Can we implement the custom sql query in CR for joining the two tables

Hi All,
Is there anyway to implement the custom sql query in CR for joining the two tables?
My requirement here is I need to write sql logics for joining the two tables...

In the Database Expert, expand the Create New Connection folder and browse the subfolders to locate your data source.
Log on to your data source if necessary.
Under your data source, double-click the Add Command node.
In the Add Command to Report dialog box, enter an appropriate query/command for the data source you have opened.
For example:
    Customer.`Customer ID`,
    Customer.`Customer Name`,
    Customer.`Last Year's Sales`,
    Orders.`Order Amount`,
    Orders.`Customer ID`,
    Orders.`Order Date`
    Customer Customer INNER JOIN Orders Orders ON
        Customer.`Customer ID` = Orders.`Customer ID`
    (Customer.`Country` = 'USA' OR
    Customer.`Country` = 'Canada') AND
    Customer.`Last Year's Sales` < 10000.
    Customer.`Country` ASC,
    Customer.`Region` ASC
Note: The use of double or single quotes (and other SQL syntax) is determined by the database driver used by your report. You must, however, manually add the quotes and other elements of the syntax as you create the command.
Optionally, you can create a parameter for your command by clicking Create and entering information in the Command Parameter dialog box.
For more information about creating parameters, see To create a parameter for a command object.
Click OK.
You are returned to the Report Designer. In the Field Explorer, under Database Fields, a Command table appears listing the database fields you specified.
To construct the virtual table from your Command, the command must be executed once. If the command has parameters, you will be prompted to enter values for each one.
By default, your command is called Command. You can change its alias by selecting it and pressing F2.

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    Not sure what you mean either, but perhaps this will start a dialog:
    SELECT DISTINCT a.empno,
    FROM    a,
    WHERE   a.empno = b.empno;Greg

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    Well one simple solution which i can think of is to persist Non-bank accounts in a Serializable Object and save it in a temporary cache.
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    Hi Niels,
    As I'm sure you know, the conundrum is that Reports doesn't know how many total pages there will be in the report until it is all done formatting, which is too late for your needs. So, one classical solution to this problem is to run the report twice, storing the total number of pages in the database using a format trigger, and throwing away the output from the first run when you don't know the total number of pages.
    Alternatively, you could define a report layout so that the number of pages in the output is completely predictable based upon, say, the number of rows in the main query. E.g., set a limit of one, two, ... rows per page, and then you'll know how many pages there will be simply because you can count the rows in a separate query.
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    Patrick Linskey wrote:
    On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 10:57:13 +0000, Alex wrote:
    being able to use custom SQL is something i would expect
    We absolutely agree. Take a look at the samples/customSQL example in the
    Kodo distribution.
    Patrick Linskey
    SolarMetric Inc.Hi Patrick,
    I have downloaded kodo-jdo-3.0.0RC1 for windows for evaluation, but there
    is no samples/customSQL directory.

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    param2 varchar2(25);
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    Hey Mike,
    Use the below sample code to get db connection and then to execute a query in OIM11g.
    Connection con = Platform.getOperationalDS().getConnection();
    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = con.prepareStatement(query);
    ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();

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    q.setSQLString("select * from Foo sample(10)");
    q.useCursoredStream(100,100, new ValueReadQuery("select count(*) from Foo sample(10)"));
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    Okay, here's the actual code:
    ReadAllQuery q = new ReadAllQuery();
    boolean useCustom = true;
    if (useCustom) {
    q.setSQLString("SELECT SetupDt, TerminationDt, ReinstateDt, IID, upDt, ID, " +
    "Stat, SubType, Acct FROM ACtr");
    q.useCursoredStream(100,100, new ValueReadQuery("select count(IID) from actr"));
    } else {
    activityCenters = (CursoredStream) session.executeQuery(q);
    ActivityCenter ac = (ActivityCenter);
    if (ac.getAccount() == null) {
    System.err.println(ac.getID() + ": Oops!");
    } else {
    System.err.println(ac.getID() + ": Has account!");
    So, everything about this program is the same - how the mapping is done, how things get initialized, everything. The only difference is whether I use a custom SQL query or not. Here's what it looks like when I run it both ways:
    First, custom:
    DatabaseSession(2433702)--Connection(393272)--SELECT SetupDt, TerminationDt, ReinstateDt, IID, upDt, ID, Stat, SubType, Acct FROM ACtr
    1.1: Oops!
    Now, without the custom SQL:
    DatabaseSession(393272)--Connection(7896086)--SELECT SetupDt, TerminationDt, ReinstateDt, IID, upDt, ID, Stat, SubType, Acct FROM ACtr
    //bunch of fields from the Acct attribute...
    FROM Acct WHERE (IID= 'ffbe5c47f3ea762cfd50fbe9e6d6de6')
    1.1: Has account!
    Notice that the first query on Actr is identical in both cases. Also note there are no null Actr.acct fields in the database:
    SQL> select * from actr where actr.acct is null;
    no rows selected
    This is on Oracle 9i, with the thin jdbc driver.
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    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.CallQueryMechanism
    at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelReadQuery.initializeDefaultBuilder(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelReadQuery.getExpressionBuilder(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ObjectLevelReadQuery.addPartialAttribute(Unknown Source)
    at jenkon.magellan.util.MLMulator.getActivityCenters(
    at jenkon.magellan.util.MLMulator.main(

