Cannot open Keynote files

Since upgrading the entire office to Mavericks and the new iWork suite, we are having major problems in sharing Keynote files. Seems no matter where it is authored, when sent to another coworker, the attached andn downloaded Keynote file cannot be opened.
We have all upgraded to Mavericks and the latest versions of the new iWork apps.

As a further update, the problem appears to be with transferring Keynote files from one Mac to another. For example, when adding a Keynote file as an attachment to an email, it loads a "ghost" file into the email that is typically less than 100K and cannot be opened. We tried a number of methods for attaching Keynote files in an email. None work.
We then tried uploading a Keynote file as a zipped Google Doc. This produced very strange results in Google Docs (lists of hundreds of files within the zip file), but regardless, we could download the zip file and open it in Keynote 2 out of 3 times.
The final method we tried worked 50% of the time. With this method we saved a zipped file into Dropbox and could retrieve it. This would not work if we did not zip the Keynote file.

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    Found the solution by myself:
    1. Log in to the Server/Share as the ServerAdmin or ask the Admin to do this for you if you are not the Admin.
    2. Open the keynote files (the will open just normal).
    3. Use "Save as..." and save them under a different name.
    4. Log out from the Server/Share as the Admin
    5. Log in again with your regular Useraccount.
    6. Open the keynote files (the new saved ones).
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    Reminder: Do not oversave the files (with "Save"). You can than open the files as normal, but all the mediaelements will be missing.
    hope that helps
    Rob Rocket

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    Yosemite Beta is a pre-release version of the Mac OS and is used for testing, not for production work. It is expected that issues will be found and therefore post your comments to Apple using the feedback procedure. The ordinary users are not privy to how Beta versions of the OS and Keynote interact.

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    The Pages 5 fiile format uses a complex zipped package that is not understood by anyone outside of the Apple employees responsible for it.
    This creates problems when they are transfered by anything other than iCloud or Apple's server software.
    Pages 5.1 is the particular culprit. Astonishingly the point release is incompatible with Pages 5 and 5.01 files. Something that does not bode well for the future as Apple very, very slowly tries to dig its way out of the hole it has made for its users with the New Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
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    Since all Pages file formats are essentially incompatible and proprietary, with virtually every other system out there, it is actually an improvement using Pages '09 because it is a settled format and parsable to a certain degree where the Pages 5 file format is obviously not.
    Pages '09 works, so why not use it where Pages 5 does not?
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    I've had the same problem. Even though you check the box to save it as Keynote '08, it does not open in ')8 (I get the same message) need to reopen it in '09.
    I have even changed the name of the file in '08 and eventually get the same message.
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    Did you try to open teh fle by double-clicking its icon? If the file was made with an older version of Office, you may get that message. Try opeing PP and, from its "File" menu, see if you can open the ppt. I've foundthat often gets around that message and then yo ucan save the file from the newer version.
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    Office for Mac forums
    PowerPoint is not an Apple product and it seems a lot of people around here avoid Office.

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    Line: 1 ->  photoshop.notifyLightroomDocClosed ('lightroom-2.0', 'B53AFA39-A49B-4709-A9BD-0B6467C175C3', 'Macintosh HD:Users:BPexposures:Desktop:_DSC5962 as Smart Object-1.psd');

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    What happens when you try to use the clone stamp tool?
    It should work with the images side by side.
    You can setup photoshop cc to be like photoshop cs2 was on your other mac, by going to Photoshop>Preferences>Interface and unchecking
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    And also going to Window and unchecking Application Frame

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    Numbers is a spreadsheet program and FileMaker is a database program, so you probably can't use Numbers to open them unless you had first exported them from FileMaker in a spreadsheet-compatible format.
    If you upgraded from 10.6 Snow Leopard or earlier and your old copy of FileMaker won't open anymore, it might be a PowerPC application that is not compatible with 10.7 and later. If that is the case, to work with your FileMaker files you should upgrade your copy of FileMaker to the latest version, which seems to be FileMaker 12.

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