Can't instantiate the backing bean

In, RAD, I created 2 Faces jsp files.
One file is a login file (Login.jsp) and the other one is just a simple place holder saying 'hi'.
Both had backing beans.(by default in RAD)
Both get displayed on the web browser when I ran it on the server.
But when I click the submit button, i get an error saying, "ApplicationIm E com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl Can't instantiate class: 'pagecode.Login'."

Do you have a public constructor in your BackingBean? (Not static nor private)

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    I have a usecase  where I need to run a javascript function from within the backing bean and get the value returned by the function.
              In Java I have two variables  x and y, I want the javascript to return the larger value z.
              This is what I'm doing, but I have no means to get the values of variable z.
              StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
              script.append("var  z;");
              script.append("var  x = " + x + ";");
              script.append("var  y = " + y + ";");
              script.append("if  (x > y)  z = x  else z = y");
              FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              ExtendedRenderKitService erks = Service.getRenderKitService(fctx,
              ExtendedRenderKitService.class); erks.addScript(fctx, script);
         The actual usecase is a bit complicated. It's a dragNdrop paradigm.
         I cannot capture the muse Release event (DropEvent ?) in the client side as (most likely) it is captured by ADF.
         The drop target is a RichTextEditor. I need to convert the DropEvent.getDropX() and DropEvent.getDropY() to get the caret position in the text editor.
    Any other solution to the issue is highly appreciated.

    you can try it!
    erks.addScript(fctx, js_funcation_name("'"+x+"'","'"+y+"'","'"+x+"'","'"+x+"'",.....));//bean-> javaScript
    add javascript:
                   AdfCustomEvent.queue(p, 'XXXXX', {parameter:parameter_value},true);
    <af:serverListener type="XXXXX" method="#{ManageBean.funcation}"/>//js->bean

  • Calling a method in the backing bean when rendering a table

    I'm rendering a table that begins with :
    <h:dataTable value="#{showRooms.rooms}" var="rowRoom" ...
    There are several properties I'm displaying. Some are just displayed as they appear from the database like:
    <h:outputText value="#{rowRoom.roomNumber}"/>
    However, some I need to translate so they display a more meaningful message to the users. For example, status is stored 'A', or 'NA', but this should display 'Available' or 'Not Available'. To do this, I'm taking an idea I saw in another forum by providing a method to call and translate the text. For example:
    public String getDisplayedStatus(String status) {
    if (status.equals("A") {
    return "Available";
    } else {
    My problem is how can I invoke a method and pass in the current value of status for that row in the table. I think I need something like this:
    <h:outputText value="#{showRooms.getDisplayedStatus(#{rowRoom.roomStatus})"/>
    But that doesn't work. I can invoke the getDisplayedStatus method when passing in a hardcoded parameter, but it won't translate the value of both expressions(the method and the method param). How can I achieve this?

    Yes. I've done that and it does work....sort of. It works as long as I refer to it as 'displayStatus'. It looks up the getDisplayStatus and returns a value. The problem is getting the current status value from the object in the List. For example, the 3rd row in the table has either 'A;' or 'NA' for status. I need to know this value in order to do my translation. The way I see it, I either need
    1.)a way to call a method on the backing bean and pass the value of status from the current row into the method.
    2.)in getDisplayStatus, I need a way to access the current row's value, perhaps through an expression. This appears to be what you can do in the AbstractPageBean class that all backing beans inherit in Studio Creator. I've seen code in a getter like 'getValue(#{currentRow.status}'), but I don't know how that is done. I looked for the source to AbstractPageBean on the web but couldn't find it - maybe its not open-source.
    Anyway, please share if anyone has a solution. I'm sure this has been done before.

  • How to track PropertyChangeEvent for the backing beans?

