Can u help me with my apple account please??

Hey I'm tryin to update an app n it ask me to sigh in n dem send me to the account credit card n wen I'm tryin to download a free app it ask me if I want to buy it idk wats goin on please help me

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  • Can you help me with mouse pressed method please?

    can you help me with my problem please, player label doesn't show up in the applet and the draw string method it doesn't draw any strings like X or O for the game I don't know what is the problem maybe it is with MousePressed method which is in Board class. I tried to write the code of the location many times I'm not sure if the problem comes from there.
    there is no error in my code, but it doesn't work.
    this is class Board which has the mouseListener
    class Board extends JPanel  implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
        private JLabel playerlabel; 
         private boolean play;
         private boolean start;
        private int turn; 
        private Square squares[][];
      private Player myplayer[][];
         public Board()
              setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              playerlabel = new JLabel( "X player first" );
         //     playerlabel.setLocation(500,500);
              add( playerlabel );
              play = true;
              turn = 1;
             squares = new Square[3][3];
             myplayer = new Player[3][3];
             int x = 40;
              int y = 40;
              for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   x = 40;
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        Square s = new Square( x,y );
                        squares[i][j] = s;
                        x +=50;
                   y +=50;
          public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseExited( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mousePressed( MouseEvent event )
          {int xPos = event.getX();
                  int yPos = event.getY();
                    if(play && turn ==1){
                    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                        for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                             int x = squares[i][j].getX();
                             int y = squares[i][j].getY();
                             if(xPos> x && xPos<x+40&& yPos> y && yPos<y+40){
                                  if( squares[i][j].getOccupied() ==0 ){
                                       String ptext;
                                       ptext = "X";
                                       Player p = new Player(x, y,ptext);
                                       myplayer[i][j] = p;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "O Player Turn" );
                                       turn = 2;
                                       turn = 2;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "O Player Turn" );
              if ( play && turn ==2 )
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                        for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                             int x = squares[i][j].getX();
                             int y = squares[i][j].getY();
                             if(xPos> x && xPos<x+40&& yPos> y && yPos<y+40){
                                  if( squares[i][j].getOccupied() ==0 ){
                                       String ptext;
                                       ptext = "O";
                                       Player p = new Player(x, y,ptext);
                                       myplayer[i][j] = p;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "X Player Turn" );
                                       turn = 1;
                                       turn = 1;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "X Player Turn" );
          public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent event )
          public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent event )
         public void Win(){
              if(squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[0][1].getOccupied() &&squares[0][1].getOccupied()==squares[0][2].getOccupied() &&squares[0][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[1][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[2][0].getOccupied() == squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
                   if(squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[0][1].getOccupied() &&squares[0][1].getOccupied()==squares[0][2].getOccupied() &&squares[0][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[1][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[2][0].getOccupied() == squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              //Vertically win
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][0].getOccupied() &&squares[1][0].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][1].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][0].getOccupied() &&squares[1][0].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][1].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              //Diagonal win
                    if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
         }//end win
    public void setTurn(int t)
              turn = t;
              playerlabel.setText( "X Player Plays First" );
         public void paintComponent( Graphics g )
               super.paintComponent( g );
               this.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
                         g.drawRect( squares[i][j].getX(), squares[i][j].getY(), 50, 50 );     
               for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
            //End of paintComponent   
    }and this is the whole code of my program.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Player{
         private int xCoordinate;
         private int yCoordinate;
        private String playerText;
      public   Player(int x, int y, String t)
            playerText = t;
            xCoordinate = x;
            yCoordinate = y;
        public void draw(Graphics g)
               g.drawString(playerText,  xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
         public void SetText(String t)
         { playerText = t;
    }//end player
    class Square
         private int x;
         private int y;
         private int occupied;
         public Square(int x1, int y1)
              x = x1;
              y= y1;
              occupied = 0;
         public void setX(int x1)
              x = x1;
         public int getX()
              return x;
         public void setY(int y1)
              y = y1;
         public int getY()
              return y;
         public void setOccupied(int o)
              occupied = o;
