Cannot logout W2K wo stopping web server?

I am running iws 6.0 on W2K. When I logout of the server the web service stops. I have tried different stop and start service scenarios to fix this to no avail. Any ideas?

Try the following steps:
1. Stop the WS instance.
2. Go to the \web-server-root\https-server-instance\config directory and edit the jvm12.conf file.
3. Uncomment the "#jvm.option=-Xrs" line and save your changes. i.e.
Before change:      #jvm.option=-Xrs
After change:      jvm.option=-Xrs
4. Restart the WS server instance.
Let us know how it goes.

Similar Messages

  • The form cannot be submitted to the Web server either because your computer is offline or because the host server is currently unavailabl. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator.

    When the page is submitted for approval by using SharePoint OOTB Page Approval Workflow, it takes quite long time and prompt error message as below.
    "The form cannot be submitted to the Web server either because your computer is offline or because the host server is currently unavailable.
    If this problem persists, contact your network administrator."
    It only happens in Internet Explorer version 8 and 9. IE version below 8 is not used in environment.
    But it is working in Firefox.
    Please help me on how to fix this issue.

    Hi Htet,
    Here are some articles with the same issue message, you can check the setting of Link Translation rule in the ISA from below.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Starting/Stopping Web Server

    I am using WebSrvr.Active in my vi to start the web server but when I stop the web server the browser continues to display the front panel. It seems that the setting WebSrvr.Active to false does not stop the server.
     Is there a way to check if the server has stopped? Is there a way to disconnect or stop the remote monitoring pragmatically?  

    According to this KB, the should stop the server. It also metnoins that only the local machine can access this. I am curious though, does the computer you are accessing the web server with still show updating data even after you have called this property?  If so, if you try and refresh the page, does it still stay loaded?
    Rob K
    Measurements Mechanical Engineer (C-Series, USB X-Series)
    National Instruments
    CompactRIO Developers Guide
    CompactRIO Out of the Box Video

  • Multiple LV instances, web server cannot start, port already in use

    Hi there,
    I have a general question about webserving VIs in case either
    a) multiple instances of the LV development environment are running (this is possible in windows XP for instance when "switch users" is allowed and each user launches LV)
    b) multiple compiled LV executables are run by the same user
    c) any mixture of the two above
    I have an application case when either of the three above would be a very good solution, was not for the problem encountered. Say, b): the user is given two deployed executables, and can decide to run either or both concurrently. Moreover, I want these applications to be visible on the web, so they are compiled with the webserver turned on, default settings.
    The problem I've seen (LV8.5.1, winXp for sure, but I think I've seen it as well in linux and other versions as well) is that each new instance of the LV engine tries to get hold of the tcp port (default 80), so that all instances beyond the first complain about "The Web Server cannot start. Is the Web Server port already in use?"
    While I can understand the origin of the message, and found some posts on the forums somehow related to it, I don't like it too much. 
    I could think only of two workarounds here: 1) set different web server ports for each LV instance, and instruct the remote users to direct their browsers to a webserverort link to access each VI; 2) run all the applications from the same instance of the LV dev system. The latter is not so convenient for me, due to conflicts in global VIs between all instances of the applications [compiling executables IS a way to privatize memory spaces in this case, AND global variables are imho well justified for the fairly complex application I have in mind here].
    Is there a third, more elegant solution perhaps, which I'm missing?
    Thanks, Enrico

    NathanK wrote:
    What is it in particular that you dislike about the message?
    How would you like LabVIEW to behave in this case?
    No problem with the message, but I'd just be very happy if a single
    web server would serve all my instances of the executables on the same
    port. I.e., if 2.exe is open and wants to start another server on the
    same port used already by 1.exe, then 2.exe becomes served by the
    server already opened. Am I demanding too much? Am I missing some
    necessary logic?
    At the moment, anyway, I'm stuck with the vi being served correctly,
    but not the compiled application, and I can't figure out why. It's
    LV8.5.1, and yes, I have in the .ini
    WebServer.LogPath=C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\www.log
    WebServer.Port=80  [### or 8000]
    WebServer.RootPath=C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\www
     [hints welcome here]. That is, I'm at the moment unable to use even my workaround 1 above.

