '12' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'ONE_DAY'            'GT_OUTPUT' text-a04  '05' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'TWO_DAYS'           'GT_OUTPUT' text-a05  '06' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'MORE_THAN_TWO_DAYS' 'GT_OUTPUT' text-a06  '08' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'MISC_COLLECTION'    'GT_OUTPUT' text-a07  '16' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'OUTS_REL_CHECKS'    'GT_OUTPUT' text-a08  '21' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'TREAS_TRANSACTIONS' 'GT_OUTPUT' text-a09  '19' '' 'R' 'X' '' 'X'.
    m_fieldcat 'TOT_CASH_BAL'       'GT_OUTPUT' text-a10  '15' '' 'R' 'X' 'C300' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'OUTS_UNREL_CHECKS'  'GT_OUTPUT' text-a11  '19' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'IMP_DOCS_DUE'       'GT_OUTPUT' text-a12  '14' '' 'R' 'X' '' ''.
    m_fieldcat 'EST_CASH_BALANCE'   'GT_OUTPUT' text-a13  '17' '' 'R' 'X' 'C300' ''.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "build_fieldcat
  METHOD sort_alv_display.
    DEFINE m_sort.
      clear gs_sort.
      gs_sort-fieldname = &1.
      gs_sort-spos      = &2.
      gs_sort-up        = &3.
      gs_sort-down      = &4.
      gs_sort-subtot    = &5.
      append gs_sort to gt_sort.
    m_sort 'BUKRS' '1' 'X' '' ''.
    m_sort 'HBKID' '2' 'X' '' 'X'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "sort_alv_display
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_alv_routines IMPLEMENTATION
      CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD handle_data_changed.
    LOOP AT er_data_changed->mt_mod_cells INTO ls_good.
      CASE ls_good-fieldname.
          CLEAR lv_tot_cash_bal.
          CALL METHOD er_data_changed->get_cell_value
              i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
              i_fieldname = 'TOT_CASH_BAL'
              e_value     = lv_tot_cash_bal.
          IF ls_good-value CA 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'.
            CALL METHOD er_data_changed->add_protocol_entry
                i_msgid     = '0K'
                i_msgno     = '000'
                i_msgty     = 'E'
                i_msgv1     = text-e01
                i_msgv2     = ls_good-value
                i_msgv3     = text-e02
                i_fieldname = ls_good-fieldname
                i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id.
            CLEAR lv_treas_transactions.
            lv_treas_transactions = ls_good-value.
            ADD lv_tot_cash_bal TO lv_treas_transactions.
            CALL METHOD er_data_changed->modify_cell
                i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
                i_fieldname = 'TOT_CASH_BAL'
                i_value     = lv_treas_transactions.
            CLEAR lv_outs_unrel_checks.
            CALL METHOD er_data_changed->get_cell_value
                i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
                i_fieldname = 'OUTS_UNREL_CHECKS'
                e_value     = lv_outs_unrel_checks.
            CLEAR lv_imp_docs_due.
            CALL METHOD er_data_changed->get_cell_value
                i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
                i_fieldname = 'IMP_DOCS_DUE'
                e_value     = lv_imp_docs_due.
            lv_est_cash_balance = ls_good-value - ( lv_outs_unrel_checks +
                                                    lv_imp_docs_due ).
            CALL METHOD er_data_changed->modify_cell
                i_row_id    = ls_good-row_id
                i_fieldname = 'EST_CASH_BALANCE'
                i_value     = lv_est_cash_balance.
            CLEAR lv_est_cash_balance.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_data_changed
  METHOD handle_top_of_page.
    WRITE: sy-repid.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_top_of_page
  METHOD handle_top_of_list.
    WRITE: sy-repid.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_top_of_list
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION

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    The way the checking account balance column works is to designate one cell for the starting balance, indicate income with positive figures and outgo with negative figures, summing the transactions and adding the sum to the starting figure.
    The formula used, =$F$1+SUM(OFFSET(F3,3-ROW(),-1,ROW()-2)), is not too difficult to understand if you study the syntax for Offset. The author of this template didn't do us any favors because the expression could have been written more clearly, in my opinion. I'll explain how it's done in the template, and then how I would have written it. With the two approaches you may be able to see what it's all about.
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    Row Offset. In this case the author takes the current row number and subtracts the starting row from it. For the first balance the offset will be zero since the first balance is in row 3. For all the subsequent balances, the offset will be negative, meaning that the offset will point to a row above the current row.
    Column Offset. In this case the column offset is 0. That means that it is pointing 1 column to the left, Column E.
    Rows. This parameter sets the length of the range, in rows. Subtracting 2 from the current row number means that the range will be 1 for the first balance and will grow by 1 for each entry down the list.
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    How I would have written the balance expression:
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    answers also.