         public int getOccupied()
              return occupied;
    public class TicTac extends JApplet implements ActionListener
    { private JPanel panel;
         private JButton newgame;
         private Board B;
         public void init()
              B = new Board();
              add( B, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              panel = new JPanel();
               newgame = new JButton( "New Game" );
               panel.add( newgame);
               add( panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH );
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ev)
               {     Object source = ev.getSource();
         if (source == newgame)
              B = new Board();
                   add( B, BorderLayout.CENTER );
            }//end class TicTac
    class Board extends JPanel  implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
        private JLabel playerlabel; 
         private boolean play;
         private boolean start;
        private int turn; 
        private Square squares[][];
      private Player myplayer[][];
         public Board()
              setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              playerlabel = new JLabel( "X player first" );
         //     playerlabel.setLocation(500,500);
              add( playerlabel );
              play = true;
              turn = 1;
             squares = new Square[3][3];
             myplayer = new Player[3][3];
             int x = 40;
              int y = 40;
              for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   x = 40;
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        Square s = new Square( x,y );
                        squares[i][j] = s;
                        x +=50;
                   y +=50;
          public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mouseExited( MouseEvent event ){}
          public void mousePressed( MouseEvent event )
          {int xPos = event.getX();
                  int yPos = event.getY();
                    if(play && turn ==1){
                    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                        for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                             int x = squares[i][j].getX();
                             int y = squares[i][j].getY();
                             if(xPos> x && xPos<x+40&& yPos> y && yPos<y+40){
                                  if( squares[i][j].getOccupied() ==0 ){
                                       String ptext;
                                       ptext = "X";
                                       Player p = new Player(x, y,ptext);
                                       myplayer[i][j] = p;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "O Player Turn" );
                                       turn = 2;
                                       turn = 2;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "O Player Turn" );
              if ( play && turn ==2 )
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                        for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                             int x = squares[i][j].getX();
                             int y = squares[i][j].getY();
                             if(xPos> x && xPos<x+40&& yPos> y && yPos<y+40){
                                  if( squares[i][j].getOccupied() ==0 ){
                                       String ptext;
                                       ptext = "O";
                                       Player p = new Player(x, y,ptext);
                                       myplayer[i][j] = p;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "X Player Turn" );
                                       turn = 1;
                                       turn = 1;
                                       playerlabel.setText( "X Player Turn" );
          public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent event )
          public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent event )
         public void Win(){
              if(squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[0][1].getOccupied() &&squares[0][1].getOccupied()==squares[0][2].getOccupied() &&squares[0][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[1][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[2][0].getOccupied() == squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
                   if(squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[0][1].getOccupied() &&squares[0][1].getOccupied()==squares[0][2].getOccupied() &&squares[0][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[1][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[2][0].getOccupied() == squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              //Vertically win
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][0].getOccupied() &&squares[1][0].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][1].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][0].getOccupied() &&squares[1][0].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][1].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][1].getOccupied() &&squares[2][1].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else      if(squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][2].getOccupied() &&squares[1][2].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              //Diagonal win
                    if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 1)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 1 X WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
               if (squares[0][0].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][2].getOccupied() &&squares[2][2].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
              else if (squares[0][2].getOccupied() == squares[1][1].getOccupied() &&squares[1][1].getOccupied()==squares[2][0].getOccupied() &&squares[2][0].getOccupied() == 2)
              {playerlabel.setText("Player 2 O WON THE GAME!");
              play =false;          }
         }//end win
    public void setTurn(int t)
              turn = t;
              playerlabel.setText( "X Player Plays First" );
         public void paintComponent( Graphics g )
               super.paintComponent( g );
               this.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
              for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
                        g.setColor( Color.BLACK );
                         g.drawRect( squares[i][j].getX(), squares[i][j].getY(), 50, 50 );     
               for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
                   for (int j=0; j<3; j++){
            //End of paintComponent   
            Edited by: mshadows on May 18, 2008 7:53 AM