  • JSP channel for web server

    Hi all ,
    i am trying to give the access of an web server through portal server ( that web server is on local network & my portal server is on the internet i.e i can access my portal server from Internet )in order to do so i had made following changes.
    I had made a jsp provider channel> then i write the following lines in the files and configured that jsp channel with that JSP.
    <iframe src="" height=800 width=970 ></iframe>
    When i access my portal server from internet, i was unable to access that web server from my portal server, how ever that webserver was accessible from local network through portal, which leads me to the conclusion that my client machine was directly accessing the
    My question is can i enable my portal server to take the interface from the webserver i.e and bring it to the client so that i can become independent of accessible of

    It really worked. But it is not displayed properly i.e some pics are missing and more over i cannot login in to that web server. When i enter the username & password it just open and says the page can not be displayed
    i have made the following changes in order to accomplish that.
    and this URL i had entered in the channel you had told me.Now whwn i get that interface of web server in front of me through portal it is in bad condition and more over when i try to login to that interface, my client it self try to access that interface i.e URL.However the requirement was to that the portal server should be doing all the work .
    Edited by: adeelarifbhatti on Nov 26, 2008 11:56 AM
    Edited by: adeelarifbhatti on Nov 26, 2008 12:01 PM

  • Modify root for web server

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    It looks as if the web pane of the server app was crafted for users wishing to setup sites like this, yet this most simple of tasks seems out of reach.  Since I assume many have had to grapple with this issue I am hoping there are some experiences someone can share.  I will happily start hacking on the apache config, but it does seem that Apple planned for us to build sites with the app, and may break any of my hand-edits with an innocuous looking security update or something.

    It really worked. But it is not displayed properly i.e some pics are missing and more over i cannot login in to that web server. When i enter the username & password it just open and says the page can not be displayed
    i have made the following changes in order to accomplish that.
    and this URL i had entered in the channel you had told me.Now whwn i get that interface of web server in front of me through portal it is in bad condition and more over when i try to login to that interface, my client it self try to access that interface i.e URL.However the requirement was to that the portal server should be doing all the work .
    Edited by: adeelarifbhatti on Nov 26, 2008 11:56 AM
    Edited by: adeelarifbhatti on Nov 26, 2008 12:01 PM

  • Thunderbird stopped downloading emails from the web server and now when I try to add a new account I get a message to say it cannot find the email server.

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    I figured out a workaround.... Since I can get e-mails to populate via iSync and my other computer is running Leopard (it's a powerpc chip and can't run Snow Leopard), I added the account on the other computer and got the new account to populate into my SL machine with iSync. I don't like that I can't actually add the account directly, but at least this got me working.

  • Cannot start web server on executable

    We have an interesting problem with a webserver - we cannot get it to initialise using property nodes or the ini file on a compiled executable.
    As part of our application we start the webserver to publish a status page to be viewed remotely. This works fine when we are running in the development environment and also when we are running an executable on a PC with the development environment installed, however it will not initialise on a PC with just the runtime engine installed.
    I've attached a portion of code which functionally does exactly the same as in our main application. I've been using this as my tester code and built it into an exe while trying many different things to fix it.
    When executed:
    The code will sit in the while loop until I press stop.
    Web server: Server Active = FALSE
    error out = NO ERROR
    In the full application the while loop waits for a couple of seconds before throwing an error if the server has not started. In this example I can leave the loop running for some time without it starting. Normally startup time is <50ms when succesful.
    This is the ini file for the executable:
    server.tcp.serviceName="My Computer/VI Server"
    And this is the webserver config file:
    ErrorLog "$LVSERVER_ROOT/logs/error.log"
    LogLevel 3
    ServerName default
    DocumentRoot "$LVSERVER_ROOT/../../www"
    Listen 8000
    ThreadLimit 10
    TypesConfig "$LVSERVER_ROOT/mime.types"
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    LoadModulePath "$LVSERVER_ROOT/modules" "$LVSERVER_ROOT/LVModules" "$LVSERVER_ROOT/.."
    LoadModule LVAuth lvauthmodule
    LoadModule LVSnapshot lvsnapshotmodule
    LoadModule LVRFP lvrfpmodule
    LoadModule dir libdirModule
    LoadModule copy libcopyModule
    AddHandler LVAuthHandler
    AddHandler LVSnapshotHandler .snap
    AddHandler LVRFPHandler
    AddHandler dirHandler
    AddHandler copyHandler
    CustomLog "$LVSERVER_ROOT/logs/access.log" "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
    KeepAlive on
    KeepAliveTimeout 60
    Timeout 60
    As a side note, can anybody tell me where the $LVSERVER_ROOT variable is configured?
    Things I have tried:
    Copying a new config file from the default location before initialisation
    Writing a pre-defined (hard-coded) config file before initialisation
    Setting root directory locaitons before initialisation (this one actually throws an error because the server isn't active...)
    Setting WebServer.Active = TRUE repeatedly inside the while loop
    Enabled/disabled the web server in the ini file
    Labview 2010
    PC's with running Windows 7
    Thanks for any help because this is driving me slowly mad!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Marco, thanks for replying.
    I had looked at that guide previously and had done everything in it but one small section did give me a hint of something to try and I have solved my problem, so thanks!
    Here is the issue if anyone is interested:
    The DocumentRoot folder in the config has to exist otherwise the webserver cannot be started. So basically, make sure that the file points to a folder that exists!
    This does leave two slight annoying issues though - you can't see if the folder exists (and then create it) before starting the webserver because you can't query the folder path without the webserver running.
    You can't really set the config file programatically because the settings from the file are loaded on execution, not on webserver start.
    The result of this is that the config file and the document root folder should be created (and matching of course...) when the executable is built / installed on the system. Not a massive headache but it means remembering to put things into the build spec and not rely on the software to do the work on boot

