Can you see what's wrong with my sql clause?

Select afkogltri sum( afpowemng ) as yqty
    from   ( afpo inner join afko on afpoaufnr = afkoaufnr )
    into   ( d_gltri , d_wemng )
    where  afpo~matnr = wa_pir-matnr
           and year( afko~gltri ) = year( sy-datum )
    group by afko~gltri. 
The above is my sql clause, when I do a syntax check, it said:"Comma without preceding colon (after SELECT ?)"
Can you tell me what's wrong with this sql clause?
Thank you very much!

Select Bgltri sum( Awemng ) <b>as yqty</b> (????)
into ( d_gltri , d_wemng )
from afpo as A inner join afko as B
on Aaufnr = Baufnr 
where A~matnr = wa_pir-matnr
and year( B~gltri ) = year( sy-datum )
group by B~gltri.
eg<b>:... INTO (f1, ..., fn</b>)
Places the result set in the target area (f1, ..., fn). The fields of the result set are transported to the target fields fi from left to right. INTO (f1, ..., fn) is allowed only if a list with n elements is also specified in the SELECT clause.
<b>If the result of a selection is a table, the data is retrieved in a processing loop introduced by SELECT and concluded by ENDSELECT. The processing passes through the loop once for each line read. If the result is a single record, the closing ENDSELECT is omitted.</b>
Output a list of all airlines (with short description and name):
       FROM SCARR.
Thanks & Regards,

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    {code}prepStat = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO WeatherHistory (Date, Location, Overview, Temperature, WindDirection, WindSpeed, Pressure) VALUES ('"+date+"','"+location+"','"+temp+"','"+windDir+"','"+windSpd+"','"+pressure+"')");{code}
    All the field names and variables definitely exist so I can't see what the problem is!

    DHD wrote:
    Thanks for the replies.
    I've matched the correct number of column names and variables, but still no luck.
    And how exactly am I misusing Prepared Statements here?As noted above, not according to the code you posted. I didn't just pluck something out of my @ss and throw it out there. There was a reason behind what I said. And, if you mean you changed it, and you still got an exception, then post that exception (completely), and your new code, which is, hopefully, using PreparedStatement, (properly).

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    I'm putting together a program that reads input from a text file and then decides what type of input it is (male or female) and then calculates the final sum for both.
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    f 3.2
    m 3.7
    m 4.0
    f 2.9
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    import java.util.*;
    public class gradecalc {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String[] args)
                                throws FileNotFoundException{
            // TODO code application logic here
    double sumMale=0;
    int numMale=0;
    double sumFemale=0;
    int numFemale=0;
    char gender;
    double gpa;
         Scanner inFile= new Scanner(new FileReader("gpa.txt"));
            PrintWriter outFile= new PrintWriter("gpaResult.txt");
    while (inFile.hasNext())
        gpa= inFile.nextDouble();
        switch (gender)
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
                sumMale= sumMale + gpa;
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                sumFemale= sumFemale + gpa;
                System.out.println("Invalid gender code: "+gender);
    outFile.print("Sum of male students GPAs: " + sumMale);
    outFile.print("Sum of female students GPAs: " + sumFemale);
    }and this is the error message I get when I build and then try to run the program:
    Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
            at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
            at java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(
            at gradecalc.main(
    Java Result: 1
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)I feel like I have the code right, yet it doesn't output anything to my file and gives me the above exception. What's the problem here??

    I actually figured it out. I think some of you programmers out there would be proud of me if you saw this completed code. This forum has really helped me out, but I still make some stupid mistakes. Like the one I realized I made on this program seconds after I made this pose. I realized that I had an unknown character at the end of my input document, which you can't see in my post because I must have not copied and pasted that part. I would delete this post, but don't know how.

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    Thank you!

