Cannot access Stage.stageWidth

with this:
i get this error:
1119: Access of possibly undefined property stageWidth
through a reference with static type Class.

the stage class is accessible through any object on the
say you have a movieclip on the stage named myMC. Then
accessing stage width is done like this...
In AS3, Flash no longer cares about the depth of loaded
movies. There is only one stage in AS3 so accessing the stage from
an external movie loaded in is the same as accessing a movie clip
you place on the stage from your library.

Similar Messages

  • Error #1009 while loading swf "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."

    I'm trying to load a swf called "polaroids.swf" into my main swf called "09replacesSWF.swf". I keep getting the error when I test the movie. I'm completely lost and have been at this for hours. If I just test polaroids.fla the movie works fine but if I try to load it into 09replacesSWF.swf, I get the error. I need some help PLEASE!!!!!
    I tried to debug the movie and flash says......."Cannot display source code at this location".
    ....... TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at Polaroids$iinit()
    Here is my AS code
    package {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.filters.*;
        import flash.utils.*;
        import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
        import caurina.transitions.*;
        public class Polaroids extends MovieClip {
            public var stageContainer:MovieClip;
            private var _scaleTempo:Number;
            private var _thumbStr:Number;
            private var _stageHeight:Number;
            private var _stageWidth:Number;
            private var _count:Number;
            private var _initBGHeight:Number;
            private var _initBGWidth:Number;
            private var _backgroundImageArr:Array;
            private var _imageURLArr:Array;
            private var _imageCaptionArr:Array;
            private var _imagesArr:Array;
            private var _image:Bitmap;
            private var _backgroundImage:Bitmap;
            private var _bitmap:BitmapData;
            private var _backgroundBitmap:BitmapData;
            private var _xmlLoader:URLLoader;
            private var _imageXML:XML;
            private var _imageContainer:ImageContainer;
            private var _backgroundImageHolder:MovieClip;
            //Image States
            private var _activeImage = null;
            private var _previousActiveImage = null;
            private var backgroundImageLoader:Loader;
            public function Polaroids() {
                //sets up initial variable values
                _count = 0;
                _backgroundImageArr=new Array;
                _imageURLArr=new Array;
                _imageCaptionArr=new Array;
                _imagesArr=new Array;
                _thumbStr = .3;
                backgroundImageLoader = new Loader();
                _backgroundImageHolder = new MovieClip();
                stageContainer = new MovieClip();
            //Add Stage Listener
            private function addedToStage(e:Event):void {
                stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize);
            private function init():void {
                //Setup stage
                stage.align     = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                //Load XML
                var _xmlLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader;
                _xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("photos.xml"));
                this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
            Process XML
            private function processXML(e:Event):void {
                _imageXML=new XML(;
                _backgroundImageArr[0] = _imageXML.@backgroundImage;
                for (var i:int=0; i < _imageXML.*.length(); i++) {
            Load Background Image
            private function loadBackgroundImage():void {
                backgroundImageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,addBack ground);
                backgroundImageLoader.load(new URLRequest(_backgroundImageArr[0]));
            Add background image to stage
            private function addBackground(e:Event):void {
                _backgroundImage.smoothing = true;
                _initBGHeight = backgroundImageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.height;
                _initBGWidth = backgroundImageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.width;
                if ((_initBGWidth/_initBGHeight) > (stage.stageWidth/stage.stageHeight)) {
                    _backgroundImageHolder.height = stage.stageHeight;
                    _backgroundImageHolder.width =  _backgroundImageHolder.height * _initBGWidth / _initBGHeight;
                } else {
                    _backgroundImageHolder.width = stage.stageWidth;
                    _backgroundImageHolder.height= _backgroundImageHolder.width * _initBGHeight / _initBGWidth;
            Load Images
            private function loadImages():void {
                for (var i:int=0; i < _imageURLArr.length; i++) {
                    var imageLoader:Loader=new Loader;
                    imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(_imageURLArr[i]));
            Add images to MovieClip on Stage
            private function addImage(e:Event):void {
                _image.smoothing = true;
                _imageContainer = new ImageContainer();
                _imageContainer.falseBtn.buttonMode = true;
                _imageContainer.falseBtn.doubleClickEnabled = true;
                _imageContainer.imageHolder.addChild(_image);//Add Bitmap to a MoviClip _imageContainer
                _image.x = _imageContainer.width/2 - (_image.width/2 + 15);
                _image.y = _imageContainer.height/2 - (_image.height/2 + 80) ;
                _imageContainer.imageCaption.text = _imageCaptionArr[_count];
                _imageContainer.scaleX = _thumbStr;
                _imageContainer.scaleY = _thumbStr;
                _imageContainer.rotation = 30 - 60 * Math.random();
                if (Math.round(Math.random() * 1) == 1) {
                    _imageContainer.y=stage.stageHeight * Math.random() + _imageContainer.height * 2;
                    if (Math.round(Math.random() * 1) == 1) {
                        _imageContainer.x=stage.stageWidth + _imageContainer.width * 2;
                    } else {
                        _imageContainer.x=- _imageContainer.width * 2;
                } else {
                    _imageContainer.x=stage.stageWidth * Math.random() + _imageContainer.width * 2;
                    if (Math.round(Math.random() * 1) == 1) {
                        _imageContainer.y=stage.stageHeight + _imageContainer.height * 2;
                    } else {
                        _imageContainer.y=- _imageContainer.height * 2;
                //Setup Attributes
                _imageContainer.newX = Math.round((_imageContainer.width/2) + (stage.stageWidth-_imageContainer.width)*Math.random());
                _imageContainer.newY = Math.round((_imageContainer.height/2) + (stage.stageHeight-_imageContainer.height)*Math.random());
                _imageContainer.oldRotation = _imageContainer.rotation;
                _imageContainer.oldX = _imageContainer.newX;
                _imageContainer.oldY = _imageContainer.newY;
                _imageContainer.startX = _imageContainer.x;
                _imageContainer.startY = _imageContainer.y;
                _imageContainer.oldHeight = _imageContainer.scaleY;
                _imageContainer.oldWidth = _imageContainer.scaleX;
       = _count;
                _imageContainer.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateImage);
                _imageContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, dropImage);
                _imageContainer.falseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, setup_activeImage);
                _imagesArr.push(_imageContainer);//Add image reference to an Array
                _imageContainer.filters = [new DropShadowFilter(0,0,0,.9,8,8,1,1,false,false)];
                //Button Listeners
                _imageContainer.nextBtn.visible = false;
                _imageContainer.previousBtn.visible = false;
                _imageContainer.nextBtn.buttonMode = true;
                _imageContainer.previousBtn.buttonMode = true;
                _imageContainer.nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, nextImage);
                _imageContainer.previousBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, previousImage);
                //Add Container to Stage
            Animate Images onto Stage
            private function animateImage(e:Event):void {
       += ( - / _scaleTempo;
       += ( - / _scaleTempo;
                if (Math.round( == {
          , animateImage);
            Drag & Drop Images
            private function dragImage(e:MouseEvent) {
                if (e.currentTarget != _activeImage) {
                    if (_activeImage == null) {
                        stageContainer.setChildIndex(DisplayObject(e.currentTarget), stageContainer.numChildren-1);
                    } else {
                        stageContainer.setChildIndex(DisplayObject(e.currentTarget), stageContainer.numChildren-2);
            private function dropImage(e:MouseEvent) {
                if (e.currentTarget != _activeImage) {
                    e.currentTarget.oldX = e.currentTarget.x;
                    e.currentTarget.oldY = e.currentTarget.y;
            onResize Handler
            private function onResize(e:Event):void {
                for (var i:int = 0; i<_imagesArr.length; i++) {
                    if (_imagesArr[i] != _activeImage) {
                        _imagesArr[i].x = Math.round(stage.stageWidth * (_imagesArr[i].x/_stageWidth));
                        _imagesArr[i].y = Math.round(stage.stageHeight * (_imagesArr[i].y/_stageHeight));
                    } else {
                        _activeImage.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
                        _activeImage.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
                    _imagesArr[i].oldX = Math.round(stage.stageWidth * (_imagesArr[i].oldX/_stageWidth));
                    _imagesArr[i].oldY = Math.round(stage.stageHeight * (_imagesArr[i].oldY/_stageHeight));
                    _imagesArr[i].newX = Math.round(stage.stageWidth * (_imagesArr[i].newX/_stageWidth));
                    _imagesArr[i].newY = Math.round(stage.stageHeight * (_imagesArr[i].newY/_stageHeight));
                    _imagesArr[i].startX = Math.round(stage.stageWidth * (_imagesArr[i].startX/_stageWidth));
                    _imagesArr[i].startY = Math.round(stage.stageHeight * (_imagesArr[i].startY/_stageHeight));
                //Background Resizer
                if ((_initBGWidth/_initBGHeight) > (stage.stageWidth/stage.stageHeight)) {
                    _backgroundImageHolder.height = stage.stageHeight;
                    _backgroundImageHolder.width =  _backgroundImageHolder.height * _initBGWidth / _initBGHeight;
                } else {
                    _backgroundImageHolder.width = stage.stageWidth;
                    _backgroundImageHolder.height= _backgroundImageHolder.width * _initBGHeight / _initBGWidth;
                _stageWidth = stage.stageWidth;
                _stageHeight = stage.stageHeight;
            Handle Selected Image
            private function zoomImage():void {
                stageContainer.setChildIndex(_activeImage, stageContainer.numChildren-1);
                Tweener.addTween(_activeImage,{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotation: 0, x: _stageWidth/2 , y: _stageHeight/2, time: 1});
                _activeImage.nextBtn.visible = true;
                _activeImage.previousBtn.visible = true;
            private function returnImage():void {
                stageContainer.setChildIndex(_previousActiveImage, stageContainer.numChildren-2);
                Tweener.addTween(_previousActiveImage,{scaleX: .3, scaleY: .3, rotation: _previousActiveImage.oldRotation, x: _previousActiveImage.oldX , y: _previousActiveImage.oldY, time: 1});
                _previousActiveImage.nextBtn.visible = false;
                _previousActiveImage.previousBtn.visible = false;
            private function setup_activeImage(e:Event):void {
                if ((_activeImage == null) && (_previousActiveImage == null)) {
                    _activeImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                } else if (e.currentTarget.parent != _activeImage) {
                    _previousActiveImage = _activeImage;
                    _activeImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                } else {
                    Tweener.addTween(_activeImage,{scaleX: .3, scaleY: .3, rotation: _activeImage.oldRotation, x: _activeImage.oldX , y: _activeImage.oldY, time: 1});
                    _activeImage.nextBtn.visible = false;
                    _activeImage.previousBtn.visible = false;
                    _activeImage = null;
                    _previousActiveImage = null;
            Button Handlers
            private function nextImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var imageID = int(;
                if (imageID < _imagesArr.length - 1) {
                    _previousActiveImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                    _activeImage = _imagesArr[imageID+1];
                } else {
                    _previousActiveImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                    _activeImage = _imagesArr[0];
            private function previousImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
                var imageID = int(;
                if (imageID != 0) {
                    _previousActiveImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                    _activeImage = _imagesArr[imageID-1];
                } else {
                    _previousActiveImage = e.currentTarget.parent;
                    _activeImage = _imagesArr[_imagesArr.length-1];

