Can't put any podcast or music on ipod after updating itunes

Please help...I can't take anything off of my ipod nano or put anything on my nano since updating my itunes...Help...what do I do...I am sooo confused....
nano   Windows XP  

See Corrupt iPod classic for tips if the iPod isn't working as expected and contains media that isn't in your active library.
See Grouping tracks into albums for organizational tips.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Ephixi4,
    Welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines
    Have you tried this with an alternative SD card, as this may simply be that the SD card is not working correctly.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    Hi Darray123,
    If you are having issues moving music to your iPhone, you may find the following articles helpful:
    iOS: Syncing your data with iTunes
    Apple Support: Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    - Brenden

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    Go here:
    Read chapter one.

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    Do what Katrina says and that will most likely fix it.
    Usually, when this happens, it's because a new device has been added via USB, like even a thumb drive.
    When windows boots up, it assigns drive letters to the external devices. If it does it out of order from what it used to do, that effectively changes the location of your music files.
    So if you've added anything to your computer via a different USB port, try taking that out. Of course you'd have to reboot after that.
    But the permanent solution is what Katrina says, but you might need more detailed instructions on how to achieve what she says.
    Look at the XML file to see what the drive is supposed to be. Open My Computer and match it with what your external harddrive is. If they don't match, there's your answer.
    Once you fix that, your exclamation marks will disappear; you don't have to re-import or anything silly like that.

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    Hopefully you moved the entire iTunes Media (or iTunes Music) folder to a new path on your external drive. Copy your iTunes library folder out to the root of the external drive, e.g. X:\iTunes (where X: is your external drive), then move the media folder inside it. Hold down shift as you start iTUnes and keep holding untila asked to choose or create a library. Choose the library at X:\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl. Should all be good.
    Failing that, download and run my FindTracks script and point it at the new location of your media folder.

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    The video should be MPEG-4 or H.264 codecs.
    If it is it should work.

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    Backing up the iPhone to the computer won't transfer the music to it; to do that, you need to use the Transfer Purchases function. If you're looking for music already on the computer, search it for files with an extension of mp3, m4a, or m4p.

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    Hello Analogue guy living in wireless world,
    Thank you for providing the details of the issue you are experiencing when trying to sync your music to your iPod.
    I recommend trying to sync your music again using iTunes.  When you have your iPhone connected to iTunes, I recommend checking the Music tab to verify that Sync Music is checked.  From here, you will be able to select to sync your "Entire music library" or "Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres:"
    I recommend reviewing the full article here:
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Set up syncing for iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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