Can't get table to display correctly

Revising a site built with tables. Home page uses nested tables and I know that's the problem but I can't seem to figure out why the one table shifts to the right. I bolded the section below where I think the problem is.
You can't see the problem in wysiwyg, you only see it after it's on the server. See
Here's the code:
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<title>Slot Car Racing NJ|Slot Car Birthday Parties|Drag Racing Slot Cars|SpeedZoneNJ </title>
<meta name="description" content="Slot car racing in NJ with 4 slot car tracks. Party room for kids birthday parties. Fully stocked slot car parts counter. Slot Car Racing weekly. Call 609-702-0146"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="slot car tracks in NJ,slot cars,Childrens birthday parties NJ,kids birthday parties NJ,124 slot cars,slot car parts,Pine Wood Derby,Retro slot car racing,drag racing slot cars"/>
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                      <p align="center"><img src="images/Jersey03.jpg" alt="Jersey Devil Flat Track" width="230" height="138" border="1"title= "Flat Track Racing on the Jersey Devil"></p>
                      <table width="242" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"><tr><th height="158" scope="col"><table width="242" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
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                                      <p class="text2">
$template = "SZNews";
                      <p align="center"><img src="images/100_0201.jpg" alt="Slot Car Drag Racing"width="230" height="155" border="1"title="Slot Car Drag Racing"></p>
                      <p align="center"><img src="images/PartsCounter - 2.jpg" alt="Slot Car Parts" width="230" height="150"><br>
                      </p>                      </td>
                    <td height="1199" valign="top"><h1 class="text2">Slot Car Racing in NJ</h1>
                      <p class="text2">Located in downtown Mt. Holly,  New Jersey. The SpeedZone Raceway and Hobbies is ready to serve your need for  speed.  Experience the thrill of our <strong>220 foot, eight lane Engleman</strong> road  course.  Watch as slot car dragsters  fly down our <strong>scale quarter mile drag  strip </strong>(85' long, 55' strip+30' shut down) at over 65 miles per hour.  If you like high speed  racing action<strong> you'll love the SpeedZone NJ.</strong></p>
                      <p class="text2"><strong>Check our our </strong> flat  track &quot;The Jersey Devil.&quot; It was  installed  by the masters of Gerding Fast Tracks. It's one of the best slot car racing flat tracks in NJ.</p>
                      <p class="text2">It's time for some Retro slot car action at the SpeedZone. Time for Fall Brawl 3. The Battle of the Heavyweights, runs Nov 08-11. For more info on schedule and hotel info go to our <a href="Retro Report.html">Retro Slot Car Racing page</a> or to see some pre-recorded  races go to <a href="">SpeedZone Retro Racing</a>.</p>
                      <p class="text2"><span class="text2">Need Slot Car Parts?</span>                        </p>
                      <p class="text2"><span class="text2">We carry all major brands of  slot car racing parts. Check out our fully stocked parts counter.  Let our experienced staff help you  pick out the right  slot car parts for your next project.</span>
                        Check out our <a href="SpeedZone_Sales.html">Slot Car sales</a> page or call Jay at 609-702-0146 for pricing updates.                     
                      <p class="text2">Did you know that we offer motor re-building and balancing on-site? We can even balance your armature while you wait! You could be going faster! Get your motor re-conditioned or buy one of our Jay Built Motors and start winning today!                      
                      <p class="text2">Don't want to build it yourself? No  problem. Ask Jay about building you the slot car you always wanted. A Winner! <a href="about_us.html">Jay</a> has over 35 years in the business and he knows how to GO FAST!
                        <h2 class="text2"> Interested   in Pine wood Derby racing? </h2>
                      <p class="text2">We we have a pine wood derby track that we can set up (by prior request) so you can test your cars before your race. <br>
                      <h3 class="text2">We have Slot Car Racing Rentals</h3>
                        <p class="text2">No slot  car! No problem. We have slot cars and slot car controllers for rent. <a href="prices.html"> See Prices for Slot Car Rentals &amp; Racing</a>. All our slot cars are clean and work the first time out. Our  rentals really fly, because we have the best slot car mechanics on our  team. So what are you waiting for? Slot Car Racing is Fun for the whole family. See our <a href="weekly_racing.html"> <u>Weekly Slot Car Racing Schedule</u></a> and get to the SpeedZone NJ today!</p>
                        <h4 class="text2">We're more than just a slot car  raceway. We cater to the hobbyist as well as the slot car racing enthusiast. We  carry scale car models, pine derby racing cars, and model rockets.  If it's fun, we have it. Do see it just ask. We can get anything you need. We're open six days  a week check out  <a href="directions.html">Hours and Direction<u>s</u></a> to the best slot car racing in NJ.<br>
                <td> </td>
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  <p><img src="" border="0" width="168" height="14" alt=""/></p>
  <p><a href="birthday_parties.html"><img src="images/BDAYPARTIES.jpg" alt="Kids Brithday Parties"width="200" height="400" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="Kids Parties"></a></p>
  <p><span class="text"><a href="birthday_parties.html" class="strong">We do Kids Slot Car  Birthday Parties</a>. We have a private  party room and offfer several </span><span class="style4"> Slot Car Birthday Party Packages</span><span class="text"> for kids of all ages. It's a great birthday party idea.  Do something different and make your child's next birthday party special. Slot car racing  parties are not just for boys. Girls like slot car racing too!  Call  609-702-0146 and book your party today.</span> </p>
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It looks like you need to update a line of your css and take out align attribute from your markup for problamatic table. Please do following:
1- page1.css : Line 15: take out following line which says : background-position: center top;
2- Please modify your following markup:
<td width="995" valign="top" class="center_column">
<table width="995" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
<td width="995" valign="top" class="center_column">
<table width="995" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" >

