Can't delete "other" files

I have a iPhone 4S, clean, no jailbreak, and I have a very wierd problem.
When I connect my iPhone to iTunes, it says there is 5.6 Gb of data categorized as "others" on my iPhone.
When I go into the Settings App, in General and Utilisation, I see all data taken from all apps, but the total doesn't take into account like 4 Gb.
It's very wierd.
Yesterday I was taking a long video (like 30 minutes) and my iPhone ran out of battery and shut down.
Then I when i plugged it in, and turned it on, there was no trace of the movie.
My guess is that this "ghost" data is the movie's temp files.
So how I can get rid of it, or have the iPhone process it ?

Other is usually under 1 GB...
To Reduce this Large ' Other '...
You will need to Restore your Device...
First from BackUp... if the Large Other remains, that means there is corrupt Data in your Backup...
If so, You will then need to Restore as New...
But only if the Restore from Backup does Not Resolve your
Large Other Issue...
See Here...
Backing up, Updating and Restoring

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    AS3 Code:
    req = new URLRequest();
    req.url = ( stage.loaderInfo.parameters.f )? stage.loaderInfo.parameters.f : "";
    uploadFile = new FileReference();
    select_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, browse );
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              uploadFile.browse( filefilters );
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                        echo 'ok';
    echo 'error';

    You need call another PHP file
       $directory = './files/uploads';
       getDirectoryList ($directory);  
       //This function find all the files in the directory
       function getDirectoryList ($directory)
         // create an array to hold directory list
         $results = array();
         // create a handler for the directory
         $handler = opendir($directory);
         // open directory and walk through the filenames
         while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
           // if file isn't this directory or its parent, add it to the results
           if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
        //$results[] = $file;
         // Delete Files
        $filename = $file;
      unlink($filename); //this delete a file
         // tidy up: close the handler

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    Dear SAPMuffel ,
    As far as we can see the error "com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceNotFoundException" is telling that the resource you are trying to delete could not be found, that is also to say, it might not exist any more.
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    Alert TM only deletes older files if they have been deleted from the source and when TM needs space on the backup drive for a new incremental backup. Time Machine "thins" it's backups; hourly backups over 24 hours old, except the first of the day; those "daily" backups over 30 days old, except the first of the week. The weeklies are kept as long as there's room.
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      paramErr                      = -50,  /*error in user parameter list*/
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