    The error is at line 55....when I debug
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at Polaroids$iinit()[/Volumes/Herman's Passport/Music Rocka/RockaGallery/]
    So i'm looking in the code.....

  • SharePoint Designer 2013 cannot access workflows in Office 365 Site

    I have an Office 365 SharePoint site with a number of workflows that I have created on my machine with SPD 2013. After a number of weeks I was unable to access the workflows from my machine through SPD (while still being able to access pages, site assets
    etc.), getting the following error: (Am restricted from submitting images)
    "Server-side activities have been updated. You need to restart SharePoint Designer to use the updated version of activities"
    Restarting SPD doesn't help, after clicking OK I get the "SharePoint Designer cannot display the item" screen, prompting me to refresh. 
    When I do refresh, I get the following:
    "Windows Workflow Foundation, part of .Net Framework 3.0, must be installed to use this feature"
    This is happening on my machine, Windows 7 64 Bit, SPD 2013 64 Bit, but on a colleague's machine, Win 7 64 Bit, SPD 2013 64 Bit I can access the workflows. 
    I get the same error if I try to create a new Workflow on my machine but I can create it on my colleague's machine.
    I downloaded SPD 2013 on a 32 bit laptop I have access to, in which I can create a workflow. One existing workflow can be accessed, updated etc. with no issue, one opens to a prompt to "Insert a stage" and one tells me that it "Failed to load
    the workflow definition for the workflow", then the "SharePoint Designer cannot display the item" screen. All of these workflows can be accessed from my colleague's machine.
    Here are the actions that I have taken to date on my own machine:
    Cleared the caches multiple times
    Checked for updates
    Installed .Net Framework 4.5
    Re-installed .Net Framework 4.0 (which contains 3.0)
    Uninstalled and re-installed SPD 2013 
    Due to issues with a workflow on the site I am in contact with MS Support who are aware of this issue, they sent me a link to a hot fix that was already installed but they have no concrete idea of what might be going on.
    I was convinced that it was an issue on my machine, but I don't know what the issues that I have seen on the 32 bit SPD on the new laptop mean.
    I have been searching the internet for a fix with no success, I would appreciate any help.