    I'm working on JSF 1.2 + JDK 1.6. Would like to know wether any direct support for tacking the PropertyChangeEvent for the backing bean. Objective is to keep track of the modified entities ( backing bean) and update the corresponding Database records at later stage with the modified attribute/record.
    Assume a datatable is populated with list, and 3 rows alone is modified, So the DB update is supposed to happen only for those rows. I prefer to have the PropertyChange tracking logic in one place. Dont want to add PropertyChangeListener for all backing beans.
    Can anybody help me on this.
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: JobineshP on Jun 20, 2008 6:52 AM

    This is no direct support in JSF for PropertyChangeEvents.
    As for other solutions to your problem, first looking specifically at the database updates, Hibernate tracks modifications to fields and can be configured to only update the needed columns (see the dynamic-update attribute). So perhaps Hibernate can suit your needs or you could use their techniques to solve your problem.
    Taking a wider view of the general problem of adding PropertyChangeListeners to managed beans, I would be inclined to use Spring and AOP to add the PropertyChangeEvents to all the setters. Spring might also help the configuration of the PropertyChangeListeners. Although I have to say that I think that PropertyChangeEvents are of limited use in a web application.
    Another approach might be to hook into the JSF EL expression engine. You could add a special ELResolver whose purpose is to discover when the property changes happen. The drawback is that all the setting must be done via the EL in order for this to work.

  • How to get specific rows from the vo or Iterator in the backing bean?

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    We can use rownum in VO sql query. but there would be a performance issue with that ...
    SO i am trying to get the rows from ADF Iterator once we fetch from DB.
    Is it possible to do that ?
    Do we have any way to set the pointer to the VO/Iterator like setFirst() and after that setMaxResult to retrun the rows between first and maxresult..

    If this is for pagination, then af:table offers pagination by design when you set accessmode=RangePaging or RangePagingIncremental in VO. Paginated queries are fired when scroll down in the table. Explore this option before you try out any custom solution
    To answer the question,
    Note: same logic i have implpemented ADF with EJB ..In EJB Query class we have setFirst(int) and setMaxResult(int) methods...simply i did setFirst(30) and setMaxResult(10)..It worked fine...Theoretically speaking the same can be achieved by setting setRangeStart() on the viewobject(which in turn sets to the default rowset) and by setting max fetch size on VO + accessmode=RangePaging. However when you use table with ADF binding, these will be overridden by the binding layer. If you are not using ADF binding, then the above is same as what you did for JPA entity. Other option is, you build expert mode VO with rownum for this special case, which will work if you dont need to set accessmode=RangePaging for VO.

  • Passing radio button values to the backing bean

    Hi all,
    I need help with passing group of radio button values to a backing bean. I have page which has a dataTable to display a list of alerts. For each alert there are two radio buttons (YES & No) to indicate whether the email option for each alert is set or not. Now when i change the radio buttons and click on a submit button i should be able to pass these radio button values into action method in which i need to update the alerts. This is my code
    <t:dataTable id="sub"
                       var = "alert"
                       value =#{subscriberBean.alertsList}">
    <h:outputText value="#{}" />
    <h:selectOneRadio id="subscriptions" value="#{alert.sendEmail}">
      <f:selectItem id="item1" itemLabel="Yes" itemValue="0" />
      <f:selectItem id="item2" itemLabel="No" itemValue="1" />
    <h:commandButton id="button1" value="Save changes" actionListener="#{subscriberBean.updateAlert}" />
    I tried to to do something like below and get the updated list in the action event in the backing bean but it didn't work.
    <h:commandButton id="button1" value="Save changes" actionListener="#{subscriberBean.updateAlert}" >
    <f:attribute name="alerts" value="#{subscriberBean.alertsList}"/>
    // Backing Bean
    public void updateAlert(ActionEvent e){
    List<Alert updateList = (List<Alert>)event.getComponent().
    Can someone advise how to get these update radio button values in my actionListener method.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    The value the user selected will be written to the sendEmail property of the managed bean named alert. We know this because you set the value attribute to #{alert.sendEmail}. So simply access the managed bean in your action method.