    I was playing with this a little bit and came up with this game model, something that I'm sure can be improved upon greatly:
    an enum to encapsulate X vs O. I could use a boolean here since it has 2 states, but this seems more intuitive to me
    package dy08.m05.ttt;
    * tic tac toe encapsulation of X vs O
    * @author Pete
    public enum TttXO
        X, O
    encapsulates an individual cell in the tictactoe grid.
    package dy08.m05.ttt;
    * Tic Tac Toe Game cell
    * can be occupied or not
    * can hold TttXO X or O or null 
    * @author Pete
    public class TttCell
        private boolean occupied = false;
        private TttXO xo = null;
        public TttCell()
         * sets a Square for either x or o
         * @param TttXO
         * @return true if successful, false if already occupied
        public boolean setXO(TttXO xo)
            if (occupied)
                return false;
                occupied = true;
                this.xo = xo;
                return true;
        public void reset()
            occupied = false;
            xo = null;
        public boolean isOccupied()
            return occupied;
        public TttXO getXO()
            return xo;
        // used to test and debug the class
        public String toString()
            if (occupied)
                return xo.toString();
                return "-";
    package dy08.m05.ttt;
    * Tic Tac Toe game model
    * @author Pete
    public class TttGameModel
        private TttCell[][] cellGrid = new TttCell[3][3];
        private boolean xTurn = true;
        private boolean win = false;
        public TttGameModel()
            for (int i = 0; i < cellGrid.length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < cellGrid.length; j++)
    cellGrid[i][j] = new TttCell();
    public void reset()
    xTurn = true;
    win = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < cellGrid.length; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < cellGrid[i].length; j++)
    public boolean isXTurn()
    return xTurn;
    public boolean isWin()
    return win;
    * @param row
    * @param col
    * @return true if valid move, false if game already over or cell occupied
    public boolean takeTurn(int col, int row)
    TttXO currentXO = TttXO.O;
    TttCell cell = cellGrid[row][col];
    if (win)
    return false;
    if (cell.isOccupied())
    return false;
    if (xTurn)
    currentXO = TttXO.X;
    win = checkWin(col, row, currentXO);
    xTurn = !xTurn; // toggle xturn
    return true;
    public boolean checkWin(int col, int row, TttXO xo)
    boolean win = false;
    // first rows and columns
    boolean temp = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    temp &= cellGrid[row][i].getXO() == xo;
    win |= temp;
    temp = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    temp &= cellGrid[i][col].getXO() == xo;
    win |= temp;
    if (row == col) // if slash diagonal
    temp = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    temp &= cellGrid[i][i].getXO() == xo;
    win |= temp;
    if (row + col == 2) // if backslash diagonal
    temp = true;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    temp &= cellGrid[i][2 - i].getXO() == xo;
    win |= temp;
    return win;
    // used to test and debug the class
    public String toString()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < cellGrid.length; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < cellGrid[i].length; j++)
    sb.append(cellGrid[i][j] + " ");
    if (win)
    sb.append("win! Game over");
    sb.append("No winner yet");
    return sb.toString();
    // test the class
    public static void main(String[] args)
    TttGameModel model = new TttGameModel();
    checkMove(model, 0, 0);
    checkMove(model, 1, 0);
    checkMove(model, 1, 1);
    checkMove(model, 2, 0);
    checkMove(model, 1, 0); // bad move
    checkMove(model, 2, 2);
    // to test the class
    private static void checkMove(TttGameModel model, int i, int j)
    System.out.println("OK move: " + model.takeTurn(i, j));
    System.out.println(model + "\n");

  • Can someone help me with a user account problem?