Similar Messages

  • How can I get iTunes to display the tracks from a CD in their original (album) order?

    To be absolutely honest, I don't really understand what this box is for, so I shall just use it to repeat and expand on my question. (I have already sent a "Feedback" comment on the same topic).
    How can I get iTunes to display the tracks from a CD in their original (album) order?
    It seems to me that there is something very basic wrong with the way iTunes handles CD Tracks.
    Professionally produced CD tracks are seldom if ever in a randomised order. Why then does iTunes seem unable to display the tracks in the order they appear on the original CD source - whether from a personally owned CD or from a download from the iTunes Store?
    Some music demands a specific, non-alphabetic sequence in order to make sense. Why does it seem that iTunes only offers Alphabetic, or reverse alphabetic order - both of which make a nonsense of the original, often intended order of tracks?
    Why not replace the so-called "cover-art" in the bottom left hand corner if the iTunes window - which, while it may look attractive to some, gives the barest of information concerning the original disc, with a list of the original CD tracks in their original order, so that the user can easily reestablish the order in which they should be played.
    As I would expect legibility might be a problem with doing this, why could not the original contents, (in their original order), at least, be displayed when the "cover art" is double clicked-on - the result of which at present gives me an enlarged version of the "Cover Art". While on the subject of the contents of the source disc, what about all the album notes which someone takes trouble to write in order to increase the appreciation of the music on the CD and the listener's general background knowledge of the artists involved. Such notes, it seems to me, have considerable intrinsic value in their own account. I would, I think, normally be prepared to buy such "Sleeve notes" - so long as a "taster" was supplied (as it is for the music) - for something like the cost of a single 'Tune" on iTunes.
    These two aspects let Apple iTunes down enormously, in my opinion. I think that by chopping even quite protracted sequences of music up into bits does no one any favours - except perhaps Apple's already quite substantial bank balance. People have to be aware that two and a half, to three and a half minutes is a very short time to develop a piece of worthwhile music, and that there are many, many composers, not all of whom are alive today who have written music that huge masses of mankind value for the enrichment of their lives and the human condition in general.
    Please make the viewing of iTunes tracks in their correct order by default possible. By all means have the alphabetical variations available as offering a different approach to the music, but not the sole approach to it - PLEASE.
    Frustratedly yours
    Alan Whitaker
    PS I work at my old 24" iMac Intel Core 2 machine which runs OS "Tiger" - because it is more beautiful to look at, the screen is more pleasant to work on, and because, in some ways it is more capable (it will run FreeHand MX without needing a "patch"), than my more recent 21.5" which runs "Snow Leopard". (I don't find it that much slower, either).