  • Cannot get access to web server in DMZ

    Once again I find myself struggling with NAT and ACLs on a 5505. I am unable to access our new webserver in the DMZ.
    The server can ping the DMZ interface of the 5505, but that's it. I've tried allowing ICMP in to it from the outside to test, but I think I'm making a bigger mess of it each time. I've been reading and reading and trying different things, including following Cisco's example for 9.1 but nothing has worked.
    ASA Version 8.4(1)
    object network LOCALSQL
    object network DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    object network dmz-subnet
    object network webserver
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_16
    network-object object DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    network-object object webserver
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_18
    network-object object DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    network-object object webserver
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_19
    network-object object DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    network-object object webserver
    object-group network DM_INLINE_NETWORK_20
    network-object object DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object webserver eq www
    access-list DMZ_access_in extended permit object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_4 any object-group
    access-list DMZ_access_in extended permit tcp any object-group DM_INLINE_NETWORK_20 object-group
    access-list DMZ_access_in extended permit ip any object webserver
    access-list dmz_acl extended permit ip any any
    access-list dmz_acl extended deny ip any object Inside_LAN
    access-list dmz_acl extended permit object SQL-Server any object LOCALSQL
    access-list outside_in extended permit tcp object-group DM_INLINE_NETWORK_10 object-group
    DM_INLINE_NETWORK_17 object-group DM_INLINE_TCP_2
    access-list outside_in extended permit icmp any object DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP
    access-list outside_in extended permit object-group DM_INLINE_SERVICE_3 any object-group
    access-list outside_in extended permit tcp any object-group DM_INLINE_NETWORK_16 object-group
    object network dmz-subnet
    nat (DMZ,outside) dynamic interface
    object network webserver
    nat (DMZ,outside) static DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP service tcp www www
    access-group outbound in interface inside
    access-group outside_acl in interface outside
    access-group DMZ_access_in in interface DMZ

    Phase: 1
    Type: UN-NAT
    Subtype: static
    Result: ALLOW
    object network webserver
    nat (DMZ,outside) static DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP service tcp www www
    Additional Information:
    NAT divert to egress interface DMZ
    Untranslate to
    Phase: 2
    Subtype: log
    Result: ALLOW
    access-group outside_acl in interface outside
    access-list outside_acl extended permit tcp any object webserver object-group DM_INLINE_TCP_3 log debugging
    object-group service DM_INLINE_TCP_3 tcp
    port-object eq www
    port-object eq https
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 3
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 4
    Type: VPN
    Subtype: ipsec-tunnel-flow
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 5
    Type: NAT
    Subtype: rpf-check
    Result: ALLOW
    object network webserver
    nat (DMZ,outside) static DMZ-Webserver-Public-IP service tcp www www
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 6
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 7
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    New flow created with id 4953608, packet dispatched to next module
    input-interface: outside
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: DMZ
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: allow
    Everything here seems to check out, but I cannot access the website from the outside world, yet when I connect from (inside) on VLAN10 to (DMZ) on VLAN10, I can see the website with no problems, whereas is the interal web server IP.