    Hi everyone, I need help.
    Last night while working on my computer, I decided I wanted to change the name beside my little "house" icon -- in the left part of the finder window.
    Well, I changed it from allisonnagorski to allison and everything seemed to work fine. Then, I noticed my iDisk disappeared, so I decided to restart the computer to get it back because I was preparing to back up some info from my hard drive to iDisk.
    Anyway, when the computer restarted, the desktop was different and none of my programs (iCal, Address Book, Mail, iTunes, Quicken, etc.) were as they usually are -- they were all "brand new," if you will.
    So, my immediate thought was that I logged in as a new user. Also, I'm the only user/administrator, but thought maybe by changing my name, I created a new user. So, I logged out and tried to log in as the other user, but there was no other user.
    I looked at Apple's help and even went into the account preferences in system preferences, but couldn't fix the problem. The long name was allison, but the short name was still allisonnagorski. I am still listed as administrator, too.
    The funny thing is that all my data is not lost. I can see it in the users folder in my hard drive, but I don't know how to get it back into my applications.
    Could someone PLEASE help me with this? I'm crippled because I can't access my everday programs.

    Hi Allison,
    Welcome to the forum.
    Follow the step by step instructions in this Apple KB Document and all will be well again:

  • I Can sign in to  I'd Apple account , please what the problem ?

    Dear sir
                I have difficulties to access my I'd Apple account
    Even every things is correct the I'D and password.
    Pleas help to solve that problem to allow me to benefit
    And purchase from App store

    The password prompt is supplied by the operating system, and is intended to protect you from accidentally installing software.  You will get this prompt for any installation outside the App Store context.
    If you do not need to enter a username or password when starting your computer, you can probably just leave the password field blank when acknowledging this prompt.

  • Can you help me with an jsp execption please?

    Could you please try to help me with this code
    that brings me an exception?
    this is the jsp page :
    <%@ page import="*,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.ServletInputStream" %>
    <%@ page import="," %>
        String savePath = "", filepath = "", filename = "";
        String contentType = "", fileData = "", strLocalFileName = "";
        int startPos = 0;
        int endPos = 0;
        temp data buffer
        void copyByte(byte [] fromBytes, byte [] toBytes, int start, int len){
           for(int i=start;i<(start+len);i++)
              toBytes[i - start] = fromBytes;
    int BOF = 0, EOF = 0;
    contentType = request.getContentType();
    out.println("<br>Content type is :: " +contentType);
    if ((contentType != null) && (contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0)) {
         DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
         DataInputStream in1 = in;
         int formDataLength = request.getContentLength();
         byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
         int byteRead = 0;
         int totalBytesRead = 0;
         while (totalBytesRead < formDataLength){     
              byteRead =, totalBytesRead, formDataLength);
              totalBytesRead += byteRead;
         out.println("<br>totalBytesRead : " + totalBytesRead + " : formDataLength = " + formDataLength);
         byte[] line = new byte[128];
         if (totalBytesRead < 3){
         return;     //exit if file length is not sufficiently large
         String boundary = "";
         String s = "";
         int count = 0;          
         int pos = 0;
         copyByte(dataBytes, line, count ,1);     //read 1 byte at a time
         s = new String(line, 0, 1);
         fileData = fileData + s;
         pos = fileData.indexOf("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); //set the file name
         if(pos != -1)
         endPos = pos;
         }while(pos == -1);
         boundary = fileData.substring(startPos, endPos);
         startPos = endPos;
         copyByte(dataBytes, line, count ,1);     //read 1 byte at a time
         s = new String(line, 0, 1);
         fileData = fileData + s;
         pos = fileData.indexOf("filename=\"", startPos); //set the file name
         if(pos != -1)
    startPos = pos;
         }while(pos == -1);                         
         copyByte(dataBytes, line, count ,1);     //read 1 byte at a time
         s = new String(line, 0, 1);
         fileData = fileData + s;
         pos = fileData.indexOf("Content-Type: ", startPos);
         if(pos != -1)
              endPos = pos;                              
         }while(pos == -1);
         filename = fileData.substring(startPos + 10, endPos - 3);     //to eliminate " from start & end
         strLocalFileName = filename;
         int index = filename.lastIndexOf("\\");
         if(index != -1)
         filename = filename.substring(index + 1);
         filename = filename;
         boolean blnNewlnFlag = false;
         startPos = endPos;     //added length of "Content-Type: "
         copyByte(dataBytes, line, count ,1);     //read 1 byte at a time
         s = new String(line, 0, 1);
         fileData = fileData + s;               
         pos = fileData.indexOf("\n", startPos);
         if(pos != -1){
              if(blnNewlnFlag == true)
                   endPos = pos;                         
              blnNewlnFlag = true;
              pos = -1;
         }while(pos == -1);
    contentType = fileData.substring(startPos + 14, endPos);
         startPos = count + 1;
         copyByte(dataBytes, line, count ,1);     //read 1 byte at a time
         s = new String(line, 0, 1);
         fileData = fileData + s;
         pos = fileData.indexOf(boundary, startPos);     //check for end of file data i.e boundry value               
         }while(pos == -1);
         endPos = count - boundary.length();
         out.println("<br><br>0. Local File Name = " + strLocalFileName);
         out.println("<br><br>1. filename = " + filename);
         out.println("<br>2. contentType = " + contentType);
         out.println("<br>3. startPos = " + startPos);
         out.println("<br>4. endPos = " + endPos);
         out.println("<br>5. boundary = " + boundary);
         String appPath = application.getRealPath("/");
         out.println("<br>appPath : " + appPath);
         String destFolder = appPath + "images/";
    String name = request.getParameter("signinName").trim();
    String email = request.getParameter("signinEmail").trim();
    String age = request.getParameter("signinAge").trim();
    String passwd = request.getParameter("signinPassword").trim();
    String profile = request.getParameter("signinProfile").trim();
    String type = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
         filename = destFolder + name + type;
         fileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(filename);
         fileOut.write(dataBytes, startPos, (endPos - startPos));
         out.println("<br>File saved as >> " + filename);
         else {
              out.println("Error in uploading ");
    this is the exception:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NullPointerException
    root cause
         com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.grizzly.ReadTask.doTask( a lot !!

