Cannot import classes such as ObjectFile, Scene, ...

Hi Java'ers,
I wanted to load some ObjectFile into my Java program but I have no idea what's wrong about my method.
I need do this so I can load an objectfile (.obj) into my program:
import com.sun.j3d.loaders.objectfile.ObjectFile;
Eclipse says that it doesn't exists. But, when I import this:
import com.sun.j3d.loaders.objectfile.*;
This line is good, Eclipse says that this exists. So the directory is good but he can't find the classes in the directory's.
I imported this jar-files in my project:
- j3dcore.jar
- j3dutils.jar
- vecmath.jar
My steps for importing the jar-files
import -> Archive File -> Browse... -> (jar-file)
Can you programmers help me to get this working?
Thank you

use the flash help files.  for example, this is the explanation of the intrinsic keyword from the help files:
"Allows compile-time type checking of previously defined classes. Flash uses  intrinsic class declarations to enable  compile-time type checking of built-in classes such as Array,  Object, and String. This keyword indicates to the  compiler that no function implementation is required, and that no bytecode  should be generated for it.
The intrinsic keyword can also be used with variable and function declarations. Flash uses  this keyword to enable compile-time type checking for global functions and  properties.
The intrinsic keyword was created specifically to enable compile-time type checking for  built-in classes and objects, and global variables and functions. This keyword  was not meant for general purpose use, but may be of some value to developers  seeking to enable compile-time type checking with previously defined classes,  especially if the classes are defined using ActionScript 1.0.
This keyword is supported only when used in external script files, not in  scripts written in the Actions panel."

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  • Cannot import classes

    I have one class calling another, like this:
    import CloseWindowListener;
    import DatabaseSearchControls;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class DatabaseSearch {
         public static void main (String[] args) {
              DatabaseSearchControls frame = new DatabaseSearchControls();
              frame.addWindowListener ( new CloseWindowListener() );
    I get these errors when I compile DatabaseSearch:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Korbel\My Documents\benmay\ '.' expected
    import CloseWindowListener;
    C:\Documents and Settings\Korbel\My Documents\benmay\ '.' expected
    import DatabaseSearchControls;
    The other 2 files complied correctly and are in the same directory. Anyone ever seen this and know what I am doing wrong?
    Thank you!

    Are you compiling with version 1.4? If so, it is now invalid to import classes that don't belong to a package. It is not necessary to do so anyway, so just remove the import statements. Better yet, follow the Java standard and put each class you write into a named package, using the package statement.

  • Cannot import custom made java class

    I wrote a java class say ( which compiled fine. When I was importing it to another class (, the folowing error message appears:'.' expected
    import Money;(an errow pointing to ";")
    I dont think the code is wrong, because when I cut and attach the Money class code to the front of the Account class it compiled successfully.... I am confused! I wrote the import command according to the text book as follows:
    import Money;
    public class Account
    By the way, both the Money and Account classes are saved in the save folder... How come it wont let me import...
    Looking forward for an early reply.

    In older versions of Java, it was possible to import classes from the default package using a statement like:
    import Money;
    This feature has been removed from Java as of version 1.5. You cannot import classes from the default package.
    Note that if your other code ( is also in the default package, you do not need to import the class Money. Just remove the import statement.
    If class Account is in a different package and you want to use class Money, then the only option you have is to put class Money in another package than the default (unnamed) package.

  • Importing classes made by me

    Hi , i have created a class called cookiecheck and have placed it in the / web directory of my tomcate context and i would like to import it. how should my import command look. at this moment it looks like this, import cookiecheck; ,but this does not work ,please could you tell me what i am doing wrong.

    but when i upgraded one of the jsp tries to import a
    class (that does not have a package)
    eg: import site
    complains that there is no site.*
    any helpThat's the key. Once again, (since Java 1.4) you cannot import classes which do not belong to a package. Creating classes with no package has always been discouraged and since 1.4 that discouragement is even stronger. Refactor.

  • Cannot import AppModuleImpl class

    Hi experts,
    I'm developing Jdeveloper
    Suddenly I got this error.
    I had created Manage bean and import pakagename.AppModuleImpl and few other Impl classes there.
    Suddenly it was prompted error that ,cannot import AppModuleImpl class.
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    Could u pls advise me to solve this problem.

    what you try to do is accomplished by creating a dependency between the modle and the viewController project (see view controller project properties). As mentioned in the previous post, crossing boundaries between the model layer and the view controller layer is not good practices. If you need to access an AM method, expose it on the client interface and create a method binding so it can be accessed from and through the ADF binding layer.