    Dear Mike
    Thanks for the support. I am utterly amazed that after all the hype about how good iTunes is that it cannot play a downloaded CD in the correct order, and that what that order should be is not available directly from within one's own iTunes installation. (I know that one can go back to the iTunes Store to check what the order should be, but having downloaded the tracks surely iTunes is clever enough to retrieve this important information.
    My iTunes to differ from yours in that I have also noticed that it seems unable to download copies of my "talking books" in the correct order either. But in my case it downloads them - from a CD - in order, but with the first track downloaded first - so that it appears at the bottom of the column of tracks so that it would get played last! (At least this is, while being inexplicable, a relatively "logical" bit of blundering and because of this is relatively easy to put right!).
    I like many genres of music, some of which are not really programmed except perhaps by the artist performing them. I know that Frank Sinatra was very careful to programme his album songs to obtain a particular effect and in relation to the keys of the music. iTunes presumes to know better.
    Film scores may be totally randomly put together, in some cases, but in others the order is vital to one's appreciation of the music as a whole and how it relates to the plot of the film.
    In symphonic music most works are divided into sections and are conceived by the composer that way. Some individual sections may gain a life of their own if played separately, but they are never complete in the sense that the composer envisaged them without being placed in their proper context.
    Opera and probably most choral music too, is similar except that the words may well become meaningless if the order is changed at the whim of a piece of ill-written computer code, while ballet music has to be heard totally within its sequential context or it becomes meaningless.
    Finally, I would venture that iTunes, by jumbling up the order of the tracks as recorded on a CD, does an immense disservice, not only to the music on a particular CD, but to music in general, by expressing everything in terms of "Songs" - which it seems to interpret as stand-alone items of between 2 and 4 minutes whatever the genre. Even the way the iTunes publicity speaks of how many "songs" it can store instead of how many minutes or hours of recorded sound. This has to be another brick in the wall of "dumming-down" of people's expectations, and the shortening of their attention spans.
    I don't know about anyone else, but I feel betrayed by Apple over this. Perhaps the look, feel and general presentation of an item are not the most desirable features of a consumer product. Maybe it should be judged more on it fitness for the purpose for which it was sold. There is one other possibility - that Apple are trying to redefine "Music" - and that everything that lasts longer than about 3.5 minutes or is in the form of what could for want of a better term be called symphonic in the broadest sense is something else - not "Music" within Apple's new definition, at all!
    Well that's off my chest! now I can get down to creating some sort of order in my iTunes Libraries, knowing that I have to reconsult all the sources in order to confirm the source playing order.
    Anyway thanks again. At least I know that it is not just me

  • Can't get Landscape printing aligned correctly...

