Cancel export to pdf

Post Author: [email protected]
CA Forum: Exporting
We have an web application (, c#, sql server 2000) where the user can export a report to pdf.
We see that the methode ReportDocument.export() takes a lot of time. When the user closes the window, sql server is still executing the query for the report. Is there a way to cancel the query in sql server when the user closes the window.
Thanx in advance

Post Author: [email protected]
CA Forum: Exporting
We have an web application (, c#, sql server 2000) where the user can export a report to pdf.
We see that the methode ReportDocument.export() takes a lot of time. When the user closes the window, sql server is still executing the query for the report. Is there a way to cancel the query in sql server when the user closes the window.
Thanx in advance

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  • Click to cancel Export to PDF

    hi Everybody,
    I have problem with my script..... when i Click "OK" button, PDF export... also when I click "Cancel" button, also PDF export.... ( i assume, button Cancel should be in seperate group).
    can anybody tweak this... so when i click Cancel.... PDF should not export...
      var myCapsWin = new Window('dialog', 'Export PDF with preflight errors');
        myCapsWin.orientation = 'row';       
        myCapsWin.minimumSize = [230, 50];
            myCapsWin.optPNL = add('panel');
            myCapsWin.optPNL.orientation = 'row';
            myCapsWin.btnGrp = add('group');
            myCapsWin.btnGrp.orientation = 'row';
                myCapsWin.btnGrp.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK');
                myCapsWin.btnGrp.btnCancel = add('button', undefined, 'Cancel');;
        var myCaps =;
        if(myCaps == true){
    var myBar = new Window('palette', ' Export PDF Generating....', undefined, {closeButton:false,   maximizeButton:true,   minimizeButton:true });
    myBar.add('progressbar',undefined, 1, 100);
    myBar.children[0].preferredSize = [250,15];;
    myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+10;
    var myPDFFilePath;
    var InDJobOption = app.pdfExportPresets;
    myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+10;
    myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+20;
    myPDFFilePath = myOutFolderPathName+"/"+app.documents[0].name.split(".indd")[0].split(".INDD")[0]+".pdf";
    myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+20;
    app.documents[0].exportFile (ExportFormat.pdfType, myPDFFilePath, false, myJobOptionName);
    myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+100;

    myPrint () ;
    function myPrint () {
        var mydoc = app.activeDocument;
        var myParas = mydoc.stories.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
        for (i=0; i<myParas.length; i++) {
            myPara = myParas[i];
            if (myPara.contents == "XXX")
            alert("The Job has XXX, \r Please WRITE NOTE to XXX ")
        var myJobOptionName = "XXXPDF"; //Please provide a PDF job option name which is available in InDesign.
        var myOutFolderPathName = "/Users/Desktop/Out/"; //Please change your path as per requirement
        var myProfile = app.preflightProfiles.itemByName("bala"); //Please change Preflight profile name which is available in InDesign.
        var myDoc = app.documents.item(0);
        var myProcess = app.preflightProcesses.add(myDoc, myProfile);
        var myResults = myProcess.processResults;
        var myTest = myResults.indexOf("None");
        var PDFExport = false;
        if (myTest == 0){
            var Win = new Window('dialog', 'Export PDF to Print');
            Win.orientation = 'row';       
            Win.minimumSize = [230, 50];
                Win.optPNL = add('panel');
                Win.optPNL.orientation = 'row';
                Win.btnGrp = add('group');
                Win.btnGrp.orientation = 'row';
                    Win.btnGrp.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK')
                //btnOK.onClick = PreflightError ();
                    Win.btnGrp1 = add('group');
                    Win.btnGrp1.btnCancel = add('button', undefined, 'Cancel')
                    //Win.btnGrp1.btnCancel.onClick = "";
            //Cancel.onClick = doExit();
            Win.btnGrp.btnOK.onClick = function ()  { PDFExport = true; Win.hide();} //To overcome model dialog box error
            if (PDFExport == true){
                var myPDFFilePath;
                var InDJobOption = app.pdfExportPresets;
                myPDFFilePath = myOutFolderPathName+"/"+app.documents[0].name.split(".indd")[0].split (".INDD")[0]+".pdf";     
                app.documents[0].exportFile (ExportFormat.pdfType, myPDFFilePath, false, myJobOptionName);
            var myCapsWin = new Window('dialog', 'Export PDF with preflight errors');
            myCapsWin.orientation = 'row';       
            myCapsWin.minimumSize = [230, 50];
                myCapsWin.optPNL = add('panel');
                myCapsWin.optPNL.orientation = 'row';
                myCapsWin.btnGrp = add('group');
                myCapsWin.btnGrp.orientation = 'row';
                myCapsWin.btnGrp.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK');
                myCapsWin.btnGrp.btnCancel = add('button', undefined, 'Cancel');;
        var myCaps =;
        if(myCaps == true){
            var myBar = new Window('palette', ' Export PDF Generating....', undefined, {closeButton:false,   maximizeButton:true,   minimizeButton:true });
            myBar.add('progressbar',undefined, 1, 100);
            myBar.children[0].preferredSize = [250,15];
            myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+10;
            var myPDFFilePath;
            var InDJobOption = app.pdfExportPresets;
            myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+10;
            myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+20;
            myPDFFilePath = myOutFolderPathName+"/"+app.documents[0].name.split(".indd")[0].split (".INDD")[0]+".pdf";
            myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+20;
            app.documents[0].exportFile (ExportFormat.pdfType, myPDFFilePath, false, myJobOptionName);
            myBar.children[0].value = myBar.children[0].value+100;

