Can't create system folders like send, drafts, spam, etc.

Recently I've got new HDD and decided to do fresh install of W7 64bit and all the software and one of them was Thunderbird. Got the latest ver from mozilla site, set up all my mailboxes as IMAP. Now all I have on the left site of the Thunderbird window is the name of my email account and inbox folder. I've got 2 accounts in domain and 1 in my own domain. When I'm sending mail from account in domain, the email is sent ok, but I'm getting massage box with a massage "coping massage to Sent folder " and program never do it. I have to press cancel and chose to don't save sent email, but I do want to have them saved. When I'm sending mails from account in my own domain, again mails are delivered to the recipient ok, but then I've got massage that there was an error saving mail to Send mail. When I press retry it keeps popping this error over and over.
Do you have any suggestions how to resolve that issue?

As gmail advises, 'Place a copy in' should not be selected and the copy should be auto saved in the Sent mail folder on the server.
Make sure you are subscribed to see the Sent Mail folder on the gmail account. At the moment, there is only 'Inbox' showing in the folder pane, so it would seem you have not subscribed to see it.
Other option:
TRy this:
On the Copies & Folders tab in the When sending messages, automatically section:
select: Place a copy in
select 'Other'
select the 'Sent Mail on gmail mail account'
click on OK

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    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
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    In Netweaver 7.3, you have a tool called
    SystemFromParConverter to achieve this requirement. Please follow the below help link for more details.
    PS: Please  do the  steps mentioned in the above help link from the EP server itself and not from your own local system. Browse the EP server folders to locate the Par file.
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    Thanks and Regards,
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    Date and Time          01/15/2011 16:09:05                                                                               
    Short text                                                           
         " " (I/Oerror)                                                                               
    What happened?                                                       
         "CPIC-CALL: 'ThCMSEND' : cmRc=18 thRc=0#Statistics not active "                                                                               
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    Date and Time          15.01.2011 22:09:00
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    Date and Time          01/15/2011 22:09:00                                                                               
    Short text                                                                       
         Field symbol has not yet been assigned.                                                                               
    What happened?                                                                   
         Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                                               
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    By looking at the runtime error , the reason of the dump should not be the timestamp diff .
    You can create an OSS ticket with SAP for further analysis.
    Also, there can be data consistency issues due to time diff .

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    Need much much more detail.
    "A user"
    What type of user? Windows, Mac, OS Version, etc.
    "create folders on the network"
    I assume we're talking about creating folders on an OS X Server?
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    "or the hard drive itself"
    What hard drive? Are we talking about the user's hard drive or is the server logging in locally to the server?
    "reserved names, etc"
    An exact error would be helpful
    Please take some time provide as much information as possible and also what steps you may have taken to troubleshoot.

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    Unless you have very strong coding skills with PHP & MySql,  I think you could do most of this with  WordPress and  WordPress plugins for e-commerce, star ratings, lightbox viewer, reviews, etc...
    Nancy O.

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    I have tried system recovery and ran a virus scan with avast and registry mechanic, and none of these have fixed it. The only thing i found online was a guy telling me ot download his program and install it to my registry (however, i did not trust this, because i could not find information of the name of the file he told me to install anywhere else, so i figured it would do more harm than good)

    Satellite A665-S5170
    I'll assume you're talking about Windows Explorer. If the problem is elsewhere, it's a different story.
    The problem just started today.
    With a little luck, a System Restore will fix that registry problem.
       What is System Restore?
    Otherwise, open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and navigate to this key.
    In the right pane, look at the data for the value (Default). It should be this.
    If not, attach a picture of what you see (as I have).
    New.jpg ‏29 KB

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