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    Hi Alan,
    In CR10 there is no option to past SQL qurety in Show Sql command option.  There is another option provided 'Add Commad' to execute customized SQL queries.  After connecting to your datasource before selecting tables you can choose Add Command option and past your SQL queries.
    Also you can modify the queries which you have pasted in add command.

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    Kind regards.

    Hi Max,
    Just to clarify. What SEM_MATCH prefix are you talking about?
    A SEM_MATCH based query is indeed a SQL query as SEM_MATCH is a SQL table function. So if you don't want to go through Java APIs or web service endpoint, then running SEM_MATCH directly should give you what you need. Or maybe you just want to see the underlying generated (from SEM_MATCH) SQL query. If that is true, can you please tell us why?
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    How To Generate Trace Files in in HTML/JSP (using Profile Option)
    •     • Note: This requires proper responsibility to set SQL Initialization statement using Profile option.      
         Step 1.     Login to the desired Form application.     
         Step 2.     Select +Profile >> System ('Find System Profile Values' screen will pop up)     
         Step 3.     Check 'User' and Type in the Username (in which the account for that user will be trace)     
         Step 4.     Type 'Initialization%' in the Profile box and Hit 'Find' (Click here for preview.)     
         Step 5.     In the User box, type the following statement and Hit 'Save' (Click here for preview)
         Note:     specify any name you like to identify your trace, in this case, testing is the end name on the trace. You can also specify the amount of data allowable to be in the trace, in this case, 5000000 is the amount set. Make sure you hit 'Save' afterwards.[Quotes in the statement are all 'Single' quotes.]
              specifying TRACEFILE_IDENTIFIER value is mandatory when setting up the trace using the above profile option value
         Step 6.     Login to HTML / JSP page with username/password and start your flow. (Everything you do once login to HTML / JSP will get trace.)     
         Step 7.     Logout of HTML / JSP application once you completed with your flow.      
         Step 8.     Go back to the Profile option in the Form application and delete the Initialization SQL statement, and Hit 'Save'.     
         Step 9.     Log in to the database server or login server and retrieve your trace file.
         Identify and retrieve the trace file using the tracefile_identifier specified in Step 5.
         In this case the tracefile_identifier is “TESTING”. (Click here for Trace file locations) *     
         Note:     If you need to regenerate your trace or tracing a new flow, then repeat Step 1 to Step 8. To avoid self-confusion, choose a different name for your trace identifier everytime you set to trace.     
         Step 10.     See TKPROF section on how to format trace file into readable text.
         Trace Options Definition
         No Trace          Tracing is not activated
         Activities will not get traced.
         Regular Trace
         (Level 1)          Contains SQL, execution statistics, and execution plan.
         Provides execution path, row counts as well as produces smallest flat file.
         Trace with Binds
         (Level 4)          Regular Trace plus value supplied to SQL statement via local variables.
         Trace with Waits
         (Level 8)          Regular Trace plus database operation timings that the SQL waited to have done in order to complete, i.e. disk access.
         Trace with Binds and Waits
         (Level 12)          Regular trace with both waits and binds information.
         Contains the most complete information and will produce the largest trace file.
    ****Send me an email to [email protected],I will share the document with you.

