Can we have try/catch in a static block in a class?

hi All
i have a question about put a try/catch block in a static block in a class to catch exceptions that maybe thrown from using System.xxxx(). in my custom class, i have a static block to initialize some variables using in case of any error/exception, i need to be able to catch it and let the caller know about it. i tried to put a try/catch block in the static block, and tried to rethrow the exception. but it is not allowed, how would i handle situation like this? thanks for your help and advise in advance.

You could just swallow the exception inside try/catch
block, and instead of throwing it out, just set a
static variable to allow checking from outside
whether the initialization succeeded, or check within
the constructor / methods of this class for
successful initialization, and throw the exception
then. You could even save that exception in a static
variable for later.Ouch, ouch, you're hurting my brain. This would allow someone to ignore a (presumably) fatal error. Throw a RuntimeException as indicated. You can wrap a checked exception in an unchecked one if need be.

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    Hi E,
             1. you can chain together your VIs with the error wires, such that if an error occurs in one of them, none of the following VIs will execute.  That's  like throwing an exception - it interrupts the execution chain.  You then "catch" that exception by putting an error handler wherever necessary, but not necessarily in every single VI.Hope  You wouldn't put try..catch inside every single .NET function, instead you handle the exception at the level at which is most appropriate. Same thing can be done in LabVIEW.
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    Yes!!The same thing pointed out by nijims.
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    Maybe you want something like this:
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         DOLLAR(1.00, "Dollar"),
         QUARTER(0.25, "Quarter"),
         DIME(0.10, "Dime"),
         NICKEL(0.05, "Nickel"),
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         private double value;
         private String name;
         Coin(double aValue, String aName)
              value = aValue;
              name = aName;
         public double getValue()
              return value;
         public String getName()
              return name;
         public double getMeasure()
              return value;

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    It's part of the VM Specification.
    See [2.17.5 Detailed Initialization Procedure|]
    The first time,
    10. Otherwise, the initializers must have completed abruptly by throwing some exception E. If the class of E is not Error or one of its subclasses, then create a new instance of the class ExceptionInInitializerError, with E as the argument, and use this object in place of E in the following step. But if a new instance of ExceptionInInitializerError cannot be created because an OutOfMemoryError occurs, then instead use an OutOfMemoryError object in place of E in the following step.After that,
    5. If the Class object is in an erroneous state, then initialization is not possible. Release the lock on the Class object and throw a NoClassDefFoundError.

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    Hi Eric,
    JDO calls the no-args constructor. Your application should regard this constructor as belonging
    primarily to JDO. For example, you would not want to initialize persistent fields to nondefault
    values since that effort is wasted by JDO's later initilization to persistent values. Typically all
    you want to initialize in the no-args constructor are the transactional and unmanaged fields. This
    rule means that you need initialization after construction if your application uses the no-args
    constructor and wants persistent fields initialized. On the other hand, if your application really
    uses constructors with arguments, and you're initializing persistent fields in the no-args
    constructor either unintentionally through field initializers or intentionally as a matter of
    consistency, you will find treating the no-args constructor differently helpful.
    On the other hand, if Kodo puts its static initializer code first as you report, then it is a bug.
    Spec Section 20.16: "The generated static initialization code is placed after any user-defined
    static initialization code."
    David Ezzio
    Eric Borremans wrote:
    I have been hunting down a NullPointerException for half a day to come to
    the following conclusion.
    My constructor calls a method which uses static variables. Since an intance
    of my class is created in the static block when the class is loaded, those
    statics are probably not fully initialized yet and the constructor called
    from the static block has those null pointer problems.
    I've considered moving the initialization of the static variables from the
    declaration to the static block. But your code is inserted BEFORE any other
    code. Therefore not solving my problem.
    Two questions:
    1) what would be a solution to my problem? How can I make sure my static
    variables are initialized before the enhancer generated code in the static
    block calls my constructor? Short of decompiling, changing the code and
    2) Why is the enhancing code inserted at the beginning of the static block
    and not at the end? The enhancements would be more transparent that way if
    the static variables are initialized in the static block.

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    4 - if string is not valid, proceed to step 1.
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    P.S. My apologies for initially posting this thread in wrong section.
    Thank you!