    root cause
         org.apache.jsp.uploadFile_jsp._jspService( variable is getting null value debug it.
    Best way is to start putting System.out's ....
    System.out.println("Step ############1");
    Put the incremental numbering between several code blocks. Check the log output. You will surely be able to find out till what point ur code is Ok.

  • Can anyone help me with my Apple ID account ?

    I Want to buy an album and I put $15 on my account but it asks me security questions and I can't answer them for the life of me and beyond that I don't remember my recovery account too ! 

    You need to ask Apple to reset your security questions; this can be done by clicking here and picking a method, or if your country isn't listed, filling out and submitting this form.
    They wouldn't be security questions if they could be bypassed without Apple verifying your identity.

  • HT2589 Hello, what can I do if with my apple account seas that it has been desable, I all ready changed my password twice and I can rent a movie with the apple tv and redeem some cards. Could you tell me what should I do please???

    Hello, I try to used my account last Sunday, April the 29th, I had to changed the password because the institutions tall me that my account was disabled so I follow the instructions and the apple TV keeps on tell in me that the account has been disabled.
    Also I try to enter with the computer with the I tunes account and it goes trow but If a try to redeem a card it seas that the account is disabled as well.
    Can you let me know what should I do??
    Rosa Maria

    Contact itunes support

  • Can you help me with this problem? Please!