    I'm new to Java and this forum, so any help with the following would be greatly appreciated:
    Description: Incorrect height alignment when printing Landscape.
    Hardware: Power Macintosh 8500/120, 48MB RAM.
    Brother HL-1650 Laser Printer, 8MB RAM.
    Software: Mac OS 8.6.
    MRJ2.2 (JDK1.1.8), MRJSDK2.2, JFC/Swing1.1.1.
    Procedure: 1) Compile (see source code below) with javac.
    2) Run BorderDemo with JBindery.
    3) Select "Landscape" printing, then select "Print".
    Results: Incorrect alignment of GridLayout within BorderLayout's Center position.
    The first printed row is incorrect. It is split with 6/8ths in row1, and 2/8ths
    in the last row.
    Expected: The BorderLayout's Center position should print 6 rows and 7 columns of
    8 x 1 TextEdit field items (This is supposed to be a calendar). It should fill
    the 8.5 x 11 piece of paper in Landscape print mode.
    Note: It correctly displays on the computer monitor.
    I've tried lots of combinations of GridLayout, BorderLayout, and BoxLayout, but
    I can't get it to print correctly in Landscape. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Compile and run the following code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class BorderDemo {
    static JFrame frame1 = new JFrame( "BorderDemo");
    static JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
    static JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
    static Label R0_1L1, R0_1L2, R0_1L3, R0_1L4, R0_1L5, R0_1L6, R0_1L7,
    R0_2L1, R0_2L2, R0_2L3, R0_2L4, R0_2L5, R0_2L6, R0_2L7;
    static DayPane R1C1, R1C2, R1C3, R1C4, R1C5, R1C6, R1C7,
    R2C1, R2C2, R2C3, R2C4, R2C5, R2C6, R2C7,
    R3C1, R3C2, R3C3, R3C4, R3C5, R3C6, R3C7,
    R4C1, R4C2, R4C3, R4C4, R4C5, R4C6, R4C7,
    R5C1, R5C2, R5C3, R5C4, R5C5, R5C6, R5C7,
    R6C1, R6C2, R6C3, R6C4, R6C5, R6C6, R6C7;
    public static void setupframe1() {
    // Setup and fill frame1.
    frame1.setSize( 760, 590);
    frame1.setVisible( true);
    frame1.getContentPane().setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
    // Setup and fill panel1.
    panel1.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 7, 0, 0) );
    panel1.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 730, 24) ); // bind this height
    panel1.setFont( new Font( "Times", Font.PLAIN, 10) );
    panel1.setBackground( Color.white);
    R0_1L1 = new Label( "CurrentMonth");
    R0_1L2 = new Label( "CurrentYear");
    R0_1L3 = new Label( "");
    R0_1L4 = new Label( "");
    R0_1L5 = new Label( "");
    R0_1L6 = new Label( "");
    R0_1L7 = new Label( "");
    R0_2L1 = new Label( "Sunday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L2 = new Label( "Monday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L3 = new Label( "Tuesday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L4 = new Label( "Wednesday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L5 = new Label( "Thursday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L6 = new Label( "Friday", Label.CENTER);
    R0_2L7 = new Label( "Saturday", Label.CENTER);
    panel1.add( R0_1L1);
    panel1.add( R0_1L2);
    panel1.add( R0_1L3);
    panel1.add( R0_1L4);
    panel1.add( R0_1L5);
    panel1.add( R0_1L6);
    panel1.add( R0_1L7);
    panel1.add( R0_2L1);
    panel1.add( R0_2L2);
    panel1.add( R0_2L3);
    panel1.add( R0_2L4);
    panel1.add( R0_2L5);
    panel1.add( R0_2L6);
    panel1.add( R0_2L7);
    // Setup and fill panel2.
    panel2.setLayout( new GridLayout( 6, 7, 0, 0) );
    panel2.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 690, 544) ); // height not bound
    R1C1 = new DayPane( );
