Can you do me a favor?

When you get the chance, run
$ ionice -c3 dd if=/dev/zero of=dumpfile bs=4096 count=1000000
And see what performance impact it has on your desktop. Note that -c3 indicates the process will get "idle" IO priority, which according to the ionice man page means this:
Idle A program running with idle I/O priority will only get disk time
when no other program has asked for disk I/O for a defined grace
period. The impact of an idle I/O process on normal system
activity should be zero. This scheduling class does not take a
priority argument. Presently, this scheduling class is permit‐
ted for an ordinary user (since kernel 2.6.25).
On my laptop, the dd process brings my system to a crawl even when ioniced to idle. Does that happen to anyone else?

This might be a situation where the GNU time, from extra/time, is more useful than bash's built-in.
$ /usr/bin/time -v ionice -c3 dd if=/dev/zero of=dumpfile bs=4096 count=1000000
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
4096000000 bytes (4.1 GB) copied, 38.545 s, 106 MB/s
Command being timed: "ionice -c3 dd if=/dev/zero of=dumpfile bs=4096 count=1000000"
User time (seconds): 0.14
System time (seconds): 8.92
Percent of CPU this job got: 22%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:39.51
Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
Average stack size (kbytes): 0
Average total size (kbytes): 0
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 884
Average resident set size (kbytes): 0
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 2
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 453
Voluntary context switches: 5947
Involuntary context switches: 1358
Swaps: 0
File system inputs: 64
File system outputs: 8000000
Socket messages sent: 0
Socket messages received: 0
Signals delivered: 0
Page size (bytes): 4096
Exit status: 0
Edit: Results without 'ionice -c3' are nearly identical:
$ /usr/bin/time -v dd if=/dev/zero of=dumpfile bs=4096 count=1000000
1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
4096000000 bytes (4.1 GB) copied, 37.7916 s, 108 MB/s
Command being timed: "dd if=/dev/zero of=dumpfile bs=4096 count=1000000"
User time (seconds): 0.14
System time (seconds): 9.06
Percent of CPU this job got: 23%
Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:38.83
Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
Average stack size (kbytes): 0
Average total size (kbytes): 0
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 884
Average resident set size (kbytes): 0
Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 2
Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 272
Voluntary context switches: 7475
Involuntary context switches: 4398
Swaps: 0
File system inputs: 56
File system outputs: 8000000
Socket messages sent: 0
Socket messages received: 0
Signals delivered: 0
Page size (bytes): 4096
Exit status: 0
Last edited by thisoldman (2012-05-21 23:42:29)

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    Ok, now I understand you're looking for critique... To my way of thinking, there are two or three parts to how I do critique.  Also, when asking for critique on public forum, expect honesty (nobody would do you any favories if they were dishonest in hopes of not hurting feelings).  So promise not to melt. If an image were entered into a competition, the judges wouldn't necessarily have time to carefully evaluate each image.  They're looking for "stopping value".  Here's what that means:  Imagine you are thumbing your way through a magazine... looking at photo after after.  They're all "nice"... but then you come across something with impact.  It causes you to stop and linger for a while on that image instead of just continuing to turn the page.  That "pause" is what I mean by "stopping value".  You could shoot a photo fo a sunset, but we've all seen thousands of sunsets so a sunset is unlikely to get anybody's attention (it'd really have to be some incredible sunset). I'm normally looking for basics... Is the focus accurate?   Is the exposure technically correct (not over-exposed or under-exposed)?- And then there's a variation on this... is the exposure also artistically appealing?  Did you use a narrow depth of field to help some single element in the image stand out and blur the background & foreground?  Did you use a slow shutter speed to create motion blur and imply a sense of motion into a still photo?  This are examples of ways to not just be "technically" correct, but artistically and creatively appealing. How is the composition?  Are you drawing me to looking at something?  Does it seem balanced?   Is the cropping awkward? I could go on with more examples, but the point is, I'd look for a technically good image and also an artistically appealing image that draws me in. While your image is nicefly focused and nicely exposed, what I'm lacking is a focal point of interest.    I suppose we could say that those rocks are a focal point, but the framing looks random and nothing especially draws me to that subject.   The shutter speed was fast enough to "freeze" the motion of the water, and the water is dramatic (it's not a storm, or massive waves crashing, etc.)  This means there's nothing of particular interest in the water.   if you wanted to evoke a feeling or emotion of tranquility or peace, you could use a very strong neutral density filter (e.g. 10 stop filter) and take a long exposure photo (on a tripod) near evening, and also down near water level and this would blur the water to an almost glass-like look (sometimes if the water is a bit more active you get a foggy look.)  Use of a circular polarizer (CPL) can help tune out the reflection of the water and make it easier to see the bottom through the water.  You mentioned you have the Peterson book (I assume you are referring to Bryan Peterson's "Understand Exposure").  In that book you'll learn how to shoot in "manual" mode.  I think everyone should learn how to shoot in manual mode and then learn how to to decide when to use fast shutter speeds vs. slow shutter speeds or narrow apertures vs. wide apertures for creative impact.  Once you know "how" to control your cmaera for impact, you don't have to use just "manual" -- I use almost all the modes on my camera.   There's a book I like on composition by Michael Freeman called "The Photographer's Eye:  Compositon and Design for Better Digital Photos".   Take some time to read... then take a LOT of time to go shoot and practice.  Some people are strong advocates of "just get out and shoot".  I prefer to shoot with a purpose... read something, then go try to apply that one thing (rather than justing out with no specific goal).   That helps because you can come home, review your shots, and decide how well you achieved your goal (make the goals things that you can realistically achieve.)