  • Unable to call Action Method of the Backing Bean

    I have created a jsf page with several tables and input text boxes. I also have the command button to submit the values to the backing bean but, the action method "saveBean()" is not being called
    Hear are the codes listed below listed
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="t"%>
    <h:form id="myBioDataForm">
    <h:panelGrid columns="2" >
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="NameLabel" value="Name" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="NameTextBox" value="#{}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="DOBLabel" value="DOB" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <t:inputCalendar id="DOBCalendar" renderAsPopup="true"  value="#{bioData.objBioDataVo.doB}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="AddressLabel" value="address" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:outputLabel value=""/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Street" value="Street" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="StreetTextBox" value="#{bioData.objBioDataVo.street}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="City" value="Town/City" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="CityTextBox" value="#{}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Pincode" value="Pincode" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="PincodeTextBox" value="#{bioData.objBioDataVo.pincode}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Mobile" value="Mobile" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="mobileTextBox" value="#{}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Email" value="Email" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:inputText id="emailTextBox" value="#{}"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Gender" value="Gender" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:selectOneRadio value="#{bioData.objBioDataVo.gender}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Male" itemValue="Male"/>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Female" itemValue="Female"/>
              <h:panelGroup  >
                   <h:outputLabel id="Marital_Status" value="Marital Status" style="font-size: medium"/>
              <h:panelGroup >
                   <h:selectOneRadio value="#{bioData.objBioDataVo.status}">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Married" itemValue="Married"/>
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="UnMarried" itemValue="UnMarried"/>
         <h:dataTable var="item" value="#{}">
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="No Of Years"/>
                   <h:selectOneMenu id="NoYears1" value="#{item.noYears}">
                   <f:selectItems value="#{item.noYearsVoTM}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Organisation"/>
                   <h:inputText id="OrgnisationTextBox" value="#{item.orgVo}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Designation"/>
                   <h:inputText id="designationTextBox" value="#{item.desigVo}"/>
                   <h:commandButton id="addRow" type="submit" value="Add Row" immediate="true" action="#{bioData.addStr}"/>
                   <h:dataTable  var="edual" value="#{bioData.eduList}">
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Year of Passing"/>
                   <h:selectOneMenu id="NoYears11" value="#{edual.yearPassing}">
                   <f:selectItems value="#{edual.yearPassingTM}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Qualification"/>
                   <h:selectOneMenu id="NoYears11" value="#{edual.qualification}">
                   <f:selectItems value="#{edual.qualificationTM}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Specialisation"/>
                   <h:inputText id="SpecialisationTextBox1" value="#{edual.specialisation}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Specialisation"/>
                   <h:inputText id="SpecialisationTextBox1" value="#{edual.specialisation}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="School"/>
                   <h:inputText id="SchoolTextBox1" value="#{}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Total Marks"/>
                   <h:inputText id="MarksTextBox1" value="#{edual.cgpa}"/>
                   <h:commandButton id="addRow1" type="submit" value="AddRow" immediate="true" action="#{bioData.addEdu}"/>
         <h:dataTable var="str" value="#{bioData.strList}">
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="sno"/>
                   <h:inputText id="snoTextBox" value="#{str.sno}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Stengths"/>
                   <h:inputText id="StengthsTextBox" value="#{str.strengths}"/>
              <f:facet name="header" >
                   <h:outputText value="Weaknesses"/>
                   <h:inputText id="WeaknessesTextBox" value="#{str.weaknesses}"/>
                   <h:commandButton id="addRow2" type="submit" value="Add Row" immediate="true" action="#{bioData.addWks}"/>
              <h:outputLabel id = "saveLabel" value="Enter Name"/>
              <h:inputText id="saveTextBox" value="#{bioData.bioName}"/>     
              <h:commandButton id="savebutton" type="submit" value="Save"  action="#{bioData.saveBio}"/>
    </h:form>----------------------------Backing Bean--------------------------------------
    package com.minerva.trainees;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    public class BioDataHomeBackingBean
         String selectBio;
         HashMap selectBioHM;
         public BioDataHomeBackingBean() {
              selectBioHM = new HashMap();
              selectBioHM.put("Create BioData", "Create BioData");
         public String processBioData()
              String select_tmp = getSelectBio();
              String action="";
              if(select_tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("Create BioData"))
                   action= "displayCompetency@rgsRequest";
              return action;
         public String saveBio() throws Exception
              System.out.println("########################Inside saveBio##################");
              return "success";
         public String getSelectBio() {
              return selectBio;
         public void setSelectBio(String selectBio) {
              this.selectBio = selectBio;
         public HashMap getSelectBioHM() {
              return selectBioHM;
         public void setSelectBioHM(HashMap selectBioHM) {
              this.selectBioHM = selectBioHM;
         </managed-bean>Please help me to solve this problem