  • Get blank report in Crystal Report Viewer when exporting to PDF

    I have an application that creates reports in the CrystalReportViewer while at the same time exports a PDF of that report.  I am having a problem in which
    performing the export causes the report in the ReportViewer and the PDF report to be blank. They have the header and column labels but no data.  If I
    comment out the Me.Export(reportExportOptions) line at the end of the exportPDFReport method the report in the ReportViewer works fine, displaying
    data on the report. 
    I have other forms that perfrom this same type of function on different reports and work fine.  In fact they use the same exportPDFReport method.  This leads
    me to believe that a difference in the reports may be causing the problem.  But I can't figure out why.
    I am using .net 3.5 with Crystal Reports 2008 (CR2008) full edition in Visual Studio 2008.  Although the reports that work were probably created using
    VS 2005 and the VS 2005 edition of Crystal, and which have since been updated to CR2008.
    Has anyone else experienced this problem?  If so, how did you resolve it?
    Thanks for any help!
    Code is below
    Public Class frmAgedReceivables
      Inherits CustomWinControls.CustomForm
      Implements ICustomForm
    ... other properties and methods
    Public Sub CreateAgedPremiumsReport()
        Dim billingType As String = "Direct"
        Dim reportType As String = String.Empty
        Dim frmDateProcess As New frmEnterProcessMonth()
        frmDateProcess.pikMonthYear.Value = TurmsController.CodeEffectiveDate
        frmDateProcess.lblMessage.Text = "Enter Processing Date"
        If frmDateProcess.ShowDialog(Me) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then
        End If
        Me.InForceStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Creating Report"
        Dim report As New AgedReceivablesReport()
        Dim reportParmsArrayList As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
        If AgencyBillRadioButton.Checked Then
          billingType = "Agency"
        End If
        If NAICCheckBox.Checked Then
          reportType = "NAIC"
        End If
        Dim parms As String() = {frmDateProcess.pikMonthYear.Value, billingType, reportType}
        Me.InForceStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading Data"
        Dim reportParms() = reportParmsArrayList.ToArray
        report.ExportFileName = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Format(frmDateProcess.pikMonthYear.Value, "yyyyMM") + report.GetType.Name
        report.ExportFormat = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
        Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = report
      End Sub
    End Class  
    Public MustInherit Class TurmsReport
      Inherits CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
    Implements _ITurmsReport
    ... other properties and methods
        Public Sub exportPDFReport() Implements _ITurmsReport.exportPDFReport
          Dim reportExportOptions As New ExportOptions
          Dim reportDiskFileDestinationOptions As New DiskFileDestinationOptions
          Dim reportFormatTypeOptions As New PdfRtfWordFormatOptions
          reportDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = getExportPathAndName(ExportType.PDF)
          If Me.UsePageRange _
          AndAlso Me.FirstPageNumber > 0 _
          AndAlso Me.LastPageNumber > 0 Then
            reportFormatTypeOptions.UsePageRange = True
            reportFormatTypeOptions.FirstPageNumber = Me.FirstPageNumber
            reportFormatTypeOptions.LastPageNumber = Me.LastPageNumber
          End If
          With reportExportOptions
            .ExportDestinationType = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
            .ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
            .ExportDestinationOptions = reportDiskFileDestinationOptions
            .ExportFormatOptions = reportFormatTypeOptions
          End With
          If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Me.ExportFilePath) Then
          End If
      End Sub
    End Class 

    Pretty much. 
    Seems I had at one time hard coded a record selection statement that I forgot to remove which caused the report to be blank.  That solved my problem, but there still seems to be an issue in that the Crystal Report Viewer performed differently when I tried to export to PDF (no records displayed) then when I didn't (records displayed).