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    I have a situation where I need to link two tables together but the data may be in another (archive) table or different records are in both but I want the latest record from either table:
    AccountID     Name   
    123               John Doe
    124               Jane Donaldson           
    125               Harold Douglas    
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1001     123               10526          8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    1017     123               10987          9/28/2009     12/31/4712    (high date ~ which means currently with this marketer)
    1023     124               10541          12/03/2010     12/31/4712
    Key     AccountID     Marketer    StartDate     EndDate
    1015     124               10526          8/3/2008     12/02/2010
    1033     125               10987         01/01/2011     01/31/2012  
    So my query needs to return the following:
    123     John Doe                        10526     8/3/2008     9/27/2009
    124     Jane Donaldson             10541     12/03/2010     12/31/4712     (this is the later of the two records for this account between archive and marketer_account tables)
    125     Harold Douglas               10987          01/01/2011     01/31/2012     (he is only in archive, so get this record)
    I'm unsure how to proceed in one query.  Note that I am reading in possibly multiple accounts at a time and returning a collection back to .net
    open CURSOR_ACCT
              select AccountID
                     ACCOUNT A,
                     MARKETER_ACCOUNT M,
                     ARCHIVE R
               where A.AccountID = nvl((select max(M.EndDate) from Marketer_account M2
                                                    where M2.AccountID = A.AccountID),
                                                      (select max(R.EndDate) from Archive R2
                                                    where R2.AccountID = A.AccountID)
                   and upper(A.Name) like parameter || '%'
    <can you do a NVL like this?   probably not...   I want to be able to get the MAX record for that account off the MarketerACcount table OR the max record for that account off the Archive table, but not both>
    (parameter could be "DO", so I return all names starting with DO...)

    if I understand your description I would assume that for John Dow we would expect the second row from marketer_account  ("high date ~ which means currently with this marketer"). Here is a solution with analytic functions:
    drop table account;
    drop table marketer_account;
    drop table marketer_account_archive;
    create table account (
        id number
      , name varchar2(20)
    insert into account values (123, 'John Doe');
    insert into account values (124, 'Jane Donaldson');
    insert into account values (125, 'Harold Douglas');
    create table marketer_account (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account values (1001, 123, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('27.09.2009', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1017, 123, 10987, to_date('28.09.2009', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    insert into marketer_account values (1023, 124, 10541, to_date('03.12.2010', ''), to_date('31.12.4712', ''));
    create table marketer_account_archive (
        key number
      , AccountId number
      , MktKey number
      , FromDt date
      , ToDate date
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1015, 124, 10526, to_date('03.08.2008', ''), to_date('02.12.2010', ''));
    insert into marketer_account_archive values (1033, 125, 10987, to_date('01.01.2011', ''), to_date('31.01.2012', ''));
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , max(FromDt) over(partition by AccountId) max_FromDt
      from marketer_account_archive;
    basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account
    union all
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
      from marketer_account_archive
    basedata_with_max_intervals as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate
         , row_number() over(partition by AccountId order by FromDt desc) FromDt_Rank
      from basedata
    filtered_basedata as (
    select key, AccountId, MktKey, FromDt, ToDate from basedata_with_max_intervals where FromDt_Rank = 1
         , b.MktKey
         , b.FromDt
         , b.ToDate
      from account a
      join filtered_basedata b
        on ( = b.AccountId)
    ID NAME                     MKTKEY FROMDT     TODATE
    123 John Doe                  10987 28.09.2009 31.12.4712
    124 Jane Donaldson            10541 03.12.2010 31.12.4712
    125 Harold Douglas            10987 01.01.2011 31.01.2012
    If your tables are big it could be necessary to do the filtering (according to your condition) in an early step (the first CTE).