    tracemein wrote:
    but, the action method "saveBean()" is not being called Maybe there was a validation or conversion error occurred. Add <h:messages /> to your page to take note of them and handle accordingly. Also read the application server logs if there isn't something interesting logged. JSF 1.2 by default logs undisplayed errors to the stdout.
    On the other hand, apart from the problem, you don't need h:panelGroup for single column items. Basically you can remove all of those h:panelGroup tags in your first h:panelGrid.

  • How to call the backing bean method through javascript by closing window?

    Hi all,
    What I want to do is:
    I open a new page by clicking <t:commanLink.../> from the first page. Then I close the new page. By closing the new page I will call a function in the backing bean such as myBean.doSomething() to do something. Such like:
    <body onUnload=jsFunction()..../>

    So far I understand, I should write following code
    in my second page:
    <script type="txet/javascript">
    function jsFunction()
    <body onunload="jsFunction()">
    <h:form id="myForm">
    <t:commandLink id="myLink" immediate="true"
    Is that right? I am not sure if I've the javascript
    in the right position.I am sorry! That solution will not work. My Bad.
    You can try this.
    1) Have a invisible command button on your first page with the action attribute set to "#{myBean.doSomething}" as below
    <t:commandButton style="width:0px;height:0px" id="myButton" immediate="true"
      value=""></t:commandButton>2) Your JS onunload method on the second page should look like
    <script type="txet/javascript">
       function jsFunction()
    var buttonObject= window.parent.document.getElementById("formname:myButton");; // This would help in submitting the first page
    // to submit to the needed action method

  • Add UIComponents to the page via the backing bean

    Is it possible to add a UIComponent to my page (Page1.jsp) from the backing bean (
    For example:
    public class Page1 extends AbstractPageBean {
      public Page1() {
        HtmlPanelGroup panel = new HtmlPanelGroup();;  //<-- doesn't work

    Hi Lexicore:
    I'm new to JSF and tried to utilize your example - with no success (see below)...
    I assume I took your suggestion to literally.
    Please tell me what is missing.
    ****jsp page: jsp1.jsp****
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="f"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="h"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style.css" title="Style"/>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">  TESTING...
      <h:form id="form1">
        <h:panelGrid id="panelgridtest" binding="#{jsp1Bean.component}"/>
    ****backing bean: "" ****
    package test;
    import javax.faces.application.*;
    import javax.faces.component.*;
    import javax.faces.component.html.*;
    import javax.faces.context.*;
    import javax.faces.el.*;
    public class Jsp1Bean
        protected UIComponent component;
        public Jsp1Bean()
            component = new UIPanel();
        public UIComponent getComponent()
            return component;
        public void setComponent(UIComponent component)
            this.component = component;
    //initialization block
                FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                UIViewRoot uIViewRoot = facesContext.getViewRoot();
                Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
                HtmlOutputText outputText1 = (HtmlOutputText) facesContext.getApplication().createComponent(HtmlOutputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
                outputText1.setValue("---the outputText1 value---");
                HtmlInputText inputText1 = (HtmlInputText) facesContext.getApplication().createComponent(HtmlInputText.COMPONENT_TYPE);
                inputText1.setValue("---the inputText1 value---");
    //add outputText1 and inputText1 to component ("UIPanel")
            catch (java.lang.Throwable t)
                System.out.println("java.lang.Throwable exception encountered...t.getMessage()=" + t.getMessage());
        public String doAction()
            return "submit";
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "">
    **** Error Message I receive from trying to run ****
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:03 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
    INFO: Installing web application at context path /test from URL file:C:\tomcat\webapps\test
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:09 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
    INFO: Installing web application at context path /tomcat-docs from URL file:C:\tomcat\webapps\tomcat-docs
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:09 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer install
    INFO: Installing web application at context path /webdav from URL file:C:\tomcat\webapps\webdav
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:10 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
    INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8084
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:10 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
    INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on /
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:10 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
    INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=15/234  config=c:\tomcat\conf\
    Nov 5, 2004 5:05:10 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
    INFO: Server startup in 16656 ms
    java.lang.Throwable exception encountered...t.getMessage()=null
            at test.Jsp1Bean.<init>(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
            at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
            at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
            at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
            at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(
            at java.beans.Beans.instantiate(
            at com.sun.faces.config.ManagedBeanFactory.newInstance(
            at com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate.createAndMaybeStoreManagedBeans(
            at com.sun.faces.el.VariableResolverImpl.resolveVariable(
            at com.sun.faces.el.impl.NamedValue.evaluate(
            at com.sun.faces.el.impl.ComplexValue.evaluate(
            at com.sun.faces.el.impl.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.evaluate(
            at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(
            at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(
            at com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl.createComponent(
            at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.createComponent(
            at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.createChild(
            at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.findComponent(
            at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentTag.doStartTag(
            at com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.PanelGridTag.doStartTag(
            at org.apache.jsp.jsp1_jsp._jspx_meth_h_panelGrid_0(
            at org.apache.jsp.jsp1_jsp._jspx_meth_h_form_0(
            at org.apache.jsp.jsp1_jsp._jspx_meth_f_view_0(
            at org.apache.jsp.jsp1_jsp._jspService(
            at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
            at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(

