Can't eject a hard drive! please help

i have a firelite external hard drive attached to my computer, and when i try to eject it, it tells me it's in use and cannot be ejected. but i can't see any application that is open. i have tried ejecting it in disk utility, unmounting it, nothing works. what to do?

Shutdown and disconnect it.
Truth has been vacuumed by SyncServer.

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    To delete files from your external HDD, attach it to your MBP and drag the unwanted files to trash and then empty trash.
    Then you select the files that you want to transfer by 'drag and drop' to the external HDD and trash the files on your MBP.

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    How confident are you that MacFuse/ntfs-3g is a reliable option for ordinary humans? It is at version 0.2.2, not long out of beta, the FAQ mentions slow write performance and other rough edges (possibly fixed in the current version), and this is a comment by the author as of 1/11/07:
    "Small disclaimer: Please note that MacFUSE is a complex piece of software, and it is a work in progress. We believe in releasing early and often, so we're releasing it now so that the community can help us to make it more robust."
    I have no need for it whatsoever, but if I did, I would have concerns about using it for a backup drive.

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    Hello, its been just a little over a year since I've bought my HP dvt, and of course the problems start as soon as my warranty has ended.. It's been working fairly fine most of the year, and then just all of a sudden while not even doing anything of importance on computer last week I got a blue screen error..
    Ever since then I have had so much problems. At first it just started out with closing the screen and reopening it crashed the laptop in a couple minutes..
    The main problem now is, it just does not detect the hard drive when booting up! Sometimes (rarely) it does though.. I thought it was a windows problem, so I did fresh clean install of Windows 7 and reformatted the hard drive. Then I ran CHKDSK and it did it stuff and said volume clean at the end.. It worked perfectly for a couple of hours, was able to close screen and open with no problems. I downloaded "Hard drive sentinel" to monitor my hdd health, and it said 90% which is apparently excellent. Yet as I was installing adobe reader, it crashed, got the blue screen of death and has not been able to boot up since
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    "computer always freezes at 56%"
    Time to replace your Hard Drive. BACK UP NOW!!!
    This will be the 3rd HD in a new HP HDX 18 for me (6 months old).
    Open up the HD bay and take a look at the model of the HD.
    If it is a SEAGATE MOMENTUS 7200.4  they are known to fail in as little as 1 month from install, and do not last more than 6 months.
    Google the brand and you will see that most people are reccomending that you remove the SEAGATE product ASAP (data recovery is next to impossible) and replace it with something else.
    I had just finished setting up the PC as I wanted it, OS, programs / Bios, software upgrades, then without warning the 2nd HD went.
    I lost EVERYTHING in my C drive, was just preparing to do a full BU and Mirror Image after deleting both from my D and External Drive.
    HP is replacing one piece of crap with another, I will be shopping for a different brand for the C drive after the laptop comes back from repair.
    There seems to be no end to this BS with SEAGATE drives.
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  • Blinking folder with question mark, and disk utility doesnt recognise hard drive, please help!!!

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    Sounds like some sort of power issue and now your drive is not working.
    You'll have to take this to Apple for repair.
    You should read this if you don't have recent backups of your data off the machine.
    My computer is not working, is my personal data lost?


    I just bought a powermac g5 singe 1.8GHZ with no hard drive off ebay for $99.99 to replace my old dead imac g3(psu went last night) i don't know what hd type it is ata or sata. will this hard drive off work?   i have a sata 320GB hd inside a newer pc can i use that one? i have the retail black os x 10.5 dvd that we got from apple 2 years ago for $129. thank you please get back to me and help me!