    According to your post, my understanding is that SharePoint Designer 2013 cannot access workflows in Office 365 Site.
    There was an issue recently when a service release was implemented that incremented the version number in the HTML header on some SharePoint online sites to '16' when SPD was expecting '15'. 
    I suggest to install internet explore 10 and install a patch for IE10. Then test with "open with windows explore" then opened in SPD from sharepoint online.
    In addition, I suggest that in SPD go to Account > Switch Account and type in the credentials of the site you are trying to open (it defaults to your Microsoft Login).
    If the issue persists, to troubleshoot this issue, you can uninstall all versions of SharePoint Designer on workstation, clear cache and then reinstalling the latest SharePoint Designer. For the detailed information, you can refer to the
    Here are two similar threads for you to take a look at:
    By the way, you can also post the question in Office 365 forum and more experts will assist you.
    Office 365 forums
    More information:
    Designer 2013: Server-side activities have been updated:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • User cannot access redirected Documents folder, but can connect to share in Windows Explorer and access folder on server

    I am in the final stages of a cross-forest migration.  Users have Windows 7 workstations with redirected folders on a Windows Server 2012 box running in the old forest.  User accounts were not migrated.  The accounts in use have always
    been in the "new" forest.  One of our challenges was the large volume of data in redirected folders.  I made sure users in the target forest had continued to have access to their redirected folders in the old forest and robocopied
    the entire users share, copying the permissions with the files.  By doing incremental robocopies, we can get a final copy done now in about six hours.  The plan was simple: copy the files, do an incremental copy every night, on the night of the cutover
    change the folder redirection policy Documents path from
    \\oldserver\users\%USERNAME% to
    \\newserver\users\%USERNAME%. The policy is configured to NOT copy user files from the existing folder to the new redirected folder.  Everything was going well until I tested the policy change.  After the folder redirection policy is updated
    and applied, the user cannot access the private Documents folder.  For example, user Chester Tester logs on as ctester.  I open Windows Explorer and click the Documents shortcut.  I see one subfolder, which is subfolder of Public Documents. 
    So I can look at Public Documents but when I click on the Documents folder (Under the Documents library link) I get an access denied error.  Now for the kicker, if I open another Windows Explorer window and edit the address bar to
    \\newserver\users\ctester, I can navigate the Documents folder tree and see my thousands of documents. What the ....?
    I'm hoping this is something really simple to fix!

    HI Vivian,
    Thank you for your reply.  Yes, the path in Group Policy Folder Redirection Root Path was updated to
    \\NEWSERVER\users.  I had planned to point this to the distributed file system, so the first used was actually
    \\domain\dfs\users.  To simplify things I have backed off to copying to just a normal share
    We are using BASIC folder redirection and we create a folder for each user under the root path. 
    We did not want the policy to move content, as we were seeing users requiring 15-20 minute logon times  (or higher) after the policy is changed.
    Grant the User exclusive right to Documents - Disabled
    Move the contents of Documents to the new location - Disabled
    Related folder settings
    Video - Follow Documents
    Music - Follow Documents
    Pictures - Follow Documents
    Now when I change the folder redirection from old server to new server I now have TWO My Documents folders in the user's redirection folder on the server.  The redirected Documents points to an empty folder set.  The copied folders with all user
    data are there, but folder redirection refuses to recognize the original folder.
    I am looking at the full view of the folder, nothing hidden, so I'm wondering how a folder can have two subfolders with the exact same name.  For now, I just want the redirection to move from the old server to the new server properly.  I deleted
    the new My Documents folder, rebooted the user's workstation and tried again.  The behavior repeats itself, i.e., a new My Documents folder is always created when the redirection policy is changed from the old server to the new server.  The environment
    has about 1500 users with approximately 1.3TB of data in the redirected Documents folders.  OUCH!

  • Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method

    Here's the context of the problem, in which I will try to include as much information as possible while keeping the explanation brief.
    I am trying to make a portfolio website (architectural design + concept art).  Flash / programing are not my focus and this is my first go at learning the software.  Due to the nature of the content and my (lack) of ability in AS3, I want the the coding to be really simple and still let the site look good.  The way the site is currently structured:
    1) Basic menu buttons that navigate to sections of the site (brings up a new page).
    2) Example, clicking on <Graphics> takes you to a new page and a sub-menu animates in (simple motion tween for the buttons to cascade down).  This animation is a movie clip placed on the main timeline.
    3) On the screen is also a slideshow for all the images within <Graphics>.  Instead of multiple small slideshows, I combined them all into one, so as to avoid complications with add / remove from stage.  There are prev / next buttons that keep images within their sub section (ie 1->2->3->1).  The sub-menu buttons are suppose to link to the start of each sub section, much like chapters on a DVD.  (The slideshow is a movieclip sub-nested in the menu movieclip).
    Main menu buttons work.
    Sub-menu animation works.
    Slideshow works.
    Can't get the sub-menu buttons to access the slideshow chapters.
    I have created and solved about half a dozen errors, and each time I fix something, it just causes another point to break.  I've gone around in circles for days, and not sure which was is up anymore.  So, while the slideshow works independently of the rest of the content, and I think I have the parent referencing correct, the problem I am currently facing is thus:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at 03graphics_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    I've browsed some other threads, and I think I know what the problem is.  Since the sub-menu is animated, the buttons do not appear on frame 1 of the nested timeline, while the actionscript is on frame 1 of the main timeline - thus the code doesn't exist yet when I click the button.
    Is this indeed the problem?  If so, how do I go about fixing it?
    Additionally, does the structure makes sense on how my site is organized?  Is there an easier / cleaner way to code it?
    (This thing is completely ghetto-rigged, I just need it to function - it's like my own little Millenium Falcon...)

    Try following this posting, which is just a posting or two away from your own in the forum...

  • TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    Hi all,
    I am new to ActionScript and Flash, and I am getting this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at jessicaclucas_fla::MainTimeline/stopResumescroll()
    I have several different clips in one movie that have scrolling content. When I click a button to move to a different clip that doesn’t have a certain scroll, it gives me this error. I cannot figure out how to fix this. You can see the site I am working on: I would really appreciate some help! Thank you in advance. Here is the code:
    //Import TweenMax and the plugin for the blur filter
    import gs.TweenMax;
    import gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin;
    //Save the content’s and mask’s height.
    //Assign your own content height here!!
    var RESUMECONTENT_HEIGHT:Number = 1500;
    var RESUME_HEIGHT:Number = 450;
    //We want to know what was the previous y coordinate of the content (for the animation)
    var oldResumeY:Number = myResumecontent.y;
    //Position the content on the top left corner of the mask
    myResumecontent.x = myResume.x;
    myResumecontent.y = myResume.y;
    //Set the mask to our content
    myResumecontent.mask = myResume;
    //Create a rectangle that will act as the Resumebounds to the scrollMC.
    //This way the scrollMC can only be dragged along the line.
    var Resumebounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(resumescrollMC.x,resumescrollMC.y,0,450);
    //We want to know when the user is Resumescrolling
    var Resumescrolling:Boolean = false;
    //Listen when the user is holding the mouse down on the scrollMC
    resumescrollMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startResumescroll);
    //Listen when the user releases the mouse button
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopResumescroll);
    //This function is called when the user is dragging the scrollMC
    function startResumescroll(e:Event):void {
    //Set Resumescrolling to true
    Resumescrolling = true;
    //Start dragging the scrollMC
    //This function is called when the user stops dragging the scrollMC
    function stopResumescroll(e:Event):void {
    //Set Resumescrolling to false
    Resumescrolling = false;
    //Stop the drag
    //Add ENTER_FRAME to animate the scroll
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterResumeHandler);
    //This function is called in each frame
    function enterResumeHandler(e:Event):void {
    //Check if we are Resumescrolling
    if (Resumescrolling == true) {
    //Calculate the distance how far the scrollMC is from the top
    var distance:Number = Math.round(resumescrollMC.y - Resumebounds.y);
    //Calculate the percentage of the distance from the line height.
    //So when the scrollMC is on top, percentage is 0 and when its
    //at the bottom the percentage is 1.
    var percentage:Number = distance / RESUME_HEIGHT;
    //Save the old y coordinate
    oldResumeY = myResumecontent.y;
    //Calculate a new y target coordinate for the content.
    //We subtract the mask’s height from the contentHeight.
    //Otherwise the content would move too far up when we scroll down.
    //Remove the subraction to see for yourself!
    var targetY:Number = -((RESUMECONTENT_HEIGHT - RESUME_HEIGHT) * percentage) + myResume.y;
    //We only want to animate the scroll if the old y is different from the new y.
    //In our movie we animate the scroll if the difference is bigger than 5 pixels.
    if (Math.abs(oldResumeY - targetY) > 5) {
    //Tween the content to the new location.
    //Call the function ResumetweenFinished() when the tween is complete., 0.3, {y: targetY, blurFilter:{blurX:22, blurY:22}, onComplete: ResumetweenFinished});
    //This function is called when the tween is finished
    function ResumetweenFinished():void {
    //Tween the content back to “normal” (= remove blur), 0.3, {blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});

    Hi again,
    Thank you for helping. I really appreciate it! Would it be easier to say, if resumescrollMC exists, then execute these functions? I was not able to figure out the null statement from your post. Here is what I am trying (though I am not sure it is possible). I declared the var resumescrollMC, and then I tried to put pretty much the entire code into an if (resumescrollMC == true) since this code only needs to be completed when resumescrollMC is on the stage. It is not working the way I have tried, but I am assuming I am setting up the code incorrectly. Or, an if statement is not supposed to be issued to an object:
    //Import TweenMax and the plugin for the blur filter
    import gs.TweenMax2;
    import gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin2;
    //Save the content's and mask's height.
    //Assign your own content height here!!
    var RESUMECONTENT_HEIGHT:Number = 1500;
    var RESUME_HEIGHT:Number = 450;
    var resumescrollMC:MovieClip;
    if (resumescrollMC == true) {
    //We want to know what was the previous y coordinate of the content (for the animation)
    var oldResumeY:Number = myResumecontent.y;
    //Position the content on the top left corner of the mask
    myResumecontent.x = myResume.x;
    myResumecontent.y = myResume.y;
    //Set the mask to our content
    myResumecontent.mask = myResume;
    //Create a rectangle that will act as the Resumebounds to the scrollMC.
    //This way the scrollMC can only be dragged along the line.
    var Resumebounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(resumescrollMC.x,resumescrollMC.y,0,450);
    //We want to know when the user is Resumescrolling
    var Resumescrolling:Boolean = false;
    //Listen when the user is holding the mouse down on the scrollMC
    resumescrollMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startResumescroll);
    //Listen when the user releases the mouse button
    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopResumescroll);
    //This function is called when the user is dragging the scrollMC
    function startResumescroll(e:Event):void {
    //Set Resumescrolling to true
    Resumescrolling = true;
    //Start dragging the scrollMC
    //This function is called when the user stops dragging the scrollMC
    function stopResumescroll(e:Event):void {
    //Set Resumescrolling to false
    Resumescrolling = false;
    //Stop the drag
    //Add ENTER_FRAME to animate the scroll
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterResumeHandler);
    //This function is called in each frame
    function enterResumeHandler(e:Event):void {
    //Check if we are Resumescrolling
    if (Resumescrolling == true) {
    //Calculate the distance how far the scrollMC is from the top
    var distance:Number = Math.round(resumescrollMC.y - Resumebounds.y);
    //Calculate the percentage of the distance from the line height.
    //So when the scrollMC is on top, percentage is 0 and when its
    //at the bottom the percentage is 1.
    var percentage:Number = distance / RESUME_HEIGHT;
    //Save the old y coordinate
    oldResumeY = myResumecontent.y;
    //Calculate a new y target coordinate for the content.
    //We subtract the mask's height from the contentHeight.
    //Otherwise the content would move too far up when we scroll down.
    //Remove the subraction to see for yourself!
    var targetY:Number = -((RESUMECONTENT_HEIGHT - RESUME_HEIGHT) * percentage) + myResume.y;
    //We only want to animate the scroll if the old y is different from the new y.
    //In our movie we animate the scroll if the difference is bigger than 5 pixels.
    if (Math.abs(oldResumeY - targetY) > 5) {
    //Tween the content to the new location.
    //Call the function ResumetweenFinished() when the tween is complete., 0.3, {y: targetY, blurFilter:{blurX:22, blurY:22}, onComplete: ResumetweenFinished});
    //This function is called when the tween is finished
    function ResumetweenFinished():void {
    //Tween the content back to "normal" (= remove blur), 0.3, {blurFilter:{blurX:0, blurY:0}});

  • TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.      at FC_Home_A

    Dear Sir,
    I really need your valuable assistance i was about to finish a project but at very last moment i am stuck. Here is the explanation below...
    I have two files called "holder.swf" and "slide.swf" i want to improt the "slide.swf" using this action below
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("slide.swf");
    myLoader.x = 2;
    myLoader.y = 2;
    Also i have attached the flash file of "holder.swf". My concern is the moment i am calling the "slide.swf" inside the "holder.swf" it is showing the following error...
    " TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
              at FC_Home_Ads_Holder_v2_fla::MainTimeline() "
    Here are the files uploaded for your reference, please download this file
    This error is being occured from "" file here is the code been use inside of this file below....
    package FC_Home_Ads_Holder_v2_fla
        import __AS3__.vec.*;
        import adobe.utils.*;
        import com.danehansen.*;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import com.greensock.plugins.*;
        import flash.accessibility.*;
        import flash.desktop.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.errors.*;
        import flash.external.*;
        import flash.filters.*;
        import flash.geom.*;
        import flash.globalization.*;
        import flash.printing.*;
        import flash.profiler.*;
        import flash.sampler.*;
        import flash.sensors.*;
        import flash.system.*;
        import flash.text.*;
        import flash.text.engine.*;
        import flash.text.ime.*;
        import flash.ui.*;
        import flash.utils.*;
        import flash.xml.*;
        public dynamic class MainTimeline extends flash.display.MovieClip
            public function MainTimeline()
                new Vector.<String>(6)[0] = "Productivity";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[1] = "Leadership";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[2] = "Execution";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[3] = "Education";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[4] = "Speed of Trust";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[5] = "Sales";
                addFrameScript(0, this.frame1);
            public function init():void
                var loc1:*=null;
                com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin.activate([com.greensock.plugins.Aut oAlphaPlugin]);
                loc1 = new;
                var loc2:*;
                this.next_mc.buttonMode = loc2 = true;
                this.prev_mc.buttonMode = loc2;
                stage.scaleMode = flash.display.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                stage.align = flash.display.StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                loc1.addEventListener(, this.xmlLoaded, false, 0, true);
                this.prev_mc.addEventListener(, this.minusClick, false, 0, true);
                this.next_mc.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
            public function xmlLoaded(
                var loc1:*=null;
                var loc2:*=0;
                this.xmlData = new XML(;
                loc2 = 0;
                while (loc2 < this.LABELS.length)
                    loc1 = new Btn(this.LABELS[loc2], loc2);
                this.current = uint(this.xmlData.@firstPick);
                var loc3:*=this.contentMask.width / this.LABELS.length;
                loc2 = 0;
                while (loc2 < this.BTNS.length)
                    this.BTNS[loc2].width = loc3;
                    this.BTNS[loc2].x = loc3 * loc2;
                this.btnHolder_mc.addEventListener(, this.numClick, false, 0, true);
            public function numClick(
                this.current =;
            public function killTimer():void
                this.timerGoing = false;
                if (this.timer)
                    this.timer.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
                    this.timer = null;
            public function selectMovie():void
                if (this.timerGoing)
                    this.timer = new flash.utils.Timer(uint([com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(t his.current,].@delay), 1);
                    this.timer.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
                while (this.holder_mc.numChildren > 0)
                var loc1:*=new flash.display.Loader();
                loc1.load(new[com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(thi s.current,].@loc));
                var loc2:*=0;
                while (loc2 < this.BTNS.length)
                var loc3:*=this.BTNS[com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,].x + this.BTNS[com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,].width / 2 + this.btnHolder_mc.x;
                trace("addLength:" +;
                trace(loc3, com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,;
      , 0.3, {"x":loc3, "ease":com.greensock.easing.Cubic.easeOut});
                loc1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(, this.adLoaded, false, 0, true);
            public function adLoaded(
                var loc1:*;
                evt = arg1;
                catch (er:Error)
            public function minusClick(
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current - 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function plusClick(
                if (arg1.type != "timer")
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current + 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function ENDED(
                if (arg1.type != "timer")
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current + 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function STARTED(
            function frame1():*
                this.timerGoing = true;
                addEventListener("endNow", this.ENDED, false, 0, true);
                addEventListener("startNow", this.STARTED, false, 0, true);
            public const XML_LOC:String=stage.loaderInfo.parameters.xmlLoc ? stage.loaderInfo.parameters.xmlLoc : "home_ads.xml";
            public const LABELS:__AS3__.vec.Vector.<String>=new Vector.<String>(6);
            public const BTNS:__AS3__.vec.Vector.<Btn>=new Vector.<Btn>();
            public const TRANSITION_TIME:Number=0.2;
            public var contentMask:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var btnHolder_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var holder_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var indicator_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var prev_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var next_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var current:int;
            public var xmlData:XML;
            public var timer:flash.utils.Timer;
            public var timerGoing:Boolean;
    Here is the folder uploaded on the server for you to get clear picture, please click on this link to download the entire folder.
    I am not being able to resolve the issue, it needs a master to get the proper solution. I would request you to help me.
    Thanks & Regards
    Sanjib Das

    Here is the entire code of below, please correct it.
    package FC_Home_Ads_Holder_v2_fla
        import __AS3__.vec.*;
        import adobe.utils.*;
        import com.danehansen.*;
        import com.greensock.*;
        import com.greensock.easing.*;
        import com.greensock.plugins.*;
        import flash.accessibility.*;
        import flash.desktop.*;
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.errors.*;
        import flash.external.*;
        import flash.filters.*;
        import flash.geom.*;
        import flash.globalization.*;
        import flash.printing.*;
        import flash.profiler.*;
        import flash.sampler.*;
        import flash.sensors.*;
        import flash.system.*;
        import flash.text.*;
        import flash.text.engine.*;
        import flash.text.ime.*;
        import flash.ui.*;
        import flash.utils.*;
        import flash.xml.*;
        public dynamic class MainTimeline extends flash.display.MovieClip
            public function MainTimeline()
                new Vector.<String>(6)[0] = "Productivity";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[1] = "Leadership";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[2] = "Execution";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[3] = "Education";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[4] = "Speed of Trust";
                new Vector.<String>(6)[5] = "Sales";
                addFrameScript(0, this.frame1);
            public function init():void
                var loc1:*=null;
                loc1 = new;
                var loc2:*;
                this.next_mc.buttonMode = loc2 = true;
                this.prev_mc.buttonMode = loc2 = true;
                stage.scaleMode = flash.display.StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                stage.align = flash.display.StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                loc1.addEventListener(, this.xmlLoaded, false, 0, true);
                this.prev_mc.addEventListener(, this.minusClick, false, 0, true);
                this.next_mc.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
            public function xmlLoaded(
                var loc1:*=null;
                var loc2:*=0;
                this.xmlData = new XML(;
                loc2 = 0;
                while (loc2 < this.LABELS.length)
                    loc1 = new Btn(this.LABELS[loc2], loc2);
                this.current = uint(this.xmlData.@firstPick);
                var loc3:*=this.contentMask.width / this.LABELS.length;
                loc2 = 0;
                while (loc2 < this.BTNS.length)
                    this.BTNS[loc2].width = loc3;
                    this.BTNS[loc2].x = loc3 * loc2;
                this.btnHolder_mc.addEventListener(, this.numClick, false, 0, true);
            public function numClick(
                this.current =;
            public function killTimer():void
                this.timerGoing = false;
                if (this.timer)
                    this.timer.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
                    this.timer = null;
            public function selectMovie():void
                if (this.timerGoing)
                    this.timer = new flash.utils.Timer(uint([com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,].@delay), 1);
                    this.timer.addEventListener(, this.plusClick, false, 0, true);
                while (this.holder_mc.numChildren > 0)
                var loc1:*=new flash.display.Loader();
                var loc2:*=0;
                while (loc2 < this.BTNS.length)
                var loc3:*=this.BTNS[com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,].x + this.BTNS[com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,].width / 2 + this.btnHolder_mc.x;
                trace("addLength:" +;
                trace(loc3, com.danehansen.MyMath.modulo(this.current,;
      , 0.3, {"x":loc3, "ease":com.greensock.easing.Cubic.easeOut});
                loc1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(, this.adLoaded, false, 0, true);
            public function adLoaded(
                var loc1:*;
                evt = arg1;
                catch (er:Error)
            public function minusClick(
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current - 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function plusClick(
                if (arg1.type != "timer")
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current + 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function ENDED(
                if (arg1.type != "timer")
                var loc1:*;
                var loc2:*=((loc1 = this).current + 1);
                loc1.current = loc2;
            public function STARTED(
            function frame1():*
                this.timerGoing = true;
                addEventListener("endNow", this.ENDED, false, 0, true);
                addEventListener("startNow", this.STARTED, false, 0, true);
            public const XML_LOC:String=stage.loaderInfo.parameters.xmlLoc ? stage.loaderInfo.parameters.xmlLoc : "home_ads.xml";
            public const LABELS:__AS3__.vec.Vector.<String>=new Vector.<String>(6);
            public const BTNS:__AS3__.vec.Vector.<Btn>=new Vector.<Btn>();
            public const TRANSITION_TIME:Number=0.2;
            public var contentMask:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var btnHolder_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var holder_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var indicator_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var prev_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var next_mc:flash.display.MovieClip;
            public var current:int;
            public var xmlData:XML;
            public var timer:flash.utils.Timer;
            public var timerGoing:Boolean;