  • I was backing up my iPhone and importing photos onto iPhoto at the same time , then suddenly it says no more space available (i had 48GB before i do this and now i have 18GB) i can't find the back up or the photo anywhere , how can i delete them ?

    i was backing up my iPhone and importing photos onto iPhoto at the same time , then suddenly it says no more space available (i had 48GB before i do this and now i have 18GB) i can't find the back up or the photo anywhere , how can i delete them ? i dont need the pictures or the back ups , i want to delete them but they are not there

    Empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. If you use iPhoto, empty its internal Trash first:
    iPhoto ▹ Empty Trash
    Do the same in other applications, such as Aperture, that have an internal Trash feature. Then reboot. That will temporarily free up some space.
    According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of the data. There is little or no performance advantage to having more available space than the minimum Apple recommends. Available storage space that you'll never use is wasted space.
    When Time Machine backs up a portable Mac, some of the free space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of recently deleted files. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown asBackups. The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself. If you followed bad advice to disable local snapshots by running a shell command, you may have ended up with a lot of data in the Other category. Reboot and it should go away.
    See this support article for some simple ways to free up storage space.
    You can more effectively use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) to explore the volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can also delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one.
    Deleting files inside an iPhoto or Aperture library will corrupt the library. Any changes to a photo library must be made from within the application that created it. The same goes for Mail files.
    Proceed further only if the problem isn't solved by the above steps.
    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    If you have more than one user account, make sure you're logged in as an administrator. The administrator account is the one that was created automatically when you first set up the computer.
    Install ODS in the Applications folder as usual. Quit it if it's running.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    sudo /Applications/
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    The application window will open, eventually showing all files in all folders, sorted by size with the largest at the top. It may take a few minutes for ODS to finish scanning.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything while running ODS as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means. When in doubt, leave it alone or ask for guidance.
    When you're done with ODS, quit it and also quit Terminal.

  • How come I can't use the back gesture in certain apps with my magic mouse on certain applications in Lion OS?

    How come I can't use the back gesture with my magic mouse on certain applications in Lion? I figured out that in Safari i have to use a 1 finger swipe to go back a page instead of 2 fingers like i used to do in Snow Leopard. But apps like iTunes and iPhoto and i can't do that. Any ideas? is there a setting im missing to make this work? It works in Safari but not any other applications, so im assuming theres no setting for this. Just want to know if this is just a bug that will be fixed in the next update or if its something I can fix now. Any help would be appreciated because its kind of annoying. Other than this minor issue I love Lion. Full screen apps are unbelievable.