    R1C2 = new DayPane( );
    R1C3 = new DayPane( );
    R1C4 = new DayPane( );
    R1C5 = new DayPane( );
    R1C6 = new DayPane( );
    R1C7 = new DayPane( );
    R2C1 = new DayPane( );
    R2C2 = new DayPane( );
    R2C3 = new DayPane( );
    R2C4 = new DayPane( );
    R2C5 = new DayPane( );
    R2C6 = new DayPane( );
    R2C7 = new DayPane( );
    R3C1 = new DayPane( );
    R3C2 = new DayPane( );
    R3C3 = new DayPane( );
    R3C4 = new DayPane( );
    R3C5 = new DayPane( );
    R3C6 = new DayPane( );
    R3C7 = new DayPane( );
    R4C1 = new DayPane( );
    R4C2 = new DayPane( );
    R4C3 = new DayPane( );
    R4C4 = new DayPane( );
    R4C5 = new DayPane( );
    R4C6 = new DayPane( );
    R4C7 = new DayPane( );
    R5C1 = new DayPane( );
    R5C2 = new DayPane( );
    R5C3 = new DayPane( );
    R5C4 = new DayPane( );
    R5C5 = new DayPane( );
    R5C6 = new DayPane( );
    R5C7 = new DayPane( );
    R6C1 = new DayPane( );
    R6C2 = new DayPane( );
    R6C3 = new DayPane( );
    R6C4 = new DayPane( );
    R6C5 = new DayPane( );
    R6C6 = new DayPane( );
    R6C7 = new DayPane( );
    panel2.add( R1C1);
    panel2.add( R1C2);
    panel2.add( R1C3);
    panel2.add( R1C4);
    panel2.add( R1C5);
    panel2.add( R1C6);
    panel2.add( R1C7);
    panel2.add( R2C1);
    panel2.add( R2C2);
    panel2.add( R2C3);
    panel2.add( R2C4);
    panel2.add( R2C5);
    panel2.add( R2C6);
    panel2.add( R2C7);
    panel2.add( R3C1);
    panel2.add( R3C2);
    panel2.add( R3C3);
    panel2.add( R3C4);
    panel2.add( R3C5);
    panel2.add( R3C6);
    panel2.add( R3C7);
    panel2.add( R4C1);
    panel2.add( R4C2);
    panel2.add( R4C3);
    panel2.add( R4C4);
    panel2.add( R4C5);
    panel2.add( R4C6);
    panel2.add( R4C7);
    panel2.add( R5C1);
    panel2.add( R5C2);
    panel2.add( R5C3);
    panel2.add( R5C4);
    panel2.add( R5C5);
    panel2.add( R5C6);
    panel2.add( R5C7);
    panel2.add( R6C1);
    panel2.add( R6C2);
    panel2.add( R6C3);
    panel2.add( R6C4);
    panel2.add( R6C5);
    panel2.add( R6C6);
    panel2.add( R6C7);
    WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e) {
    System.exit( 0);
    frame1.addWindowListener( l);
    public static void main( String[] args) throws Exception {
    Container f1 = frame1.getContentPane();
    f1.add( "North", panel1 ); // bind height
    f1.add( "Center", panel2 ); // no binding;
    Thread.sleep( 5000);
    Thread.sleep( 5000);
    PrintJob pjob = frame1.getToolkit().getPrintJob( frame1, "Printing BorderDemo", null );
    if( pjob != null) {         
    Graphics pg = pjob.getGraphics();
    if( pg != null) {
    frame1.printAll( pg);
    pg.dispose(); // flush page
    class DayPane extends JPanel implements ActionListener, FocusListener {
    JTextField tfield1, tfield2, tfield3, tfield4, tfield5, tfield6, tfield7, tfield8;
    DayPane( ) {        
    setLayout( new GridLayout( 8, 1, 0, 0) );
    tfield1 = new JTextField( );
    tfield2 = new JTextField( );
    tfield3 = new JTextField( );
    tfield4 = new JTextField( );
    tfield5 = new JTextField( );
    tfield6 = new JTextField( );
    tfield7 = new JTextField( );
    tfield8 = new JTextField( );
    add( tfield1);
    add( tfield2);
    add( tfield3);
    add( tfield4);
    add( tfield5);
    add( tfield6);
    add( tfield7);
    add( tfield8);
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt) {
    if ( evt.getSource() instanceof JTextField)
    ; //removethis.
    // frame.update( this);
    public void focusLost( FocusEvent evt) {
    ; //removethis.
    // frame.update( this);
    public void focusGained( FocusEvent evt) { }