  • Why do I need to stop and restart web server?????

    I am developing servlets on sun's standard web server as well as with Netscape's web server.
    The problem is every time I make any changes to servlet and recompile my code, changes are not visible until I stop and restart web server. I guess web server uses cached version of servlet.
    Can any body help me to solve this problem? It is matter of some setting issues in web server. But since I am novice, I don't know.........

    Some app servers have a "reloadable" attribute that can automatically detect changes in your servlet and reload your application for you. Not sure if all do though... but check through the docs on your app server and see if there's something similar. If not, you're probably stuck manually restarting.

  • How do i solve - cannot access web server - error message when creating a project in 4.5 with PHP

    How do i solve - cannot access web server - error message when creating a project in 4.5 with PHP

    Screenshot of how it looks when i try to show a ms access form inside a iframe:

  • How to edit Webi Server's setting of "stopped 5 times in 60 minutes"

    It is knows that Webi Server will be considered failed while it has stopped 5 times in 60 minutes.
    Could we edit it's setting so that Webi Server could be considered failed while stopped at 6(7,8,...) times at Linux Environment or Windows?

    Yes, If you have rights to "CMC"(Central Management Console) then you can edit all servers properties.
    Thank You!

  • After installing iPlanet Web Server v6 SP2, there is error message: https-admserv60 cannot be found??

    After installing iPlanet Web Server v6 SP2 on Windows 2000 SP2, error message in the event log shows up. "The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( https-admserv60 ) cannot be found."
    "The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: startup: server started successfully."
    The iPlanet 6SP2 seems to work fine but these error message occur after rebooting the server. There is actually 2 messaages: one for the admin server and the
    other for the actual web server instance. Both state
    'server started successfully' but these messages still
    Any ideas how to correct this?
    JD Trinaca

    this will occur, as the 6.x servers do not use the lodctrl to place the perf monitor messages in the long as the server starts & runs ok, you can ignore these particular errors

  • Cannot initialize CGI exec subsystem - Sun ONE Web Server 6.1

    I have a problem connecting to a running admin server on Solaris 9. Startup is as follows:
    (error log)
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:43] info ( 2579): CORE1116: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1 B08/22/2003 12:37
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:43] info ( 2580): CORE3016: daemon is running as super-user
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:47] info ( 2580): CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.4.1_03] from
    [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:49] info ( 2580): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [vs-admin] at [/admin-
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:56] info ( 2580): HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://lab1:84 ready to accept requests
    [12/Mar/2004:11:06:56] info ( 2580): CORE3274: successful server startup
    Then, when I try to connect to it with the browser it results with an error:
    [12/Mar/2004:11:09:31] failure ( 2580): cgi_init reports: HTTP4047: could not initialize CGI subsystem (Cgistub path ../../bin/https/bin/Cgistub), err fork() failure [Not enough space]
    [12/Mar/2004:11:09:31] failure ( 2580): for host trying to GET /https-admserv/bin/index, cgi_start_exec reports: HTTP4066: cannot initialize CGI exec subsystem
    What is the meaning of '...not enough space' ?
    The port itself is still listening:
    *.84 *.* 0 0 49152 0 LISTEN
    I must add that the server itself has been already successfully installed, ealier tests with the admserv were fine. But all of a sudden I can't get rid of this error, I made no changes except several reboots.
    Regards Nick