    If any of the alph-nymeric keys were shorted then many more of the keys would also not work. It sounds more likely that the keys' electrical contacts are insulated with dried beer and thus preventing electrical contact.
    Put the entire keyboard in a deep dish or sink filled with warm water. Slosh it around thoroughly for a while. Next dump all the water and refill with distilled water and do the same sloshing and key pressing. Hopefully this will flush out the beer. Let it dry for a long time (days) and even use mild heat, but not so much as to warp it. Shake it, whatever you can do to dry the water out.
    This was a common practice way of cleaning spills on keyboards with some models powerbook computers. Hopefully it will fix you. If not, you are no worse off for trying unless you were willing to accept it as is without the number keys.

  • Can someone see what is wrong with this?  Im stumped

       public class Card {
         int suit;
         int value;
         static int isStraight = 0;
         static int isFlush = 0;
         static int handCounter = 0;
         static int cardCounter = 0;
         boolean inUse = false;
         public int getSuit() {
              return suit;
         public void setSuit(int suit) {
              this.suit = suit;
         public int getValue() {
              return value;
         public void setValue(int value) {
              this.value = value;
         public boolean isInUse() {
              return inUse;
         public void setInUse(boolean inUse) {
              this.inUse = inUse;
        public static int checkPairs(int[] handValues){
             for (int x = 0; x<5; x++ ){
                  for (int y = 0; y<5; y++ ){
                            cardCounter ++;
                  handCounter = handCounter + (cardCounter - 1);
                   cardCounter = 0;
             return handCounter;
        public static int checkStraight(int[] handValues){
                  if(handValues[0] == (handValues[1]-1)){
                       if (handValues[1] == (handValues[2]-1)){
                            if (handValues[2] == (handValues[3]-1)){
                                 if (handValues[3] == (handValues[4]-1)){
                                          isStraight = 1;
                                      if (handValues[4] == 12){
                                            isStraight = 2;
                  return isStraight;
        public static int checkFlush(Card[]inputHand){
             if (inputHand[0].suit == inputHand[1].suit){
                  if (inputHand[1].suit == inputHand[2].suit){
                       if (inputHand[2].suit == inputHand[3].suit){
                            if (inputHand[3].suit == inputHand[4].suit){
                                 isFlush = 1;
             return isFlush;
    //handCheckerApp ,
    import tcdIO.*;
    public class handCheckerApp {
         ///these string arrays just hold the names of the values
         static String[] suitsArray = {"hearts" , "spades" , "diamonds" , "clubs" };
         static String[] valuesArray = {"two" , "three" , "four" , "five" , "six" , "seven" , "eight" , "nine" , "ten" , "jack" , "queen" , "king" ,"ace" };
         public static void main (String arguments []) {
              Terminal terminal = new Terminal();
              Card[] inputHand = new Card[5];
              Card[] deck = new Card[52];
              Card currentCard = new Card();
              for(int number = 0 ; number <= 12 ; number++){
                   deck[number]= new Card();
                   deck[number].suit = 0;
                   deck[number].value = number;
              for(int number = 13 ; number <= 25 ; number++){
                   deck[number]= new Card();
                   deck[number].suit = 1;
                   deck[number].value = (number - 13);
              for(int number = 26 ; number <= 38 ; number++){
                   deck[number]= new Card();
                   deck[number].suit = 2;
                   deck[number].value = (number - 26);
              for(int number = 39 ; number <= 51 ; number++){
                   deck[number]= new Card();
                   deck[number].suit = 3;
                   deck[number].value = (number - 39);
              terminal.println("Poker Hand Checker");
              terminal.println("Suits key:..Hearts = 1");
              terminal.println("...................Spades = 2");
              terminal.println("...................Diamonds = 3");
              terminal.println("...................Clubs = 4");
              terminal.println("Values key:.Twos = 2");
              terminal.println("......................Threes = 3");
              terminal.println("......................Fours = 4");
              terminal.println("......................Fives = 5");
              terminal.println("......................Sixes = 6");
              terminal.println("......................Sevens = 7");
              terminal.println("......................Eights = 8");
              terminal.println("......................Nines = 9");
              terminal.println("......................Tens = 10");
              terminal.println("......................Jacks = 11");
              terminal.println("......................Queens = 12");
              terminal.println("......................Kings = 13");
              terminal.println("......................Aces = 14");
          ///this block of code marks cards in the deck as in use and adds them to the hand 
          for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){///for1
              currentCard.value = (terminal.readInt("please enter card " + (i+1) + " value: " )-2);
              currentCard.suit = (terminal.readInt("please enter card " + (i+1) + " suit: " )-1);
              for (int x = 0; x< 52; x++){///for2
                   if (deck[x].value == currentCard.value){///if1
                        if (deck[x].suit == currentCard.suit){///if2
                            if (deck[x].inUse == true){///elseif1
                                 terminal.println("you chose that card already");
                            else if(deck[x].inUse == false){///if3
                                 deck[x].inUse = true;
                                 inputHand[i] = deck[x];
                                 terminal.println("this card is the " + valuesArray[(inputHand.value)] + " of " + suitsArray[(inputHand[i].suit )]);
         int handValues[] = {inputHand[0].value, inputHand[1].value, inputHand[2].value, inputHand[3].value, inputHand[4].value};
         ///this method checks for pairs, two pairs, three of a kind, full house & four of a kind
         if (Card.handCounter == 2) {
                   terminal.println("You have a pair");
              if (Card.handCounter == 4) {
                   terminal.println("You have two pair");
              if (Card.handCounter == 6) {
                   terminal.println("You three of a kind");
              if (Card.handCounter == 8) {
                   terminal.println("You have a full house");
              if (Card.handCounter == 12) {
                   terminal.println("You have four of a kind");
              } else {
                   if (Card.isStraight == 1 && Card.isFlush == 0){
                        terminal.println("You have a straight");
                   if (Card.isStraight == 1 && Card.isFlush == 1){
                        terminal.println("You have a straight flush");
                   if (Card.isStraight == 2 && Card.isFlush == 0){
                        terminal.println("You have a royal straight");
                   if (Card.isStraight == 2 && Card.isFlush == 1){
                        terminal.println("You have a royal straight flush");
                   if (Card.isStraight == 0 && Card.isFlush == 1){
                        terminal.println("You have a flush");
                   if (Card.isStraight == 0 && Card.isFlush == 0){
    Okay it's not recognising deck.inUse....i can't see why.
    Can someone possibly point out some suggestions. Thanks, much appreciated.