    I managed to compile open-vm-tools and the kernel module against 3.14.5 kernel.  Here is the tarball with the all the files.
    I still have an issue : With vmware-player 6.0.2, I can't acces my shared folder :
    root@P146S011b ~ # lsmod | grep hgfs
    vmhgfs 41622 0
    vmw_vmci 47960 2 vmw_vsock_vmci_transport,vmhgfs
    root@P146S011b ~ # vmware-hgfsclient
    root@P146S011b ~ # mount -t vmhgfs .host:/R /mnt
    Could not add entry to mtab, continuing
    root@P146S011b ~ # tail -1 /etc/mtab
    .host:/R /mnt vmhgfs rw,relatime 0 0
    root@P146S011b ~ # cd /mnt
    cd:cd:6: not a directory: /mnt
    1 root@P146S011b ~ #
    Forgot to add an install file with a depmod -a inside. You will have to run it by yourself

  • How can I upload the back-up folder into iWeb?

    How can I upload the back-up folder into iWeb?
    I've set up my website using iWeb 08, always keeping the latest version in iWeb and backing it up in a folder on my HD.
    Yesterday I got rid of the current design iWeb and tried to upload the back-up folder into the iWeb application. No success.
    How can I upload the back-up folder into iWeb? Many thanks for your help.

    Welcome to the discussions. Only iWeb's Domain file can be opened in iWeb. See this Apple doc on How to back up MobileMe data. It says:
    Any websites you have published with iWeb should still be available within iWeb. iWeb stores everything in a Domain file, normally located in the ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder (although it can be moved). If you no longer have this file, you can view your currently published pages and manually recreate them within iWeb, but there is no way to import published pages back into iWeb. You can manually back up the Domain file, or use Backup to back it up.
    Presumably you've been prudently making backups of your Mac's internal HD, so search there for the Domain file's invisible extension:
    If you can't find your old Domain file, paragraph 2.3 of this FAQ page gives some tips on how to use published files, graphics, photos, etc., to help rebuild the site from scratch:

  • How to get the value of a checkbox in the backing bean

    How to get the valaue of a checkbox in the backing bean?

    Hi this may help you for selecting single check box
    <h:outputText value="Enabled : "/>
                              <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{Bean.isEnabled}"/>                    
                              <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{Bean.submit}"/>
    private Boolean isEnabled;
        public Boolean getIsEnabled() {
            return isEnabled;
        public void setIsEnabled(Boolean isEnabled) {
            this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
        public String submit(){
            return isEnabled;
        }for selecting multiple check box
                              <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{Bean.items}">
                                  <f:selectItem itemLabel="one" itemValue="one" />
                                  <f:selectItem itemLabel="two" itemValue="two" />
                                  <f:selectItem itemLabel="three" itemValue="three" />
                   <h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{Bean.submit}"/>
    private List<String> items;
        public List<String> getItems() {
            return items;
        public void setItems(List<String> items) {
            this.items = items;
        public String submit(){
            System.out.println("List : " + this.items);
            return "done";
        }Hope this helps you

  • How to get a value for Select One Choice in the backing bean

    Does any one have any idea, how to get the value of a selected item value from the Select One Choice component in the backing bean iin valueChangeListener method. Right now I am always getting the sequence of the selected item, instead the actual selected value. I tried using 'ValuePassTrhough=true' also.. but didn't help
    Below is the my code snippet
    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{}"
    id="soc1" autoSubmit="true" valuePassThru="true"
    <f:selectItems value="#{}" id="si2"/>
    Thanks in advance.

    check my other post at Re: Pass data from a variable to another page

  • HT201328 I have paid Bell to unlock my old iphone4 and they have said it is now unlocked. Can I skip the back up and restore process and just buy another carriers sim card from my daugther Kodoo plan, install it and active the iphone4 on itunes account in

    I have paid Bell to unlock my old iphone4 and they have said it is now unlocked. Can I skip the back up and restore process and just buy another carriers sim card from my daugther Kodoo plan, install it and active the iphone4 on itunes account in her name?

    The process is as follows:
    Backup the phone, Erase it, connect to iTunes for the unlock process, then your iProfile can be restored.
    You can go ahead and get the SIM, bout you have to Erase the phone and connect to iTunes before it will be unlocked.

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