    japamac wrote:
    Actually, it will run without the fan assembly in place, which is a bad thing, IMHO.
    Semantics, eh?
    I should have said "NO, it shouldn't be run without the fans."
    (It's all fine, and I appreciate being kept honest.)
    I guess it's like not running a machine without a heat sink installed on the processor, some things which we consider not needing to be said must be said.....
    The good thing about running without a heat sink is that it is self-correcting, as it were, one way or another.  Actually, it would probably be noticed very quickly by the system in that the CPU die temp would rise to the danger point and the machine would crowbar down on its own, so long as the die resisted fracturing.
    That being said, I was somewhat surprised that the missing fan didn't trigger any particular response on my machine.  (I didn't check the system log when it happened, nor did I look at startup diagnostics on System Profiler (incuriosity on my part, I guess) because I just shut down and shoved the fan assembly back in.)   Having spent a goodly amount of my working life in an integration lab dealing with all the things that slipped through the cracks in the floor, I have a reflexive reaction to seeing one of those things pop up, like allowing the machine to go merrily long without a subsystem in place designed to protect the machine. 
    Reposing much confidence in your advice and assuming that others do as well, at least if they have spent the least little bit of time on these forums, I only added my comment to point out an unexpectedly missing element of protection in the Apple FW/SW world, i.e., the ability to boot without the fan and seem like things are A-OK.
    I'm going to go stir the liquid oxygen tank now.  What can go wrong with that?

  • Missing Files in Finder from External Hard Drive - PLEASE HELP

    Hi everyone, found myself with a bit of a problem and feeling a little stressed out.
    I have an external, Thunderbolt hard drive which seems to be working ok. Suddenly, after a reboot I am unable to see any files on the drive and the finder says 0 files. The disk size however remains the same, indicating the files are still somewhere on the drive. I am running 10.10.1 (14B25).
    Before the reboot I was writing to the drive using Compressor, I cancelled the export and then rebooted. Since then I have attempted the following with no luck:
    1. Rebooted the computer / PRAM and SMC reset.
    2. Tried accessing the drive on another computer and account. No luck.
    3. Verified the drive with Disk Utility
    4. Repaired system permissions
    5. The external TB drive is a raid, I have checked the raid with the software for error and no errors are present and the Raid looks in good shape. No red lights, flashing, warning sounds etc.
    6. I re-indexed spotlight.
    7. I made all hidden files visible, and couldn't see the files but i found the following hidden files in the attached picture.
    Could someone please give me some advice which could lead to the recovery of the data?
    Many, many thanks in advanced, I look forward to hearing form you.
    Best, Jim.

    A small update:
    I have tried using DiskWarrior - it sees the files and folders are there, confirms there is no physical disk problem but after a rebuild of the directory there are still no files present.
    Is there a preference file or hidden file I could try and remove?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Problem running Itunes from external hard drive- Please Help!

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    I am experiencing a similar problem. I already had all my files on an external drive, where I had transfered them a few months back, and everything was working fine. I have now moved them, again, to a larger external drive, did everything the same, but now receive the message "original file cannot be found, would you like to locate file?" I was advised to use the "add to library" button under "FILE" in the menu bar and all the music was finally imported into iTunes, but the problem now is that the new data on the music files is missing all the metadata, and I am still stuck with all the original files with the "!" in front of each file that is going to have to be manually deleted one file at a time, all 30,000 of them. I would like a way to start over and get it right the first time. Anyone have any solutions? I have found a program, "Super Remove Dead Tracks" which should solve the problem of eliminating the "!" tracks, but so too all the metadata. Ideally I'd like to be able to locate the original files with all the attached metadata and get back to where I was 24 hours ago.

  • My color classic needs a replacement hard drive, please help me find one

    The dead drive that was removed is a Conner CP30085E 85MB 3.5in SCSI 50 PIN. Also I have OS 7.1 is there a later system that would work. Note the tools floppy disk boots perfectly.
    Thanks for any info

    "...they had a Quantum apple drive 84 mb SCSI drive for $99. Talked to the owner and he said the older apple drives are really getting scarce."
    Scarcity doesn't justify egregious price gouging. An 84 MB SCSI hard drive should not cost that much. Did you try an eBay search for a "50-pin SCSI hard drive?" I just did and found some larger drives for far less than either of the prices you got from It doesn't have to be an Apple-branded drive, although that helps when some third-party drives aren't supported by Apple's disk formatting utilities. You can also check eBay for an OS 7.6.1 retail version/universal installer disk or OS 7.6 and then download the OS 7.6.1 Update. I'd want at least 16 MBs of installed memory to run OS 7.6.1, but your Color Classic is maxed out with a pair of 4 MB SIMMs plus 2 MBs of the 4 MBs of onboard RAM, for a total of 12 MBs.

  • Lost write privileges to external USB hard drive- please help!