    > if (deck[x].inUse == true){///elseif1
    it's giving me an error on this If else statement...
    sorry ....
    How about going the extra mile and actually posting the error message you receive rather than expecting everyone to guess? The more pertinent information you can provide, the easier it is to answer your question. And you want your question answered easily and quickly, right?

  • Pictrivia 6 - Can you identify what's wrong with this setup?

    What's Pictrivia?
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    Access layer switch will became bridge root。(default priority,lowest MAC address 1111.1111.1111)。And this L2 network will working at low efficiency。

  • Can i know what is wrong with this sql?

    i have an error of invalid character.
    SELECT SUM(counter),TO_DATE(logdatetime)
    WHERE logdatetime = logdatetime
    AND (TO_DATE(logdatetime, 'DD-MON-YYYY') BETWEEN
    TO_DATE('01-JAN-2007', 'DD-MON-YYYY') AND TO_DATE('31-JAN-2007', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
    GROUP BY TO_DATE (logdatetime);
    May i know is there any way that i need to make the changes?

    your problem is likely to be the TO_DATE(logdatetime) - if logdatetime is a DATE datatype, then you should never, ever use TO_DATE on it.
    But I suspect this has been sorted in a later post of yours?

  • When I set up my mail I could send emails now a day later I can not send them but can still receive them ... I can't see what is wrong .. Any answers .

    When I set up my mail I could send emails now a day later I can not send them but can still receive them ... I can't see what is wrong .. Any answers .

