Cannot delete calander event

I have tried to delete a calander event, but it keeps returning. How can I delete it permanently?

Do you have multiple mail accounts with calendars activated, maybe you are deleting event from one mail but it is stil "backuped" on another mail account?

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    The error message you are getting while deleting the event handler is a valid one. Because it is not possible to delete an object if the object is not owned by that particular ARS reposotory.
    For your case, you don't need to delete an event handler. you can just 'Deactivate' the event halder from Document offiline window of code view. It would solve the problem.
    Best Regards

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    Is this a synced calendar or just on the phone?
    For a synced calendar, you will need to go to the Settings App > Mail,Contacts,Calendar and remove it from there.
    For a calendar on the device, open the calendar app > Calendars > Seelct the calendar(s) in question (tap on the blue arrow to the right) > scroll down and tap Delete Calendar.
    You might find the user guide helpful:
    Message was edited by: James Ward4

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    Although I have not used it, but you may find Archiver useful.

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    The only other thing I can think of is to try deleting the entire calendar from your iPhone and then sync your iCal calendar to your phone again.  This needs to be done carefully.  I would begin by backing up your iCal calendar on your mac for safekeeping by opening iCal, then going to File>Export>Export, save this on your desktop.  Then do the following:
    On your phone go to Settings>iCloud and turn Calendars to Off.  You should get a prompt asking you whether to keep or remove the calendar data from your phone.  Choose to remove it.
    Without connecting your phone, open iTunes on your computer and go to iTunes>Preferences, go to the Devices tab check "Prevent...from automatically syncing".
    Now connect your phone and, as before, go to the Info tab of your iTunes sync settings.  Confirm that you have checked to Sync Calendars with iCal, then further down under Advanced: Replace information on this iPhone check Calendars, then click Apply at the bottom to sync your phone.
    This should transfer your iCal calendar to your iPhone, hopefully this time without the problem event.  Check your phone to confirm that this was successful, then you can then go back to iTunes Preferences and re-enable automatic syncing.

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    Thanks for the response!
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    go to settings>mail contacts and calenders> check and see if your calender is on under your email.. if so it is probably syncing to your emails calender and not the calender app on your phone..

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    Were the photos taken by your new iPhone?  If so, did you not import them off your phone to your computer (as you would any other digital camera) before the restore?  If not, restoring wiped the data off the phone and your pictures are gone.
    Sounds like a good time to (re)read the User Guide.

  • ICal (Lion) before synching, when creating a NE in Month view, edits don't save or if they do I also get a ghost NE that I cannot delete

    When I am in Month view and double click to create a new event, then edit the name and duration of such and click done, most times it does not save it or it appears to save it, the name changes but when i click away, it reverts to a blank New Event. Sometimes it will save the event as edited but then it will also create a blank New Event on that same day that I then cannot delete.
    I do synch with my iPad through iTunes BUT I have not synched for over a month now and this is happening with new events I am creating since the last synch.
    Any suggestions most appreciated.

    Hello Mujno,
    To fix this issue, you need to determine how you are navigating between pages. Are you navigating between multiple pages within a page (like html iframe) or navigating from one page window to another. The Frame control helps keep track of
    the page navigations.
    Here's what you can try per scenario:
    1) Navigating between pages within a page
    - You would have to include a frame control on all pages that use your reusable class. The frame control would be a container for any page that you want to navigate and display the content. I doubt this is what you are doing but figured it's worth mentioning.
    - You can use the "this.Frame.Navigate(.....)" after including the frame control on the page. Note that "Frame" is the name of the frame object.
    2) Navigating from one page window to another
    - You can navigate to another page from your reusable class by instantiating a new frame from the current window.
    Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
    rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(Object), Object);
    Let me know if this helps.
    Abdulwahab Suleiman

  • How do you delete an event in iCal?

    I have an iPad 2 and I cannot delete events from iCal.
    Does anyone know how to do this?
    iPad 2 seems very unstable after the latest software update on 9 May 2011.

    Click on the event, and use the delete key. Or click on the event, and choose iCal>Edit>Delete.
    Good luck.

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    Put the photos from the Event into the iPhoto trash and empty it.

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