Can we combine cube at multiprovider if we use different dates

i have added document created date (AUDAT) 0doc_date in sales order cube.
If I use
sales orders cube-   VBAK-AUDAT              document created date (0DOC_DATE),
Delivery cube-          LIPS- WADAT_IST      GI date (0ACT_GI_DTE) and
Billing cube -            VBRK- FKDAT             billing date (0BILL_DATE).
I want to combine all the cubes at multi provder level.
I want to see net price (from billing) for the sales orders (from Sales orders). If I use different dates fro thse cubes.
Will I get correct results????

the join would be on the same infoobjects and not on the data field..
You would be able to see related data only if the info objects selected all are present in the required infoproviders..
One more way to check the same is to execute the query in RSRT and see the SQL query being generated..
Assign points if useful

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    Hi Arunava,
    Combination of two fields can be done at Excel level where we will not get the drill down. We can rather use use an object which is compunded for the two names and then add them in the cube. we can achieve the functionality of drill down on the report level.
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    Hi Dan,
    You can add new cube with out any issues.
    But removing you need to be bit careful. If certain characteristics already used queries and those characteristics only available in this particular cube, then you can not remove.
    I suggest, add new cube to multiprovider and restrict queries globally(Filters) for required cubes.
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    Enviado do Email do Windows
    De: Sara.Forsberg
    Enviado: terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2014 14:59
    Para: Eu
    How can I combine different pdf files in one?
    created by Sara.Forsberg in Adobe PDF Pack - View the full discussion 
    Hi Flávia,
    Adobe PDF Pack is an online subscription--it definitely allows you to combine several files into one PDF file. For more information about PDF Pack, see Reliably Create PDFs, Convert PDFs, & Merge PDFs Online | Adobe PDF Pack. If you don't have the full version of Acrobat, this is a great solution for combining PDF files.
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    Make any changes necessary in the Insert Pages dialog box--these settings determine where the new file will be inserted.
    Click OK.
    Please let me know how it goes.
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