Can we access the webview elements??

  I have 2 textfield on a webview and want to set the value for these two textfields while automating the apps using instruments tool. How can I do that??

You probably would be better off asking questions like this in Apple's developer forums. Most of the people here are just ordinary users, not programmers.
Best of luck.

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  • Can we access the webview elements while doing automation test??

    I have 2 textfield on a webview and want to set the value for these two textfields while automating the apps using instruments tool. How can I do that??

    You probably would be better off asking questions like this in Apple's developer forums. Most of the people here are just ordinary users, not programmers.
    Best of luck.

  • How can I access the selected element of a DropDownByIndex-box?

    I want to create a WebDynpro with two web services. I created the first request with the first web service and the results are displayed in a DropDownByIndex-Box. Now the user should choose one of the results and I would like to use this for the request with my second web service. How can I access the selected Element of a DropDownByIndexBox in the Code?
    Thank you!!

    Hi Julia,
    when user select one element in drop down it automatically set lead selection of node binded to dropdown.
    For example if you bind a dropdown to node myNode with value attribute myAttribute the lead selection of node myNode is set in the position of element choose from user.
    So to take this chooised element use this code:

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    Let me know if you have an solution to my question."
    Attachments: ‏24 KB

    You need to do a recursion. If the reference you get from the array "controls[]" if of type cluster, then you have to loop through recursively.
    Openg toolkit has variant tools that might be of some help to you (
    Good luck
    Got EasyXML?

  • How can I access the sub elements of the Nested Cluster

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    Let me know if you have an solution to my question.
    Attachments: ‏24 KB

    I suggest posting this question on the LabVIEW forum. This is the Measurement Studio for Visual Basic forum and there are not nearly as many LabVIEW experts that monitor this forum as the LabVIEW forum.
    - Elton

  • I downloaded 11.1 but now can't access the store, can only view my library. I've reinstalled but still get a blank, white screen when I try to go to the itunes store. How can I get to the store for purchases?

    I downloaded 11.1 but now can't access the store, can only view my library. I've reinstalled but still get a blank, white screen when I try to go to the itunes store. How can I get to the store for purchases?

    In iTunes prefs>Store - is the Store check box unchecked?
    Did you repair pemissions with Disk Utility?

  • Can not access the Instance Data of a Singleton class from MBean

    I am working against the deadline and i am sweating now. From past few days i have been working on a problem and now its the time to shout out.
    I have an application (let's call it "APP") and i have a "PerformanceStatistics" MBean written for APP. I also have a Singleton Data class (let's call it "SDATA") which provides some data for the MBean to access and calculate some application runtime stuff. Thus during the application startup and then in the application lifecysle, i will be adding data to the SDATA instance.So, this SDATA instance always has the data.
    Now, the problem is that i am not able to access any of the data or data structures from the PerformanceStatistics MBean. if i check the data structures when i am adding the data, all the structures contains data. But when i call this singleton instance from the MBean, am kind of having the empty data.
    Can anyone explain or have hints on what's happening ? Any help will be appreciated.
    I tried all sorts of DATA class being final and all methods being synchronized, static, ect.,, just to make sure. But no luck till now.
    Another unfortunate thing is that, i some times get different "ServicePerformanceData " instances (i.e. when i print the ServicePerformanceData.getInstance() they are different at different times). Not sure whats happening. I am running this application in WebLogic server and using the JConsole.
    Please see the detailed problem at @
    I see related problems but no real solutions. Appreciate if anyone can throw in ideas.

    I am working against the deadline and i am sweating now. From past few days i have been working on a problem and now its the time to shout out.
    I have an application (let's call it "APP") and i have a "PerformanceStatistics" MBean written for APP. I also have a Singleton Data class (let's call it "SDATA") which provides some data for the MBean to access and calculate some application runtime stuff. Thus during the application startup and then in the application lifecysle, i will be adding data to the SDATA instance.So, this SDATA instance always has the data.
    Now, the problem is that i am not able to access any of the data or data structures from the PerformanceStatistics MBean. if i check the data structures when i am adding the data, all the structures contains data. But when i call this singleton instance from the MBean, am kind of having the empty data.
    Can anyone explain or have hints on what's happening ? Any help will be appreciated.
    I tried all sorts of DATA class being final and all methods being synchronized, static, ect.,, just to make sure. But no luck till now.
    Another unfortunate thing is that, i some times get different "ServicePerformanceData " instances (i.e. when i print the ServicePerformanceData.getInstance() they are different at different times). Not sure whats happening. I am running this application in WebLogic server and using the JConsole.
    Please see the detailed problem at @
    I see related problems but no real solutions. Appreciate if anyone can throw in ideas.