    Hello trejo.cj,
    space in /tmp seems not to be the problem:
    ! root@lab1:/tmp# df -k
    Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0     479872   99067  332818    23%    /
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s6    4031059  986895 3003854    25%    /usr
    /proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
    mnttab                     0       0       0     0%    /etc/mnttab
    fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4    1984564 1250344  674684    65%    /var
    swap                   43168      16   43152     1%    /var/run
    swap                   59064   15912   43152    27%    /tmp
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5    8063580 4078907 3904038    52%    /opt
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s7    15119586 3999501 10968890    27%    /export/home
    ls -la /tmp
    prw-r-----   1 cics     cics           0 Mar 16 12:00 .LAB1REG.fifo
    drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         104 Mar 16 11:28 .X11-pipe
    drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         104 Mar 16 11:28 .X11-unix
    drwx--x--x   2 cics     cics         106 Mar 16 12:10 EFC1385
    drwx--x--x   2 Slab1    cics         106 Mar 16 12:00 EFS945
    drwx------   2 netlife  netlife      264 Mar 16 11:56 https-admintool-9d93b4d6
    drwx------   2 root     other        207 Mar 16 11:54 https-admserv-9d93b4d6
    drwx------   2 netlife  netlife      162 Mar 16 11:54 https-btv-9d93b4d6
    -r--r--r--   1 root     root           0 Mar 16 11:28 llbdbase.dat
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other          0 Mar 16 11:52 lock.https-admintool.84
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other          0 Mar 16 11:52 lock.https-admserv.84
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other          0 Mar 16 11:52 lock.https-btv.84
    ! root@lab1:/tmp# cd https-admintool-9d93b4d6
    ! root@lab1:/tmp/https-admintool-9d93b4d6# ls -la
    srwxrwxrwx   1 netlife  netlife        0 Mar 16 11:56 .cgistub_676
    srwxrwxrwx   1 root     other          0 Mar 16 11:54 iwsadmin.675
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     other     720896 Mar 16 12:05 iwsstats.https-admintool
    srwxr-xr-x   1 root     other          0 Mar 16 11:54 iwswatchdog.674
    The file iwsstats.https-admintool is a binary. Are there any hints inside why the server gives this error? If yes, can it be displayed?
    I my case I have installed a virtual server named admintool, this is owned by user netlife.
    Now I changed in the Server Manager in the CGI settings > Listen Sockets the info about CGI user and CGI group according to the netlife user.
    Right now it works, so I will watch out for further occurences.