  • Suddenly I cannot access one website

    All of a sudden I cannot access one website at from any of the three Macs on my network. Two of them are wireless and one is ethernet-cabled
    I work for them so it would be helpful if I could do so. I e-mailed them and they have confirmed that other Mac users can access their website without any problem and that they have certainly not blocked me from accessing their website.
    The connection to this website fails using Safari, Firefox and Netscape and Firefox and IE via VPC on my g5 iMac, Safari and Firefox on a G4 Powerbook and a G4 Tower.
    I connect to the internet via a 3Com router which works perfectly except for this glitch.
    I have changed nothing in my set-up and have been able to access this website uninterruptedly for about 10 years, until about two weeks ago.
    I have used ping, lookup and traceroute in Network Utility to try and work out what is wrong. In the ping test, all the packets go missing. The lookup gives information which means nothing to me. The traceroute test shows asterisks at stages 2, 5 and 13 onwards, meaning I suppose that this is where the connection to the remote URL is faiiling.
    What does this all mean and what can I do about it?
    There seem to be a lot of posts on this issue, almost all of them unresolved, and hope that I have posted in the right place.
    I do not have anything like PeerGuardian.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi Nick,
    It does seem a prblemon their end... likely Server issues... I get no response either.. and I have no other problems.
    See what I've Italicized below, whomever you work for is not compliant.
    Even putting in their P..., has no results.
    * Browser Test
    IP address:
    Host name: is from United States(US) in region North America
    TraceRoute to []
    Hop (ms) (ms) (ms) IP Address Host name
    1 23 21 11 -
    2 6 6 16
    3 17 23 26
    4 21 10 12
    5 22 15 19
    6 33 39 47
    7 31 41 35
    8 32 47 28 -
    9 31 34 32 -
    10 42 38 35 -
    11 34 38 47
    Trace complete
    whois query for
    Results returned from
    Whois Server Version 2.0
    Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
    with many different competing registrars. Go to
    for detailed information.
    Whois Server:
    Referral URL:
    Name Server: AUTH00.NS.UU.NET
    Name Server: AUTH100.NS.UU.NET
    Name Server: NS1.FCENA.COM
    Status: clientTransferProhibited
    Updated Date: 18-aug-2007
    Creation Date: 26-apr-1996
    Expiration Date: 27-apr-2012
    Last update of whois database: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 05:56:41 EDT <<<
    Results returned from
    Welcome to the Network Solutions Registrar WHOIS Server.
    +The IP address from which you have visited the Network Solutions Registrar WHOIS*+
    +*database is contained within a list of IP addresses that may have failed*+
    +*to abide by Network Solutions' WHOIS policy. Failure to abide by this policy can*+
    +*adversely impact our systems and servers, preventing the processing of*+
    +*other WHOIS request+s.
    To see the Network Solutions WHOIS Policy, click on or copy and paste the following
    URL into your browser:
    <a class="jive-link-external-small" href="http://">
    If you feel that you have received this message in error, please contact us at:
    [email protected] and include the following information:
    Whois Query:
    YOUR IP address is
    Date and Time of Query: Wed Sep 10 05:51:32 EDT 2008
    Reason Code: IE
    Retrieving DNS records for
    DNS servers [] [] []
    Answer records 1 A 87000s
    Authority records 1 NS 28800s 1 NS 28800s 1 NS 28800s
    Additional records 1 A 28800s
    Network IP address lookup:
    whois query for
    Results returned from
    MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business UUNET63 (NET-63-64-0-0-1) -
    Grand Expeditions UU-63-111-66-D6 (NET-63-111-66-0-1) -
    # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-09-09 19:10
    # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
    Results returned from
    CustName: Grand Expeditions
    Address: 6348 Hatteras Club Drive
    City: Lake Worth
    StateProv: FL
    PostalCode: 33463
    Country: US
    RegDate: 2007-05-01
    Updated: 2007-05-01
    NetRange: -
    NetName: UU-63-111-66-D6
    NetHandle: NET-63-111-66-0-1
    Parent: NET-63-64-0-0-1
    NetType: Reassigned
    Comment: Addresses within this block are non-portable.
    RegDate: 2007-05-01
    Updated: 2007-05-01
    RTechHandle: OA12-ARIN
    RTechName: UUnet Technologies, Inc., Technologies
    RTechPhone: +1-800-900-0241
    RTechEmail: [email protected]
    OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE3-ARIN
    OrgAbuseName: abuse
    OrgAbusePhone: +1-800-900-0241
    OrgAbuseEmail: [email protected]
    OrgNOCHandle: OA12-ARIN
    OrgNOCName: UUnet Technologies, Inc., Technologies
    OrgNOCPhone: +1-800-900-0241
    OrgNOCEmail: [email protected]
    OrgTechHandle: SWIPP-ARIN
    OrgTechName: swipper
    OrgTechPhone: +1-800-900-0241
    OrgTechEmail: [email protected]
    OrgTechHandle: JHU140-ARIN
    OrgTechName: Huffines, Jody
    OrgTechPhone: +1-703-886-6093
    OrgTechEmail: [email protected]

  • I can't remember my passcode for my iPad so cannot access it?