    DrClap wrote:
    What's a function? And why are you particularly concerned about doing those things in a static initializer as opposed to in some other place?Hi,
    Sorry, I'm still thinking c++. I meant method. Something like of the form:
    boolean valid = false;
    while string is not valid
    stringfrominput = showInputDialog();   
    //determine if string is valid
    valid = checkvalid(stringfrominput)
    //if possible to have
    boolean checkvalid(stringfrominput)
    recursively process stringfrom input based on A-, S-, or C- prefixes
    return boolean value
    }I have a jar app. It is Windows-based and runs as a TrayIcon application. If I include this process when class is loaded, this means that the app will be loaded with all its features. But I need to make sure that the app's features will be loaded only if certain conditions are met.
    I am not sure how else to approach this requirement without using static {} block.
    Thank you,

  • Static blocks and inheritence

    public class SubClass extends SuperClass {
    static {
    System.out.println("Sub class being called");
    public class SuperClass {
    protected static String s;
    static {
    System.out.println("Super being called ");
    static public setS(String t) { s= t; }
    static public String getS() { return s; }
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    The above prints
    "Super being called"
    Why is "Sub class being called " not printed? It looks like
    the subclass static block never gets called.?

    may be i did not something catch right concerning static blocks and inheritence
    please have a look at the following example.
    1. static block in subclass is only executed if the static vars are not defined final. why is this?
    2. why does not any subclass has its "own" hashtable colors?
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    abstract class ParentStaticBlock  {
         static final Hashtable<Integer, String> colors = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
         static void putColor(int colNumber, String colName) {
              colors.put(colNumber, colName );
         static String getColorNameFor(int colNumber) {
              return colors.get(colNumber);
    final class Child1StaticBlock extends ParentStaticBlock {
         public final static int ROT = 0x00000D;
         public final static int GELB = 0x00000E;
         static {
              System.out.println(" hello, here static block of Child1StaticBlock...");
              putColor(ROT, "ROT");
              putColor(GELB, "GELB");
    final class Child2StaticBlock extends ParentStaticBlock {
         public /*final*/ static int GRUEN = 0x00000A;
         public /*final*/ static int BLAU = 0x00000B;
         static {
              System.out.println(" hello, here static block of Child2StaticBlock...");
              putColor(GRUEN, "GR�N");
              putColor(BLAU, "BLAU");
    public class TestChildStaticBlock {
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              int colNo;
              String colBez;
              System.out.println("Static elements class Child1StaticBlock ->");
              colNo = Child1StaticBlock.GELB ;
              colBez = Child1StaticBlock.getColorNameFor(colNo);
              System.out.println("color yellow has number >" + colNo + "< and label >" + colBez + "<");
              System.out.println("Static elements class Child2StaticBlock ->");
              colNo = Child2StaticBlock.BLAU ;
              colBez = Child2StaticBlock.getColorNameFor(colNo);
              System.out.println("color blue has number >" + colNo + "< and label >" + colBez + "<");
              System.out.println("contents of hashtable(s) ->");
              System.out.println("ParentStaticBlock.colors:" + ParentStaticBlock.colors);
              System.out.println("Child1StaticBlock.colors:" + Child1StaticBlock.colors);
              System.out.println("Child2StaticBlock.colors:" + Child2StaticBlock.colors);

  • Can't find class because of try catch block ?!