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    When I received the email from AT&T email service and clicked the first of four icons representing attachments, there was figuratively an explosion on my monitor: a series of new tabs, each called New Tab, burst onto the monitor--but no text or picture. The new tabs appeared faster than I coul kill them. I finally decided just to shut down the computer, hoping they would not reappear when I restarted. I was wrong. After 2 repeats, I decided to forget about the attachments and asked the sender to send them to me by regular mail.
    That was no solution for my IRS PDFs. I wanted to complete filling in the various forms and schedules that I had begun months ago so that I could mail them today to the IRS (without having to copy them all in ink). When I tried to open the first one, BOOM. The same thing happened: the blizzard of New Tabs atop blank pages; my IRS form or schedule did not show up. Did the same shutdown/restart routine with the same results.
    When I looked at the list of current forms that had to be completed, I noticed something very strange: the icons that began the listing of the documents' names were replaced one by one by Mozilla icons. When I moused over them, they said Firefox HTML. Why?
    Starting the day today, I had the same experience. What's more, when I started to retrieve 2012 IRS PDFs from a year ago, the same New Tab tabs appeared and had to be killed, and Mozilla icons replaced whatever icon was there before.
    Assuming that the problem arose with Adobe Reader's reading of the PDFs, I contacted Adobe but got no helpful phone number because PDFs are a free service and was directed to use this Forum to get help.
    What do I have to do to (a) read and use PDFs in the normal way and (b) remove the Mozilla icon from those that have appeared on icon documents. If Mozilla is the source of the problem, shall I go back to IE8? (In my 80s, I want eventually to replace my old computer but for the time being I must continue using it. It will not take an IE9. Anther possible default browser would be Google Chrome, but I have unfavorable impressions of it because of its intrusiveness, loading my PC with stuff I do not need.
    Can you help?

    The problem is absolutely not Reader. The problem is that FireFox has stepped in front of Reader and handles all the PDF stuff - wrongly in your case. FireFox is DESIGNED to take over PDF files. But it is not capable of doing IRS forms!
    To start with go back to IE for these forms. When you save them to disk DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THEM until this is fixed. Just open the in the normal way - start Adobe Reader and use Open from the File menu.

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    An Apple ID is a user name you use for everything you do with Apple. Creating an account for an Apple service, such as the iTunes Store or the App Store, creates an Apple ID. Apple ID allows you to access other Apple services.   So you can use the same Apple ID for up to 10 Macs associated with it.
    To create an Apple ID you need to enter  your full name and your primary email address as your Apple ID. This will be used as the contact email address for your account.

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    JasonFromSK wrote:
    With the newest Airport firmware (7.6.1), it seems I should be able to do this.
    Really? I need to check that out!
    You should certainly be able to add content by reference to itunes from such a disk (even before the update) - so long as itunes knows the location of the file (set Preferences not to copy to local library when adding the media) it will stream it to AppleTV if the disk is available.
    I hope you're right, but I'd be surprised if current Extremes can be upgarded to provide a full Home Sharing service - marvellous if they can but I'd be surprised as i've long said we need an Apple media server either based on TC or AE to do this kind of thing.

  • Can you have two Apple IDs on one IPAD? One for school and one for home?

    Can you have two Apple IDs on one IPAD? One for school and one for home?
    If so do you know how to do it?

    It depends on what you want to do.
    You could, for example, have one AppleID for iCloud backup [and therefore message syncing, notes syncing, etc] and a second one for iTunes [music, iBooks, etc].
    But if you are looking for a way to flip everything between different appleIDs, then no.

  • Can you have two apple ids on one mac?