    It's not a good idea to use a network disk for both Time Machine backups and other things.  By design Time Machine will eventually consume all the space on its output disk, which will then cause problem for your other files.  I'd store those other files on an external disk connected to the Time Capsule.  The problem with that is that Time Machine will only back up files that are local to your Mac.  That means that you'll only have one copy of the files on or attached to your Time Capsule.
    By the way, you've been misled by poor field labeling on this forum into typing a large part of your message into the field intended for the subject.  In the future just type a short summary of your post into that field and type the whole message into the field below that.

  • After upgrade my Iphone 4 to iso5, I can't add contact and I can't access the settings for mail,contacts and calender. The moment I select the setting for Mails, Contact and Calender it will jump back to home. Can someone advice what's wrong with it?

    After upgrade my Iphone 4 to iso5, I can't add contact and I can't access the settings for mail,contacts and calender. The moment I select the setting for Mails, Contact and Calender it will jump back to home. Can someone advice what's wrong with it?Problr

    Dear All
    i have done the same activity ( buy a new iphone 4 -> upgrade to ios5 - > configure email) with success-
    than when i start to move the contacts from old mobile to iphone (using the microsim) i receive the same crash
    in disgnosis e use i saw 2 dump with this title 'latestCrash-Preferences.plist and LatestCrash.plist. in each file the date is the same and i read:
    Exception Tyle: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception code: 0x00000000, 0x00000000
    Chrashed Thread: 6
    in thread 6: name: Dispatch queue:
    and thaan a lot of data.
    Have you any idea?
    thank in advance

  • When on the phone to someone the phone crackles and hangs up so the other person can't hear what is wrong with it? :(

    When on the phone to someone the phone crackles and hangs up so the other person can't hear what is wrong with it? :(

    That iPhone needs to be tested by the techs at an Apple store genius bar to see what is faulty in the hardware.

  • My macbook pro freezes and then displays a blue screen with black stripes... do you know what's wrong with it?

    My macbook pro freezes and then displays a blue screen with black stripes... do you know what's wrong with it?
    I have a two and half year mac book pro... I've had some issues with the screen looking scrambled when I quit certain applications, but now it's turned into something worse.  I'll be working on my computer and the thing will freeze.  When I force restart, the first screen, the apple logo, will be a blue tint and won't boot up normally.  Then I try safe mood and it will then boot just fine.  But there are blue stripes on my screen.  The screen alternates from a blue tint to normal and if the computer freezes again the screen will become completely blue with black stripes.  I haven't tried reinstalling my software because I don't have the startup discs that came with my computer.  If I was sure that would fix it I would purchase them, but if it's a hardware issue I'm afraid that I'm screwed.  I've been able to successfully get the blue off my screen by putting it to sleep and then waking it up, but that's not working well anymore either. 
    Does anyone else have experience with this?  Is it the firmware or what?  I have a MacBook Pro from early 2011 and I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.8.
    Please help... Thanks!

    I just experienced this exact same issue with my early 2011 15" macbook pro. Since like a month after purchasing it I had issues with the screen randomly going dark on me. I sent it in for repair inder waranty they replaced the gpu and logic board but I continued to have the same issues with the screen randomly going black sometimes I would need to reboot it in order to get the screen to go back on but it happened so infrequently and I used the computer for school so disnt find the time to resend it in to apple. Just last night the screen started to display the blue screen with black verticle lines on it. I called apple and explained to them  the issues that had been ongoing since I purchased the laptop but they said because I was now outside of warantee that any repairs at thia point wouldn't be covered. Fml so glad I spent 2200 on this future proof macbook pro what a joke my sister purchased a toshiba laptop for 300 4 years ago and it still running like a champ. I loved my macbook but at the price I paid I expect it to last longer than 2 years before leaving me high and dry. *** apple??

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    My iPhone 4S won't turn on it's been off for two days now. I tried charging it but it makes a noise every 8 seconds,holding the buttons down and also plugging it to a computer. I need help on what to do or if anybody can tell me what's wrong with my phone

    Yes ive tried a different charger and it also nothing shows when i plug it in just makes a noise

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    my iphone 5's screen blacks out every now and then. the phone is turned on but the screen is black and i can receive calls. what is wrong with my phone?