  • Java 3d ...cannot import a 3ds file ..only works with a .obj

    Here is a world i have written in java 3d
    I can import a .obj file into this world but i want to import a file called Flipp.3ds but it keeps giving me an error
    Here is the complete class ..... Can anyone help
    Im pretty new to java 3d
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.vp.*;
            import javax.vecmath.*;
            import java.awt.*;
            import java.awt.event.*;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.behaviors.keyboard.*;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
            import java.applet.Applet;
            import java.awt.BorderLayout;
            import java.awt.event.*;
            import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.MainFrame;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.*;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
            import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.*;
            import com.sun.j3d.loaders.objectfile.ObjectFile;
            import com.sun.j3d.loaders.ParsingErrorException;
            import com.sun.j3d.loaders.IncorrectFormatException;
            import com.sun.j3d.loaders.Scene;
            import javax.vecmath.*;
            public class Assign2 extends Frame implements ActionListener {
                    protected Canvas3D myCanvas3D = new Canvas3D(null);
                    protected Button exitBt = new Button("Exit");
                    protected BoundingSphere bounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 100.0);
                    private boolean spin = true;
                    private double creaseAngle = 60.0;
                    private String filename;
            // Lights
                   * This adds a continuous background sound to the branch group.
                   * @param b BranchGroup to add the sound to.
                   * @param soundFile String that is the name of the sound file.
                  protected void addBackgroundSound (BranchGroup b,String soundFile)
                            //Create a media container to load the file
                            MediaContainer droneContainer = new MediaContainer(soundFile);
                            //Create the background sound from the media container
                            BackgroundSound drone = new BackgroundSound(droneContainer,1.0f);
                            //Activate the sound
                            //Set the sound to loop forever
                            //Add it to the group
                  protected void addLights(BranchGroup b)
                            Transform3D dirLightsXfm = new Transform3D();
                            dirLightsXfm.set(new Vector3d(-1.5,0.0,0.0));
                            TransformGroup dirLights = new TransformGroup(dirLightsXfm);
                            // Create a bounds for the background and lights
                            // Set up the global lights
                            Color3f ambLightColour = new Color3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.4f);
                            AmbientLight ambLight = new AmbientLight(ambLightColour);
                            Color3f dirLightColour = new Color3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                            Vector3f dirLightDir  = new Vector3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
                            DirectionalLight dirLight = new DirectionalLight(dirLightColour, dirLightDir);
                            if (spin)
                                    Transform3D yAxis = new Transform3D();
                                    Alpha rotationAlpha = new Alpha(-1, Alpha.INCREASING_ENABLE,
                                                                                      0, 0,
                                                                                      1500, 0, 0,
                                                                                      0, 0, 0);
                                    //attach to lights
                                    RotationInterpolator rotator =
                                         new RotationInterpolator(rotationAlpha, dirLights, yAxis,
                                                                                   0.0f, (float) Math.PI*2.0f);
                  // Content Branch
                  protected BranchGroup buildContentBranch()
                            //Create the appearance for the cube
                            Appearance app1 = new Appearance();
                            Appearance app2 = new Appearance();
                            Color3f ambientColour1 = new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
                            Color3f ambientColour2 = new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
                            Color3f emissiveColour = new Color3f(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
                            Color3f specularColour = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);
                            Color3f diffuseColour1 = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
                            Color3f diffuseColour2 = new Color3f(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f);
                            float shininess = 10.0f;
                            app1.setMaterial(new Material(ambientColour1,emissiveColour,diffuseColour1,specularColour,shininess));
                            app2.setMaterial(new Material(ambientColour2, emissiveColour,diffuseColour2,specularColour,shininess));
                            //import the object...
                            filename = "Flipp.max";
                            int flags = ObjectFile.RESIZE;
                            ObjectFile f = new ObjectFile(flags,
                                      (float)(creaseAngle * Math.PI / 180.0));
                            Scene s = null;
                                            s = f.load(filename);
                                    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                                    catch (ParsingErrorException e)
                                    catch (IncorrectFormatException e)
                            BranchGroup contentBranch = new BranchGroup();
                            //Position the Woman
                            Transform3D groupXfm = new Transform3D();
                            groupXfm.set(new Vector3d(0.0,0.0,0.0));
                            TransformGroup group = new TransformGroup(groupXfm);
                            // Adding to the Content Branch
                            BoundingSphere movingBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 300.0);
                            BoundingLeaf boundLeaf = new BoundingLeaf(movingBounds);
                            KeyNavigatorBehavior keyNav = new KeyNavigatorBehavior(group);
                            Transform3D floorXfm = new Transform3D();
                            floorXfm.set(new Vector3d(0.0,-1.5,-1.4));
                            TransformGroup floor = new TransformGroup(floorXfm);
                            Box theFloor = new Box(3.0f,0.0f,3.0f,app2);
                            return contentBranch;
                    // View Branch
                    protected BranchGroup buildViewBranch(Canvas3D c)
                            BranchGroup viewBranch = new BranchGroup();
                            Transform3D viewXfm = new Transform3D();
                            viewXfm.set(new Vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,10.0f));
                            TransformGroup viewXfmGroup = new TransformGroup(viewXfm);
                            BoundingSphere movingBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Point3d(0.0,0.0,0.0), 300.0);
                            BoundingLeaf boundLeaf = new BoundingLeaf(movingBounds);
                            ViewPlatform myViewPlatform = new ViewPlatform();
                            PhysicalBody myBody = new PhysicalBody();
                            PhysicalEnvironment myEnvironment = new PhysicalEnvironment();
                            View myView = new View();
                            return viewBranch;
                    // Exit Button - dispose of system
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    public Assign2()
                            VirtualUniverse myUniverse = new VirtualUniverse();
                            Locale myLocale = new Locale(myUniverse);
                            setTitle("John (Sean) Gleeson 100437719");
                            setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                            Panel bottom = new Panel();
                            add(BorderLayout.CENTER, myCanvas3D);
                            add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, bottom);
                    public static void main(String[] args)
                              Assign2 demo = new Assign2();