  • Dear apple, I am really dissapointed with you. Around January 2013, my iPhone 4s 16GB White has hardware issues, which was the Wi-Fi grey out. The wifi grey out means that I can't access the wifi on/off button, and also it has no connection. I have put up

    Dear apple, I am really dissapointed with you. Around January 2013, my iPhone 4s 16GB White has hardware issues, which was the Wi-Fi grey out. The wifi grey out means that I can't access the wifi on/off button, and also it has no connection. I have put up with it for months, until june 7 when I decided it has been long enough, and I got a replacement. I told the genius bar what happened, and I already did the so called "steps" that apple reccommended on the site, which was reset network settings, restore iPhone. The genius bar gave me a replacement phone, so I was expecting that the problem would be over, but it isn't. It seems that it's iOS 6.1.3 which is the case of most public complaints on apple iPhone products. Not even 3 weeks after I got the phone replaced, it is doing it again, so I suspect I'm just going to get a replacement again? Unfortunately I only have until 5th of july 2013 until my 1 year warranty is up. After that, any issue I have, I have to purchase apple care. People are expecting this problem to be fixed but I don't see it being solved any time soon. This is horrible and really low, because I have been a good customer, when I talk to the people at the genius bar, I show the utmost respect I can to them for the work they put into their job, but somewhere there is a problem where something has gone wrong. Because of that, people that only have a one year warranty (which i received because I purchased my apple iPhone at an Optus outlet, once that one year warranty is up, I have to pay for a problem that isn't even my fault? That isn't how it should work, you should be fixing this problem so people can be happy customers and leave happy. Obviously you don't all know how to do your jobs, because if you did, we wouldn't have this problem. I would like a replacement phone, ONCE AGAIN. If this problem occurs again, I will simply stop buying your products, and lose faith in your company, your's sincerely, Jack Maher.

    This is a user to user help forum only. You are not addressing Apple here.
    My iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, and iPad 2 are running 6.1.3 with no such problem and the same with the overwhelming majority of iOS devices running 6.1.3.

  • How can I access the Attribute Values from the Search Region

    Hi all,
    I have a table which contains Company id, department id, and PositonId. For a particular Company and Department there may be multiple records.
    I have to pupulate a table which contains the position and other details that comes under a particular Department and Position based on the selection in the Three comboBoxes.
    Also I have to populate a select many Shuttle to add new postions and records under a particular Department.
    I created a query panel *(Search Region)* for the serch and a table to display the data. That is working fine.
    Now the issue is I am using a view criteria to populate the shuttle with two bind variables ie, DepartmentId and CompanyId.
    If the serach will return a resuktant set in the table it will also pupulate the correct records, otherwise ie, if the if the serch result is empty the corresponding iterator and the attribute is setting as null.
    SO I want to access the attribute values from the Search Region itsef to populate the shuttle.
    I don't know how can I access the data from the Search Region.
    Please Help.

    you could access the parameters entered in search region by the user as follows:
    You can get handle to the value entered by the user using queryListener method in af:query.
    You can intercept the values entered as described
    public void onQueryList(QueryEvent queryEvent) {
    // The generated QueryListener replaced by this method
    QueryDescriptor qdes = queryEvent.getDescriptor();
    //get the name of the QueryCriteria
    System.out.println("NAME "+qdes.getName());
    List<Criterion> searchList = qdes.getConjunctionCriterion().getCriterionList();
    for ( Criterion c : searchList) {
    if (c instanceof AttributeCriterion ) {
    AttributeCriterion a = (AttributeCriterion) c;
    for ( Object o : a.getValues()){
    //call default Query Event
    public void onQueryTable(QueryEvent queryEvent) {
    // The generated QueryListener replaced by this method
    QueryDescriptor qdes = queryEvent.getDescriptor();
    //get the name of the QueryCriteria
    System.out.println("NAME "+qdes.getName());
    private void invokeQueryEventMethodExpression(String expression, QueryEvent queryEvent){
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ELContext elctx = fctx.getELContext();
    ExpressionFactory efactory = fctx.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
    MethodExpression me = efactory.createMethodExpression(elctx,expression, Object.class, new Class[]{QueryEvent.class});
    me.invoke(elctx, new Object[]{queryEvent});

  • I have a problem with Mail on my Macbook Pro. It is configurated with a gmail account, and now I can't access the mail. Is it possible to reboot the account or..? Please help:)

    I have a problem with Mail on my Macbook Pro. It is configurated with a gmail account, and now I can't access the mail. Is it possible to reboot the account or..? Please help:)

    The question mark means the computer cannot find a bootable volumes so can;t do anything, That, combined with annoying sounds, strongly suggests a failed hard drive.
    You can ask a "genius" at an Apple Rtail Store to test it but I'm pretty sure the drive is kaput. I'm hoping you had your data backed up.