  • [JS CS3 Win] Export to PDF then auto-print PDF from Acrobat

    I am working on the script that is exporting pages to PDF, and would like to automatically send exported PDF to print from Acrobat.
    I get the scripting part for exporting to PDF, and it's working very well, but I have trouble on the part of the script that tells Acrobat to open the PDF and send it to printer. Script is run from InDesign, so I thought this is right forum to ask.
    The following part of the script is working OK on one computer, but on other two computers with similar configuration (CS3. Windows, Acrobat 8) it doesn't work at all and I can't figure out where is the problem:
    var printFile = "/c/temp/test.pdf";
    var remoteScript = "printFile = decodeURI('"+printFile+"');\n";
    remoteScript += "var doc = app.openDoc({cPath: printFile});\n";
    remoteScript += "var pp = doc.getPrintParams();\n";
    remoteScript += "pp.pageHandling = pp.constants.handling.shrink;\n";
    remoteScript += "pp.NumCopies = 2;\n";
    remoteScript += "pp.interactive = pp.constants.interactionLevel.silent;\n";
    remoteScript += "pp.printerName = '\\\\hrhqzgw23prn01\\\hr300019ps';\n";
    remoteScript += "doc.print(pp);\n";
    remoteScript += "doc.closeDoc(true);";
    I would appreciate any help. thank you.

    Hi Mark,
    Here is a sample script. It exports the active InDesign document to pdf file, using its base name, to the root of C drive. Then opens the exported file in Acrobat, prints it to the default printer and silently closes it.
    Tested on InDesign 5.0.3, Acrobat 8.0.0, Windows XP SP3.
    #target indesign
    var myIndesignDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var myBaseName = GetFileNameOnly(;
    var myFile = new File( "/C/" + myBaseName + ".pdf" );
    myIndesignDoc.exportFile( ExportFormat.pdfType, myFile, false );
    var myScript = 'var myAcrobatDoc = app.openDoc( "/C/' + myBaseName + '.pdf" );\n';
    myScript += 'myAcrobatDoc.print( {bUI: false, bSilent: true} );\n';
    myScript += 'myAcrobatDoc.closeDoc( true );';
    var bt = new BridgeTalk; = "acrobat";
    bt.body = myScript;
    function GetFileNameOnly(myFileName) {
        var myString = "";
        var myResult = myFileName.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (myResult == -1) {
            myString = myFileName;
        else {
            myString = myFileName.substr(0, myResult);
        return myString;
    Short explanation of the acrobat script:
    1. Open the pdf file, just exported from InDesign
    var myAcrobatDoc = app.openDoc( "/C/' + myBaseName + '.pdf" );
    2. To print the document silently I use the doc object’s print method and set the following parameters:
    bUI -- Determines whether to present a user interface to the user
    bSilent -- Suppresses the Cancel dialog box while the document is printed
    myAcrobatDoc.print( {bUI: false, bSilent: true} );
    3. Close the document without notifying the user:
    myAcrobatDoc.closeDoc( true );

  • Export from PDF to Excel continually times out and fails.

    I went through the steps to convert a PDF to Excel turning off the OCR feature. Tried this several times today with or without OCR and I keep getting the error message "Adobe ExportPDF could not successfully export your PDF file (file name).pdf. The conversion of your uploaded PDF timed out."
    I don't think I'm doing anything wrong as there are not too many steps to follow.
    If I can't get this to do  what is expected (which is convert a .pdf to an Excel file) then I will have to cancel the subscription. I just did sign up for a paid subscription to Adobe ExportPDF. There are others in my department (45 total) who would benefit from having a .pdf to Excel file converter and I have volunteered to become the "beta tester" for this.
    If anyone has any ideas as to why this is happening, I'd sure love to hear them.

    You are not talking about Acrobat, but ExportPDF. Check for the separate forum on that by simply selecting the Adobe Community link near the top of this forum and in the drop down box select ExportPDF.

  • How do I stop FH Mx from converting spot colors to cmyk on export to pdf

    I have Freehand Mxa on my PC.  I created a couple of rectangles and filled with two Pantone colors from my swatch pallet.
    I exported to pdf and the spot colors converted to cymk.  Shucks!  How do I stop that?
    (When I print directly to my Adobe Distiller print driver the spot colors are retained as they should in my pdf.)
    In the Freehand export function there is a setup dialog box just below the "cancel" button.  When that opens there is only a drop down button allowing conversion to cmyk and cmyk/rgb.  So, I am guessing that is not where I can tell Freehand to leave my spots alone.
    What am I doing wrong?
    I was going to attach the small test file but the system did allow. Hope my description is enough to render a solution.