    The ALV is a set of function modules and classes and their methods which are added to program code. Developers can use the functionality of the ALV in creating new reports,  saving time which might otherwise have been spent on report enhancement
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    Welcome to SCN - but please read the rules of engagement before posting
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jun 14, 2009 4:28 PM

    What temporary files are you talking about?

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    The ! next to the songs can mean several things. The files have been moved from the iTunes music folder, or deleted from your computer entirely. Or the song files have been renamed/edited or otherwise changed by some method other than iTunes. Or they are on an ext hd which may at some point become disconnected or powered off. In any event, iTunes has lost track of these song files. If it's none of these things that's causing your issue, then I have no explanation.
    You can use Explorer to search your computer for missing songs.
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    Select "All Files and folders".
    In the "All or part of the file name" field, type the song name and then click "Search".
    If you see the file you are looking for in the Search Results window, you can add it back into your iTunes library.
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    Start with this section from the Swing tutorial on "How to Use Trees":
    The Swing Connections has a couple of articles that might help:

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    i found in the examples of coffee break the javabean
    is the format of return data from JAXRPC.i want to
    realize that the xml is the return data how
    can i do?and please give me an example of the JAXRPC
    whose format of return data is xml All JAXRPC messages are XML.

  • Can someone give a simple answer about mirroring please  ;-)

    I have a few iMac G5's and am thinking about picking up some more. They are the flat panel, all in one types.
    We need a second monitor to be added so people have a larger desktop for menu's, control panels, etc....
    I'd like to buy a Cinema Display to do this.
    Will it work or not?? It "sounds" like mirroring is only the same thing that's on your corrent monitor, not a true "SECOND" monitor? Don't see what good it is if that's the case. If it's not a "second" monitor that can be used, why are the ports there??
    many thanks

    Hi Mike and Ybysaiah,
    This is a firmware hack. The website Mike cited is dotted with warnings and rightly so. Get it wrong, and you will have a dead computer.
    You may also have issues if system updates are released that include (newer) graphics drivers that are incompatible with the adjusted firmware settings this hack causes.
    I'm not saying "don't do it". I'm just suggesting you be very careful, and aware of the possible consequences.

  • Hi I am using an iphone 4 and its was working fine.  Presently its giving browsing error.  Whenever I am trying to browse internet by using safari or any other browser it retruns with "server not responding" Can somebody give me a solution for this ?

    Hi I am using an iphone 4 and its was working fine.  Presently its giving browsing error.  Whenever I am trying to browse internet by using safari or any other browser it retruns with an error message "server not responding" Even the same thing is happening with youtube also. The worst part is am able to check my mails, able to chat and so on... only thing not able to browse through the browser.  I have tried restore option also.  This is happening with both Wlan and Data con. too
    Please help...

    I do not really know much about this kind of problem, but i may be your internet connection.
    If you are on your own #G network then:
    Go to Settings > then enable "Airplane Mode". Count to 10 and then disable it.
    Then wait patiently until you get a good connection and then try again.
    If you are on a nearby Wi-Fi connection then:
    Go to Settings > Wi-Fi > then disable then enable after counting to 10. Make sure that you are connected and then try again.
    If all else fails, then you need to contact your provider for assistance.

  • Can anyone give me document to devlop alv report  in object oriented

    hi i want document how to devlope alv report in object oriented.
    i need document .
    thanks .

    Check these programs and links.
    OOPS ALV standard pgms
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_0 Template for Solutions of ABAP Object Enjoy Course
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_1 Model Solution 1: ABAP Objects Enjoy Course
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_2 Model Solution 2: ABAP Objects Enjoy Course
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_3 Model Solution 3: ABAP Objects Enjoy Course
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_4 Model Solution 4: ABAP Objects Enjoy Course
    ABAP_OBJECTS_ENJOY_5 Model Solution 5: ABAP Objects Enjoy Course
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS Complete Demonstration for ABAP Objects
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_EVENTS Demonstration of Events in ABAP Objects
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_GENERAL ABAP Objects Demonstration
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_INTERFACES Demonstration of Interfaces in ABAP Objects
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_METHODS Demonstration of Methods in ABAP Objects
    DEMO_ABAP_OBJECTS_SPLIT_SCREEN Splitter Control on Screen
    some helful links.
    Go through the below links,
    For Materials:
    1) -- Page no: 1291

  • Can somebody give me an example

    Of a little application wich can get a file(.txt for example) from an url??
    I m trying to use HttpConnection but my midlet doesn t work for the moment.. :(

    u can find working example of http connection on

  • Can somebody please answer this question about muse

    here is the thread to my original question.
    Thank you

    To be more specific, my question was will having two of these scripts work? And does it make a difference if there is a return space between the two scripts? I am not a coder and don't understand. Can it be explained in a simple step by step process? The properties box would be open, Then paste googles code? hit return, paste Bing's code. if by hitting return closed the properties dialog box, I could possibly re-open, insert curser a line below googles code then paste?
    sorry to be such a newby

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