Cannot gift song without CC#

Here is some ire:
So I have enough in my iTunes account to gift some songs to a friend.
However, Apple doesn't appear to permit you sending songs unless you have a credit card!
I use gift cards because of a previous creditcard issue with Apple and other merchants (Target...) having my CC info compromised and inconvenience of dealing with new card, etc.
So the idea that, hey, I just get iTunes cards, and add that to get songs, apps and movies. No CC info to take.
Apple, please fix this. If I have $80 or more, sitting in my iTunes wallet, it is my $80. If I like a song and want to buy for friend, why not? This is a fail.
Irony: some of the $ in there was from an iTunes card ... that was a gift!
But Apple is not the only company that does not allow gifting from a gift balance, so clearly there some good reason why this is not allowed, not just whim.

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    The problem is that you're using an uncertified lightning to 30-pin connector (the blue cable).  If you purchase the 30-pin to lightning cable (either online, at an Apple store or an authorized dealer) it should work fine.
    I have a 2011 Tuscon and tried the lightning to USB cable that came with the phone - no dice.  Talked to my local Hyundai dealer and they don't have an eta on the Hyundai lightning cables (I'm sure it's in the works).
    Lightning to 30-Pin Adapter (0.2M)
    Part Number: MD824ZM/A
    $29 in the US store, $45 in Canada (yes, even though our dollar has been par for years)

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    It sounds as though you misunderstood the purpose of iTunes Match. You still need to have the content on the device to play it.
    However it's effectively no different than before in that you keep your most played content on your phone but are able to download stuff you rarely play should you ever wish to.
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    You are correct, you cannot delete songs from iTunes in the Cloud. This is where all of your purchases are permanently stored so if you want to re-download something you can. Sometimes purchases will no longer be available, if the merchant pulls them from the iTunes store, but for the most part, all of your past purchases will remain in iTunes in the Cloud.
    This has absolutely nothing to do with iTunes Match.
    What is the issue you are experiencing?

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    I Can’t take credit for this, someone (riffraff)posted it long ago, but I’ve had to use it each time iTunes updates.
    1. This will erase your play lists and music list. May want to have them saved somewhere to import from later
    2. Close iTunes
    3. I went to music folder then to iTunes and under this directory
    4. I deleted iTunes Library files, library, extras, and genius
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    5. started iTunes.
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    7. select add folder to library
    8. select your music folder-probably iTunes Music folder
    9. let run
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    Thank you for your input.

    Thank you for the reply, Chris.
    I thought of that idea, a separate playlist for each song. That would be fine, if I was only playing one song. But I want to have the list of songs ready to play, so was going to put them in a playlist together. I need to be able to get to the next song quickly, without a lot of messing around with the Ipod.
    Is it possible to put playlists within playlists? Then, perhaps I could make an individual playlist for each song, and make a playlist with all those one-song playlists together. If that is possible, it probably still would make it too complicated to go to the next song, probably having to use the menu button to go back to the higher playlist, etc. I want to keep playback simple.
    I may try your idea of creating a blank "song" to put between tracks. (Is there also no way currently otherwise, to put a certain amount of empty space in between tracks?)
    Thanks also for the feedback link. I will send this concern to Apple, and hope they add that capability soon.

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    He can re-gift it to someone else who is using the Mexico iTunes store. He needs to sign into his iTunes account, and go to his Account Information page. Under Purchase History he will see a section called Gifts with an option to click on Manage Gifts.
    He will see a list of gifts he has sent. If he clicks on the one he sent to you, since you have not redeemed it, it will show a box with the recipient name on it, and will let him change it to any other email address he wishes to:
    The reason you cannot send gifts to recipients using other iTunes stores, is because the item sent may or may not exist in your store. Also, there are restrictions for content in many countries.
    Sorry ,

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    They were saved along with all my songs on my EXTERNAL hard drive. I can't remember if, after I purchased them, I MOVED them to my external drive.
    When I do GET INFO it shows the path as my external hard drive.
    They don't play/work in iTunes.
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    I cannot download songs from my ION turntable to itunes library. I used to

    1. You did not get an error message telling you that your iPhoto library was getting full. You got a message telling you that your HD was getting full, right?
    OS X needs about 10 gigs of hard drive space for normal OS operations - things like virtual memory, temporary files and so on.
    Without this space your Mac will slow down as the OS hunts for space on the disk, files will be fragmented, also slowing things down, apps will crash and the risk of data corruption - that is damage to your files, photos, music - increases exponentially.
    Your first priority is to make more space on that HD. Nothing else can be done until you do.
    Purchase an external HD and move your Photos and Music to it. Both iPhoto and iTunes can run perfectly well with the Library on an external disk.
    Your Library has been damaged from being run on an overfull disk.
    How much free space on it now?