    The only thing you're doing wrong is using FH's PDF export. It creates PDF files that are adequate for viewing online or printing to composite inkjet printers, but it doesn't support spot colors.
    There are many more reasons why you shouldn't use FH's PDF export for print work. See this technote for limitations of PDF export.
    When you need to retain spot colors, print to a Postscript file and Distill.

  • SSRS report export to PDF hangs in Abode 9.4

    I have a SSRS 2008 report which get exported as PDF. I render the ssrs report byte[] array as content attachment on to my web page. It renders with open/save/cancel. But on click of the open, the report get hanged. This issue is with the abode version 9.4
    Font used in the report is Airal Unicode MS.(this is for different locale) Size of the pdf is less than 150 kb.
    Please help.

    For your case, you may want to look into data-driven subscription where you may be able to run individual report and export them to pdf and have them deliver via email if you have that email in a table. Good luck

  • I can not export a PDF to word. What should I do?

    I can not export a PDF to word. What should I do? Do I have to cancel my subscription? Please answer me.!!
    I already paid all!

    Hi wishborne,
    I'm here to help! Are you unable to log in to ExportPDF, or unable to convert files once you're logged in? I tried to check your order history, but don't see any orders under the email address that you use here. Did you perhaps sign up using a different email address, or sign up via Adobe Reader?
    I look forward to hearing back from you. We will get to the bottom of this.

  • Pages crashes after exporting to PDF or .doc

    This is a problem now that it happens everytime i use pages.
    I'm working on a document and then I go to save a PDF by either Export in the File menu
    or by choosing "save as PDF" in the printer dialogue
    after it saves the PDF as soon as I go back to the pages doc the app crashes.
    and asks me if i want to reopen cancel or send a report - which i have done.
    this also happens if i save as .doc
    maybe i have to reset the app?
    this is making pages unusable unfortunately

    There used to be a reproducible crash in the past with a footnote, if you deleted the text referencing the footnote without deleting the footnote and then printed/exported to PDF. However, that problem is gone in the latest versions, as far as I can tell.
    Apart from that, I do not know of any definite crash scenarios.

  • Is it possible to export to PDF without a Return character at the end of every line?

    I am the author of a book whose first edition has been typeset and extensively amended in InDesign.  I now need to rewrite the first edition to produce a second edition.
    When I copy-and-paste from the PDF with which the publisher has supplied me into MS Word, I get a Return character at the end of every line, which means that text doesn’t automatically wrap and sentences are fragmented so that I get spurious grammar errors.
    I know that not all PDF files have a Return at the end of every line.  Is it possible to restrict Returns to the end of paragraphs when exporting from InDesign to PDF?  If so, what should the publisher be asking the typesetter to do?

    Thanks for your lightning-swift and helpful replies, Mike & Ellis.
    I don't have InDesign myself, so I know hardly anything about how it's used.  I'm just trying to research what an internationally-known publisher should already know how to do, but apparently doesn't!
    Following your suggestion, Mike, I have downloaded the trial version of Acrobat and exported the PDF to a Word file.  This has been moderately successful as there are far fewer spurious Return characters, just a few that I suspect may be hangovers from the typesetter having introduced soft returns in ID.
    As you've suggested Peter and Ellis, I'll suggest that the publisher asks the typesettter to export from ID to RTF and Text to see if that's even better.
    Message was edited 15:24 GMT by: AlanS5100

  • How do you export a pdf from acrobat dc to dropbox on a mac

    I have been using dropbox for years and have never had a problem exporting a pdf to it until I got Adobe Acrobat DC.  Please tell me how to export to a dropbox file.

    "stored on acrobat" – PDF files in your account ("Files" or "Workspace")?
    If so then you can access those from your install Adobe Reader Mobile app.
    What's New :: My Account
    Once accessed it is simply easy to transfer the PDFs to the iPad.
    Be well...