    I've got an external Western Digital 250GB USB hard drive that has been chugging along just fine until about a month ago, when somehow I seemed to have lost write privileges to the top level directory. I"m not sure if this happened when I installed an Mac OS update, or what, as I use the drive as backup and didn't notice it for a while.
    The drive appears in the sidebar with a tiny lock icon, and when I try to copy a file from my internal HD to the external (top level directory, or drag the items right onto the icon), the following things happen:
    Dialog box says "The item "foo" cannot be moved because "External HD" cannot be modified", with an authenticate button, which I then click.
    After I authenticate, I get the error msg "The operation cannot be completed because you do not have sufficient privileges for some of the items."
    But I *CAN** copy files directly into a folder that already exists on the external drive, but I cannot create new folders in the top level directory.
    I have tried the following, to no avail:
    1) "get info" on the external drive, checkign the permissions. In the Ownership and Permissions section, it says "You can Read & Write", and under details:
    Owner: my account (dimmed) and access level is "read & write".
    Group: my account (dimmed) Access: Read only
    Others: No access
    Ignore ownership on this volume (unchecked).
    The fact that my account was named both as owner and group seemed odd, since in Group the access was "read only". I clicked on the little lock icon next to Owner, authenticated, and was allowed to change the Group settings. I changed the Group access to "read & Write", but it's not "sticking" -- when I close teh details field and reopen it, or close the get info window and reopen, the Group access settings go back to "read only".
    2) I've also, of course, tried repairing permissions on my internal startup drive, which did not help the matter. Also in Disk Utility, I verified/repaired the offendin external USB drive (no problems), Verify/Repair permissions were dimmed for this drive (I assume becuase it doesn't have MacOS X installed on it?)
    3) Searched the forums, Western Digital support, etc. and I cannot seem to figure out what has gone wrong.
    4) When I connect the drive to another computer (my iBook) the situation is the same. Also, when I create a new admin user account and try to access the drive from that account, I still cannot write to the drive.
    Thanks, I appreciate any tips or pointers.

    The drive appears in the sidebar with a tiny lock icon, and when I try to copy a file from my internal HD to the external (top level directory, or drag the items right onto the icon), the following things happen:
    Open the Terminal in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder and enter the following:
    chflags nouchg
    followed by a space; next, drag the disk into the Terminal window and press Enter. The lock should now be gone.
    The fact that my account was named both as owner and group seemed odd, since in Group the access was "read only".
    Recent versions of Mac OS X create a group with the same name whenever you create an account from the Setup Assistant or System Preferences. The Group permissions don't apply in this case.
    I changed the Group access to "read & Write", but it's not "sticking" -- when I close teh details field and reopen it, or close the get info window and reopen, the Group access settings go back to "read only".
    Did you get an error message after doing this?
    Verify/Repair permissions were dimmed for this drive (I assume becuase it doesn't have MacOS X installed on it?)
    That is correct. The Repair Permissions mechanism uses data from the /Library/Receipts/ folder on a disk to function, and this data is only present on disks which have Mac OS X installed.

  • Had to reformat my hard drive- PLEASE HELP!

    Hi everyone,
    I hope someone can somehow help me. I tried tech support but they didn't have much to offer in the way of iTunes support. I own a video ipod. I manually loaded each of the albums I had stored in my "my music" folder on my laptop into iTunes and then onto my Ipod.
    All transfering and syncing has been done on my laptop. I recently had to reformat the hard drive on my laptop. Prior to doing so, I was able to move my music files to my desktop however I do not have Itunes loaded and running on my desktop. I now have "RE" downloaded the iTunes software to my laptop but I'm scared to sync it because I know it's going to "wipe" out my IPOD.
    Can someone accurately advise me on how I might go about getting my music files back into my iTunes library without having to make backup cd's of some 200 albums or manually reloading each album. Is there anyway of doing this without wiping my Ipod clean? There's got to be a fairly easy way to do this.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

    You should be able to move your iTunes music folder from your desktop (where iTunes is not installed) to your laptop where it is. Set up your iTunes on the laptop to specify where you want your iTunes music folder to be (in advanced preferences), quit itunes, then move your files from the desktop. Start up iTunes and it should all work.
    This is how I moved my itunes when I replaced my old G4/733 with my newer G5 2.5DP.
    Note: don't discard that backup on your desktop until you make sure everything works OK, including syncing your iPod.