    Force the landscape.
    Check it out:
    {pf ~ PageFormat}
    B@ron {EU.BELGIUM}

  • I have the mini display port cable to hdmi.  When I connect I can get audio but on the video I get the display auro screen and can't get my actual display to show as that is not what shows on my display.  How can I fix this?

    I have the mini display port cable to hdmi.  When I connect I can get audio but on the video I get the display auro screen and can't get my actual display to show as that is not what shows on my display.  How can I fix this?

    System Preferences>Displays
    There is a little white bar. When you have your TV connected, move the white bar to the other display. Your main desktop is now the TV screen

  • I have a mid 2011 27 inch iMac and a late 2012 mac mini. I am using the 27 inch iMac as the display for the mac mini. I was trying to use bootcamp on the mini but after I started downloading windows I can't get it to display on the iMac.

    I have a mid 2011 27 inch iMac and a late 2012 mac mini. I am using the 27 inch iMac as the display for the mac mini with a thunderbolt cable. I was trying to use bootcamp on the mini but after I started downloading windows I can't get it to display on the iMac.

    Hi there,
    The simplest way is to drag it across wirelessly using the 'Airdrop' application once both computers are near one another. 'Airdrop' can be found near the top, on the left hand side menu, within 'Finder'.

  • I have cables hooked to my MacBook and HGTV, but can't get tv to display.  Help!

    I have cables hooked to my MacBook and HGTV, but can't get tv to display.  Help!

    Are you using a Mini DisplayPort or a Mini-DVI adapter on your MacBook? What input are you using on the TV, VGA, DVI, Composite, Component or HDMI?
    Also it would help to know which one of the 21 different models of MacBook you have. To see which model you have go to the Apple in the upper left corner and select About This Mac, then click on More Info. When System Profiler comes up check the Model Identifier.
    And the make and model of your TV.

  • Can I get Pages to display small letters after dates i.e. 9th aug would have the th smaller at the top of the 9 like it does automatically in word?

    Can I get Pages to display small letters after dates ie. 9th Aug would have the th as small letters at the top after the 9 like it does automatically in word?

    Like this ?
    Open the Pages preferences and check the third button

  • How do I get gmail to display correctly in Apple Mail?

    We sync our Google email to Apple's Mail app on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone. The mail does not display correctly, the text keeps going and cuts off so you have to swipe to the right to reveal the rest of the message. We are syncing gmail through IMAP. Does anyone know how to get Gmail to display correctly with Apple Mail?

    Same here. I'm using office 2013. It is hard to believe, That there is still no solution for that problem. Parallels desktop and office 2013 lets you dictate, Though there is still no way to get the  new line or new paragraph 
    command to get to work in word or outlook. Do you think this isn't a apple issue or a Microsoft issue? On Windows in the ordinary editor the commands work well.
    I actually changed to mac for this killerfeature and i really need it. Now it does not work in the most common office app..

  • How can I get my desktop display to go to 1440*900?thanks[solved]

    I am using KDE 4,My problem is I can't set my graphics display to 1440*900
    In my searching
    I've found this on the Ubuntu forum, which seems to be my issue. It doesn't matter what I set up in xorg.conf file, it ignores it.
    It references a file called "kcmrandrrc", which doesn't seem to exist on my system. I am not sure where KDE is getting the 320x200, 320x240, 400x300,...,640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 graphics modes. It's not from xorg.conf.
    I found this file...
    Which contains the following...
    How can I get my desktop display to go to 1440*900
    Last edited by icywalk (2010-01-27 10:18:30)

    What I was looking for was something along these lines:
    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen0"
    Device "Card0"
    Monitor "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "NvAGP" "3"
    Option "Overlay" "False"
    Option "ConnectToAcpid" "False"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 1
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 4
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 8
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 15
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 16
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 24
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 32
    Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
    Then you put in the 1400x900 that you wanted in the Modes line.
    If you are to use Xorg -configure successfully, you will need to do it from a console screen.  If you are using like kdm or gdm,  I would suggest that you log out, then go to a console screen (<ctrl><alt><f1>) and then log in to an account.  You will need to su, and then issue the following command to shut down x: telinit 3  that command should shut down X and your login manager.
    After that you can run Xorg -configure and do whatever else you need with it.
    Then, to get back to what you had before, the command telinit 5 should restore you back to your gdm or kdm or whatever.  (Normally <Ctrl><Alt><F7> will get you back to your login manager, if it doesn't try F6 or F8 until you find it.)