  • Can not access the media card files Blackberry 8310 - HELP

    Can not access the media card files Blackberry 8310.
     I had a battery drain problem. The unit would only last 16 hours before completely drained. Purchased a new battery with the same result. I figured that I should try a complete reset so I did a hard wipe. Once that was done and I loaded the unit back up and returned online, the battery drain problem was resolved but now I can not access the media card.
     Here are the messages:
     “A media card has been inserted that contains encrypted content which will be unaccessible by this device”
     I can see the files. I have transferred them to my PC via the SD card but I can not open them. Here are the settings:
     Media card support – ON
    Encryption Mode: - Security Password & Device
    Encrypt Media Files – YES
    Mass Storage Mode Support – OFF
     Please note – I can not change the encryption mode since it is set by policy
     Security Options – General Settings – Content Protection – Disabled
     The version of Desktop Manage I am using is When I try to use the Media Manager to move the files, I get an error message and can’t move the file. If I access the file on the card and try to display it, I get:
     Unable to display file /media card/ pictures/ing000000xx.jpg.rem
     Here is what I have tried (from the advice on this board):
     1)     Read the files directly off the media card – No good
    2)     Create a “new” folder on the media card and move a file into it then try to read it – No good
    3)     Email the file then read it – No good
    4)     Reset Encryption mode to off then try – Can’t do it – IT Policy setting
    5)     Be sure that the password was set the same as before the wipe (setting is password & device) – Can’t do it – The Blackberry prevents me from using an old password.
     So I think I can’t read the files because I can’t replicate the encryption key. Could that be right? My problem is that I do not understand why this would be the case. It is still the same device and since it knows what the old password was (because it would prevent me from using it again), why would it not generate a key to access the files?
     All I am trying to get off the card are pictures on my 6 year old … some are priceless. Can someone help me do this? One would think that this should not be this hard but from all the postings I have found, it seems that it is. And yes, shame on me for not moving the files before I did the reset (THAT will never happen again!) but this being unrecoverable is unconscionable given how many seem to find themselves in this situation.
     Thanks for any help you can offer!

    Not sure why you couldn't see them using mass storage mode. Did you have the pics stored on your media card? Try going to media-menu-explore-media card-blackberry-pictures See what the extension is on your pics. If any have the extension such as .jpg.rem they are encrypted.
    Please remember to "Accept as Solution" the post which solved your thread. If I or someone else have helped you, please tell us you "Like" what we had to say at the bottom right of the post.

  • Can't access the music on my iPod, iTunes freezes up

    Hello out there, I have a problem with my fifth generation 30 GB iPod video. It has worked like a dream until yesterday. I plugged my iPod into my computer (HP laptop running Windows Vista) and it showed up in iTunes as usual. I dragged three albums onto my iPod and it did the usual routine of updating. When it was done I clicked the eject symbol in the iTunes menu and waited for the battery to show on the iPod screen before disconnecting. I turned on the iPod to listen to these new tunes and now my iPod appears to be blank. Under artists, albums, songs, etc there are no longer any options.
    Okay, I have the day off from work so I figure I'll just sync it back up and put all 30 gigs back on. I plug the iPod in, iTunes opens automatically, and then freezes. After unplugging the iPod itunes resumes working. I try this several more times, restart the computer, restart the iPod, etc and it keeps doing the same thing.
    Frustrated (as this happened once before with a much older iPod several years ago) I headed over to these forums. From looking around I saw the five R's that are always suggested. After reseting, retrying, and restarting, the problem still persists: I can't access the music on my ipod, and itunes freezes.
    I then updated to the newest version of itunes. This also did nothing to solve the problem. I want to attempt to restore my ipod, unfortunately this is not possible because I can't access the iPod options through itunes because it freezes as soon as the ipod is attached to the computer.
    After reading several threads on these support forums I stumbled on this one: ( in which a user recommends downloading an alternative iPod manager. I followed the link in that thread and settled on a program called poddox, hoping I could just throw all my music back onto my iPod with it. So I again plugged in my ipod, waited for itunes to freeze, closed it as it was not responding, and opened podox. Podox reported that all of my music is still on the iPod (it says there is less than 200 megs of space available).
    Unfortunately poddox won't work for me either. Upon attempting to use it to remove all the data on my ipod my computer crashed and restarted. This is strange because although itunes freezes when the ipod is plugged in, it still appears as a removable disk in windows.
    I returned to the apple website and downloaded and older, seperate ipod updater software from 2006. I installed the software and it restarted my computer. When I ran the ipod updater I received a message informing me that this software was no longer supported and that if i wanted to update my ipod's software or restore it I should just do it through itunes v.7 or later. The program then quits, and I have no choice.
    I'm about ready to pull my hair out here. What can I do? It seems like a real catch 22 in that I need to restore my ipod for itunes to recognize it but i can't restore it because itunes doesn't recognize it. From what I gather there is no way to restore it without using itunes, is this accurate? What can I do to either delete all the data on my pod and reload it, or make it appear again in my ipod's menu/interface? Any help you guys can give is greatly appreciated, I will be monitoring the responses to this thread in case anyone should need more information from me. Thanks again.