  • OneKey Recovery System wiped out my hard drive - Please Help with RMA

    Hi, I just recently got an IdeaPad S12 netbook.
    Last night I tried using the OneKey Recovery System to restore the hard drive to the original factory configuration.
    Unfortunately, the restored process did not work and I had to shut down the system.
    Now, on boot up, I just get a blank screen with this message:
    "Remove disks or other media.  Press any key to restart"
    I cannot boot up in to Windows, or even run the OneKey process again.
    I know there has been a documented problem (on forums, not in actual documentation!) that the OneKey system cannot run after hard drive partitions have been resized.  However, it is truly a defect in the software to corrupt the entire drive, instead of providing a warning and blocking the process from continuing.
    Today is my last day in the 21 day period to get an RMA.  I called customer support and they will only issue an RMA with restocking fee.  They say I have to go through tech support and have the case documented and approved, including physical inspection (if necessary I think), in order to waive the restocking fee.  Considering the OneKey software can produce such disastrous results, I should not have to pay the restocking fee.  It seems like a waste of everyone's time and money to send the laptop to tech support, instead of just allowing me to do the return right now.
    I'm hoping someone from Lenovo can help me get this RMA approved today and not deal with tech support or restocking fee.  Right now I have a 3-pound brick instead of a functioning laptop.

    Thanks for the pointer on the documentation - I'll see what we can do to make it more clear that changing partitions can inhibit OKR from functioning properly.
    Systems with no optical drive like the S10 or S12 can be more challenging when trying to recover from this sort of thing - there is a balance, perhaps in expecting a user to get a USB external optical drive and burn recovery media if they are going to change the partitioning of the drive and making netbook class systems available at this price point.
    Without intending to sound too harsh, I'm not sure why Lenovo should fairly absorb the cost of the results of the changes you made to the product.   If you return a product,  we are going to have to refurbish it, re-image and resell at a substantial discount.  When you consider the time, the shipping costs, and what we will subsequently get for the product, we are well in the negative territory on the deal.  
    I think what might be more fair is to contact support and see if the depot can reimage your system under warranty.  If so, your system functionality will have been restored - you keep a quality system, and everyone is happy.   If you then want to customize your configuration, I would suggest getting a USB optical drive and burn recovery media before making more changes.  
    Best regards,
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
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  • HT201250 My Time Machine Icon in the Toolbar is dimmed, and I'm unable to connect to my external Hard Drive, please help!

    Time Machine seems to be dead, since I'm unable to reset it. As soon as I try  anything, it goes to back to the "OFF" Position. Would appreciate any Help, to get my external Hard Drive to work. Adolffrom Peachland!
    Product, 2012 IMac 21.5"

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  • Moving iPhoto library to Ext Hard Drive please help

    Hi, I am moving from a Imac to Mac Book air.  I copied the pictures folder on Imac to the External Hard drive.  Plugged EHD into mac book air.  Opened Iphoto and held down option key and then selected the libary on the EHD.   Lots of activity on ext hard drive, but my pictures are not showing up in Iphoto.  Any help would be really appreciated.  Some priceless family photos I need to get access to.  My Imac is no longer working, so I am going to be using the MacBOok air as my primary

      I copied the pictures folder on Imac to the External Hard drive.   Plugged EHD into mac book air.  Opened Iphoto and held down option key and then selected the libary on the EHD.   Lots of activity on ext hard drive, but my pictures are not showing up in Iphoto.
    What are you seeing, when you are opening the iPhoto library in the copied Pictures folder?  An empty iPhoto window? Error messages?
    Is your external drive formatted MacOS X Extended (Journaled)?
    Do you have the same versions of iPhoto on your iMac and new MBA? What are the versions?

  • Random file on hard drive, please help me find out what it is

    Hi all,
    I have had this file sitting on my hard drive, when you click and open from hard drive icon there is a file sitting there called mds-crash-state. If i try to delete it it says enter my user password, so ididnt thinking it could be important. Anyone able to shed some light on this and if i can actually delete it without killing my machine?

    Go and trash it. The 'mds-crash-state' file may be created if the Metadata Server crashed or was unexpectedly closed during the indexing process. The presence of this file can prevent Spotlight from indexing the volume in the future.
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