    I'm using the JNI to use a java library from my c++ code.
    JNI can't find the "Comverse10" class below, but when i put the try catch block in createMessage in comment, FindClass succeeds ?!
    Unfortunatly i need the code inside the try block ;-)
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    - make a "wrapper" class Comverse that has a Comverse10 object as attribute and just calls the corresponding Comverse10.function. Result: Comvers could be found, but not constructed (NewObject failed).
    Can someone tell me what is going on ?!
    Thank you,
    //Comverse10 class
    public class Comverse10 {
    MultimediaMessage message;
    /** Creates a new instance of Comverse10 */
    public Comverse10() {
    public void createMessage() {
    TextMediaElement text1 = new TextMediaElement("Pieter");
    SimpleSlide slide1 = new SimpleSlide();
    //if i put this try catch block in comment, it works ?!
    catch(com.comverse.mms.mmspade.api.ElementAlreadyExistsException e){}
    MessageContent content = new MessageContent();
    this.message = new MultimediaMessage();
    message.setSubject("Mijn subjectje");
    for those of you who are intersted: here's my C++ code:
    //creation of JVM
    HRESULT Java::CreateJavaVMdll()
         HRESULT HRv = S_OK;
    char classpath[1024];
         jint res;
         if(blog)     this->oDebugLog->Printf("CreateJavaVMdll()");
         strcpy(classpath,"-Djava.class.path="); /*This tells jvm that it is getting the class path*/
         strcat(classpath,";D:\\Projects\\RingRing\\MMSComposer;C:\\Progra~1\\j2sdk1~1.1_0\\lib");     //;C:\\Comverse\\MMS_SDK\\SDK\\lib\\mail.jar;C:\\Comverse\\MMS_SDK\\SDK\\lib\\activation.jar;C:\\Comverse\\MMS_SDK\\SDK\\lib\\mmspade.jar
         //------Set Options for virtual machine
         options[0].optionString = "-Djava.compiler=NONE"; //JIT compiler
         options[1].optionString = classpath;                                        //CLASSPATH
         //------Set argument structure components
         vm_args.options = options;
         vm_args.nOptions = 2;
         vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = JNI_TRUE;
         vm_args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4;
         /* Win32 version */
         HINSTANCE hVM = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\j2sdk1.4.1_01\\jre\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll");
         if (hVM == NULL){
              if(blog) oDebugLog->Printf("Can't load jvm.dll");
              return E_FAIL;
         if(blog) oDebugLog->Printf("jvm.dll loaded\n");
         LPFNDLLFUNC1 func = (LPFNDLLFUNC1)GetProcAddress(hVM, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't get ProcAddress of JNI_CreateJavaVM");
              FreeLibrary(hVM);     hVM = NULL;
              return E_FAIL;
         if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("ProcAddress found");
         res = func(&jvm,(void**)&env,&vm_args);
         if (res < 0) {
    if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't create JVM with JNI_CreateJavaVM %d\n",res);
    return E_FAIL;
         if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("JVM created");
         return HRv;
    //finding Comverse10 class:
    HRESULT CALLAS MMSComposer::InitializeJNI(void)
         HRESULT HRv=E_FAIL;
         DWORD T=0;
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("\nInitializeJNI()");
              bJVM = FALSE;
              jni = new Java(oDebugLog);
                   if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("CreateJavaVMdll() failed");     
                   return HRv;
              jclass jcls = jni->env->FindClass("Comverse10");
              if (jcls == 0) {
    if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't find Comverse10 class");
                   jclass jcls2 = jni->env->FindClass("test");
                   if (jcls2 == 0) {
                        if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't find test class");
                        return HRv;
                   if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("test class found %08x",jcls2);
    return HRv;
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Comverse10 class found %08x",jcls);
              jmethodID mid = jni->env->GetMethodID(jcls , "<init>", "()V");
              if (mid == 0) {
                   if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't find Comverse10() constructor");
    return HRv;
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Comverse10() constructor found");
              jobject jobj = jni->env->NewObject(jcls,mid);
                   if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't construct a Comverse10 object");
    return HRv;
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Comverse10 object constucted");
              //Create Global reference, so java garbage collector won't delete it
              jni->jobj_comv = jni->env->NewGlobalRef(jobj);
                   if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("Can't create global reference to Comverse10 object");
    return HRv;
              if(blog)     oDebugLog->Printf("global reference to Comverse10 object %08x created",jni->jobj_comv);
         }     catch( IDB * bgError ) { throw bgError->ErrorTrace("InitializeJNI::~InitializeJNI",HRv, 0, T); }
              catch(...) { throw IDB::NewErrorTrace("InitializeJNI::~InitializeJNI",HRv, 0, T ); }
              return HRv;

    I would guess that the real problem is that that the
    exception you are catching is not in the class path
    that you are defining.Thanks jschell, that was indeed the case.
    I don't have the docs, but I would guess that
    FindClass() only returns null if an exception is
    thrown. And you are not checking for the exception.
    Which would tell you the problem.Ok, i'll remember that. But what with exceptions thrown in my java code, the documents say
    // jthrowable ExceptionOccurred(JNIEnv *env);
    // Determines if an exception is being thrown. The exception stays being thrown until either the native code calls ExceptionClear(), or the Java code handles the exception
    so, what if the java code throws an exception and catches it, will i be able to see that in my c++ code with ExceptionOccurred ?
    should the java method be declared to throw the exception (and not catch it inside the method)
    Again, thank you for your help, it's greatly appreciated !

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    Connect your iPad to iTunes on the computer you usually Sync with and “ Check for Updates “...
    If an Update Appears Install it... if not... you are up to date for your particular Device...
    See the Using iTunes Section Here...
    How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Make sure you have the Latest Version of iTunes (v11) Installed on your computer
    iTunes free download from

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    Any content is tied to the account that you used to buy/download it - so if you created a new account as opposed to updating the existing one, then you will need to use the old account to download updates to its apps. Can you not update your old account so as to have a new email address on it (e.g. via this page) ?

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    Izit software or hardware? Confuse:(
    Only can use wifi now.
    Any way thanks guys for ur suggestion:) amishcake and simes

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    Press the Tab key, it shows/hides panels.
    Or Window > Workspace > Reset  or use a different workspace.

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