    right, figured it out. had to put it in disk mode, then reconnect, then it was recognized, then i restored and put everything back onto it. hope this helps anyone else who has a similar problem

  • Can't access the "Apple" icon in upper main menu to shutdown my MacBook Pro running 10.6.8!  Also can't open a new finder window and main menus such as File and Edit are sluggish to open or don't open at all.  Doesn't happen each time I attempt to shutdow

    Can't access the "Apple" icon in upper main menu to shutdown my MacBook Pro running 10.6.8!  Also can't open a new finder window and main menus such as File and Edit are sluggish to open or don't open at all.  Doesn't happen each time I attempt to shutdowCan't

    There are some keyboard commands (shortcuts) you can use instead of having to go to the Apple menu -
    Control-Eject          This brings up the Restart-Sleep-Cancel-Shutdown window.
    Command-Option-Eject          This puts the machine to sleep.
    Command-Control-Eject          This closes all apps and restarts the machine.
    Command-Option-Control-Eject          This closes all apps and shuts the machine down.

  • My iPod was made on Windows, now I have a Mac and can't access the music on the iPod to carry over to new iTunes. What to do?

    I am unsure whether it can be reformatted? On the summary when I plug in the ipod (pretty sure it's a nano 4th gen) it shows the format as Windows. However now I have a Mac, I can't access the music library on the ipod, and I'm not game to try 'export' as I don't know what it will do, and I won't sync as I will lose that music library. I am thinking of making an appointment to see the Apple staff at the shop but I'm not sure if I will need to get a new ipod in the end??

    Hello Colley Man,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities. 
    One of our experienced users posted this "how to" expaining how to sync your iPod to a new computer.
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "cra... | Apple Support Communities
    Jeff D. 

  • I was given an older ipod as a gift and want to load the songs into my computer, but it says that I can not access the sync feature.  I registered for an Apple ID and when I tried it won't let me register.

    When I was given the iPod it had a GREAT load of songs already on it. (That was part of the whole "gift" thing.)  I want to sync it and create playlists in my own library and copy the songs to my computer's library too.  I applied for an Apple ID, and find that this is so old that eventhough it was NEVER registered it is listed under a weird username and won't let me register as the new owner to access the music and sync.  What do I do?  It is an older version (I'm assuming) with 80G and only 25 have been used.  I can't access the music already loaded and don't want to lose the mp3 files I have in my existing library now too. 
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Not sure if this helps:-
    The music files, were they bought from your iTunes account or did someone gift them to you after buying from the iTunes account? If they are yours you can download them again if you clear or de-authorise the ipod, it has to be done by whoever gave you the ipod to do this (the registered  owner). If they were bought for you on another itunes account I don't think Apple let you use them as they are copyrighted and they don't belong to you, they belong to the person who bought them. If the music files where ripped from music cd's then click and drag them to a new folder on your desktop and have the person who gave you the ipod to de-authorise and unregister it. Then you re register it and put your files back from your desktop folder in your iTunes folder and synch. Hopefully that would work.  Any files which you did not buy, I would not know how get around this, best bet is to take it to you nearest Apple  Store and explain that they were gifted to you and ask how you can use them.  The best way to gift music files is to buy the gift tokens and give these. Hope above helps.

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