Cannot add, remove, or move contacts or groups at this time. Please try again later. After 30 minutes it works, why?

We have a Lync 2013 Server with RCC (Cisco Call Manager). When the Lync-Client have a phone connection, everything works. But if the Lync Client has no phone connection (some special places/accounts) the contact list can not be edited during the first
30 minutes. After 30 minutes, everything works, with no error, the contact list can be changed...
In the Client log "Lync-UccApi-0.UccApilog" there are a lot of "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" and some "SIP/2.0 409 Conflict". The Fault code in the 409 Conflict is "Client.BadCall.WrongDelta"
Lync Client: 15.0.4641.1000
Lync Server: 5.0.8308.556
Deleting the Sip-Folder doesn't help, delete the sign-in information doesn't help, change the client doesn't help. We have configurerd Address Book Web Query, so no Adressbooksync/download will be made or could be the issue.
So why the Clients waits 30 minutes before I can made changes on the contact list. Is there some timeout? I saw some information about resynchronization it would take 30 minutes, but not more information. And what exactly is the resynchronization?
If you need more information or logfiles let me know.

Sorry, for my late answer. Here die configuration Information (sorry, German Lync Client)
DG-URL intern;;--;
DG-URL extern;;--;
Interne ABS-Server-URL;;--;
Externe ABS-Server-URL;;--;
Voicemail-URI;sip:[email protected];opaque=app:voicemail;--;
Zuordnungsinstanz für Konferenzzustandsobjekte;sip:[email protected];gruu;opaque=app:conf:focusfactory;--;
Serveradresse intern;;--;
Serveradresse extern;;--;
SIP-URI des Servers;[email protected];--;
Exum aktiviert;FALSE;--;
Gesteuerte Telefone;TRUE;--;
GAL- oder serverbasierte Suche;Serverbasierte Suche;--;
PC-an-PC-AV-Verschlüsselung;AV-Verschlüsselung erzwungen;--;
Telefoniemodus;Telefoniemodus nur für RCC;--;
Leitung konfiguriert von;Automatische Leitungskonfiguration;--;
Konfigurationsmodus;Automatische Konfiguration;--;
Interne EWS-URL;;--;
Externe EWS-URL;;--;
URL für SharePoint-Suchcenter;;--;
URL für Qualifikationssuche;;--;
Verbundener Lync Server;;--;
Lokaler Protokollordner;C:\Users\admflad1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\Tracing;--;
In Benutzerstatus;TRUE;--;
Kontaktlistenanbieter;Lync Server;--;
Paarstatus;Lync kann keine Verbindung mit Ihrem Telefonapparat herstellen, da das USB-Kabel nicht angeschlossen ist. Schließen Sie das Kabel an.;Aktiviert;
UCS-Verbindungsstatus;Exchange-Verbindung nicht aktiv;--;
MAPI-Informationen;MAPI-Status OK;MAPI nicht installiert;
EWS-Informationen;;EWS-Status: OK;
Lizenzstatus;Lync ProPlus;--;
Benachrichtigungsstatus "Aufgehängt";;Getrennt;
Interne pChatroom-Verwaltungs-URL;;--;
Externe pChatroom-Verwaltungs-URL;;--;
Standard-URI für pChat;;--;
pChat aktiviert?;FALSE;--;

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