  • Can't get any screen display (nano 7th gen)

    can't get any screen display (7th gen nano) -- yesterday had low battery and it may have been "a little sweaty" wet, charger all night -- still can't get it to "turn on"

    Hello garlaham,
    I would be concerned too if my iPod nano's was not powering on.  I recommend following the steps below:
    Will not turn on or screen remains dark
    Connect iPod to power for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has enough charge to allow iPod to turn on.
    If iPod does not turn on after ten minutes, try resetting the device while it is still connected to power. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button until the screen goes dark. The Apple logo should appear after a few seconds, then the Home screen should appear.
    If the Apple logo appears on the display, connect iPod to a computer and verify that it appears in iTunes and can play music. If iPod appears in iTunes and can play music, no further troubleshooting is needed.
    If the screen remains dark and will not turn on, then your iPod may need service.
    I got this information from the following article for the 6th generation iPod nano.  The steps are the same, except I updated the second step with the reset for the 7th generation iPod nano:
    iPod nano (6th generation): Hardware troubleshooting
    How to reset iPod
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • I am running Windows 7 64Bit system and everything was working normal.  However, I am now getting an error message stating objc.dll is missing.  I've re-installed Itunes but to no avail.  How can I get this error message corrected?

    I am running Windows 7 64Bit system and everything was working normal.  However, I am now getting an error message stating objc.dll is missing.  I've re-installed Itunes but to no avail.  How can I get this error message corrected?

    See this User Tip by turingtest2

  • Music in itunes from different cd's, how can i get it to have correct info?

    1.  I have over 2000 songs in itunes from different mixed cd's, how can I get them to have correct artist and album and titles?
    2.  How can I convert them all to mp3 because I have to be able to send them to windows media player because I have mp3 players that I would like to play these on along with my ipod? 

    I personally use TuneUp from
    It works on both Mac and PC.
    It is a great tool for correcting MetaData "Music Info" for all of your songs. It also adds the correct album artwork and can remove duplicate songs from your library easily.
    iTunes on PC will convert the WMA to MP3 for you if you like. To do so just right click on your WMA files in iTunes and choose convert to MP3.
    If you have already moved all of your music to Mac and no longer have a windows machine there are a couple of programs that will do it for you from Mac OS X. Some are free and some cost money. Let me know if you would like to know a couple of examples.

  • Have new mini.  When starting 1st time, it stop and displays a picture to push start button on WiFi keyboard.  I have USB Apple Kekboard.  Can't get pass the display to Startup Assist.

    Have new mini.  When starting 1st time, it stop and displays a picture to push start button on WiFi keyboard.  I have USB Apple Kekboard.  How can I get pass the display to Startup Assist?

    Have new mini.  When starting 1st time, it stop and displays a picture to push start button on WiFi keyboard.  I have USB Apple Kekboard.  How can I get pass the display to Startup Assist?

  • Hello,Where in Singapore can I get a LCD display and touch screen digitizer for a iphone 2g.

    Hi there,Where in Singapore can I get a LCD display and touch screen digitizer for a iphone 2g.

    Try searching google.

  • How can I get Firefox 4 to correctly display CSS padding for a horizontal nav bar (works in most other browsers, incl. earlier FF)?

    I have just coded a horizontal nav bar for a site with CSS rollover effects using a:hover and a: focus effects. There are no images, just HTML and CSS. The layout works beautifully in IE 6 - 8, Safari for Windows, Opera for Windows...and Firefox 3.X but behaves poorly in Firefox 4. I've hardly ever had problems with FF before. :(
    Here's the menu:
    The rollovers extend below the height of the background div and the extra padding on the first and last li tag don't display correctly either. The page passes WebDeveloper toolbar CSS and HTML validation as well.
    This is making me batty! Any help deeply appreciated!
    All CSS code is in the page for debugging purposes.

    I do not understand what you mean with "the rollover will extend the full width of the background"
    A good place to ask questions and advice about web development is at the mozillaZine Web Development/Standards Evangelism forum.<br />
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br />
    You need to register at the mozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.<br />

Maybe you are looking for

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