    I had just created this program that calculates the amount due from an international phone call. and I was wondering what I can do to get the program to execute when the user inputs let's say 3min and some amount of seconds. The program works when the number of minutes the call lasted is an integer, but it does not when the number of minutes the call lasted is lets say 4min30sec. Is there anyway I can get my program to execute both minutes and seconds? Help is very appreciated.
    Here's the program:
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class PhoneCallBilling_Lab4
         static BufferedReader keyboard = new
         BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         //Named constants
    static final double CONNECTION_FEE = 1.99;
    static final double FIRST_THREE_MIN_FEE = 2.00;
    static final double COST_OF_EACH_ADDITIONAL_MIN = 0.45;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
         //Variable declaration
    int noOfMinCallLasted;
    double amountDue;
    DecimalFormat twoDigits =
    new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    System.out.println("This program computes an international phone call.");
    System.out.print("Enter the number of minutes the call lasted: ");
    noOfMinCallLasted =
    if (noOfMinCallLasted<= 3)
         amountDue = CONNECTION_FEE +
    amountDue = CONNECTION_FEE +
    (noOfMinCallLasted - 3) * COST_OF_EACH_ADDITIONAL_MIN;
    System.out.println("The number of minutes the call lasted was "
              + noOfMinCallLasted);
    System.out.println("Amount due = $"
    + twoDigits.format(amountDue));

    How about converting the minutes to seconds and doing
    your calulations all in seconds?ok. I am going to try that but don't you think that it would be quite cumbersome if I was to have someone actually input information. They would have to go through the entire process of trying to figure out how many minutes is in a second and all of the other problems that may occur. If I didnt have to consider all possibilities when executing this program I could leave it as is. However, I have to. And the problem states that we (as in students) have to get the user to input the number of minutes and seconds and the program has to execute.

  • Can anyone help me with Error -3259? PLEASE :((

    Re: My home button isn't working well so i went to my service provider to ask about the problem. They advised me to update my iPhone to iOS 5 but the problem is no matter what i do, there is always an error. What should I do?
    my home button isn't working well so i went to my service prodiver to ask about the problem. They advised me to update my iPhone 4.2.1 software to iOS 5.1, since there is a setting that i can use where i just have to touch my screen to go to the home screen, or somewhat like that. but i have been trying to update my software to iOS 5.1, but Erroe -3259 always occurs. and now, i tried the advised of some in the community, still it won't work. for the nth time. i don't know what to do already, i cant use my iPhone 4 because of the home screen button. is there any other way to solve this problem? please. thank you.

    the only way I found was to map other buttons to cover for the iphone's home button, I was using a friends iphone for a while as he always like me to test stuff out so he can then use me as free tech support and now I'm herer XD
    anyway after checking with him I had to Jailbrea his phone and installed activator, then using that I was  able to get the home fuction when both volume buttons were pressed.
    1. You need to jailbreak first don't worry not as scary as it sounds in fact quite easy, download a program redsn0w, ( ) once you run  it you need to put your phone into DFU mode, make sure itunes is closed before trying this.
    2. (1. turn off iphone while plugged into computer, then hold the sleep button count to three 2. then hold the home button whiile still holding the sleep button, count to 10 3. release the sleep button but keep home button,) you phone should now be in DFU mode, while in this mode run redsn0w it will guide you through the process.
    3. Once jailbroken you will find a new icon cydia on the springboard (homescreen) press on it and it'll as what kind of person you are, I sugggest user for first time. then it'll close just restart and it'll show you a normal screen, down in bottom right is the serch tab, tap that and it'll bring up search, tap "Activator", tap on the activator at the top of the list then tap install and comfirm
    4. once installed you'll find a new option called activator, tap it to open it here you can map and command to button's, I suggest tapping anywhere then scroll down to Volume button's->both press->home button
    5. then you can ust press both volume button's anytime and it'll response just like home button, even if you double press, doesn't work as a hold so can use voice control but it'll work for everthing else and even still work as volume buttons