  • Sun Java Web Server 6.1SP4 deadlock, stops responding

    Hi, i have a java web app on a Java Web SErver 6.1SP4 and when there are a lot of users the web server hangs, it stops responing. After a while (from 2 to 15 minutes) it start responding again. This serves neither dinamic nor static content. CPU usage is 100%. Just stoping and restarting the web server instance it works properly (even with the same or greater number of clients).
    Reading many posts some one wrote to use pstack to see whats happening. I did it, but i can't interpret results (i think there is a deadlock but don't know if thats true and how to resolve it).
    Any hint will be appreciated
    There are a lot of blocks like this:
    ----------------- lwp# 3468 / thread# 3468 --------------------
    fe11f950 lwp_mutex_lock (918c18)
    fd692384 __1cNObjectMonitorGenter26MpnGThread__v_ (5000, 525c, 5000, 50dc, 4800, 4af0) + 2d8
    fd6324d4 __1cSObjectSynchronizerKfast_enter6FnGHandle_pnJBasicLock_pnGThread__v_ (e104f604, e104f77c, 831ff50, 0, 35d654, fd6328ec) + 68
    fd632954 __1cQinstanceRefKlassZacquire_pending_list_lock6FpnJBasicLock__v_ (e104f77c, fd970000, e7330000, 4491d4, fd61bc2c, 0) + 78
    fd63167c __1cPVM_GC_OperationNdoit_prologue6M_i_ (e104f764, 4400, fd970000, 2cdc0, 4a6268, 1) + 38
    fd62e0b0 __1cIVMThreadHexecute6FpnMVM_Operation__v_ (e104f764, 80e9b0, 0, 0, 1, 0) + 90
    fd52c2a4 __1cbCTwoGenerationCollectorPolicyRmem_allocate_work6MIii_pnIHeapWord__ (2e368, fd9c29ec, fd9c297c, fd931a26, 4800, 4998) + 160
    fd522940 __1cNinstanceKlassRallocate_instance6MpnGThread__pnPinstanceOopDesc__ (f3c09020, 831ff50, 81e33e0, 4000, 4178, 0) + 180
    fd7b7744 __1cQjava_lang_StringQbasic_create_oop6FpnQtypeArrayOopDesc_ipnGThread__pnHoopDesc__ (f0a5e910, 0, 831ff50, 0, 1, 1) + a8
    fd63228c jni_NewStringUTF (831ffe4, 605b9c8, fd587824, 80e9f8, 4800, 4998) + b8
    fdafdefc __1cKNSJavaUtilQsetStringElement6FpnHJNIEnv__pnN_jobjectArray_Ipkc_v_ (831ffe4, ace7e4, 2, 605b9c8, 4, 605b828) + 34
    fdb068dc __1cONSAPIConnectorOgetRequestInfo6MpnHJNIEnv__pnN_jobjectArray_4pnK_jintArray__v_ (e104fabc, 831ffe4, ace7e4, ace7e0, ace7dc, 4) + 9c
    fdb042e4 __1cONSAPIConnectorHservice6MpnRJ2EEVirtualServer__i_ (e104fabc, ea9560, 8, 84b9464, 6d137e0, ace7dc) + 260
    fdb02734 service_j2ee (3c1c0, 84b97f0, 84b9868, 0, fdb11d57, 132414) + 40
    ff1cf994 __1cNfunc_exec_str6FpnKFuncStruct_pnGpblock_pnHSession_pnHRequest__i_ (668, 3c1c0, 84b97f0, 84b9868, 0, 0) + 248
    ff1d0db4 INTobject_execute (77308, 84b97f0, 84b9868, 0, 37ff8, 80d290) + 5e8
    ff1d5de4 INTservact_service (84b97f0, 84b9868, ff2e7b58, 0, 0, ff2e7b30) + 4d8
    ff1d64f4 INTservact_handle_processed (84b97f0, 84b9868, 20, 2, 605bee0, 76858) + 158
    ff218a9c __1cLHttpRequestUUnacceleratedRespond6Mpc_v_ (84b9750, ff2e7b7c, 2f48, 1bb, 84b9868, 84b97f0) + 3c8
    ff21818c __1cLHttpRequestNHandleRequest6MpnGnetbuf__i_ (84b9750, 6059290, 605b3f0, 605b3d8, 2000, 60592f0) + 62c
    ff216588 __1cNDaemonSessionDrun6M_v_ (84b9348, 2000, ff2ed7bc, 0, 0, ff2ed774) + 17c
    ff106dec ThreadMain (84b9348, 84fcef0, 3, 0, 1, 4b8) + 24
    fedd0028 ptroot (84fcef0, 0, 0, 0, 20000, fede8d70) + d0
    fe165c94 lwpstart (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    sorry for the delayed response.
    well, the problem that you are trying to run into is very common when your server is getting good amount of load and uses large amount of servlet/jsp web applications running.
    here is a url that you might find it a useful read|outline
    if you do not want to take this trouble reading this document and want a quick solution, you do can do couple of things:
    - first understand how to size the heap|outline
    - understand that the system is paused because jvm is busy doing garbage collection before allowing the web server to continue.
    - this can be avoided by properly tuning the jvm to how you think the server should behave. unfortunately, there is no miracle one one line to fix this issue
    - by careful and decent analysis of your system, you can tune your jvm properly that it can scale very well without any glitches.
    though, you will need to take the pain to learn the garbage collection acronyms and see what's best suited for you.
    - first, you want to know what is happening inside the jvm before you proceed to optimize . you can do this by adding this option
    -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails
    How to add this option in the server.xml , is by doing something like
    start admin server -> manager your server -> click Java tab
    -> click on JVM Option in the left side
    -> Add this JVM option -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails
    -> restart the server
    -> note, you do NOT want to leave the above option in the production environment as this will tremendously slow your application and this is meant to be only for development purposes.
    - if your server is a multi processor server (has more than 1 CPU) and you want less pause time, you can typically try adding this jvm option to your server and restarting it.
    -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled
    here are few other short cut , jvm options that you also try in your devleopment environment before going to production.
    Server application(Like Web Server 6.1) running alone on a large multi-processor server with 4gb of physical memory.
    #java -server -XX:+AggressiveHeap
    Two applications running on a large multi-processor server with 4gb of physical memory. Each java application instance is allocated a part of total system memory by an explicit specification of the maximum and minimum heap sizes.
    #java -server -XX:+AggressiveHeap -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
    (again, do your research before you use this option in the production environment)

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