    My guess is that you are using the ObjectFile loader, which is for a (don't remember which application) object (.obj) file, rather than using a 3ds loader, which would be for loading a .3ds file.
    You might want to go to this page: and download the correct loader.

  • Importing Class

    I was reading the tutorial on importing class's. This is what
    I read
    Importing classes
    To reference a class in another script, you must prefix the
    class name with the class's package path. The combination of a
    class's name and its package path is the class's fully qualified
    class name. If a class resides in a top-level classpath
    directory--not in a subdirectory in the classpath directory--then
    its fully qualified class name is its class name.
    To specify package paths, use dot (.) notation to separate
    package directory names. Package paths are hierarchical, where each
    dot represents a nested directory. For example, suppose you create
    a class named Data that resides in a com/xyzzycorporation/ package
    in your classpath. To create an instance of that class, you could
    specify the fully qualified class name, as shown in the following
    var dataInstance = new com.xyzzycorporation.Data();
    My Question is about com/xyzzycorporation/ . would the full
    class parth be c:/com/xyzzycorporation/ . Why do they never state
    the drive letter when teaching about directories.

    Because there is no need. you don't need to reference the
    drive letter.
    Here's the basic jist of what they are saying....
    Single Class File...
    If you create your own custom class and want to use it in
    your flash file, save it into the same directory as the fla file
    and call the classes constructor. By default flash will look inside
    the folder where the fla resides in for the class files if it
    cannot find it inside the default directory.
    Multiple Class Files - 1 Project (often referred to as
    Use your qualified domain name but backwards.....
    my domain is so if I was going to include a
    package of utility class files in my document I would do the
    Create a folder in the same folder with my fla name it com
    and inside that a folder called sddezign and inside that utils and
    all my as files would be in there...the folder structure might look
    like this....
    To call the constructor for each class, I have two options.
    The first which is by far the easiest looks like this
    In whatever frame you need to call that class constructor
    include "com.sddezign.utils.*";
    var myBox:Box = new Box();
    The second method requires more typing and can get tedious
    var myBox = new com.sddezign.utils.Box();
    Hope this helps you a bit better.

  • Lost all photos on my iPhoto and get the ERROR WRITING TO DISK when trying to reload from Time Machine. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem writing to the volume containing your iPHOTO LIBRARY  . Looking for solution.