    I cannot remember my passcode ( 4 digits ) for my iPad so cannot access it?

    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just cancelling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

  • The Ole #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference ...

    To anyone that can help me I say thank you first I also say thank you to anyone else that attempts to help.  I am sure this will be an easy one for most of you but I am completely stumped.  I am a newbee to AS.
    I have a movie that has navigation butttons and they all work find.  On a scene in the movie I have an image that grows grows from alpha 0 to 100%.  When you Mouse_Over the alpha drops to -.6 and when you Mouse_Out it goes back to 1.  I have this in frame 1 and this scene takes place between frames 115 and 166.  When I execute a Mouse.Click on the movieClip (contact_us_gel) I am moved to the emailScene.  The bad news is when I click the movieClip I get the below.  I change the movieClip to be on the stage for entire movie from frame 1 to 166 in hopes to loose this error.  As you can tell that didn't work.  Below is the AS code that I have written. I use this same code for my navigation buttons and I have no issues.  I have officially had my butt kicked by this one.
    I have tried removing the eventListner and that just really messes me up until I go to the homeScene (frame 1) and add the event listner back for he contact_us_gel.
    The Trace & Error from the outPut.....
    Frame on Gel MouseOut 228 <<-- Trace statement when I click the gel / This is also where the email scene stars
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at barnumRealtyGroup_fla::MainTimeline/outCUG()[barnumRealtyGroup_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:1 31]
    The code
    //-- ContactUsGel --\\
    function rolloverCUG(event:MouseEvent):void{
    contact_us_gel.alpha -= 0.6
    function outCUG(evnt:MouseEvent):void{
        trace("Frame on Gel MouseOut "+this.currentFrame);
        contact_us_gel.alpha = 1; //this is where I am dying.... This is frame1:Line131
    function playHomeSceneCUG(event:MouseEvent):void{
        trace("Frame on Gel Going to Email "+this.currentFrame);
    Thank you in advance...

    I follow you and something that I failed to mention is that this is happening only when I execute a MouseEvent.Click on contact_us_gel.  While looking at this after my post and testing what is happening is outCUG() is called during the MouseEvent.Click which calls playHomeSceneCUG() << takes me to emailScene.  That is what is killing me I have  not found a proper way to isolate that MouseEvent.Click and not allow it to call outCUG().  I know you are the GURU but did I confuse you.

  • I have been hacked on hotmail, and i try to change my password on mail and it will not change, it comes up grey not black so i cannot access it

    basucaly what has happened is i went onto my laptop, changed my hotmail password, then now i cannot access it on my ipod i have been onto Settings-Mail,Contacts,Calender and the box where it says "hotmail" the writing is in grey so i cannot access the next stage, i dont know what next to do any help would be greatful!

    Settings>General>Restrictions...are yours on? Allow Changes>Accounts>On/Off.

  • HP Pavilion DV6-3029tx Cannot Access BIOS Setup

    Hello there, I have used this laptop for nearly two years, if I remember correctly.
    Basically, the problem is that I want to disable Function key, but I cannot access BIOS setup.
    I have tried every combination of keys at start-up screen, from ESC to F10, none of them worked.
    So I thought maybe an BIOS update can solve the problem (My current version is F.07), I downloaded firmware from HP support site and run it, know what, the screen flashed and system get restarted, but nothing had changed, I didn't get even an error message.
    The problem is actually found by a HP supporter when I send my laptop for cleaning last year, he didn't manage to fix it at the time and problem became devastating for me lately because certain software I am using rely heavily on function keys. The only things "big" I have ever done to my laptop were updating windows 7 Home to Ultimate (32-bit) and partition, I am not sure if they were the reason.
    The following is InsydeFlash log, I searched the error code and find somebody with similar problem here:
    --- Log started: 2012/04/18 17:30:15
    Log file       : I:\SwSetup\SP55299\InsydeFlash.Log
    Settings file  : I:\SwSetup\SP55299\platform.ini (found)
    Executable     : I:\SwSetup\SP55299\InsydeFlash.exe
        Version    :    Build      : InsydeFlash
        Date       : Fri Oct 15 14:25:12 2010
    Resource file  : I:\SwSetup\SP55299\iscflash.dll (loaded)
    App name       : InsydesFlash
    OS Information : Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - supported
    Preparation stage
    IHISI Version  : 193
        Error code : 3010(0x00000BC2)
    Cleanup Stage
        Stage Completed
    --- Log Stopped: 2012/04/18 17:30:16
    --- Log started: 2012/04/18 17:38:11
    Log file       : I:\SWSetup\SP55299\InsydeFlash.Log
    Settings file  : I:\SWSetup\SP55299\platform.ini (found)
    Executable     : I:\SWSetup\SP55299\InsydeFlash.exe
        Version    :    Build      : InsydeFlash
        Date       : Fri Oct 15 14:25:12 2010
    Resource file  : I:\SWSetup\SP55299\iscflash.dll (loaded)
    App name       : InsydesFlash
    OS Information : Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 - supported
    Preparation stage
    IHISI Version  : 193
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume3
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume4
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume5
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume7
    Sign File Name:\\?\Volume{5ab76131-9b4b-11df-90b9-c80aa990af36}\\Hewlett-Packard\BIOSUpdate\HpBiosUpdate.sig
    Sign File Name:\\?\Volume{5ab76131-9b4b-11df-90b9-c80aa990af36}\\Hewlett-Packard\BIOSUpdate\HpBiosUpdate.EFI
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume2
    Device Name:\Device\HarddiskVolume6
    Device Name:\Device\CdRom0
    Device Name:\Device\CdRom1
    Allow Version: B.0D, Dex: 2829
    Current Version: F.07, Dex: 3847
    Current BIOS version is bigger than the version setted in Ini.
    Partition : 1 WMI 0x0D: 1
    Check Package : 1
    BIOS sign : 1
    File sign : 1
        Processing parameters...
            Image file     : I:\SWSetup\SP55299\01448F29.bin
            Backup file    : No Backup file
              OEM ID       : 0x103C
        Loading new BIOS image file...
            Opening file I:\SWSetup\SP55299\01448F29.bin
    Not sign file
    g_dwEcSize : 0x00080000
    Reading 4194304  bytes from file starting at      0 ...
            BIOS image size : 4194304 (0x00400000)
    ECSize : 0x80000
        Error code : 3010(0x00000BC2)
    Cleanup Stage
        Stage Completed
    --- Log Stopped: 2012/04/18 17:38:20
    Thanks for your help.