  • "cannot find songs online" when trying to play/import from cd.

    When trying to play/import a cd I get "cannot find songs online" message. Only Track # & time are displayed. When trying to get cd info I get "not registered for online use" message. Never did this before. Thanx in advance for any help.

    The "not recognized for on-line use" error is associated with the Gracenote service that iTunes uses to look up and retrieve metadata for CDs.  Some users have reported that this error occurs when trying to import from CD, subsequent to upgrading to version 12 (though the number of reports has reduced significantly since 12.1 was released).  A number of slightly different solutions have been reported (though all of a similar nature).
    Try walking through the following steps - before starting you may have to enable hidden files and folders to be viewed - in Windows 7 / Windows Explorer select Organize > Folder and search options, then on the View tab make sure that Show hidden files, folders and drives is selected.  I don't have a Vista system to check whether its different, but you may need to:
    Select Start > Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization
    Click Folder Options
    Select the View tab
    Under Advanced Settings, click Show hidden files and folders, then click OK.
    Without this you won't see the AppData folder in C:\Users\username\.
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this doesn't work:   
    In iTunes, select Edit > Preferences and make a note (or take a screenshot) of your preferences settings in all relevant tabs
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following file:iTunesPrefs.xml
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this second procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1.   
    If this one didn't work:   
    Exit iTunes
    Check the following folders:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes
    C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete any copies of the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    Again, if this procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1 of the second procedure.
    If you're still not able to retrieve CD info:   
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows, select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.  Find the entry for iTunes, right-click and select Repair.
    When this process has finished, restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If none of these have worked (and almost everything I've seen suggests you should be OK by this point), you may have an issue with the installation and configuration of iTunes itself.  If you have got this far, see turingtest2's notes on Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for advice on how to remove and replace of all components of iTunes.

  • Cannot delete songs from iPod when in manual update mode

    I am using iTunes 7 and i'm trying to delete some songs just from my iPod and i have always used the manual update option.
    The problem is when i go into the songs on my iPod and go into a playlist and try to delete the songs within a playlist it won't let me. BUT when i search for those same songs within my iPod library (library shows all songs on the iPod) i can delete them.
    So my problem is i cannot delete songs within playlists just from my iPod. I know that deleting the playlist on the left hand side navigation bar will still keep the songs there, it will only delete the actual playlist.
    Also when i select a song(s) the edit menu is all greyed out except for copy.
    Can anyone help please.
    iPod 5th Generation + iTunes 7 Windows XP Pro
    Windows XP Pro
      Windows XP Pro  

    Try using the key combination Shift-Delete when deleting from a song from a playlist, this will delete it from the library as well.

  • I cannot change song order on playlist with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column( up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4.

    I cannot change song order on playlists (old or new) with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column (up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4. I can't drag and drop "music" to "playlist" but can right click and get the option to "add to playlist." No such option for moving song within playlist, only the up and down arrow which moves song from top to bottom list, so if it is #4 from top it will move to #4 from bottom. Stupid I know. I spent over an hour with Apple support, reinstalled itunes, restarted and rebooted computer. Networked with my laptop which is running 10.6.8 and itunes 10.4 and it can drag and drop. The final Apple support solution was to reinstall my operating system. I would prefer not to. Any other ideas?

    After looking at other people's posts, I think it's official: there is a bug. Itunes support said I should not have lost the drag/drop tool and I haven't on the laptop that is running itunes 10.4 and operating system 10.6.8. I chatted with someboby who lost both his drag/drop and side scroll and what we have in common is a wacom tablet for a mouse. My laptop is a wireless mouse. I reinstalled whatever updated driver that wacom has out there, shut the system down for night, hoping for magic, but alas none to be had. So if I want to change song order, I network the laptop and desktop, share the screen on the laptop, drag and drop to my heart's content and curse Apple for making me work this hard to find the tool that was once at my fingertips. Apple also let me know that if I want to share songs in household that the hundreds on songs that were purchased for .99 need to be repurchased for another .30. Maybe Apple is holding my drag/drop tool captive til I pay up the money or Maybe the next update will fix the problem, I for one give up for now.

  • After upgrading to IOS 7, I can only transfer songs to my iPhone 5 that I bought on iTunes. Cannot xfer songs I burned from CD.

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    I'm using IOS 7.1.2 and iTunes WIndows 7.

    This has worked for many folks according to the feedback I have gotten:
    Un-sync all your music to remove it from the device, then restart (hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until you see the apple, then let go). Now re-sync your music.

Maybe you are looking for