    Lost all photos on my iPhoto and get the ERROR WRITING TO DISK when trying to reload from Time Machine. iPhoto cannot import your photos because there was a problem writing to the volume containing your iPHOTO LIBRARY  . Looking for solution.

    Problems such as yours are sometimes caused by files that should belong to you but are locked or have wrong permissions. This procedure will check for such files. It makes no changes and therefore will not, in itself, solve your problem.
    First, empty the Trash, if possible.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    find ~ $TMPDIR.. \( -flags +sappnd,schg,uappnd,uchg -o ! -user $UID -o ! -perm -600 \) 2>&- | wc -l | pbcopy
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). The command may take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign ($) to appear.
    The output of the command will be a number. It's automatically copied to the Clipboard. Please paste it into a reply.
    The Terminal window doesn't show the output. Please don't copy anything from there.

  • BODS 4.2 Cannot import the metadata table, RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN syntax error

    Hi all, we installed BODS 4.2 server to substitute a 4.1, but we are facing the error:
    Error: Cannot import the metadata table <name=T001>
    RFC CallReceive error <Function /BODS/RFC_ABAP_INSTALL_AND_RUN: RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE -(Exception Key: Syntax error in program /BODS/SAPLBODS....
    We already tried the solution for when people get the error related to unicode.
    Also, we are able to pull data via extractors, it only fails when loading Tables....
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    You will have to import the new ABAP Function Group "BODS/BODS".
    Here are some details:
    Installing Functions on the SAP Server
    SAP BusinessObjects Data Services provides functions that support the use of the ABAP, BAPI, and
    IDoc interfaces on SAP servers. You will need some or all of these functions in the normal operation
    of the software in an SAP environment. These functions perform such operations as dynamically loading
    and executing ABAP programs from Data Services, efficiently running preloaded ABAP programs,
    allowing for seamless metadata browsing and importing from SAP servers, and reporting the status of
    running jobs. Some of these functions read data from SAP NetWeaver BW sources.
    You must upload the provided functions to your SAP server in a production environment. It is
    recommended that you always upload the functions to your SAP server whether you are in a
    development, test, or production environment. The functions provide seamless integration between
    Data Services and SAP servers.
    The default installation places two function module files for SAP servers in the ...\Data
    Services\Admin\R3_Functions\transport directory. You then upload these files to SAP servers
    using the SAP Correction and Transport System (CTS) or manually. Using CTS allows for version
    control as the functions evolve across releases.
    The installation provides two versions of transport files (depending on the server version you are using)
    to install the functions on the SAP server. To obtain the names of the latest transport files for installing
    or upgrading these SAP server functions, see the readme.txt file
    And I've found those files and text files in the local install
    Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\Data Services\admin\R3_Functions
    (that's where I've installed it).
    There you'll find some descriptive txt as how to proceed.
    After installing, it might happen that the executing user is missing some authorizations.
    Here my authorizations team helped me by tracing the user and then adding the necessary rights.
    Sure hope this will help you.

  • Inner class vs. imported class

    Hi everyone,
    I have entitiy beans created for a client's web app I'd like to use in the
    web service using WebLogic Workshop 7.0. Say the classes are imported like
    this in the services:
    import com.hoike.clientname.ap.bean.Invoice
    import com.hoike.clientname.ap.bean.Vendor
    Instances of these classes are used in callback methods and some of the
    service methods.
    When I generate the CTRL file, it actually adds those imported classes as
    inner class of the service defined.
    The problem is that when I try to used these services from another service,
    I cannot use the imported classes (as Invoice or Vendor), but instead I have
    to use the inner class (InvoiceService.Invoice or VendorService.Vendor)
    Does WebLogic Workshop 7.0 only allow you to use inner classes? Is there a
    way to use custom classes as method parameters?
    Thanks in advance!

    how do you declare your inner class?
    Is it (public)
    public static class MyInnerClassor (private)
    private static class MyInnerClassor (package)
    static class MyInnerClassor (protected)
    protected static class MyInnerClassTry to change the way you declare the inner class. Use protected or package or public instead.