  • Combine multiple web services with the same SQL query into one

    I would like to ask a question regarding combine multiple similar web services into one. Can you please tell me if it is possible to combine 4-5 web services into one since they built on the same SQL query with 5 different criterias or condition so that the user can enter any of the 5 criterias to populate the data on the form instead of having 5 different web services?
    e.g Query: Select appName, permit#, address, phone, description, type, section, from table where appName = can be 'appName, permit#, address, phone, or description' to populate the rest of the data to the form.
    Does any one have ever done some thing like this in Workbench ES? If so please assist. I know it can be easier to build it in Visual Basic, C#, or but the requirement is to build it in workbench ES.
    Thanks in advance,
    Han Dao

    If you are querying for Name, PhoneNumber, and SSN, and you queried for all people with a phone number that started with 867, you would have a potentially long list of people.  So to keep track of all of the people, we store each record in XML complex elements.  The root node is just any name you want, and the repeating element is the complex element name. 
    So using the example from above, I'm going to specify the following:
         Root Node: Result
         Repeating Element: Person
    So now when I do a query, my resultXML will look like:
    If your query returned multiple results (like ours would probably), it would look like:
    So Result and Person is just to give a little bit of structure to the xml result (containers really).  So you can name them whatever is helpful for you.
    The column name mappings map the query columns (Name, PhoneNumber, SSN) to some node in the XML (Name, PhoneNumber, SSN).  So you don't need to specify which field maps to what in the form.  Just copy the column names to the element name so you have a 1-to-1 naming.  If you want to manipulate the XML a bit though, you could do:
    Column Name               Element
    Name                            YourName
    PhoneNumber                Phone
    SSN                              Secret
    which would then make your xml look like:
    It lets you change the XML element names to whatever you want. Otherwise by default they take on their column names.
    In your form, you could bind to the WSDL through the Data Connections pane and point it to your web service.  This will then create form elements that you can just drag and drop allowing you to have the information available when the service gets ran.  Once the service is called, you can modify the field's data to get whatever information you need in order to populate other form fields. 
    If that is too confusing, feel free to send me your form (e-mail is on profile page) and I'll add comments to it to show you how to set up the form for the web service call (and also give me the link to your webservice)

  • Pass the result of a SQL Query as table_name  for another SQL Query

    Hi All,
    How to pass the result of a SQL Query as parameter to another SQL Query
    Eg: I am doing the steps below.
    1) select distinct table_name as TAB1 from all_tab_cols where table_name like 'T_%' and column_name like '%XYZ'
    2) I want to pass the table_name from step 1 above as parameter to another query "select * from TAB1"

    Naveen B wrote:
    Hi All,
    How to pass the result of a SQL Query as parameter to another SQL Query
    Eg: I am doing the steps below.
    1) select distinct table_name as TAB1 from all_tab_cols where table_name like 'T_%' and column_name like '%XYZ'
    2) I want to pass the table_name from step 1 above as parameter to another query "select * from TAB1"
    ThanksYou should craete PL/SQL code with cursor which will accept a parameter and call that cursor inside the first one
    But if the first sql returns only one row, you can do it with simple sql code
    select * from (select distinct table_name as TAB1 from all_tab_cols where table_name like 'T_%' and column_name like '%XYZ')- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Kamran Agayev A. (10g OCP)
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    I need to set up an expense form so that our consultant can "filter" by customer type, program type, and finally the purpose of the trip. For instance: the customer types are churches, schools, organizations. The program type would be dependent on the customer type selection from the first list. Some examples would be: fund raising, gift planning, surveys, and others. The purpose of the trip would be dependent on the program type selected from the second list. Some examples of trip purposes would be: presentation, design, prospecting. Further, the purpose of trip selection from the third drop-down box would then have to determine the values of other fields by expense type: such as commission, airfare, hotel. etc. I've tried pop-up menu but can't figure out how to "select" from the final popup list and have it populate a field for the purpose of the trip. I've tried to look at the JavaScript examples for dependent drop-down boxes, but can't find any that quite fit what I'm trying to accomplish. I am very new to all of this. No training in writing Javascripts - just trying to wing it. The form has to be very simple for our consultants to use, but also give our office the detail we need to process through the correct account numbers. I would appreciate any detailed step-by-step instructions - kind of a javascript for dummies type of info. HELP!

    An AcroForm is the name given to the type of PDF form that you create in Acrobat. An XFA form is the type of form that you create in LiveCycle Designer. Although they are both PDF files, they are very different structurally and have significant;y different scripting models. So pay attention to the information on AcroForms and ignore anything about XFA. Be sure to get the sample PDF forms so you can look at how it works and where the scripts are placed.
    What you want to do will require scripting, and if you don't have the experience and are unable to use the information in the tutorials to create what you want, you might consider getting someone who has experience do this for you. I'll often suggest code if I can do so quickly, but what you want requires more than a few minutes.

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    for a try please add Logical sql view to ur report it will dispaly the Logical sql for that Report..
    Hope it will helps you.

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