    Nevermind, I deleted the HP_TOOLS partition and problem solved, this may help those who have similar problem.

  • Default Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    Evenin' all.
    I've got a problem with a flash application I'm creating. I have put an FLV movie in frame 10 of a scene, but whenever I test the movie it just says:
    [CODE]TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at Prototype_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp_commentsPlayer_Variables_Content_0()
        at Prototype_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()[/CODE]
    Variables is the name of the scene, commentsPlayer being the name of the FLV player. What is causing this to happen? I have tested the video on its own in a new file and it works fine :confused:
    I also get the same problem with buttons in different frames/scenes.
    I'm relatively new to Flash so it's probably something pretty small but vital.

    Ignore the 'Default' bit at the start of the question, that's just a typo.
    I'm using Flash CS4/AS 3.0, the Flash movie is split up into scenes, I've added an FLVPlayback component to the stage in frame 10 (keyframe) in one of the scenes (not the first scene) and specified the source and other component settings using the component inspector. I'm not using ActionScript for this currently.
    The problem occurs when I try to test the movie, it throws up this output when compiling:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
         at Prototype_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp_commentsPlayer_Variables_Content_0()
         at Prototype_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    The FLVPlayback is obviously 'commentsPlayer' in scene 'Variables'.

  • Help! TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    I'am the just start learning actionscript 3, follow is my code, when i lauch the code, it still report the error in frame 36 but did not locate the error in which line. please help me debug them.... TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    fm_button.visible = false;
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    var menu_label_North:Array = new Array("Animals Collection", 
                                                                                     "Flowers Collection",
                                                                                     "Leaves Collection",
                                                                                     "Mixed Collection",
                                                                                     "Extra Collection",
                                                                                     "Special Awards",
                                                                                     "Company Background",
                                                                                     "Contact Information");
    var total_north:Number = menu_label_North.length;
    var i_north:Number = 0;
    var page_north:Number;
    var main_menu_North:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    for (i_north = 0; i_north < total_north; i_north++)
              var btn_north = new flashmo_button();
     = "btn" + i_north;
              btn_north.x = fm_button.x + i_north * ( fm_button.width + 12 );
              btn_north.y = fm_button.y;
              btn_north.buttonMode = true;
              btn_north.item_no = i_north;
              btn_north.flashmo_click_area.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, btn_enter_north );
              var each_substring_north:Array = menu_label_North[i_north].split("|");
              btn_north.flashmo_button_label.fm_label.text = each_substring[0];
              btn_north.item_url = each_substring[1];
    function btn_over_north(e:MouseEvent):void
     = true;
    function btn_out_north(e:MouseEvent):void
     = false;
    function btn_click_north(e:MouseEvent):void
              var mc=;
              if ( mc.item_url != undefined )
                        navigateToURL( new URLRequest( mc.item_url ), "_parent" );
    function btn_enter_north(e:Event):void
              var mc_north =;
              if ( mc_north.over == true )
    function change_page_north(no:Number):void
              for (var i:Number = 0; i < main_menu_North.numChildren; i++)
                        var mc = MovieClip( main_menu_North.getChildAt(i) );
                        mc.over = false;
                        mc.flashmo_click_area.visible = true;
                        mc.flashmo_click_area.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btn_over_north );
                        mc.flashmo_click_area.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btn_out_north );
                        mc.flashmo_click_area.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_click_north );
              var mc_selected = MovieClip( main_menu_North.getChildAt(no) );
              mc_selected.over = true;
              mc_selected.flashmo_click_area.visible = false;
              mc_selected.flashmo_click_area.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btn_over_north );
              mc_selected.flashmo_click_area.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btn_out_north );
              mc_selected.flashmo_click_area.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_click_north );
              page_north = no + 1;
    change_page_north(0);// default page on load
    flashmo_credit.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_fm_north );
    function goto_fm_north(e:MouseEvent):void
              navigateToURL( new URLRequest( "" ), "_parent" );
    music_credit.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_music_north );
    function goto_music_north(e:MouseEvent):void
              navigateToURL( new URLRequest(
              "" ),
              "_blank" );

    click file>publish settings>swf and tick "permit debugging".  retest.
    the line number of the code that contains that non-existant object you're trying to reference will be in the error message.  indicate that line of code if you're not sure which object that is.

  • Acessing root stage.stageWidth

    So I'm trying to do a simple graph with rollover definitions. I have the graph on one layer in the root along with the definitions. On a hit testing MC I have the following:
    var defbox:info = new info();
    var mcName  =;
    var xPos =  (MovieClip(parent).stage.stageWidth)/2;
    var yPos =  (MovieClip(parent).stage.stageHeight)/2;
    this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
    function mouse_over(event:MouseEvent):void {
         this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
         this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out);
         defbox.x = xPos-350;
         defbox.y = yPos-350;
         defbox.alpha = .95;
         defbox.title.title.text = MovieClip(parent).titles[mcName];
         defbox.def.text = MovieClip(parent).definitions[mcName];
         defbox.def.autoSize = "center";
         defbox.body.height = defbox.def.height + 25;
         defbox.title.y = defbox.body.y -8;
    function mouse_out(event:MouseEvent):void {
         this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
         this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out);
    The problem is that the loaded MC namely, defbox is does not appear at stage.width/2 (or height). It appears to be loading somewhere relative to the hit tester (the mc where the defbox mc is being loaded). I can't seem to access the root stage. I'm pretty sure that all the MCs registry points are normal. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    use:var defbox:info = new info();
    var mcName  =;
    var pt:Point = new Point(stage.stageWidth)/2,stage.stageHeight)/2);
    var newpt:Point = this.globalToLocal(pt);
    this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
    function mouse_over(event:MouseEvent):void {
         this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
         this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out);
         defbox.x = xPos-350;
         defbox.y = yPos-350;
         defbox.alpha = .95;
         defbox.title.title.text = MovieClip(parent).titles[mcName];
         defbox.def.text = MovieClip(parent).definitions[mcName];
         defbox.def.autoSize = "center";
         defbox.body.height = defbox.def.height + 25;
         defbox.title.y = defbox.body.y -8;
    function mouse_out(event:MouseEvent):void {
         this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouse_over);
         this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouse_out);
    The problem is that the loaded MC namely, defbox is does not appear at stage.width/2 (or height). It appears to be loading somewhere relative to the hit tester (the mc where the defbox mc is being loaded). I can't seem to access the root stage. I'm pretty sure that all the MCs registry points are normal. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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