    I have to believe this has something to do with iOS 7 issues. I have taken my screen blacked out 5s twice to the Genius Bar and the found a bunch of system apps had crashed.  So if this is the case, is iOS7 the problem?

  • How can you see what the WLC ACL is denying?

    How can you see what the acl on our WLC5508 is denying? The counter keeps on going up but what is getting blocked is nowhere to be seen.

    You are right but you can monitor that through the hits counts on the (WLC)Security->Access crontrol list === Hits
    It will give you some idea for trouble shooting also you have the cmd line for details analysis.

  • What's wrong with this SQL?

    what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:35 AM Reply
    Hi, everyone:
    when I insert into table, i use the fellowing SQL:
    INSERT INTO xhealthcall_script_data
    FROM tmp_healthhit_load WHERE HH_SCRIPT !='BROCHURE' UNION
    I always got an error like;
    ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    but I can't find anything wrong, who can tell me why?
    thank you so much in advance
    Posts: 1,516
    Registered: 12/7/98
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:38 AM in response to: jerrygreat Reply
    For starters, an insert select does not have a values clause.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --
    Posts: 41
    From: q
    Registered: 8/10/06
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:48 AM in response to: mpowel01 Reply
    Even I see "missing VALUES" as the only error
    Eric H
    Posts: 2,822
    Registered: 10/15/98
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:54 AM in response to: jerrygreat Reply
    ...and why are you doing a UNION on the exact same two queries?
    Posts: 8
    Registered: 1/3/07
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:55 AM in response to: mpowel01 Reply
    thank you for your answer, but the problem is, if I deleted "values" as you pointed out, and then execute it again, I got error like "ERROR at line 3:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel", and I was then disconnected with server, I have to relogin SQLplus, and do everything from beganing.
    so what 's wrong caused disconnection, I can't find any triggers related. it is so wired?
    I wonder if anyone can help me about this.
    thank you very much
    Posts: 1,801
    From: San Jose, CA
    Registered: 10/8/98
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 9:59 AM in response to: jerrygreat Reply
    Dup Post
    Posts: 8
    Registered: 1/3/07
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 10:00 AM in response to: Eric H Reply
    acturlly what I do is debugging a previous developer's scipt for data loading, this script was called by Cron work, but it never can be successfully executed.
    I think he use union for eliminating duplications of rows, I just guess.
    thank you
    Posts: 1,516
    Registered: 12/7/98
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 10:03 AM in response to: yingkuan Reply
    Scratch the VALUES keyword then make sure that the select list matches the column list in number and type.
    1 insert into marktest
    2 (fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5)
    3* select * from marktest
    UT1 > /
    16 rows created.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --
    Posts: 41
    From: Hyderabad
    Registered: 7/21/06
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 10:07 AM in response to: jerrygreat Reply
    try this - just paste the code and give me the error- i mean past the entire error as it is if error occurs
    INSERT INTO xhealthcall_script_data
    (xhc_call_ended, xhc_switch_port, xhc_script_id,
    SELECT TO_DATE (hh_end_date || ' ' || hh_end_time, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS'),
    hh_switchport, hh_script, 'N'
    FROM tmp_healthhit_load
    WHERE hh_script != 'BROCHURE'
    SELECT TO_DATE (hh_end_date || ' ' || hh_end_time, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS'),
    hh_switchport, hh_script, 'N'
    FROM tmp_healthhit_load
    WHERE hh_script != 'BROCHURE';
    Posts: 8
    Registered: 1/3/07
    Re: what's wrong with this SQL?
    Posted: Jan 16, 2007 11:31 AM in response to: Jagan Reply
    Hi, Jagan:
    thank you very much for your answer.
    but when I execute it, I still can get error like:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    so wired, do you have any ideas?
    thank you very much

    And this one,
    Aother question about SQL?
    I thought I already told him to deal with
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    problem first.
    There's nothing wrong (syntax wise) with the query. (of course when no "value" in the insert)

Maybe you are looking for