  • Export to PDF doesn't retain page settings

    Create a report with lots of columns and then change the page settings to be landscape and shrink to fit. Now run the report and print the report as a PDF. It works as expected.
    Now export this same report as a PDF. The export will not retain the page settings. Instead, it will export the PDF in portrait and it will not shrink to fit.
    If you email the report to someone, it also doesn't retain the page settings.
    I opened a TAR on this issue and I was told this was not a current feature of Discoverer. Exporting does not retain page settings by design and it would be an enhancement request to get this new functionality.
    We build a lot of custom Oracle Reports right now so that users can drill from one level to another. With OracleBI Discoverer, I can now do this with linking to sheets. With Oracle Reports, I can render the report in PDF format which is a business requirement. With OracleBI Discoverer, I can do this too except I can't export the PDF because it doesn't fit on the page correctly.
    Anyone else need this functionality?
    On another "enhancement request" note, I would like to be able to schedule exports. OracleBI Discoverer is getting close to providing an alternative to Oracle Reports which is great because it is faster to build and deploy reports and it is licensed by the CPU so I don't have to worry about buying Report Builder licenses. Lastly, business users can build their own reports rather than someone in IT doing it.

    ok, here's what I have found out (thanks to our Viewer guru, Matthew):
    The print/PDF preferences are currently not saved, so you are right when you say you have to re-apply those settings.
    However, there is a way to persist these changes within a session (note that since these changes are session-resident only, you will lose them once you exit Viewer).
    The short one line explanation of the workaround is to make the changes using the 'Printable Page' link, generate a 'Preview' or the entire PDF report, and then use the worksheet breadcrumb link to return to the worksheet. This ensures that the PDF changes you made are available during the sesion to the worksheet. You can always undo these settings by clicking the 'Revert to saved' link.
    I have posted the same information, but with screenshots, to
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management
    BI on Oracle:
    BI on OTN:
    BI Beans:
    BI Software:
    BI Samples:
    OTN Forum: Discoverer

  • Hyperlinks do not work when exporting to PDF (Crystal and Visual Cut)

    I have a question about Crystal Reports XI Release 2 and Visual Cut 11. I create reports in Crystal and export them using Visual Cut. Some reports contain hyperlinks to files on a network drive. However, the links only work while in Crystal. The PDF files that are printed through Visual Cut display the links, but they are not clickable. How can this issue be fixed?
    In case it helps, the links also work when I export reports from Crystal to HTML, Word, and Excel, but not when I export to Acrobat. I believe it is a problem with tagging/accessibilityfeatures. So is there a setting/formula in Crystal or Visual Cut that would allow the exported PDF files to be accessible?

    While Crystal exports to pdf indeed lose hyperlink functionality (both in Crystal as well as in Visual CUT), Visual CUT allows you to use Crystal formulas (acting as hidden Tags) to create hyperlinks in the resulting pdf file. Another option supported by Visual CUT it to automatically detect file references in the pdf text and turn them into hyperlinks.  Contact MilletSoftware for more detail.
    Edited by: Ido Millet on Oct 27, 2010 5:11 PM

  • Problem with subscript and superscript in tables when exporting in .pdf

    When I put some words in superscript (or subscript) in a table, a bug occurs when exporting in pdf (whit export or print either). All the words in the cell after the subscript part disappear in the pdf version. The rest of the table or the document isn't affected. It's really strange and it has occured since I shifted for the 5 version of Pages...
    I've no idea what to do...

    Pyregnier wrote:
    I've no idea what to do...
    It is a long standing bug in Pages 5.
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.

  • Format changing when IDCS3 file exported to PDF

    I am using Acrobat 8 version 8.1.2, and InDesign version 5.0.2.
    I am noticing a very specific problem when exporting some files to PDF from InDesign.
    We often have a format where we have a numbered list of right-aligned number, followed by some text, a leader line, and then another number at the end of the line. This is set up with a left indent and a first line left indent (rather than using the numbered list options, we are required to do it this way where I work), and then the necessary tabs later in the lines.
    I am finding since we switched to IDCS3, that when I export to PDF, lines containing this format change in the PDF. The text that appears after the number in the front of the line is pushed over on top of the leader line, leaving a huge white space. On rarer occasions, it will move things in lines that have no indents, but contain tabs that aren't being used.
    I have been able to get the files to export correctly by removing the left indent and first-line left indent and using tabs instead (or by removing unused tabs). But we have hundreds of files set up in this manner so going in and changing how they are all set up is problematic to say the least. Many of these are also multi-line and not using the indents means we have to manually tab lines over.
    Is this a known issue? Does anyone know why this might happen and how I can prevent it?
    I tried posting in the Acrobat forums and it was suggested since it's an export issue that I might get more help from the InDesign folks.

    Given that the file is being exported to PDF and not going via a driver route, there really is no reason why changing the default printer should make a difference whatsoever in this particular case. Changing default drivers in Microsoft Office applications, yes, but for this situation, no. And since Acrobat doesn't change formatting, the issue sounds like some problem associated with InDesign. Please report this problem directly to Adobe Tech Support and be prepared to send them sample files. Thanks!
    - Dov

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