  • Error when importing class

    I have a class called Tools that resides in the WEB-INF/classes folder. It is a very general class with frequently used methods and thus is not in a package. My problem is this: I cannot import it in my .java class files. I can, however, import it in a JSP file. The error also goes away if I put the class in a package and declare the import accordingly (I do not want to do this, however, as other pages within the application already reference it as is). In the java class, it just throws the error:
    login/ [18:1] '.' expected
    import Tools;
    UserAuthenticate is the name of the bean I am trying to import it in. I have tried many different ways of declaring the import, but to no avail. My apps are running on Tomcat 4.0.6. If anybody has any ideas, they would be greatly appreciated.

    Sounds like it's in your Tomcat (or whatever container you're using) classpath, but not your normal Java classpath. Since you're compiling your source yourself, javac needs to know where it is.

  • Problems importing class

    the code is fine.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.swing.*;
    import java.TicTacDlg;
    Error i get is: '.' expected
    import TicTacDlg;
    1 error is in DIR is in '/root/java' along with the rest of the classes.
    I have tried setting CLASSPATH to above path and '/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/lib/tlib/tools.jar'
    Is it correct to set CLASSPATH to tools.jar, as u do in windows?
    I'm using the beta version of java 2 SDK 1.4 standard addition

    Sorry, the statement:
    import .java.TicTacDlg was actually a typo made when typing this message and is actually:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.swing.*;
    import TicTacDlg;
    Also as i'm have not done any java since early 1999 in UNI. I have noticed newly introduced words i.e "package" please explain.
    Is a package just another word for classes, such as as i have defined.
    In those days we were using JSDK 1.2 and did not use the word package. Please give example if can.

  • Importing Classes

    I'm playing with JDeveloper and Java for the first time and am running into some problems. My sample code is importing a bunch of classes, and when I compile my code I'm getting a bunch of errors saying -
    Error(19,30): cannot access class oracle.reports.server.Security; file oracle\reports\server\Security.class not found
    Error(23,31): cannot access class oracle.reports.utility.Utility; file oracle\reports\utility\Utility.class not found
    I'm a little confused as to what I need. Is Oracle.reports... a special set of classes that I need to download from somewhere? I found this sample code at
    Any guidance would be helpful!! TIA!
    My code -
    import oracle.reports.server.Security;
    import oracle.reports.server.Job;
    import oracle.reports.RWException;
    import oracle.reports.utility.Utility;
    import oracle.reports.utility.CommandParser;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.sql.Time;
    // imports required for Oracle XML Parsers
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.DOMParser;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLConstants;
    import oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument;

    You need a jar file with these classes (the Oracle Reports classes) then you can add this jar to your project properties under libraries - and then your compile should work.
    I'm not sure what are these classes but my guess will be that you'll find it in an Oracle Reports install - might be worth asking this on the reports forum as well.

  • Importing classes confusion AS3

    I must admit, I don't know Actionscript 3.0 extremely well but I know my way around it and am able to get by as a designer.
    I'm just wondering if classes should ALWAYS be imported. The reason I ask is because sometimes I don't import classes but my Actionscript still works without any problems.
    Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on this please?

    Are you using custom classes? If so then all of the ones you use will be required.
    So suppose you have in your code:
    var myInstance:SomeClass = new SomeClass();
    Then at the top you should add
    import com.mydomain.somePackage.SomeClass;
    Or if you are using packages like TweenLite or such. Even if you have added that to your classpath and it works without the import statement, it would be a surprise if you move it to another machine that doesn't have that installed.
    And of course the best way to find out is to have a problem where something goes wrong. That is really all that separates the noobs from the "pros" -- we have made a lot more mistakes than you've even thought of yet!

  • Error when I import classes using directive JSP page

    Hi all!
    I have installed JDeveloper 11g (
    My applications are located in the C:\dir (JDEV_USER_DIR = C:\dir)
    I Created application "Appliation1". In it i created 2 projects (Project1, in it beans session entity and other java classes; Project2, in it JSP).
    I want import classes from Project1 to Project2 using next directive:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"
    so in Project properties of Project2 set the way to classes in Project1.
    When i run JSP an error occurred:
    Error(4,9): The import project1 cannot be resolved
    Maybe i'm not set correctly the way to the classes
    Thanks in advance.

    angelr, thanks, it helped me)
    In jdeveloper 10g i set address in Project Properties->Libraries and Classpath->Add JAR/Directory;
    and set the way to my classes;
    and it worked.
    in the 11 version seems different

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