    Can you have two apple ids on one mac? We each have iPhones and want to utilize iCloud.  Is this possible?

    No, in this case the 2 user accounts with its own Apple IDs would be completely seperated.
    If you want to share this things like music and app purchases you will have to to something else.
    1. Create two user accounts on your Mac (user A and user B).
    2. Create two iCloud accounts just for Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Photos, etc. (one for user A and one for user B):
    On your Mac (with Mac OS X Lion or Mountan Lion):
    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > iCloud > Create an Apple ID (button in left corner)
    On your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (iOS 5 or later):
    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > iCloud > Get a free address and create a new Apple ID
    3. It is not recommended because you shouldn't share your Apple ID account information with other people but you could set up your old Apple ID as an account just for store purchases (Apps, Music, ...) so that everyone of you can manage the purchases in their own library (Access is limited to 10 devices). Therefore you have to setup this "old" ID in Settings of your iOS devices (Settings > iTunes & App Store) and in iTunes on your Mac.

  • How many iPads can you setup on one iTunes account for a school?

    How many iPads can you setup on one iTunes account for a school?
    What is the best system?  We have 30 iPads.

    That would be fine.

  • How many Ipods can you use with one Itunes account?

    How many iPods can you use/sync with one iTunes account?

    PT wrote:
    Macistotle wrote:
    Unless you have DRM still haunting your tunes ... Then you can only use those songs on 5 devices. Otherwise, connect as many as you like (as stated above).
    No, you can sync your DRM tracks to an unlimited number of iPods (but only authorized to play on 5 different computers/user accounts)
    So I can sync two iPods to my iTunes account and sync the same digital copy movies that come with some o' my DVDs to both ipods? Do movies make a difference really, DRM-Wise? Thanks in advance.

  • HT4722 How many computers can you install Final Cut on

    How many computers can you install Final Cut on with one license or purchase?

    This is an excerpt from the FCPX license, available here.
    2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions.
    A. Mac App Store License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License and as permitted by the Mac App Store Product Usage Rules set forth in the App Store Terms and Conditions (http:// (“Usage Rules”), you are granted a limited, non-transferable, non- exclusive license:
    to download, install, use and run for personal, non-commercial use, one (1) copy of the Apple Software directly on each Apple-branded computer running OS X (“Mac Computer”) that you own or control; and
    (ii) if you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, to download, install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software for use either: (a) by a single individual on each of the Mac Computer(s) that you own or control, or (b) by multiple individuals on a single shared Mac
    Computer that you own or control. For example, a single employee may use the Apple Software on both the employee’s desktop Mac Computer and laptop Mac Computer, or multiple students may serially use the Apple Software on a single Mac Computer located at a resource center or library.

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    Is it possible to send to another of their @facebook accounts and if that also fails then to a conventional account?
    I guess my question is how many times can you resend on Gift Card and to how many different email accounts?

    To use an iTune Gift Card to buy books...
    Open iTunes on your computer and click on the iTunes Store.
    You'll need to be signed in...
    Click on the little House icon in the dark gray bar across the top. (or Shift+Command+H)
    On the right side of the page under Quick Links click Redeem and enter your code.
    Then it will show your credit balance in the dark gray bar across the top next to your account name to let you know how much you have to spend.
    Then as you buy books, it'll deduct from the credit balanace.
    There is a distinction between, iTunes Gift Card and Apple Gift Card.
    Apple Gift Card: can be used to purchase Apple hardware and accessories at any Apple Retail Store, the Apple Online Store...
    iTunes Gift Card: To give music, movies, TV shows, apps, books, or anything on the iTunes Store, the App Store, the iBooks Store or the Mac App Store, select an iTunes Gift Card

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    Hi colman Prez;
    Now that the funny comments have been made, I have a serious question and that why are you worry about reinstalling Leopard with an Erase & Install which is what I take that you mean when you say clean install. In actually fact there is no such thing in OS X as a clean install.
    I am curious because in all the years I have used OS X, I have yet to do an Erase & Install yet.
    I know with Windows that they suggest reformatting and reinstalling at the drop of a hat but that isn't true with OS X.

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    Thank you for your answers, it helps me a lot.
    But sorry for my ignorance. I understand how you mean it, but I don't know how to do it. I'm scared to lose the settings/edits of the images.

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