Can't Boot a 1.83 Dual Core Mini from UBS 2.0?

Hi All,
I have a 1.83 Dual Core Intel Mac Mini and I am trying to Boot the machine from a USB 2.0 Drive.
Startup Disk sees it and lets me select it, but everytime I try to start from the USB Drive, the machine just automatically bypasses the USB Drive and always boots from the Internal Drive.
Someone mentioned that Intl Mini's *CAN ONLY BOOT* from drives formatted as "GUID PARTITION TABLE", is that correct? If so, I find that curious, because the same external drive was cloaned from and can boot an 2.26 Intel Dual Core 15 inch Mac Pro, so I figured that it should be able to boot a similar vintage Intel Machine.
Just for information: when you hold down the "option" key at startup, the USB drive (formatted as "Apple Partition Map") is not even presented as a Startup Option.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Hi Kay,
Thanks for the info, but one curious thing has come out of this. When my external drive was connected to the Intel Mac Pro via Firewire 400, I could boot the Laptop from the external Firewire Drive even though it was formatted as "Apple Partition Map", but the same drive connected to the same computer would not boot the machine when connected via USB 2.0.
So, it looks like Intel Macs don't require GUID Partitioning to boot, if you are connected via Firewire, but they do need the GUID Partitioning scheme when you are trying to Boot from a USB 2.0 drive??

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    iMovie: How to move the Library to an EHD
    iPhoto: How to move the Library to an EHD
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    Much easier than the above (from Ms website):
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    Locate the 25-character product key in your product package or confirmation email.
    Open any Office for Mac application, like Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.
    On the first screen of the Microsoft Office Setup Assistant, click Enter your Product Key.
    Enter your product key and complete the installation instructions.
    Option 2: If you have not previously installed the trial version, you can download Office for Mac from the Office for Mac website. To download, install, and activate the software you must have a valid Office 2011 product key.
    Locate your 25-character product key found in your product package or confirmation email.
    Go to
    Click Get Started to start the download process.
    When prompted, enter your 25-character product key and select your product language.
    When prompted, sign in with your Windows Live ID or sign up and create a new Windows Live ID account.
    After you enter your Windows Live ID, you will see a link to download the software. (You will also receive a confirmation email with a link to your My Account page if you prefer to wait and download your software at a later time.)
    Click Download Now to start the download.
    Save the file to your desktop. Do not change the file name.
    When the download is complete, double-click the .dmg file icon on your desktop. This opens the Installer application in Mac OS X.
    Follow the instructions in the installer screens to complete your installation.

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    have you try to update/install the dual core driver from amd?

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    Thanks in advance,

    Start your support request online and we'll connect you to an expert. 
    (352) 800 24550

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Your MacBook Air has got a dual-core Intel Core processor, but About this Mac doesn't indicate it. You can be sure you have a dual-core Intel Core, so don't worry about this

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    I'm sorry, but that won't work because your MP only has Firewire ports and no Thunderbolt ports while your new MBP has Thunderbolt ports but no Firewire ports. Therefore, you cannot connect the two together except using Ethernet or Wi-Fi from which neither can be booted. If you use the device from Amazon, then you need to remove one of the drives to insert in it. Then you could boot from it provided the drive is actually bootable in the other machine. Snow Leopard is not capable of booting a 2013 MBP.

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    I should have been more general in my post - I don't believe any Mac can boot off an external drive with Ubuntu. I could be wrong of course (and if I am, hopefully someone will correct me), but as Mac hardware is so specific that it demands a specific install disk for each build/model/generation, it would be unable to boot with just a "foreign" OS such as Ubuntu installed. As you may know, you can't boot an iMac with an install disk from a different model iMac, Macbook, or any other Mac (unless it is exactly the same build/model), so it doesn't surprise me that it won't boot with Ubuntu.
    Edit: and this question begs to be asked: why would you want to boot/use Ubuntu when you have a superb OS to work with already?
    Message was edited by: Barbara Daniels1

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