  • Can someonr help me with this.. PLEASE

    Hi to all
    I have an xml Question .
    I find that if the nodes are not all filled in then i get the error
    If all the nodes are filled in it runs fine. Why is this ? Am I missing somthing
    Please if you can explane to what I am doing wrong
    this is the code to save.
    void SavejButton_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    xmlDoc = new XMLDoc("EPOD_USER");
    Node userConfig = xmlDoc.addNode(xmlDoc.getRootNode(),"USER_CONFIGURATION");
    //Compant Infomation
    Node company =xmlDoc.addNode(userConfig,"COMPANY_INFOMATION");
    xmlDoc.addNode(company,"COMPANY_NAME", SetupCompanyNameJText.getText());
    xmlDoc.addNode(company,"COMPANY_TYPE", (String) CompanyTypejComboBox.getSelectedItem());
    //Company Phones
    Node contact = xmlDoc.addNode(userConfig,"COMPANY_PHONES");
    xmlDoc.addNode(contact,"PHONE_1", SetupPhWork1jText.getText());
    xmlDoc.addNode(contact,"PHONE_2", SetupPhWork2JText.getText());
    xmlDoc.addNode(contact,"FAX", FaxjTextField.getText());
    xmlDoc.saveToFile("EPOD" +".xml");
    catch (IllegalNodeAddException inae)
    // System.out.println(xmlDoc);
    Code to bring it back .
    public void setUserConfig(){
    xmlDoc = new XMLDoc();
    catch ( NodeNotFoundException nnfe)

    well, if this SetupPhWork1jText.getText() is null, then you try adding a null node and it explodes...

  • My iphone 4s is deactivated, the phone is asking for my account and password but i forgot my apple id password. and i can't reset it. can someone help me with my problem? thanks.

    I have an iPhone 4s and it is now deactivated. the phone is asking for my apple account and password. but i have forgotten my password. i tried to reset it on, and when i entered my apple id the next thing that appeared on screen is that i have to chose either email verification or security questions. then i click the security question then it asked about my birthday. there where only asking the month and day. then i entered my birthday which is March 8.
    so can somebody help me with this problem?
    my apple id account is "[email protected]"
    thanks in advance!

    The email you should NOT have published, is your iCloud, not Apple ID
    You Apple ID is a valid email address
    This is a user forum, not Apple customer service.
    I gather the security question did not work.
    If you have an email address, why not use that?
    If this fails you have to contact support and schedule help.

  • TS3276 I am not able to Mobile Me email account to connect with iCloud or my Apple Mail program. Don't know if my settings are correct or not. Can anyone help me with this please?

    I am not able to Mobile Me email account to connect with iCloud or my Apple Mail program. Don't know if my settings are correct or not. Can anyone help me with this please?
    If you want to mirror your desktop, see:

  • Can anyone help me with Magicjack? after I purchased US number I am unable to log in on my Iphone, I keep getting an error "YOUR DEVICE IS NOT ON THIS ACCOUNT" I contacted MJ support but they are very much useless and dont know how to fix it!

    can anyone help me with Magicjack? after I purchased US number I am unable to log in on my Iphone, I keep getting an error "YOUR DEVICE IS NOT ON THIS ACCOUNT" I contacted MJ support but they are very much useless and dont know how to fix it!

    There's a whole lot to read in your post, and frankly I have not read it all.
    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
    In particular, pay attention to the mobile device support sections near the bottom, assuming you have already done the items above it.

  • Hi, someone can help me with mi Apple ID? I can't buy anything because I can't remember my answers! :(

    Hi, someone here would like help me with my Apple ID, I can't buy anything because I can't remember my answers. I really need help :( thanks a lot!

    You need to contact Apple. Click here, phone them, and ask for the Account Security team, or fill out and submit this form.

  • Why can't I send i-message and use facetime with my iphone 4s(BTW, there is nothing wrong with my apple account))

    Why can't I send i-message and use facetime with my iphone 4s(BTW, there is nothing wrong with my apple account))
    It functioned well originally, but a month ago I could not use facetime and send i-message anymore. I think there is nothing wrong with my apple ID because I can still download apps in apple store.

    Try turning both iMessages and Facetime off in SETTINGS then re-enable iMessages and then Facetime. See if that helps.

Maybe you are looking for

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